Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




Extremely impressive.

I'm really "wowed" by the Weapons Customization feature. Forgive, forgive, anything we said about Dual Blades being less than perfect....

Seriously, thank you. This is great! We'll start advertising on our site immediately and see if we can draw back our old members! They'll love this!



All I can say is WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!



Power customization is awesome - I had heard this rumored last January but was wondering if it would ever come to pass. I am a bit saddened that it is mainly for object wielding powers. Still it gives hope that someday I may be throwing pink fireballs, or giving out champagne colored bubbles to defend my teammates.



Positron lied to us. This update contains two things players have been asking for since essentially the beginning of the game, not one. We get both Flashback and weapon customization!

I have emerged from my hole to say that I approve of Issue 11 and am as giddy as a schoolgirl.

[/ QUOTE ]


Actually Weapon Customization made the feature list AFTER I made the original "something you've been asking for" post, where I was referring to Flashback. (We had players in the CoH beta test asking for a way to go back and do the story arcs of the Contacts they skipped).

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Hmm.... Think they will have staffs for us Magic users? ^o^
=) finally some Wepons coustumisations! Thank you Game Gods!



Ouroboros: Awesome. Flashback + New missions + Possibly new mission customization. Very nice package, and depending on how this customization is done it may be a great boost to the game longevity.

Weapon customization: Good start for the giant Elephant that is "Power Customization." New models will probably go a long way towards increasing the acceptance of "yet another weapon set," as some people have put it. With this, weapon sets will likely increase in popularity. A very good move IMO.

New powersets: Little to say. Dual blades won the poll, Willpower came after Shield, which considered the amount of work it'd need makes sense to push it back for now. All in all, new sets are always good. Combo systems have been around for a while; while not particularly new (there may be interesting quirks for this particular implementation), they usually make for interesting gameplay.

New invention sets: Always a good thing, IMO. I don't see the "dilution" of current pools as much of a problem as long as new sets are interesting both from the "whole set" point of view and the "single enhancement" one.

Purple ultra-rare sets: Meh. This kind of thing always looks good on paper, but I don't particularly care one way or another. I remember that the Windforce and the Grandfather were awesome in Diablo 2, but I rarely (if ever) saw them myself; but since I could do fine without them I really didn't care. Same now, meh *shrug*

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013




Stands up starts waving hands in the air and runs in circles! Falls down and start all over again!


Pinnacle-Pale Spectre 50 Kat/Regen/Dark Scrapper
Spectre of the Gun 50 Thugs/Dark/Soul Mastery MM
MA Story Spectre of the Gun's Search" ID #352424
Spectral Darque 50 Dark/Dark Scrapper



OH. Sweet. Monkey. This. Rocks.


But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.




Oo lordy...even if I do hope battleaxe, which wasn't mentioned, will be customizable too Not that there's a thing wrong with my trusty mystic axe, but the ability to make it more amazing would be killer. Wonder if 'silly' choices are among the possibilities? Okay, so maybe it wouldn't/shouldn't be possible to turn the axe into a Stratocaster, but...

Way to sneak in hints about Flashback, definitely something that's been requested for ages! Wow, so my 'too old to do the arcs' characters will be able to go through Faultline, that I do like.



will the weapon customization effect ninja katanas or bows?



[ QUOTE ][*] Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you.



Wow is all I can say about this up coming issue. Looks like i've got my work cut out to achieve greatness.



Positron lied to us. This update contains two things players have been asking for since essentially the beginning of the game, not one. We get both Flashback and weapon customization!

I have emerged from my hole to say that I approve of Issue 11 and am as giddy as a schoolgirl.

[/ QUOTE ]


Actually Weapon Customization made the feature list AFTER I made the original "something you've been asking for" post, where I was referring to Flashback. (We had players in the CoH beta test asking for a way to go back and do the story arcs of the Contacts they skipped).

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah but what about powers without weapons? I'm trying to get my GF interested in the game and she's [censored] about how non weapon users dont get power customizations. Which IS true. When will they get customizations? I'm happy with the weapon customizations as I use characters who use weapons but she really doesnt. She does think the time travel thing is cool. As do I. Easier to get accolade badges now. More nifty powers for me:-p



will the weapon customization effect ninja katanas or bows?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup. The article said so.

The only things not mentioned were Spines and Ax in the list.

