Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




ummm can i travel back pre ED? oh oh! back to the old burn sweet!




Edit - This is really cool news.


A start at power customization.

Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

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Story Arcs and Badge missions.

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I'm very sorry if this has been asked already, but does 'story arcs' include Faultline, Striga, and Croatoa specific arcs?



I would think so.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon




Edit - This is really cool news.


A start at power customization.

Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

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Story Arcs and Badge missions.

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Ok this is good as I got some heroes (yes i play heroside too ) that missed some badges.

But now for the big question that I havent seen asked yet (and please no flames on this people its a valid question, and would hopefully put to rest the longstanding issue.)

Can Heroes warp back to Outbreak and slaughter the contaminated for the Isolator badge, and can villains warp back to Breakout and obtain Jailbird badge? And if we cant jump that far back yet, will it be added in later?

Now as to what I think about i11 so far......

Super Rare IO's: ok this is good, gives something to shoot for for my L50's

New power sets = drool in cup

Ah debuff/buff IO's.......i sense my bot/poisons poison powers will get a NICE upgrade......and perhaps Tactics from Leadership can now receive a nice boost too

Weapon customization......ohhhhh yes....... hmmmm can my brute with the stone hammer/elec armor make it look like a staff/walking stick by any chance? I have a sudden urge to have a costume that looks like a weakling with a cane, then use a costume macro to change into brute mode with hammer in hand.....



Weapon Cust... I'm so happy I could toungue-kiss all the DEVs right now... err... um... in a manly sorted guy way thingy... err...

... Did I say that outloud?

I'll... be going now. Hooray fo Issue 11 ::runs::

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This was my reaction as well. Though I'll not run away. This is HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT.

I'm nearly teary-eyed with joy.

♦ Founding Member, Forum Host of the Pinnacle RP Congress ♦ The Joke is: 435 Alts and Counting!)
Penny Arcade Expo (PAX Prime) Enforcer (2005-present) - NCSoft Gold Assistant (2007-2008) ♦ Child's Play!



All I can say is I love you Devs!!!



OK how about customizing my henchmen colors if I am a Mastermind.
Its states "Current power sets that benefit from this upgrade include Assault Rifle, Mercenaries/Assault Rifle, Bow, Broadsword, Claws, Villain Claws, Dual Blades (see below), Katana, Ninja Blade, Mace, Robotics/Pulse Rifle, and Thugs/Dual Pistols"
Why would they specifically say the primary for those MM ATs?



OK how about customizing my henchmen colors if I am a Mastermind.
Its states "Current power sets that benefit from this upgrade include Assault Rifle, Mercenaries/Assault Rifle, Bow, Broadsword, Claws, Villain Claws, Dual Blades (see below), Katana, Ninja Blade, Mace, Robotics/Pulse Rifle, and Thugs/Dual Pistols"
Why would they specifically say the primary for those MM ATs?

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Because of the direct attack powers in the MM primaries (Your Thugs MM could probably get revolvers as well as automatics, etc.)



Please let there be meat cleavers like the Morts have for dual wielding. I would love to make a brute with dual meat cleavers!



I normally don't comment on many things but this issue just looks so good that I can't help it. I can't wait for this issue and it's by far my most anticipated one yet!!



I wish I could buy the devs a drink... they earned it for this update!!



I would like to put my hat in with InfamousBrad. Weapon customization sounds phenomenal. I believe Battle Axe and War Mace would be interesting candidates for power sets to be ported over to the Brute AT for a wider audience to enjoy this new feature.

As I recall, weapon sets were originally not included for brutes due to a lack of thematic symmetry with the intended design of the AT. After reading some of the new alternative weapon designs, picturing a crazed muscle bound goon wielding a sledgehammer and foaming at the mouth is really peaking my excitement levels to explore these new avenues of customization.

Pentangle - Base Building Engineer

Join the channel - BaseBuildersInc.




Does this mean that, well, since Mastermind pets are actually Masterminds weapons.. will we be able to customize the looks of our pets? Like give them their own costumes?

If so, and you were a woman, and single...

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:




Does this mean that, well, since Mastermind pets are actually Masterminds weapons.. will we be able to customize the looks of our pets? Like give them their own costumes?

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Hmmmmmmmm....picturing my bots receiving face lift/customizations.....



Well, *well* done. I have nothing more to ask for at this time.

Sure, freakishly stylized cartoon child! Never give up!
Strike Force
MArc #39397 - Welcome to Chapter Six
MArc #123195 - Ch6 1.1 - Under White Plains
MArc #202989 - Ch6 1.2 - The Summoning Dark



All of this sounds great! Thanks Cryptic and NCSoft!



I am so happy about the Weapons Customization addition that I think I've become retarded. That's all I got!

"Thank God I'm only watching the game, controlling it!"



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

Announcing the details of the next free expansion coming to City of Heroes, Issue 11: "A Stitch In Time"

Features include:
<ul type="square">[*] Ouroboros System: Gain the ability to "Flashback" and travel through time and relive major events from the history of Paragon City and the rogue Isles.
[*] Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts!
[*] Two New Power Sets: The City of… universe expands with two new amazing power sets: Dual Blades and Willpower!
[*] New Inventions: Issue 11 brings with it new invention sets including “Very Rare” Purple sets, as well as brand new invention sets for Taunt, Buff and Debuff powers, among others.[/list]
For all the details, please visit the Issue 11 Feature Page

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OMG! I am soooo HAPPY with the ENTIRE Announcement! EVERYTHING I AM LOOKING FOWARD TOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now if only I can get lucky and get into the I11 Beta...



weapon customisation, okay so is this like a start in power customisation or something?

i'll be glad if they get the full deal out in I12 or I13.

I think to me I11 is gonna be shaping up very nicely




Edit - This is really cool news.


A start at power customization.

Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

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Story Arcs and Badge missions.

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Does this include Safeguards?



I love you City of Heroes/Development Team. This Bud is for you!



I can see you guys have been busy. The flashback system and the weapon choice changes are very welcome. I am sure they will be hugely popular and have been waited for a long time. Thanks

New inventions for the missing sets, great.

New uber rare recipes that require nothing but rare salvage--that sucks and smells of moneysink plan. This will not solve this problem. It already sucks that the invention system puts level 30 characters in competition with wealthy 45-50 characters that can generate influence at a much greater rate. Its pretty clear that the low level recipes are not worth the electrons and time spent collecting them...wish more tweaking of the invention system was on tap. There are clearly some huge inequities in the market system. What is very clear now is if you don't have the time to spend several hours doing task forces, your shot at obtaining a rare and valued recipe is now pretty small untill you can reach the upper 40s where you can influence farm. Since I have only gotten one level B reward for mission completion after doing many many missions, perhaps that could be fixed?

Maybe one days you guys will understand rare=low probabilty in an MMO is a bad idea. It just encourages farming and rewards time sink playing not accomplishment. It is not distinquishing mark of a veteran but luck + time spent.

if you want rare to be meaningful you limit the amount of copies. Then it is rare....and meaningful.

I think folks are going a bit overboard on this is the best issue since sliced bread. Any nerfs coming with this issue? Will MoG be changed? Will it be easier to get around Perez Park? What are the plans for under utilized zones. I tell you what, you start creating 1.5 hour task forces in the underutized zones, that require only 4 teammembers that mix in instanced and non-instanced content and you might solve two problems at once.

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Always someone around to piss in the Cheerios.