26 -
I missed out the last time you all done this. So if you are planning another run post it on the LB/LFA MotD so I know to be online and ready!
I have serveral toons I can bring to help, Empath/Thermal MM/Stone Tank/Scrapper.
However I guess you'll want my Earth/Empathy controller that I usually bring to hero side Hami raids since it fills 2 roles.
As far as time, evening/night would be good for me :-) -
8PM est tonight huh?
Well I think I can bring my Ice/Rad controller Sick Ice again. Or I'll bring my Ele/Shield brute Bud Shields to help kill the spawns quicker. -
OK 3 trials all getting the Storm/purple AV and 3 failures.
This trial is not worth attempting until they fix the AV. Succuess in the trial should not be determined by luck of getting the red AV.
All that work and time for nothing... what a waste of time. -
I'll be using Sick Ice my Ice/Rad controller to lead team 5. -
I can make it for Sat 13th at 7PM.
So should I bring the Ice/Rad troller or something else? -
My SG runs a weekly team on Thrusday nights at 8:30 PM so if we start on time at 7PM est then I can make this one.
I have many toons to bring, but I think a debuffer like my Ice/Rad controller would be most useful.
Toons I can bring to help out:
Ice/Rad Controller
Stone/Stone Tank
Earth/Empathy Controller
Kin/Psi Defender
more if needed... -
No the FF Proc is global 100% recharge boost for 10 seconds.
The main reason to go with Ele/SD is for LR+SC and the other AoEs. Your a big team brute to help clear the mobs while the others take out the boss/EB/AV -
I love my Electric/Shield Brute for one reason, Lightning Rod and Shield Charge combo!
It's like having a blaster nuke and with enough LotG +Recharge and sets you can use it on every mob. Plus with all the AoEs it's great on big teams and TFs like ITF/LGTF with lots of mobs.
The only downside is that you'll have to wait til the mid-30s before you'll really have fun (like with a Stone brute).
So I recommend it :-) -
Every toon is a badge toon... just some have more than others :-)
I'd go Ele/Shield for the Lightning Rod/Sheild Charge combo!
Lots of fun there, the best Brute nuke in the game! -
You can lower the Auto-Demote time to 15 days and get him demoted then you should get the Leader rank provided your at the General rank or the most recently logged in. Then once you get the Leader rank you can set the Auto-Demotion time back to 45 days.
Thank You Posi for a great explaination of the how and why the badge was removed. Also Thanks for putting the badge back in!
You SHOULD get badge credit for crafting base salvage into brainstorms! It's still crafting and it's not an exploit. The Devs make mistakes and this is one of them.
I'm holding onto my base salvage in hope that this nerf is undone! -
The Vengeance, Fallout, and Mutate is a beautiful thing when you can pull it off (the toon dies outside the group or the toon uses a wakie or someone else rez'ed them before you can). but when you do pull it off it's awesome!
This is better when playing with PUGs since it seems like PUG teams die more than SG/Coalition teams.
On a LRSF where the Heroes usually kill someone you'll get some use out of it.
It would have been better if someone with Self Destruction could be used... -
I like the kill Romie 4 times way the best. It's simpler for PUGs to understand and trying to figure out which nictus is which is a pain if you lose track.
Just remember to break LOS after each kill or you'll get stunned. -
I found that just killing Romulus 4 times was simplier. The times I done this where the team trys to take out one of the Nictus AVs first, we could find the right one or we couldn't damage it fast enough.
Also make sure you have a Kin on the team beacuse the Nictus have slows in their attacks and therefore lowering the team DPS.
Also if your team is having trouble (especially if your on a PUG team) having some Warburg Rockets will make it alot easier. A Vanguard Heavy pet is also good, but a Shivan less so. -
Traps: my first MM used traps. Traps is hands-down the most uneven MM secondary: some powers are very good, and some are very bad. I'll post a quickie guide to Traps later.
Bad Traps powers??? What Triage Beacon because it's a regen buff and placed? Or Detonator because of the long recharge and losing a pet?
Personally I take all the trap powers if I can, but all those powers are useful. But the two listed above can be skipped if you need drop something.
Detonator is the only MM nuke and is alot of fun to show off with on big teams. (pop some red insps on the big pet before you blow them up to take out all the minions/Lts) -
I can click all the stones in the last mission solo. So that saves time porting people to clear mobs around the stones to click them. But I'm an expert stealther though :-)
The best time I've done this was like 35 min. But we were not going for a record though. Also we never tried to soft-load the missions either (now immpossible to do unless people quit the SF). -
There are no stupid questions... Just stupid people :-) -
Humm... will this make the City Info Terminal web site obsolite? Maybe not, since this won't tell you what badges your missing. But I like that this is getting implemented (always wondered where the web page was... It doesn't exist!).
They should just make the CoP a normal TF that you get from the base computer like Silver Mantis SF on the villian side. No need to have the entire SG in one TF. It would have been cool, but if there are too many problems getting it to work that way then go back to what we know works.
I like to do the CoP trial sometime in my lifetime :-) -
WOW this issue maybe the best one yet...
I hope they'll have Statesman and Lord Recluse IO sets now? -
They gotta add some more SFs for villians! We need a SF for lvls 30 to 35 and 40 to 45.
I love doing the TFs/SFs and that fact that villians have only 5 total while heroes have what 10+? Time for villians to get some love! -
I could live with MoG as it is now if they added Psi and AoE defense to it. Yea the not able to heal sucks but the Psi/AoE holes are what get you killed most of the time. Maybe even up the cap from 70% to 85 or 90% since we lost most of our HP.