Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




Oh man...

I don't share a lot of praise out often but this time I HAVE to say:


I need...to go change my shorts now...




If I do not get to beta test this, there will be more than a few deaths.

That is all.



Positron lied to us. This update contains two things players have been asking for since essentially the beginning of the game, not one. We get both Flashback and weapon customization!

I have emerged from my hole to say that I approve of Issue 11 and am as giddy as a schoolgirl.

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Actually Weapon Customization made the feature list AFTER I made the original "something you've been asking for" post, where I was referring to Flashback. (We had players in the CoH beta test asking for a way to go back and do the story arcs of the Contacts they skipped).

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And Posi I and My entire SG will continue to do your biding. Thank you for getting me more content to play with My Main.

Huzza for FLASHBACKS!!!!

HMm wonders loudly if I will be able to finally get the Isolator badge with out having to sit one shotting in RV 4ever.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG




If I do not get to beta test this, there will be more than a few deaths.

That is all.

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I'm sure they'll pick a spot out for ya, the last thing they want is a mass murderer out on the streets. If it's in the Rogue Isles then who cares, you see people die there every day.



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

Announcing the details of the next free expansion coming to City of Heroes, Issue 11: "A Stitch In Time"

Features include:
<ul type="square">[*] Ouroboros System: Gain the ability to "Flashback" and travel through time and relive major events from the history of Paragon City and the rogue Isles.
[*] Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts!
[*] Two New Power Sets: The City of… universe expands with two new amazing power sets: Dual Blades and Willpower!
[*] New Inventions: Issue 11 brings with it new invention sets including “Very Rare” Purple sets, as well as brand new invention sets for Taunt, Buff and Debuff powers, among others.[/list]
For all the details, please visit the Issue 11 Feature Page

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Whoo Hoo Awesome News!!!!

I've been wanted the opportunity to change the weapon on my very first character I created, during the 3-Day pre-order luanch.

I have a toon based on an old Champions RPG character. That character used a baseball bat (Martial Art Style).

Closest in COH I could do, was a Mace Tanker, she wears a baseball uniform, and hat, but pulls out a mace instead of the bat. Hopefully Baseball Bat will be an option for Mace Tankers.

Also being able to go back and do story arcs and badges will be awesome. No outrageous prices for Fortune Teller Missions.

and no spending hours cleaning out old story arcs, for no XP or Influence.



I agree with everybody who's peein' thier pants and throwin' up over Issue #11, the WEAPONS CUSTOMIZATION has gotta be the "biggest" thing this Issue will change when it comes out...I can't believe somma you other Assault Rifle Blasters even made it to 50 cause you would think Arachnos would just laugh at those rusty metal Super Soakers!

I sure as hell can't wait to change my main's gun as soon as this Issue is out.

I never been on the Test Server before, but THIS Issue makes it inevitable...Test Server here I come...

This is gonna cause a ridiculous spike in the levels of "Alt-itis" most of us already have, lol -- no wonder they went through and freed up all those character names &amp; what not last week (I think it was)!

I still don't really "get" the willpower, or the time travel features, but I'm sure I'm gonna at least try em out



There is an old boxing story...

Boxers were asked by the ref the day of the week to see if they were ok to continue, as a result boxers would drill the day into their heads so when asked they would answer right even if they were a bit punch drunk.

Well a boxer whose name is lost to legend (more I cannot remember who) had taken a bad beating and the ref tripped him up by asking him how many fingers he was holding up. To which the boxer replied 'thursday'.

All I have to say to this issue is...




Amazing stuff here, amazing is all I have to say. Thanks Devs for this news!

Either overlong list of "50's" or obligatory quote, your choice.



While I'm excited that they're letting me ditch my super soaker for a real weopon, could you PLEASE PLEASE fix the frickin bases already?

Give bases some loving in this issue. Please. Some loving. any loving. Just give it.

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Yeah, I was also going to wander in here and ask if "base lovin'" in any form might crop up in this issue. Kinda doubting it, but even a statement saying that it's up on the marker board would be nice.




Edit - This is really cool news.


A start at power customization.

Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

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Story Arcs and Badge missions.

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Does this include Safeguards?

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Does it include the Tutorials so heros can go back for isolator and villains for jailbird?



One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

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Story Arcs and Badge missions.

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Positron, can you make sure that the Striga stuff counts as a "story arc?" I have a character or two that I'd like to unlock the Hess TF with. The fact that you get the little book by the contact while they're being worked on gives me reason for optimism, but I just wanted to get that out there.

Later on,

[Edit] While I'm being all demanding, old Safeguards &amp; Mayhems, yes or no?

Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.

I had a great time playing with you!



Positron lied to us. This update contains two things players have been asking for since essentially the beginning of the game, not one. We get both Flashback and weapon customization!

