Art Briefs- New Attempt at Developing - Free Art
well at least I can post quickly to this thread since I'm up late but that alsom means I can't think clearly and that's a lot of text.
...Okay I've read it, I was just excited to post first in a free art thread since they are usually like up in 8 in the morning :3.
And now since you don't refernce shots I'll give you some thing that I don't have shots to.
"Trained in the special forces running covert mission in foriegn countries, offically non-existant, this deadly damsol, returning from bow hunting, was captured by thugs. She never liked not being noticed in her last job so after acclimating to thugs life this newly formed deviant started collecting weapons. Anything she could use as a weapon she would bring with her, from the old special ops gear to whips, chains and buckels from her 'extra ciricular activies.' She can kill you three ways with just her hair accessories."
Okay that was a lot longer that I expected and had to try to trim it, Also it's really hard to hint at things without saying them, but I tried the best I could.
Ok lets see if I get this right and pique your interest.
Luptonius in concert, in front of a large audience, some alive some not, emphasis on excitement.
Luptonius is a tall skinny rocker with a thin face and long hair. The devil granted him the ability to play music via air guitaring as long as he wears 2 large gauntlets at all times. his face is thin, almost to the point of looking into the face of death. he never shows his eyes and has a penchant for wearing green.
Ok lets see if I get this right and pique your interest.
Luptonius in concert, in front of a large audience, some alive some not, emphasis on excitement.
Luptonius is a tall skinny rocker with a thin face and long hair. The devil granted him the ability to play music via air guitaring as long as he wears 2 large gauntlets at all times. his face is thin, almost to the point of looking into the face of death. he never shows his eyes and has a penchant for wearing green.
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Yup, that would be on the right track. ~grabs sketchpad~ Even have somewhat of an idea already.
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again. |
I tried my hand at this as well, although I couldn't keep it very brief, ended up with two paragraphs. Hope its within of what you're looking for and interested enough to attempt it:
Hericane hovers over a beach looking out at the ocean sprawling in front of her. It is one of a few places she retreats to in time of uncertainity or emotiomal turmoil. A gentle rain falls over her, from a few grey clouds of Hericane's own doing, in an otherwise clear sky. It soothes her soul and reminds her of the stories that her mother has told her of her late father, once a hero as well. A multicolored beachball floats next to her. A ball she saw floating in the ocean which she put out her hand and levitated up through the air til it rested in the air besides her.
Born to a human mother, an alien father, she is the last of her kind, with innate abilities that Hericane has inherited. A timid, naive woman growing up in a land of heroes, she sought to use her natural powers and protect the city as her father did. Looking up to the great heroes of the city, she wears blue and white tights with patterns that symbolize the very elements that she can control. It contrasts her lightly shaded long free flowing hair behind her, matching the field of grass separating the beach from the city in the distance.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
Interesting approach, do you have any samples of your work though... I am intrigued to see how this comes out. Here's my entry:
Surrounded by the smoldering bodies of her enemies, their endless numbers have backed the 8ft giantess, LJ against the wareshouse wall where she's made a final stand. Her palms still ablaze with hatred, she looks back at them in defiant ripped gogo attire, wondering what her childhood hero Spiderwoman would do? Wiping the blood off her spiked shoulders, she tosses her long black tresses to the wind, and smiles back at death...
Massive: damage, physique, heroism. Valiant, against all odds. Fist, open hand. Blood, tears, smoke, fallen. Shadows, plotting, about to pounce. Eye.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Well always willing to help out, and I know I suck at visualization, here's a little something to use if it seems to inspire you
A scene captured in still frame, a lithe figure, eyes hidden behind yellow lenses and serrated short hair, glowstick light reflecting off chrome and chain, leather and mesh, blades moving to the bass beat in her head, incongruant against a backdrop of glass highrise and black suits.
In the distance, a dark cybernetic figure looms high above the battlefield strewn with bodies. The night air is crisp and cool as he remains motionless, almost invisible to the naked eye. Red glowing eyes are all that can be seen. While some would immediately assume a demon had come calling, behind the eyes, a flurry of numbers and calculations are being made by a cybernetic brain scanning the horizon. With what seems only a brief moment in time the figure leaps from the tower and lands with the grace of cat amist the foggy battlefield--- his massive fists glowing red. He was built with one purpose. To destroy.
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email
Massive: damage, physique, heroism. Valiant, against all odds. Fist, open hand. Blood, tears, smoke, fallen. Shadows, plotting, about to pounce. Eye.
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I must say this is the hardest one out of the lot and doesn't have a specific character in mind that I can see, but at the same time I think I'll shoot something for this just because I may have come up with something to fit this.