Here's something else to consider.

Now that they've got the tech for this in place, they can potentially add in anything for a weapon that makes sense for those sets.

Since it appears that it's now calling a model variable rather than a model constant, that variable could be anything.



Me happy now.



Just give me a moment to take this all in...


Whew!! Ok got it out. Devs, gotta say I am really impressed!!! Brings a tear to me eyes!! *sniff*



Positron lied to us. This update contains two things players have been asking for since essentially the beginning of the game, not one. We get both Flashback and weapon customization!

I have emerged from my hole to say that I approve of Issue 11 and am as giddy as a schoolgirl.

[/ QUOTE ]


Actually Weapon Customization made the feature list AFTER I made the original "something you've been asking for" post, where I was referring to Flashback. (We had players in the CoH beta test asking for a way to go back and do the story arcs of the Contacts they skipped).

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah but what about powers without weapons? I'm trying to get my GF interested in the game and she's [censored] about how non weapon users dont get power customizations. Which IS true. When will they get customizations?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just tell her its a start.

They couldn't just do all of it now, or it would take a lot longer for I11 to get out.

The non-weapon powers are harder because they have to go back and strip out the colors then add in palette choices (just leave it at that non-weapon powers are a LOT harder than weapon powers). The weapons call a model to be drawn. It's relatively simple to just have it call a different model.



Positron lied to us. This update contains two things players have been asking for since essentially the beginning of the game, not one. We get both Flashback and weapon customization!

I have emerged from my hole to say that I approve of Issue 11 and am as giddy as a schoolgirl.

[/ QUOTE ]


Actually Weapon Customization made the feature list AFTER I made the original "something you've been asking for" post, where I was referring to Flashback. (We had players in the CoH beta test asking for a way to go back and do the story arcs of the Contacts they skipped).

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah but what about powers without weapons? I'm trying to get my GF interested in the game and she's [censored] about how non weapon users dont get power customizations. Which IS true. When will they get customizations? I'm happy with the weapon customizations as I use characters who use weapons but she really doesnt. She does think the time travel thing is cool. As do I. Easier to get accolade badges now. More nifty powers for me:-p

[/ QUOTE ]

Take a look at the PC thread in suggestions. Should have links to nearly everything they've said about the subject. They've always said it would be far less time consuming for them to offer various models for the weapons-based set than the mountain of work that customizing the other sets represents.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Stop teasing us already and release it!!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

yes, use the flashback system to release it NOW!

or give me a cookie ... either works.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



If Mace is one of the sets that is going to get weapon customization, would you please fix it and port it to Brutes? Because I'm sorry, but while I just can't imagine a superhero hitting someone with a shovel or a pipe wrench, that's absolutely perfect for a Brute villain concept.

Flashback had better include a bucket and a half of new villain missions. In case you've failed to notice, heroes outnumber villains by 3 to 1 in the level 31+ game. There are several reasons for this, some of them inescapable, but one of them that it is entirely within Cryptic's power to do something about is that there's just plain more to do on the hero side. Unless Ouroborous also grants a metric ton of of new missions that are villain specific, we're talking like a dozen or more contacts' worth across the level 20 to 50 range, then this is just another bitter example of the Iron Law of Distribution: "Them that has, gets."

Will the weapon customization apply to other powers if you have one of the customizable powersets? For example, if I have a mercs mastermind with mace mastery for my patron pool, will the mace grenades fire out of my new rifle, or will I still have to drop the rifle, pull my mace over my shoulder, fire the mace, drop the mace, pull another assault rifle over my shoulder, ad infinitum? I'm assuming the latter, but the former would be seriously cool. Especially if it also applied to secondary powers, as in if a mercs/arrows mastermind could use the gun animation to fire the same powers that are in the arrows secondary as well as the mace powers.



The only things not mentioned were Spines and Ax in the list.

[/ QUOTE ]

Axes ARE customisable. Spines aren't. Should be in the Dev Digest by now...



Wow, this stuff sounds awesome. The whole dual blades sounds cool, and like a powerset that may actually stick around for awhile.

And the customization sounds like it will rock. This may be looking a bit far in the future, but hey, maybe this could be the start of power customisation? Hoping never hurt anyone!



No more frankengun?

*makes strange squelching noises*

Can't... express.. happiness... enough...


Infatum on Virtueverse