I have emerged from my hole to say that I approve of Issue 11 and am as giddy as a schoolgirl.

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Actually Weapon Customization made the feature list AFTER I made the original "something you've been asking for" post, where I was referring to Flashback. (We had players in the CoH beta test asking for a way to go back and do the story arcs of the Contacts they skipped).

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Yeah but what about powers without weapons? I'm trying to get my GF interested in the game and she's [censored] about how non weapon users dont get power customizations. Which IS true. When will they get customizations? I'm happy with the weapon customizations as I use characters who use weapons but she really doesnt. She does think the time travel thing is cool. As do I. Easier to get accolade badges now. More nifty powers for me:-p

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Baby steps, man! Baby steps!

When speaking of "unfairness," keep in mind that not every set will benefit from all the time/energy/resources that will have to be spent on all-around power customization either. Melee in particular. Super Strength and Martial Arts come to mind. Stone Melee and Spines as well, most likely.
This is a fact most people seem to ignore when this topic comes up.



While I'm excited that they're letting me ditch my super soaker for a real weopon, could you PLEASE PLEASE fix the frickin bases already?

Give bases some loving in this issue. Please. Some loving. any loving. Just give it.

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Yeah, I was also going to wander in here and ask if "base lovin'" in any form might crop up in this issue. Kinda doubting it, but even a statement saying that it's up on the marker board would be nice.

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Agreed the robo surgeons for the reclamators became useless with ish 8 coming on. Wouldnt mind a slight fix for that particular problem. Not to mention Cathedral of Pain....unless perhaps the Flashback system will take care of that?



Well,time to roll something with a weapon.



1. I can't wait until we can see the new weapon models.

2. I really want more info on this combo system, is it just for dual blades or is it for ever melee power set or is it for all power sets?

I mean sure there are some super-combos right now, mostly flashfire+fire cages+fulcrum shift+fireball, but will that now result in even more damage? Or when we say knock someone down with footstomp and immediately follow it up with punch will we get an extra damage proc or an extra chance to disorient or something?

Very exciting time.



While everything mentioned is very nice, I have to admit to being somewhat underwhelmed.

The Ouroboros "flashback" system implemented as (yet another) time travel bit is somewhat lame and asking for trouble, story-wise. I had hoped for the ability to exemplar down to whatever level I wanted so I could run missions in the zone of my choice (My Scrapper, as a Batman-type, makes his home in King's Row. It would be nice to defend the CURRENT King's Row rather than going back in tmie to defend a hypothetical King's Row). Still, there's some potential here. I look forward to being able to go back to WW2 where we can fight at the side of Statesman against the Nazis (which is part of my Tanker's history).

Dual Blades? Meh. I'll never understand why everyone wets themselves over dual blades. They're unwieldy and difficult to master, and the "Kewl" factor just isn't there for me. On the other hand, the combo system portends good and ill. One of the things I hated most about most side scrolling fighters (Street Fighter, Virtua Fighter) was the need to know 4 billion combos, just to be effective. Still, in moderation it could be interesting, and it should be good for PvP.

Custom Weapons are long overdue, and I'm pleased by this, even though I'll not personally benefit. I have often thought Shields should have been implemented as a costume piece instead of an actual power set (be Invulnerable, and define it as being due to the shield). Perhaps this will allow that.

New Inventions are for blah. I still don't use the old ones.

Thus, I give what I see here a 6/10. Decent, but not earth shattering.



Does the Weapon Customization include the ability to change the color of some of the non-weapon effects, or is this purely for the scrapper/tanker/AR folks out there?

Lord knows I'd love to ditch the pink pom-poms of death for something a little more... blue.



A big kudos for the developers for:

A.) Implementing yet another feature requested by your player base and....

2.) Keeping it under your hat like this... the sound of people eating crow is an interesting counterpoint to that of them gnashing their teeth.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Repeatable Viridian.

Repeatable DOC BUZZSAW.

I am so happy.

I wonder if this will give people a second chance at Efficiency Expert, too...

DJs for The Cape Radio

Makes videos & podcasts about reviewing toys, covering conventions, and more at Vangelus.ca



Does it include the Tutorials so heros can go back for isolator and villains for jailbird?

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The first newspaper articles were specifically about the tutorials, Outbreak and Breakout. This may be a Good Sign.




Will one of the weapon graphic options be the Arachnos Mace (either version)?







The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Awesome! I can't wait! Woot Woot!



Just when I thought you guys couldn't top yourselves with the ultra-fun Rikti revival, wham! You guys are on a heck of a roll, and this game truly keeps getting better with age.

I don't know what else to say, except "Thanks"!






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Oh THERE you are! I was beginning to worry!