As for everyone elses posted so far, for the most part I have a pretty solid idea to start off of and already initiated Luptonius's since it was the first completed description. That'll hopefully be done for everyone to see what to expect from ground zero on this project as I work my way through.
And someone had asked, to see stuff I've done in the past check Here. But again, the stuff I'm looking towards doing now is going to be considerably different.
Edit: Most recent piece of work before this project - Here
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again. |
Ok lets see if I get this right and pique your interest.
Luptonius in concert, in front of a large audience, some alive some not, emphasis on excitement.
Luptonius is a tall skinny rocker with a thin face and long hair. The devil granted him the ability to play music via air guitaring as long as he wears 2 large gauntlets at all times. his face is thin, almost to the point of looking into the face of death. he never shows his eyes and has a penchant for wearing green.
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I'd like you all to meet Lupontius
Hopefully that's enough to get some continued Briefs
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again. |
Annie Mayhem, lounging in her Lair after a successful bank heist.
Annie Mayhem is a slight Asian grrl, pink hair up in twin buns. Her specialties are recreational chemstry and gunplay, usually using her twin automatics, which she keeps well maintained. She dresses in a mix of punk, biker, and 'otaku', in black and red.
Insanity. Scarlett Bloom doesn't see herself as an assassin, or a villain of any sort for that matter, just an "artist," her canvas being whoever grabs her attention or provides her inspiration. A young woman, she sees no need to hide her identity or play "dress up," as she refers to the habit others have of donning costumes. She's taken to hiding and watching, as - thanks to appearances on the news - her audience otherwise will run from her. She's developed fine control with the single, straight blades strapped to her hands.
(Oh, and Ironik? You sound like a fortune cookie )
thats a pretty cool interpretation, I've seen luptonius' char screenshots before and I know it's not too close, but for what you were give in the description it's done well.
Hmmm.. me sense that Ironik might make a new alt called fortune cookie soon...
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
thats a pretty cool interpretation, I've seen luptonius' char screenshots before and I know it's not too close, but for what you were give in the description it's done well.
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The moment "Skinny Rocker" was said, for some reason, I could not get ACDC out of the image so into the image it went.
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again. |
I'd like to try one:
A sleepwalking 13 year old girl who has been subjected to cancer treatments having her favorite meal: the psyche of an innocent person.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

Nicely done there! Don't know the character in question, but it fits the brief very well
I think the Luptonius piece looks great and I think this is a great way to see new art. I love seeing how the interpretation of what we write is visualized, good fun!
I found writing a brief was a bit of a challenge so I gave it a go if you keep on with the project:
Music plays in Lauren's head...some 80's new wave and her body falls into the rythm. She deftly pulls long thin blades from the hanger around her waist and raises her arms. She pirouette's with grace, the pirouette only years of practice could bring. As the rich burgandy and bright white of her body hugging costume allow this freedom of movement she then stabs forward pinning the hulking thug to the wall. His partner runs not wanting to be a victim of her skill. Luckily for the horrified pinned thug, the blade pierces only his clothes, by her choice, for she is not a killer but a protector of the innocent.
Shes six feet tall, but that didnt stop the hapless Vahz Reapers from trying to take her down. They should have sensed it wasnt going to work when they caught a glimpse of her Silver shining arm. All they remembered afterwards was that arm and the flash of a Union Flag that made up her mini-dress followed by a bright burst of color and then the blackness of unconsciousness. She was disappointed that it was over so quickly. "Honestly," she thought, "the three stooges wouldve put up more of a fight."
As the hapless reapers floated slowly back to consciousness they found they were tied up. As things became clearer still, they all noticed a pair of deep blue, thigh-high, stiletto boots housing a very shapely pair of silver-metallic legs gleaming in the lamplight. The Reapers looked up to see her in all her Glory: tall blue and red double Mohawk cuts on either side of her otherwise hairless head. A beautiful face and body, which seemed quite attractive in spite of being apparently chrome. The Union Flag Mini, two deep-blue gloves with a fat white and thin red stripe (this stripe also echoed the full length of her curvaceous boots). Everything that wasnt covered by fabric gleamed in the moonlight. They also noticed a makeshift flagpole at their backs and waving on it, above them, a rough looking white flag with this message scrawled in red: Britannia Waves the Rules.
Thanks for the welcome to the states boys, it was fun, she began in a light English accent. Did you hear about a Rave near here? Well, never mind the coppers should be by soon. With that, she raised her hands above her head and released a beam of energy into the night sky. She flew upwards and shot the first blast with a second and both exploded into a flash of brilliant colors. Britannia had come Stateside to the City of Heroes.
