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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    OK how about customizing my henchmen colors if I am a Mastermind.
    Its states "Current power sets that benefit from this upgrade include Assault Rifle, Mercenaries/Assault Rifle, Bow, Broadsword, Claws, Villain Claws, Dual Blades (see below), Katana, Ninja Blade, Mace, Robotics/Pulse Rifle, and Thugs/Dual Pistols"
    Why would they specifically say the primary for those MM ATs?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because of the direct attack powers in the MM primaries (Your Thugs MM could probably get revolvers as well as automatics, etc.)
  2. Thoughts:

    I'm not seeing how Manti and Recluse somehow "missed" the change in timelines. It looks like their backgrounds got messed up as well; although the classified ad implies that people can be exempt from the changes.

    Weren't States and Recluse superpowered even before they became incarnates? Recluse could just be have "average" superpowers, which would still make him a threat.

    These are the possibilities that could happen, from what I've seen.

    Flashback. This seems like a given, with the idea that you didn't make it out of outbreak, or the zig. You can jump in a time machine and do those missions that never happened.

    Zone changes: Talos island becomes a hazard zone, filled with infected. Will this be a change to the zone itself, or just part of mission arcs?

    I really like the idea that you have a TF that involves enabling States and Recluse to become incarnates, thus allowing access to the incarnate AT as well. I think the probability on that is low, but that's just a gut feeling.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    I have only one thing to say about this thread

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    One of us! One of us! One of us! <,<

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    You called?
  4. Necrosis

    Drops II

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    Question: Currently, cashing in 6000 bounty in Siren's Call produces the same option menu as completing a story arc. Is there any chance we could have Siren's bounty as an alternative for Pool B recipes?

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    Sounds good to me.

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    And sounds bad to everyone who doesn't like pvp.

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    If it is exclusive to PvP, yes, that would be bad. However, I don't see it as a problem if it is in addtion to a decent PvE solution.
  5. Here is an updated updated version, with secondary breakout, and a fix to the link to Morcalivan's guide

    -----------------This thread is for posting Guide or FAQ links for Dominators. Please create your guides in the "Player Guides" forum (since posts in that section do not roll off) and link the thread here. Also, do not post your guide in this thread - only the link to your guide. For non-Dominator guides, check the master list of all Guides in the Guide to Guides. Failing any clear identifier from the poster, I will go by the original post date vs. Issue releases (I1: 6/30/04, I2: 9/17/04, I3: 1/5/05, I4: 5/5/05, I5: 9/1/05, I6: 10/28/05,I7: 6/6/06,I8: 11/28/06) - e.g., if it was posted in March/05, it is an I3 Guide. Guides appearing here were gleaned from links posted in one of the "Guide to Guides" threads (the Dominator GtG or the GtG threads in the "Player Guides" forum). We cannot sift through the hundreds of individual threads to find a posting, so be sure to 1) place your guide in the "Player Guides" forum, nowhere else and 2) post a link to it in a "Guide to Guides" thread! DOMINATOR (Be sure to check the Controller section for other guides to your primaries!) ** GENERALFreeform Domination – A Guide to Alternative Tactics (Skysaw64) [I6]How Not to Suck v1.0: A Guide to Domination (Waybreaker) [I6]Veni. Vidi. Vici: The Complete Guide to Domination (Waybreaker) [I6]CONFUSION AND XP/Time (v2)(Enantiodromos )[I6] Hambone's Guide to Dominator Zone PvP(Hambone) [I7]Guide to the Dominator Patron Power Pools (_Brev_)[I7] Comparative Analysis of PBAoE and Ranged AoE Holds (Mystic_Amethyst)[I8] PRIMARIES** PLANT CONTROLEdenfire’s Guide to Plant/Fire Domination (NightSable)[I6]Blood Red Rose guide to Nastiness 2.0 (Plant/Thorn) (Malice)[I6]Guide to Plant/Nrg Dominator (Vertigo_) [I6]Brev's I6 Guide to Plant Domination & Psi Assault (_Brev_) [I6]Plant/Thorns - guide with build and power review (OrphanedHope) [I6] ** FIRE CONTROLanarchy and arson a fire/fire domination guide (Project_O) [I6]Fire/Ice Dominator guide (g33z3r)[I7] ** GRAVITY CONTROLCrow's Messy Guide to Gravity/Energy Domination (Crow) [I6]following in the Black Weaver's Footsteps:A Guide to Gravity/Energy Dominators v1.1 (CaptainSpud)[I6] ** ICE CONTROLA guide to Ice / Fire Domination v2.0(ShrikeX) [I6]Ice/Ice Dominator Guide (Subzero)[I7] ** MIND CONTROLGuide to Mind/Psi Dominator (Vertigo_) [I6] I7 Mind/Energy Guide (Morcalivan7)[I7]The Mezmeron guide to the Mind/Psy dominator (Jupiter_M)[I7]Vid-szhite's Guide to the Mind/Energy Dominator (Vid-szhite)[I7] SECONDARIES**THORNY ASSAULTBlood Red Rose guide to Nastiness 2.0 (Plant/Thorn) (Malice)[I6]Plant/Thorns - guide with build and power review (OrphanedHope) [I6]**ENERGY ASSAULTGuide to Plant/Nrg Dominator (Vertigo_) [I6]Crow's Messy Guide to Gravity/Energy Domination (Crow) [I6]following in the Black Weaver's Footsteps:A Guide to Gravity/Energy Dominators v1.1 (CaptainSpud)[I6] I7 Mind/Energy Guide (Morcalivan7)[I7]Vid-szhite's Guide to the Mind/Energy Dominator (Vid-szhite)[I7]**FIERY ASSAULTEdenfire’s Guide to Plant/Fire Domination (NightSable)[I6]anarchy and arson a fire/fire domination guide (Project_O) [I6]A guide to Ice / Fire Domination v2.0(ShrikeX) [I6]**ICY ASSAULTFire/Ice Dominator guide (g33z3r)[I7]Ice/Ice Dominator Guide (Subzero)[I7]**PSIONIC ASSAULTBrev's I6 Guide to Plant Domination & Psi Assault (_Brev_) [I6]Guide to Mind/Psi Dominator (Vertigo_) [I6]The Mezmeron guide to the Mind/Psy dominator (Jupiter_M)[I7]
  6. Here is an update to the Dominator guide.

