9 -
So even if you get a costume temp power on the very last day of the event, by Thanksgiving all of them will be gone, for every character in the game, logged in or not. (This makes perfect sense, actually. Who shows up for Thanksgiving Dinner in a trick-or-treat outfit?)
[/ QUOTE ]
Dependin' on how "conservative" you are, just about every youth subculture, lol.
My "Freaks" wouldn't mind havin Freakshow costumes on Thanksgiving -
VG Name: the Gutter Freaks
VG Leaders: Ripped Thorn (@LiberatorX)
VG Website: Gutter Freaks
VG Colors: Red and Black (Not mandatory)
VG Contact: "The plan" is to meet up in Mercy on the roof of the Arachnos Base, around where Kalinda greets "fresh meat" Villians, on November 1st, at 6:00 PM Central Time. You can also E-Mail Ripped Thorn (me) in-game with a time you will be on, for an invite. A PM on this Forum is fine too. My Global is @LiberatorX
Other Info: All toons must start out between levels 5-15, and fit the "Freakshow Image".(At least you won't have to visit The GAP) Green freaks are cool, since in our story the Gutter Freaks will take ANYTHING including Superadyne. Ripped is a Superadyne addict himself.
This Group is just for fun & we'll see how it goes, but I plan to keep it goin even if it's a still just a small crew until at least next year. I know a few who have sent me PMs or expressed interest about a Freakshow themed VG, so I figure there must be SOME "demand" for it. Never know unless you try. /e howl
Theme: ((Years ago, The Super-Powered gang known as The Freakshow started a few chapters in major cities. A few Freakshow members from Rhode Island went down to Miami and started a chapter called the Miami Freakshow, but their leader was killed. They decided to become an independant satellite Chapter, and re-named themselves the Gutter Freaks. Back In Rhode Island, the leader of the original Freakshow, known as Dreck, paid little attention when he heard the news.
About a year later, they moved to the Rogue Isles to see what was goin on with the original Freakshow, and bring some conventional drugs (which had all been "kicked out" of Paragon accordin' to the Paragon Universe)...and to get a better supply of 'Dyne, Outbreak, Excelsior and what other designer drugs Paragon and the Isles have to offer.
When they had been in Rhode Island for a little while they figured Freakshow was weak, and the Gutter Freaks could slowly take thier place.))
BTW...everybody who has expressed interest, I'm sending you PMs, and the website Forums, storyline and info has been changed since we 1st threw this idea around & you contacted me, so go check it out again & feel free to contribute! -
Great a chance for a bunch of losers to wear states costume and stand next to him in indy port. Cant wait to do it
[/ QUOTE ]
This...this INGENIOUS idea must reach Youtube!!!
As hilarious as it will be to see the city's Super Heroes and Villians Trick-or-Treating, I'm gonna do it til my eyes can't see the screen. -
I agree with everybody who's peein' thier pants and throwin' up over Issue #11, the WEAPONS CUSTOMIZATION has gotta be the "biggest" thing this Issue will change when it comes out...I can't believe somma you other Assault Rifle Blasters even made it to 50 cause you would think Arachnos would just laugh at those rusty metal Super Soakers!
I sure as hell can't wait to change my main's gun as soon as this Issue is out.
I never been on the Test Server before, but THIS Issue makes it inevitable...Test Server here I come...
This is gonna cause a ridiculous spike in the levels of "Alt-itis" most of us already have, lol -- no wonder they went through and freed up all those character names & what not last week (I think it was)!
I still don't really "get" the willpower, or the time travel features, but I'm sure I'm gonna at least try em out -
Born out of a lil' old SG and "REBORN!!!"... it's the:
[u]SG Motto:[u] "Heroes. We Beat People Up."
[u]Play Style:[u] Casual
[u]Level Requirement:[u] Mmmmmm... at least level 5. You can get to that in no time, and we're all under level 22 so far anyway (a few Alts included). We're DEFINITELY not a "PL'ing SG", even though we ain't against it. We (actually!) hunt, do missions, whatever. Anyway, we're a "lil guys and gals SG" for now, but we're drinkin' milk, so don't bully us cause we're gonna be big and strong.
[u]Summary:[u] We're not all necessarily... "Superheroes". This is where the "Renegade" part comes in. Sure, we can shoot lightning out of our palms or whatever, but we're just residents of Paragon City who have a hobby (or jobby) of cleanin' up the streets or beatin up Trolls for pocket change. We don't believe that Meta-Humans/"Registered Heroes" are "above" the citizens. You either got lucky, or (probably) decided to become a "Government Sanctioned Vigilante".
(As you can tell, we're RP-friendly =P )
[u]Conduct:[u] Just because Paragon City recognizes you as a "Registered Hero", doesn't mean your actions must follow a "Captain America" or "Superman" code of behavior. Actually, it's becomin' more and more rare to see that around Paragon City. Yay! Kill Skuls.
[u]Why was this group formed?:[u] ...to make a place for us to store our supplies, build inventions, and most importantly, to build relationships with MATURE players.
