Art Briefs- New Attempt at Developing - Free Art




Also, did anyone notice the butterfly dangly?

Edit: I forgot to mention that Cerulean's Rebirth design is the first and currently only character that has inspired me to go out and actually create one like it as close as possible. So look out for a TA/Ice Defender floating around like a nut case on Virtue.

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Yes, I noticed it and thought it was great, just didn't comment on it. And have fun with TA/Ice, just try to go tech or magic origin so you can eventually light your own Oil Slick Arrow. (I forgot myself as I went with Natural, which is why I still haven't picked up that power yet at level 33)

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Yeah, was going with Tech origin for that purpose, even started a design last night but was so tired I wandered off to bed before I ever completed the character into Atlas. I lost my some 30 minutes fiddling with the costume, back to trying to remember it all again tonight, heh.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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Really love Juggertha, excellent pose, great work overall on that.

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Dark Dragon

Masked Shrike

"'re not dead?"
"I guess not..."
" kidding. And Artz. Lazy Bum."
"Sorry, I was busy and didn't get them uploaded?"

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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Was wondering what had happened to you. Them's some mighty slick works.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




cool, yer back on these! nice ones John! was hoping we'd see more after seeing your art entry battle

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



cool, yer back on these! nice ones John! was hoping we'd see more after seeing your art entry battle

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Ironik's I think is the only one I never succesfully completed!

Now what am I to do with this thread...hmm...

Devious, Shrike:
Glad to see you're happy with the pieces!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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whiteperegrine rebirth
holy geez...just saw this revision. niiiice
to bad cant really simulate that look in game otherwise I would. like the lil rebirth scene to that went with it.

a big thank you and very much appreciated over here! ~

...the sword is truth...




whiteperegrine rebirth
holy geez...just saw this revision. niiiice
to bad cant really simulate that look in game otherwise I would. like the lil rebirth scene to that went with it.

a big thank you and very much appreciated over here! ~

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I didn't realize not everyone has caught their Briefs yet, probably a good thing to keep this bumped a bit longer then

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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Yeah i am all in favor of that

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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I didn't realize not everyone has caught their Briefs yet, probably a good thing to keep this bumped a bit longer then

[/ QUOTE ] worries, I vanished for a bit so probably why I missed it. needed that breather...but damn nice way to come back. finding some line work of my namesake and a revision ta boot. grinnin ear ta ear. ~

...the sword is truth...




so, what's your policy of rentry cause I wouldn't mind another go ^.^



Not entirely a new update, nor necessarily anything bad, but Shrike, I gotta know something.

How is your brief the one that's still tagging 60+ Hits a day?!

Since March 22nd, 16 days, it has become the most viewed piece in my gallery, substantially. Even more so than the one linked out of my signature.

I think there's something about that amulet you're not telling me >_>

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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