Do hardcore badgers have OCD?
not diagnosed on only 1 badge hunter toon
I only have one badge hunting toon. The rest I could care less.
Just a question, wondering everyone's thoughts on this. If you feel you need every badge on one or more of your toons I'd like to know your thoughts as I don't quite understand the behavior.
Thanks in advance for your time,... and if you so desire flame on! ;P
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By the same token, i'd say a lot of the "casuals" in this game are pretty much OCD about playing the game "as intended" to the point of deriding or outright badmouthing any other playstyle.
Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!
Arc ID 58363!
LMAO,... touche Cavatina.
I suggest that if you did a bit of research into what OCD actually is you'd realize that there really is no comparison.
I do have a minor case of OCD and feel the need to get all the badges on my main toons, which at this point is 4 of them. Granted I don't do as much work as I could to get them, but I always feel the need to have more.
I suggest that if you did a bit of research into what OCD actually is you'd realize that there really is no comparison.
[/ QUOTE ] This.
Just a question, wondering everyone's thoughts on this. If you feel you need every badge on one or more of your toons I'd like to know your thoughts as I don't quite understand the behavior.
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We do, because we can, and because we want. Why do you level a toon? Because you can, and because you want. Why do I have a badge toon? Because I can, and because I want.
Does that mean I'll make a toon, and go through every explore badge and kill badge, in order, to satisfy a compulsion? No. That's somewhat closer to what OCD actually is, however.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

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Not OCD, its just good to be good at something.
Of course we have OCD. Although it ranges from very mild to extreme. Getting more badges than the average player indicates a very mild level while getting all the badges as soon as they come out indicates an extreme case.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
I tend to feel the need to find every unlockable in every game I play, until another game comes and distracts me from it. I'm the same way in CoH as I am with Xbox 360 games and their (useless) Achievements. Generally, I will play an Xbox game to death, until a new game comes out and I begin the process anew. Once I've been removed from the need to get all Achievements on a certain game, I rarely go back to hunting them on that game.
Since CoH is the only MMO I'm enrolled in (and it'll stay that way at least until DC Universe Online is released--not a fan of what I've seen from Champs so far) and that they update it fairly frequently, I'm drawn back to it regularly.
I don't have to get every badge on every character, but I do feel a compulsion to earn them all on both my main hero and main villain. Every badge earned on an alt is just a nice little bonus.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
By the same token, i'd say a lot of the "casuals" in this game are pretty much OCD about playing the game "as intended" to the point of deriding or outright badmouthing any other playstyle.
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As for the OP: Of course some of the badgers have OCD to varying degrees, just as some non-badgers do. However, a desire to collect badges, even ALL of them, doesn't mean that the player in question actually has OCD. A person can become very focused and goal-oriented without having the actual disorder. That isn't what having OCD is about.
I suggest that if you did a bit of research into what OCD actually is you'd realize that there really is no comparison.
[/ QUOTE ] This.
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Though I have only one toon that I semi-actively hunt badges on I have no issue with how someone else wants to enjoy the game. Why do you?
Though I have only one toon that I semi-actively hunt badges on I have no issue with how someone else wants to enjoy the game. Why do you?
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Because if you havent noticed a large portion of the "casual" players on the forums are extremely lazy wannabe hardcore players with a horrifically amazing ability for denial.
Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!
Arc ID 58363!
Just a question, wondering everyone's thoughts on this. If you feel you need every badge on one or more of your toons I'd like to know your thoughts as I don't quite understand the behavior.
Thanks in advance for your time,... and if you so desire flame on! ;P
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Anyone who is qualified to make that diagnosis would face some serious ethics charges for making it based on such flimsy evidence.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
Just a question, wondering everyone's thoughts on this. If you feel you need every badge on one or more of your toons I'd like to know your thoughts as I don't quite understand the behavior.
Thanks in advance for your time,... and if you so desire flame on! ;P
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Anyone who is qualified to make that diagnosis would face some serious ethics charges for making it based on such flimsy evidence.
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I see I'm not the only one taking psychology classes >_>
Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!
Arc ID 58363!
I can stop badge hunting! I swear... I will tomorrow.
First Of The Year
Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
But then you wouldn't get these.... Badges!badges!badges!
I can stop badge hunting! I swear... I will tomorrow.
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In fact, I'd stop today if there was a badge for it ....
I suggest that if you did a bit of research into what OCD actually is you'd realize that there really is no comparison.
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Correct, but I do wonder if there's some other pathology there.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
OCD, nah, definately a big no.. I'm CDO about badges.
I mean, I'd be OCD except I HAVE TO PUT THE LETTERS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER DANGIT, you *CAN'T just leave them *JUMBLED* like that!
COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation

Collecting badges is part of the game.
'Nuff said.
Just a question, wondering everyone's thoughts on this. If you feel you need every badge on one or more of your toons I'd like to know your thoughts as I don't quite understand the behavior.
Thanks in advance for your time,... and if you so desire flame on! ;P