Art Briefs- New Attempt at Developing - Free Art




*Looks at the thread title.*

...I keep looking to see if there are any tie-dye speedos here, but am continually disappointed.



are those the malaise pants O.o



Not really, no.



*Looks at the thread title.*

...I keep looking to see if there are any tie-dye speedos here, but am continually disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, you lost me there

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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*Looks at the thread title.*

...I keep looking to see if there are any tie-dye speedos here, but am continually disappointed.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, you lost me there

[/ QUOTE ]

Tie-dye Speedos. Art Briefs.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



Gata's Deadly Damsol: Completed

Version 1.0
Version 2.0

Version 1 was just the focus of the character (I didn't like the background but felt it was at least necessary to include that aspect in some fashion. This Brief I used as a chance to develop my experience with the Tablet doing the character all digitally versus the 50/50 process as with Luptonius'). Version 2 has the background.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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Nice, she looks very deadly indeed! Not someone I'd want to cross



Agreed! Nice work! I wouldn't have thought of the bandaged up arm and hand.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



I think I'll take a stab at it

Crestent, an incredibly tall man with slightly long blond hair and has blue eyes with a third purple eye. Wears a mysterious cloak of white with crimson blood symbols all over his body and he has an angelic golden glow. He is charging a spear of golden white spear of light to take down an enemy of great proportions.

That's as good as I could do right now.

:Edited a little:

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller



why not...for your consideration...well, assuming your still looking

WhitePeregrine, a mutant hero who has been on the "scene" for years combating the ever present tide of crime within Paragon City. While he is not the most 'fearsome' hero in appearance, standing at 5'10, 165 roughly, dark brown hair and hazel eyes, he none the less tends to be effective and criminals soon find out that there is more to this hero than some flashy looking psychically manifested wings. indeed, using his telekinetic powers he is able to not only arrest criminals but also seems to be able to bolster any team he is apart of either through action or word.

His most common "hero" outfit he can bee seen flying about in are utilitarian in cut. A snug jacket over a form fitting short sleeved high necked shirt and pants. Both of which are of a sturdy material given the abuse he occasionally takes in his actions and are primarily dark blue with a white design on the jacket and part of his pants that suit his name. Also sports black leather wrapped gloves and boots, and typically wears a full face mask, although he has been known not to on rare occasions.

Confident in his abilities he rarely runs, although this has been known to get him in some trouble from time to time. Often his easy going attitdue makes him over looked amongst his peers though this typically changes once they have seen him in action.

...hopefully inspires ya some, would be interested to see what you come up with. if not, no worries ~

...the sword is truth...




Gata's Deadly Damsol: Completed

Version 1.0
Version 2.0

Version 1 was just the focus of the character (I didn't like the background but felt it was at least necessary to include that aspect in some fashion. This Brief I used as a chance to develop my experience with the Tablet doing the character all digitally versus the 50/50 process as with Luptonius'). Version 2 has the background.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice, interestingly enough, the character does have wrapped forearms with chains on it, as well as that being the style of bow I use. There are a lot of other costume components but trying to describe them without describing them, and not becoming all wordy, is pretty difficult. Also, I'm sure with that many components it would have been atrocious to draw.

Now, I don't want to sound unappreciative, I think it's great, you doing art for free and all, but... she looks kinda manly. I don't know if you did that on purpose, cause she's a hunter, but I know some artists don't like drawing a certain gender cause they usually make them look like the other. So, trying to be constructive as possible, I think she doesn't seem feminin cause she's got so much muscle tone. I don't think you need to change it, but I'm just thinking more for the other ladies on your list.



Gata's Deadly Damsol: Completed

Version 1.0
Version 2.0

Version 1 was just the focus of the character (I didn't like the background but felt it was at least necessary to include that aspect in some fashion. This Brief I used as a chance to develop my experience with the Tablet doing the character all digitally versus the 50/50 process as with Luptonius'). Version 2 has the background.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice, interestingly enough, the character does have wrapped forearms with chains on it, as well as that being the style of bow I use. There are a lot of other costume components but trying to describe them without describing them, and not becoming all wordy, is pretty difficult. Also, I'm sure with that many components it would have been atrocious to draw.

