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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I rolled one up. I went to PI at lvl 2 it was sooo pretty and strong. I was the prettyest and strongest in the hospital the whole time

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is because you r pretty.

    Flower does not start as a flaower, fisrt.
    It is a pretty bud, then it becomes prettier, and when it bloom it is prettiest. That is when you should go to PI.

    wait until you are prettiest. strong will follow.

    [/ QUOTE ] You are a beautiful man, and no one should tell you otherwise.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    You ppl are haters, I will show yu that I am right and telling the truth.

    You can't deny factrs.

    Here is a screenshot of me being STRONG and pretty.

    [/ QUOTE ] YES.
  3. Your stuff is great, I'll be sure to send you one or two reference pics later!
  4. My mistake. Not my scrapper. I meant Flare Breaker, my blaster. Ring a bell?
  5. Nice!....Didnt I team with you earlier? Do you recognize the name Alastor Kuro?
  6. Current Deadpool
    Civil War Taskmaster
    I think we need some Hulkbuster Ironman AND World War Hulk.
  7. I'll give this a go.

    Hian Tsudao, a.k.a., Fist of Martial Fury stands at 6'7 in a dark blue and white flackjacket with the ying yang symbol in the middle of it, with a black undershirt. Cant forget his cargo pants with tribal symbols down the sides. With his stylized blue and silver and blue sun glasses hiding his green eyes. With his slightly spikey, frazzled black hair and his calm and asian demeanor. Twirling a small knife in his hand, it with tribal symbols also on the blade, other hand in his pocket. You really cant tell, but hes 26 and a master martial artist.

    EDIT:And yeah, your stuff is awesome dude.
  8. MrMartial

    Sexiest CoX Art?

    [ QUOTE ]

    This might get me in trouble, but sexy is as sexy does:

    Friggin touche.
  9. Sweet stuff! Heres Toketsu Taki and his backstory if you want a go at him.
  10. Toketsu Taki would like a sprite if you wouldnt mind Chisoku.
    Heres his bio.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Mods, please move this to Screenshots and Art.

    Ultimus, please post screenshots in the right forum.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    but we (the art forum) don't want him either...

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ] QFT
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    You're all drama queens.

    [/ QUOTE ] QFT