    This thread is for posting Guide or FAQ links for Dominators. Please create your guides in the "Player Guides" forum (since posts in that section do not roll off) and link the thread here. Also, do not post your guide in this thread - only the link to your guide. For non-Dominator guides, check the master list of all Guides in the Guide to Guides.

    Failing any clear identifier from the poster, I will go by the original post date vs. Issue releases (I1: 6/30/04, I2: 9/17/04, I3: 1/5/05, I4: 5/5/05, I5: 9/1/05, I6: 10/28/05,I7: 6/6/06,I8: 11/28/06) - e.g., if it was posted in March/05, it is an I3 Guide.

    Guides appearing here were gleaned from links posted in one of the "Guide to Guides" threads (the Dominator GtG or the GtG threads in the "Player Guides" forum). We cannot sift through the hundreds of individual threads to find a posting, so be sure to 1) place your guide in the "Player Guides" forum, nowhere else and 2) post a link to it in a "Guide to Guides" thread!

    DOMINATOR (Be sure to check the Controller section for other guides to your primaries!)

    ** GENERAL
    Freeform Domination – A Guide to Alternative Tactics (Skysaw64) [I6]
    How Not to Suck v1.0: A Guide to Domination (Waybreaker) [I6]
    Veni. Vidi. Vici: The Complete Guide to Domination (Waybreaker) [I6]
    CONFUSION AND XP/Time (v2)(Enantiodromos )[I6]
    Hambone's Guide to Dominator Zone PvP(Hambone) [I7]
    Guide to the Dominator Patron Power Pools (_Brev_)[I7]
    Comparative Analysis of PBAoE and Ranged AoE Holds (Mystic_Amethyst)[I8]
    Edenfire’s Guide to Plant/Fire Domination (NightSable)[color=”lightgreen”][I6][/color]
    Blood Red Rose guide to Nastiness 2.0 (Plant/Thorn) (Malice)[I6]
    Guide to Plant/Nrg Dominator (Vertigo_) [I6]
    Brev's I6 Guide to Plant Domination & Psi Assault (_Brev_) [I6]
    Plant/Thorns - guide with build and power review (OrphanedHope) [I6]

    anarchy and arson a fire/fire domination guide (Project_O) [I6]
    Fire/Ice Dominator guide (g33z3r)[I7]