Ok lets see if I get this right and pique your interest.
Luptonius in concert, in front of a large audience, some alive some not, emphasis on excitement.
Luptonius is a tall skinny rocker with a thin face and long hair. The devil granted him the ability to play music via air guitaring as long as he wears 2 large gauntlets at all times. his face is thin, almost to the point of looking into the face of death. he never shows his eyes and has a penchant for wearing green.
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I'd like you all to meet Lupontius
Hopefully that's enough to get some continued Briefs
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I.... I... I'm speechless. Awesome take on the concept. I think I'll do that as a grunge rock costume....
May as well give ti a try.
Standing a petite 5'4", The Magnificent Gila Girl is an awe inspiring sight--to those that can see her move! Faster than a speeding Komodo Dragon, as well as a Forumula 1 racer, the light blue skinned (and scaled!) diva-of-a-hero takes to the streets daily, policing both the thugs and fashion blunders. Her eyes, the same bright orange as her hair, seem to stare into the distance with a distinct confidence, while her smile shows a warm, caring soul. She is constantly in conflict with her own personal, literal beast, a creature residing in her mind, affecting her descisions, and sometimes her actions. WHile she has managed to control this evil inclination, she often will display certain "unnatural" qualities; absent mindedness and a tendency to show off are common occurances with her.
It was on one of these occasions, where she "overdid it." In the middle of a dazzling display of acrobatics on the Atlas Statue, Gila lost her concentration, and fell to what could have been her death...then again, it probably would have meant a few minor bruises. It was only a hundred feet, after all. While falling, however, she noticed a group of Vazhilok zombies stumbling slowly toward the First national bank. A quick mid-air redirection put her body facing the potential bombers, and a sonic blast easily did the hooligans in...along with a couple of cars. However, the public cheered, and Gila could only blush, smile and wave, as the day was...saved?...yet again by the Fastest Lizard Alive.
Ok lets see if I get this right and pique your interest.
Luptonius in concert, in front of a large audience, some alive some not, emphasis on excitement.
Luptonius is a tall skinny rocker with a thin face and long hair. The devil granted him the ability to play music via air guitaring as long as he wears 2 large gauntlets at all times. his face is thin, almost to the point of looking into the face of death. he never shows his eyes and has a penchant for wearing green.
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I'd like you all to meet Lupontius
Hopefully that's enough to get some continued Briefs
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I.... I... I'm speechless. Awesome take on the concept. I think I'll do that as a grunge rock costume....
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Glad to hear it.
As for everyone elses, I am working on them! Based on Lup's I'll expect the first few will take me about five hours or so a piece until I pick up a few speedier tactics for the process. But now the cat is officially out of the bag on what these are going to look like!
To those who may not have seen this thread yet, or are contemplating it, go ahead and continuing posting Briefs. I'm going to try and get these to at least one a day if possible. Next up on the list:
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again. |
I'll give this a go.
Hian Tsudao, a.k.a., Fist of Martial Fury stands at 6'7 in a dark blue and white flackjacket with the ying yang symbol in the middle of it, with a black undershirt. Cant forget his cargo pants with tribal symbols down the sides. With his stylized blue and silver and blue sun glasses hiding his green eyes. With his slightly spikey, frazzled black hair and his calm and asian demeanor. Twirling a small knife in his hand, it with tribal symbols also on the blade, other hand in his pocket. You really cant tell, but hes 26 and a master martial artist.
EDIT:And yeah, your stuff is awesome dude.
*Tosses in hat*
The massive, dragon-like creature roared in defiance at the beings gathered outside of his cave. They had disturbed his slumber, and he would make them pay for that. The creature was truly gigantic, nearly 10 feet tall, and had an armor plating of dull bronze/orange scales coating it's heavily muscled humanoid form. Huge wings rose up from it's shoulder blades, easily looking to hold a span of at least 30 feet or more if fully stretched out. The creature's blood red eyes glared hatred at the group gathered before him from his almost Tyrannosaurus-like head. Steel chains were wrapped around the monster's arms, and they clinked and clanked as the dragon-creature clenched and opened it's clawed hands. The only clothing the creature wore was a brown kilt-like garment over ragged black pants, both looking to be made out of some type of tattered and worn animal hide. The monster roared once more, bent down and ripped a colossal chunk of rock from the ground below it's taloned feet. The soldiers surrounding the cave entrance saw what looked like a malicious, horrid smile (if the creature's barring of it's razor-shape teeth constituted a smile), right before the rock smashed into their ranks, decimating nearly 1/3rd of the group. The remaining soldiers opened fire onto the hulking creature while it simply charged right into them, using it's chain-wreathed fists to smash the men into oblivion.
