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  1. Totally agree with the Awesome Thread feelings! Keep the stories coming as they are too fun!

    Also love the "Clickey-Clack" badge idea, especially if it gives a reward for Paladin removal. Regardless of how to get it, we needs us that badge!
  2. Just when I thought you guys couldn't top yourselves with the ultra-fun Rikti revival, wham! You guys are on a heck of a roll, and this game truly keeps getting better with age.

    I don't know what else to say, except "Thanks"!
  3. Mega kudos to everyone. This is my favorite issue to date!

    I love the Invasions (and the Red Admin Spam doesn't bother me much at all)! The sky change, the dropships, the War Walls down, it's all great. Then the bombs fall and the troops follow (and get pounded on by the resident NPCs to boot). All told, fantastic. Lag does indeed stink royally though.

    I also love the new missions in the Rikti War Zone. I'm still early into them, but the story and "vibe" and new tiles I've seen thus far are awesome.

    Plus Hero/Villain Co-op is a long wanted feature, and now we have it.

    Well done Devs!
  4. I wasn't looking forward to having loot and such, but I have to say I'm enjoying it. The main I9 things I like though are the new IO sets, and the Flight Poses!

    Now, give us some strong story advancement in I10 (would love another Council versus 5th "War in the Streets") and I'll be a happy hero.
  5. This is relating to the new background story on the Clockwork (just added to the Game Info: Villians section of the main website).

    This was a terrific addition to the background of Paragon City's annoying automatons, the Clockwork. Great information, well-presented (especially liked the "ragged" old Paragon Times article). Very well done!

    Kudos to those behind this new addition to the COH lore!
  6. First off, thanks for these new mission types! I love missions so much more than "Arrest 20 XX" and street hunting blandness. More! More! More!

    The only big downers I see have been mentioned numerous times, but I feel the need to be repetitive:

    For all "Ally" missions, make sure the "Ally" is not in the last room. I rescued her, only to have her thank me and tell me she would help me fight....nobody! Kind of a downer. Let them spawn early on (earlier the better), and have them be "defeat all enemy" or "click on glowie” (and glowie IS in the last room) type missions versus "rescue hostage".

    Do not spawn massive Voids in the "wave" missions, as Khelds have enough problems with just one.

    All told though, love the new varieties!
  7. First off, I love the idea as it is right in line with comic book themes and it makes the Blaster class require even more "strategizing" than ever before.

    I tested this on my level 50, and found it was not very useful. As has been stated, if you get in the red you are dead. There is just no way to effectively use this power in the 45+ levels without face planting more often than not. Perhaps upping the point at which it starts to kick in would help (at like maybe less than 50% health you get a 25% buff or something). That way at least we get to use it a little before we have to pop a green Skittle. Also, it was fairly useful against certain groups, like Nemesis on PI, but try it in the Shadow Shard and enjoy your trip back to the Firebase medics.

    I also tested it at lower levels, and it does indeed rock! You are not the victim of mass mez and 1, 2, or 3-shottings, so you can milk the danger zone a bit more and really lay out some firepower. All told, this will be a huge boon for lower levels, so well done.

    To conclude: Love the idea and the execution and impact it has in lower levels. Upper-levels (45+) it will really not be useful as much, so perhaps a slight increase to the point you get a buff (around 50%) would at least give higher-ups a taste of Defiance sweetness.
  8. I recall waaay back in the early days that there was talk of having Super Group "Vaults" where members could store all of the Enhancements they didn't want/need for other SG members (or lower-level alts they get in the SG, etc.). I think that would cut back on the rush to sell. Vaults would also fit in with the new SG bases coming out with COV/COH I5+.

    I do like stores though as it makes the city feel more "alive" by being able to actually enter certain buildings.
  9. Back at ya Posi! COH has been one sweet ride, and despite the bumps it keeps getting better. Yeah the latest round of "nerfs" has folks screaming, but in the end this is still the best Dev team around on any MMORPG. Hands down!