    Crow's Messy Guide to Gravity/Energy Domination (Crow) [I6]
    following in the Black Weaver's Footsteps:A Guide to Gravity/Energy Dominators v1.1 (CaptainSpud)[I6]

    A guide to Ice / Fire Domination v2.0(ShrikeX) [I6]
    Ice/Ice Dominator Guide (Subzero)[I7]

    Guide to Mind/Psi Dominator (Vertigo_) [I6]
    I7 Mind/Energy Guide (Morcalivan7)[I7]
    The Mezmeron guide to the Mind/Psy dominator (Jupiter_M)[I7]
    Vid-szhite's Guide to the Mind/Energy Dominator (Vid-szhite)[I7]


    Return to the foul grave from whence you spawned!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    well triangles are just a representation of the jump from -4 to -49

    If AV"s had a 12 or 16 mag .. and that was it. they would be hard to hold, but doable when multiple holders stacked. This SHOULD be fine...

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    The problem is, then, that a single dominator has the same lack of contribution... If they can only - mayby - hold the AV for 10 seconds with domination for the duration of the fight, it is actually worse than triangles.

    I can sort of see the point of the triangles, which allow a single mezzer to mezz an AV for a part of the fight, but not lock him down completely. But with the inordinantly high status protection from the triangles, multiple mezzers become redundant.

    My opinion: Keep the triangles, heck, keep the max value what it is, but have the mez strength ramp up and down in incrememts, not all at once; so a single mezzer can keep him held for 33% of the time, two can keep him out for 50%, until you get to a team of, say, 6, where even with them at full force, they can be locked down completely.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I suggest everyone go out and enjoy this as long as possible, because I predict it's gunna go away fast. If it doesn't, go out and enjoy it anyways

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    Just got it for the first time last night, soloing, no less.

    I was doing a Rikti mission, and used seeds on several guardians to get AM triple stacked.

    BOOM BOOM BOOM, went the Dom.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    This is exactly the arguement that I used for getting mezz protection for Doms in PvP. Make 2 lists. One for all the AT/Power Sets that can Hold or Stun. Second All the AT's/Power Sets that can buff a Dom so that we can effectively go into melee range to use the one big advantage that we have (Toggle Dropping). Which is Longer by far?

    This also doesn't take into account the abundance of mezz producing minions in the PvE 40+ game. Yet, I get shoot down everytime by others.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm generally pretty happy with the state of doms, but I agree that some form of status protection would not be out of line. I was fighting an Inv/EM tank a number of times in RV last night, and kept getting dropped. And no wonder why, the tank had:

    Way more HP
    Way better defenses
    Mez protection
    Better damage
    Status effects in secondary
    Ranged attacks (With knockdown) from EPP.

    I don't think it is unreasonable at all to say that, with our lowest damage output for any meleeing class, that we get some form of status protection to enable us to survive for a longer period of time.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Based on your comments, I take it you don't play doms in PvP....

    There is still a very real issue with health levels and mez protection (especially when compared to Controllers).

    No, I agree that a nudge in the right direction has occured, but to say we are good now is definitely an overstatement.

    Glad its your final post on the subject.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've seen Dr. A. a lot in RV, and he does well, but I agree with you, I think we're still too dependant on what sort of buffs we can get to make a meaningful contribution. The increase in melee damage means nothing if we are still 2 or 3 shotted by a scrapper, or stunned by a tank.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    My understanding was that dominators already had mini-containment. Do they not have X2 base damage on held foes in pvp and pve?

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    <Shakes head emphatically.>

    No Containment. No mini-containment. They do not do 2 X base damage in PvE and PvP.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wouldn't that just be.. neat?

    2X containment for PvP, and I would never complain about anything again.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    The first key I found in the zone (near the zone-in and Police Department) didn't give me a waypoint on the map or on the compass.

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    The key that doesn't show up is the one that allows you to free the prisoner.

    I liked that stalker. I watched her finish Citadel after he went MOG on me and killed me deader than Elvis.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh baby. This is good news. Now all they need to do is buff ranged to 70% and all damage complaints should cease. I'm celebrating right now. This is a step in the right direction!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic or not.