Now, I don't want to sound unappreciative, I think it's great, you doing art for free and all, but... she looks kinda manly. I don't know if you did that on purpose, cause she's a hunter, but I know some artists don't like drawing a certain gender cause they usually make them look like the other. So, trying to be constructive as possible, I think she doesn't seem feminin cause she's got so much muscle tone. I don't think you need to change it, but I'm just thinking more for the other ladies on your list.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did notice that, was about 4-5am when I was working on it. Having bouts of insomnia so I was up late to work on this and realized there was something "off" about it. I actually trimmed down a few things to cut back the manly looks but she still carried some of them unfortunately. It seems to me that it is primarily caused by the face more than anything (even though i could probably smooth out a couple things in her stomach/arm).

As an additional update: I've got the next two Brief's rough sketches worked out.

Also, wanted to toss this out there in regards to the last few briefs that have been posted. You guys/gals are giving me too much information. S'ok though, just wanted to mention you're making the last few a b it too easy for the challenge

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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Gata's Deadly Damsol: Completed

Version 1.0
Version 2.0

Version 1 was just the focus of the character (I didn't like the background but felt it was at least necessary to include that aspect in some fashion. This Brief I used as a chance to develop my experience with the Tablet doing the character all digitally versus the 50/50 process as with Luptonius'). Version 2 has the background.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nice, interestingly enough, the character does have wrapped forearms with chains on it, as well as that being the style of bow I use. There are a lot of other costume components but trying to describe them without describing them, and not becoming all wordy, is pretty difficult. Also, I'm sure with that many components it would have been atrocious to draw.

Now, I don't want to sound unappreciative, I think it's great, you doing art for free and all, but... she looks kinda manly. I don't know if you did that on purpose, cause she's a hunter, but I know some artists don't like drawing a certain gender cause they usually make them look like the other. So, trying to be constructive as possible, I think she doesn't seem feminin cause she's got so much muscle tone. I don't think you need to change it, but I'm just thinking more for the other ladies on your list.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did notice that, was about 4-5am when I was working on it. Having bouts of insomnia so I was up late to work on this and realized there was something "off" about it. I actually trimmed down a few things to cut back the manly looks but she still carried some of them unfortunately. It seems to me that it is primarily caused by the face more than anything (even though i could probably smooth out a couple things in her stomach/arm).

As an additional update: I've got the next two Brief's rough sketches worked out.

Also, wanted to toss this out there in regards to the last few briefs that have been posted. You guys/gals are giving me too much information. S'ok though, just wanted to mention you're making the last few a b it too easy for the challenge

[/ QUOTE ]


I guess I should re write it then! >.>

:goes to edit his description:

Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller



Just wanted to give everyone an update so you all knew I didn't forget about this.

I have Hericane and Kai's sketches prepped, although Kai's will most likely get a minor redo since the first was a five minute idea splurge. LadyJudgement's is one that I did a starter sketch to and didn't approve of it, and am redoing it as well and am nearly done with that. I realize Ironik's Brief was inbetween some of these but that one I'm still working out what exactly I'll do with since it is currently the most challenging one.

If any of you would like me to post some of the sketches up before I get the CG stage done then I definitely can do so; I've been really busy the last few days and have been doing what I can during downtime at work.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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cool deal, thanx man. And I don't mind the wait. Life happens and sometimes ya gotta deal with it first. It's all good

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!




I say yes to preliminaries--I love watching an image develop.