[u]Most Active Time(s):[u] Usually from about 5PM-10PM Central. Right now we only have about 5 actual members who play daily, but we're growin', believe dat.
Warning: sometimes you will hear a blast-wave of cuss-words from the mouths of a few members, (usually directed at the Circle of Thorns) but once again...nobody's perfect, and the Renegade Spades sure as hell ain't role models! Citizens are just glad to get thier purses and wallets saved, and that's good enough for us /e thumbsup
OH YEAH... "Seeking 'Official Group Photographer'". I really gotta upgrade my Graphics Card.
Contact: @LiberatorX or send me a PM here on the board. I don't bite! -
@ "Kung Fro"...lol
Reminds me of when I was helpin a neighborhood mover get his business off the ground as a kid & he nick named me "Ram-Bro" cause I worked myself sick
The Warriors just seem kinda generic to me, especially now
/e shrug
The Hellions and Skulls already have the "Marvel 80's street gang motif" down pretty damn good...I always wondered why CoX needed a third gang of the same type...even though the Greek mythology spin might make 'em seem more original...just go to chicagogangs.com and you can see just as much mythology and history used by the oldest gangs here, but on the street half of em wear red or blue and black, and you can't tell the difference.
In Paragon City, if you wear a vest and have tattoos, it kinda...don't really matter what your "religion" is...you're a gang, lol
With all that said...no wonder somebody tried to breathe more "life" or plot into this villian group -
My suggestion is to not jump to the conclusion that everyone will be rushing to transfer ONTO the busy servers. I know of many people, including myself, that can't wait to get away from the crowds and lag and such.
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That was my thought. Who in the world is going to be transferring TO Freedom? If anything, it's Virtue that'll have more trouble with overcrowding.
[/ QUOTE ]
Damn straight...hmm, maybe folks shoulda designated more than one "unofficial RP Server" -
((on Virtue Universe: ))
VG Name: The ANTIs
Website: Coming [u]SOON[u].
Preferred method of contact: Contact Trey Cynic or Pastolina by sending a /tell, or an in-game E-Mail. Soon, members will be able to use the website to apply/join too. The in-game E-Mail option is actually preferred, so we can reply to you and set up a time to meet up even when we're not on-line at the same time.
VG Motto: "Chaos Is Order"
((The ANTI s is a themed, RP team on City Of Villians.))
The ANTIs are convinced that modern society is a giant web of plans, rules and regulations that only restrict human potential, and natural behavior, thus making life much more miserable than it has to be.
Citizens walk the streets of The Rogue Isles and Paragon City unaware that they are nothing more than sheep. The ANTI s will not be part of that flock! We believe that personal freedom of action is the most important part of life, disregarding modern laws, and "morals".
A typical day for an ANTI in The Rogue Isles includes random violence, looting, and any other trouble they feel like getting into that day, from robbing a pack of Hellions in a dark alley, to gunning down the corrupt Police Officers of Mercy Island. Cash and goods stolen from enemies during robberies and beat-downs, can be hawked at the Black Market to put food and beer on the table.
*****[[Reference Pics That Go With Our Theme]]*****
Yeah, yeah, we look like a band.
Mm hm, I know it's hero-side; SHHHH!
Old Final Fight Box Art
Just add muscles.
[*]((Note: The team does have a loose [u]"suggested dress code"[u] in place, paying homage to older games such as the Double Dragon series, Final Fight, Streets of Rage, and Rival Turf. If you know nothing about those games, think "Mad Max" and The Road Warriors.Chains, spikes, mohawks, leather jackets and vests fit our theme a lot more than a para-military outfit or Silver-Era neon tights super villain costumes. ))
[*]((Right now, as we are a fledgling group, only toons below level 25 will be accepted into the fold. Furthermore, this VG plans to remain small; under 50 members, for some time. RP is heavily encouraged.))
[*]((Being a fresh, brand new VG, our Base only has the workspace/invention area workin for now, but zone teleports are next, and it will remain an ongoing project of course! )) -
This is a new SG on Infinity with a Website & Forums, a (Developing) Base in-world...and we're looking for more members who will be on almost every day of the week, especially in the evening.
There are no level 50's on the Team yet, like somebody else said "No feeling of being overshadowed". We have one or two CoX Veterans so far, but this SG was Founded with the idea of helping each other out as players who are either starting out, or under level 30; answering each others' questions, doing missions together, and generally just forming a more cohesive Team of Super Heroes.
This SG is still in it's infancy, but it's not meant to be a "n00B" team full of arguments and typical "n00B" behavior...all of the first members were hand-picked, and nobody has been
"blind-invited " yet!
Compare this to a spinoff of an older Super Hero team in an actual comic, just with more members. That's our concept.
our website is: http://www.spadebrigade.vze.com
Due to Spam, only members can post in our Forums, but feel free to check it out.
To join, just send Lone Wolf Rage or Blittz Spade a /tell or E-Mail ingame.