    While this might be of some marginal use in PvE (will have to test to see if I notice a difference) it does nothing to ameliorate PvP survivability issues.
  15. Through either primaries, secondaries, or EPPs, every Hero AT (apart from Khelds, and I'm only sure about warshades) has access to a ranged hold. I had several fights in RV last night that went like this:

    Me: Hit scrapper with hold, reduce his mez protection by a third
    Him: Hits me with hold - held
    Him: smacketasmacketa crit pow
    Me: <dies>

    Even with domination active, against a melee class, it can (and did) play out that way.

    While the shields in the PPPs are a nod to increased survivability, with the prevalence of mez capabilities amongst heroes, they are almost useless in PvP. What good are my shields there if everybody and her brother can drop them with a mez? I still think that the PPP shields should have some mez protection.

    What do people think of the idea that, in PvP, the mez strength during domination is increased so that a single application can break an unbuffed melee status protection?

    I'm familiar with the mantra "PvP isn't balanced for 1-on-1" but I still think that my success should not have to be dependant on there being villains with two secondaries willing and able to buff me.
  16. I'd like to chime in as well as a villain who had a great time last night.

    I think a lot of the imbalance issues haven't been because of the innate superiority of heroes, but just that, for the first couple of days, at least, there were so many of them. If you were able to take a hammi'd out 50 BS/Regen on the villain side, he'd drop in seconds against those odds.

    Last night we had a much more balanced ratio, and things were great. We even made the zone evil for a few minutes (before Mapserver, of course.) Heck, my dominator was able to survive (thanks for all the shields, friendly corruptors!) and make some heroes lives unhappy, as opposed to being a reputation generating device.

    I'm really torn with I7. There are a number of things that I really want to do, and cannot do them at once. To me, that's a good sign.
  17. Pos, any word on any changes for Dominators?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Also, any other brutes thinking about taking Mako, SIMPLY so they can puke on people?

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    The Bad Cheerleader is so there

    "I think I had too many Bacardi Breezes!!"
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    What up with giving Doms the boss pet in all sets except Mako's? (Corrupters get the Red Coralax boss, Doms get the Blue lieutenant.)

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    The Seers are lts, the Mistresses are bosses, I believe, so Doms will get an LT for GW. I cannot remember if the toxic tarantula is a boss or lt.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    Any beta villains ever invade Paragon? I never had a chance to but I heard some things.

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    CoV beta bug. Clicking exit mission would drop you outside of another version of Atlas Park. You could run for a bit to get into the zone, otherwise you were outside the geometry. You could smack around the thugs and save citizens, but those damn police drones would zap you back to Mercy.

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    The only thing you couldn't do, if you could avoid the drones, was get missions from the contacts. You could get exploration badges (although I believe they were villain versions, someone help me out?) You could use the trains, level, etc.
  21. My impression is that he means power sets, but I could be wrong.
  22. Mine was having my Plant/Thorn dominator jumped by a DM/Regen scrapper. I think he was a 29 to my 35. Anyway, I dropped my spirit tree and creeper patch, and started going toe-to-toe with this guy. I kept knocking his toggles off, and then holding him. He'd pop a breakfree, and attack. That would take me down to about a quarter health, but then I would have held him again, and the tree's healing would top me off by the next time he got free.

    I got to use Domination against him twice, but by the end of it, I was up, and he was down.

    I had to leave Siren's right after that; what could I do to top that?

    edit: Whoops, I realized this is the stalker forums. Still, is my favorite PvP moment, no matter the AT.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm a lemming. A LEMMING, I SAY!!!

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    Over the edge! CANNONBALL!
  24. Necrosis

    Ten Tracks

    Let's see what I've got for friday...

    1. Feotus - A Prayer for my Death
    2. Nick Cave - The Mercy Seat
    3. PJ Harvey - Rid of Me
    4. NIN - Wish
    5. Birthday Party - King Ink
    6. Negativland - Gun and the Bible
    7. Crash Worship - Wild Mountain (showed up last time, try again)
    7a. Coal Chamber - Loco
    8. MC 900 ft. Jesus - Truth is out of Style
    9. Geraldine Fibbers - Outside of Town
    10. Warlock Pinchers - Morrisey Rides a Cockhorse
  25. Necrosis

    Ten Tracks

    [ QUOTE ]

    10 - The Devil Went Down to Georgia - Charlie Daniels Band

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    This pretty much sums up my thoughts about that song...