Okay, guess what? Sunday is rolling around and I finally have a "day off". I've been (as I ... think I stated at some point) working on a few drawings while at work in between downtime. I -had- a working image for Herricane, Lady J, and Kai; however I've decided that while the one for Herricane was where I wanted it, the ones for LJ and Kai were not. This has resulted in a change that I think everyone's going to be surprised by (to a degree) and will well received (this I know ). On the downside the increased direction of the most recent two images has left me with the decision to currently postpone a color-edition of the images in favour of getting more linework done for the other Brief's. However many of you may very well be satisfied with the B&W version of these just as equally. I will still end up doing a full color version of them but not in the same style as the previous two works (again I'm sure you will all understand why once you see them).

Side Note: Due to how I developed Herricane's, that one will be in color, but it will be the last one for a bit just because it's designed to be in color; I like how it turned out and wish to keep it that way.

Currently I am working on scanning up the three I have right now and printing Blue Lines for two of them to Print back out and Ink, to re-scan, touch up and post that version of them. In the meantime I thought I'd toss this out to everyone. Kai's image has inspired a bit imaginative thought that developed a bit of a "fight scenario" for his image that resulted in its final conception that I figured I'd share as a teaser.

The elevator hummed down the floors, a figure inside drumming in the air to a beat still threading through her mind. She had been playing with the glow stick tied to a thin string around her neck supplying a tiny stream of light into suspended box she rode in. Other strands of feint light flickering across the elevator doors from the glass panel behind that had a view of the city below; the pulsating radiance that grew as it descended. It was surprising how many raves one could find in the most unconventional locations, she thought to herself, floors counting down.

A thud gave the ceiling a jolt, a twang from the cables that held the machine in the shaft. She looked up, curiosity mounting as two clanks and panel were removed with the quick flow of menacing shadow behind her. She watched it rise across the ‘vator walls. Within a single flash the trench coat that had been draped over her arm was amidst the air, a blade free from her side and nestling comfortably between two ribs of the victim behind her.

As the first body began to slump to the floor a second heartbeat rang in her ears, another passing light across the glass and the realization came that there were two men with her. Her wrist twisted across the handle of the second blade, a twirl in the air and it was hurled into the next victim’s chest with lethal accuracy.

The Lobby was approaching quickly, her hands wrapped across both her weapons and whipped them through the air with a solid fwang; blood spattering across the floor from the cold metal. The elevator dinged. The doors opened.

She peered into the darkness of the floor, the illumination of the street lights and passing cars spreading eerie shadows. A sigh escaped her, she was hoping for more. Stepping out of the elevator to the marble tile a single clack of her boot and the doors shut behind her. A dozen eyes shot through the darkness and locked onto the dying gleam of the stick bouncing over her chest. She could feel the ominous gazes; excitement building.

Amidst the darkness two red orbs lit spreading their flare and extenuating the crevices of a Mech.

The grin on her face spread a little--looks like she was invited to the after party.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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snap, that scenario developed from Kai's paragraph? sweet! cant' wait to see it finished.

And as always, I've no problem with waiting. If you have something developed and are satisfied with it but it'll take time to work on due to its details etc I'd rather it take time rather than reduce its quality. Anything posted to see WIP works as well, i'm good with either.

With the level of work you're put out so far, I have a feeling the others won't midn waiting either heh.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



Ok I think I'll give it a go....(Not very short...tried my best...I tend to overthink things...this is more of a costume bio.)

Fire-Kin Genie a mystic...who's blood red hair touched the middle of her back began pondering about her past. She looked at her portrait just Three years ago and much she had changed. But she knew she had no time to think, it was all about fighting crime. She slipped into her heroic outfit...which looked marvelous.

She wore a tight top with no shoulder straps or sleeves. It's red color glistened as she stepped into the light. She put on her red sleek pants, with white stars on the sides of her thighs. Three in a row on each side shining White. She put on her boots, red and white, then Her White V belt. She looked in the mirror, and as she stood there, she carefully put on her Angelic Wings on her head and tossed her long cape around her neck. Her arms were almost a glowing white color as she left the room...It was time to fight for justice.



So the next up to get posted, slightly out of order since there's something extra I still have to do for LJ's and Heri's


Originally Posted by Arcanaville
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