Fraenir had awoken.
Global - @El D
Servers - Protector
Ok lets see if I get this right and pique your interest.
Luptonius in concert, in front of a large audience, some alive some not, emphasis on excitement.
Luptonius is a tall skinny rocker with a thin face and long hair. The devil granted him the ability to play music via air guitaring as long as he wears 2 large gauntlets at all times. his face is thin, almost to the point of looking into the face of death. he never shows his eyes and has a penchant for wearing green.
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I'd like you all to meet Lupontius
Hopefully that's enough to get some continued Briefs
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I.... I... I'm speechless. Awesome take on the concept. I think I'll do that as a grunge rock costume....
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Glad to hear it.
As for everyone elses, I am working on them! Based on Lup's I'll expect the first few will take me about five hours or so a piece until I pick up a few speedier tactics for the process. But now the cat is officially out of the bag on what these are going to look like!
To those who may not have seen this thread yet, or are contemplating it, go ahead and continuing posting Briefs. I'm going to try and get these to at least one a day if possible. Next up on the list:
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Yay! Well it was fun playing in that bag but, I came out to see Luptonius' pic and now everyone knows I was in the bag =^-^=
This will be my first non Gata piece, so it will be interesting to see what you come up with.
Doing a great job, keep up the good work.
Okay, so I've recently been looking into seriously putting my efforts into my own art and go back to doing something I wanted to do years before I didn't have the focus or the drive to do at the time and I want to correct that mistake. Now is when someone's probably going "Okay, so...this means free art, right?" Well, it does in a manner, yes, mean free art for some fanatic enthusiasts out there but under a controlled stiuplation that this will be going off my own selection. Recently looked into something that I think would be a good mental and artistic workout that could benefit* the CoX Art Community in the process.
Taking a staple from the Graphic Design world here on this one, more particularly the strategy often applied in TCG Artwork creation I'd like to utilize "Briefings". For those not "in the know" on what that means (as I just realistically learned about an hour ago myself) a briefing is ... well it is what it sounds like. It's a snipet--usually a paragraph or so long--giving a general description of what a client wants for a certain project. In the case of a piece of art it usually gives some general information of either a conceptual feel and desired person/action going on with a required emotion and maybe background details. For the most part they will leave a lot of artisitc leadway, other times not. So what I'd like to try is this method. I'm requesting Character Briefings from folks with however much or little you want to delve into it. Something of decent attempt would be required, but preferebly nothing too long. Also, please none of that "Can I have W-Character in X-Map with Y-Mob doing Z-Move"; try something more like "W-Character seeking information on X-Group, feels uneasy as if being watched, unaware of a pending doom, etc"
Sample Brief from ImagineFX, January Edition
Show the results of the negative aspects of addiction or power when using an ehchanted deck. At the end of the owner's life the cards have decided to claim the final payment. Emphasis is on the fear and expectation of what's about to happen.
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This particular request optioned the artist full control on characters and selection, etc. Although what I'll more or less be dealing with will involve a specific character, the request should be in the same manner. So not only is this an exercise for me but also to see how many of you can come up with a Brief that would suggest to me the kind of scene you'd like to see interpreted, without telling me it.
Additionally, since we are dealing with pre-existing characters, I would like to try and add an additional challenge for myself. I will obviously need some form of description of your characters, but I'd like to not see any pre-existing images or references. A general character description of personality and average uniform style without stating specific costume pieces.
Sample Description
A hero/villain cast aside from society and raised in the slums; developed a distaste for the general populous but stands up for those who cannot defend themselves. Striking from the shadows of the night with honed fighting skills and lethal blades removed from their previous owner's corpse. Is lethal to a point and is not afraid of their own death, fights like a whirlwind using random selections of metal across the atire as additional weapons. Loose clothing hiding a body suit beneath, possibly stolen off a deceased Crey Tanker.
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This as an example would easily imply a Dual Blade/Dark Armor Scrapper sporting some grungy equipment, possibly spikes, blood stains on occasion, vague imprints of the Crey Armor underneath some tattered clothing, occasional spikes maybe on the arms or shoulders. Here is the end image I produced from this idea to give you a clear interpretation in-game what I was seeing as a bit of reverse engineering a character. Here
I'm not promising exceptional work here in this nor a designated time frame of completion on a lot of this. The only thing I can state is that I will be doing all I can to work on what's given to me as best as managable. I've a hectic and demanding life so I'll try and do what I can and I love the chance to do this kind of expeeriment with the community with anyone willing to participate with me. I can also say that the works produced from this project will definitely be something much different then I've done in the past. Which you can catch a general idea of from Here
*Free Art