Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




*sniff sniff* . . . power customization, i think im going to cry


and this time travel deal sounds really cool too, cant wait for release




This...is...just...so...awesomely awesome! Too...much...to...

*faints from giddiness*



My faith in them won't be justified until I see total power customization --not just weapons.



well, someone has to be first... looks like it will be me. i11 does not get my juices going. yeah, the flashback system will be great. other than that... bleh first.. STILL no COP. second.. RARER DROPS!!! u mean even more rare than the LOTG set that costs roughly 100 mil if you can't get one to drop (i have gotten all the wings at least once; even a few clearity +stealth; and one aegis psi status res... not one LOTG yet) i can only hope that this is a sign from the devs that they are working on the aformentioned COP and will have it up in the near future. third.. instead of making villian kelds (or whatever) the devs decided to make 2 new powersets completely from scratch. granted these sets will be open to both sides, but still... i do intend to make a willpower tank. looking forward to it really, but it seems to me that there are other more pressing issues that could have been addressed. guess there is always i12

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I guess you can count me in the "meh" group too. In fact, I gotta say this is the first time playing in nearly two years that I'm not excited about an upcoming expansion...proof positive that you can't please everyone all the time.

To wit, I was hoping that Dual Blades and Willpower were only two of SEVERAL different power sets coming out, and frankly I don't find Dual Blades all that exciting. The "Flashback" system IS something that's been asked about for quite a while, so it's nice we've finally gotten it, but I've already bought in to the Dev mindset of "Alts Are Good" in order to experience all the content through different characters.

Weapon Customization? Er, ALSO nice, but I don't have a lot of weapon based characters so I'm not thrilled there either. The wife, on the other hand, with her Katana scrapper, seems quite interested.

Though I have to say that the new IOs for Buffs/Debuffs are a good thing.

Like I said, can't please everyone everytime. Most folks commenting seem to be ecstatic, and I'm ALWAYS happy to get more updates and upgrades...these just weren't really the droids I was looking for.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



QR: As soon as i read weapon customization i started looking forward to I-11 a lot more. I like scrappers and use a lot of weapons so ill be using that a lot. Thanks to Flashback ill be teaming more because i can just go back and get badges that i miss. So to me this issue is great

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



I'm more concerned about the following:

If the flashback system is based on time-travel, will the flashback system allow you to...


It would only seem logical. If you're going back in time, you could stop yourself from picking say, Captain Mako, and instead choose Ghost Widow as your Patron. You could run their arcs and everything, then u could respec into their pools that you really wanted.

If this is true, then i11=great sex.

If not, then i11=avg no feeling sex

Which are both great depending on who you are

Current Projects:
Arbiter Chaos-lvl 43 Bane Spider
DivineStorm-lvl 35 fire/storm Corr
TerrorGash- lvl 32 axe/elec brute
Elemental Distortion MAarc ID: 18525



OMG! This is gonna sooo rock!!!! Yeehaw!

Flashback! Weapons! Powersets! More crafting!


This gonna be best issue EVER!

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




I9, I10, I11 -- it just keeps getting better. Keep up the good work, devs!

One minor issue though. I wonder if Flashback will kill altoholism, which is a great strength of CoX..

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



A Stitch in Time sure is bringing the Awesome up to 11!

It's !MoooooD -tastic



LOL how much were you guys paid to gush so much about this.

Ultra Rare Inventions - oh joy, just want we needed /sarcasm
New Invention types - yay!
Customised Weapons - Going to skew people to certain sets, other will feel left out.
New powersets - yay!
Flashbacks - My one huge problem with this issue. First, now everyone can do everything, which cheapens the fact that some peeps worked hard the first time around, and defeats the point that each alt takes a different path to 50, picking and choosing contacts.

However, BY FAR the most important worry for me is this:

"Heroes and Villains also use the Ouroboros System to return to story arcs that they may have missed and replay hundreds of missions from earlier in the game. Players will even get to set mission parameters for these missions to earn special badges."

My main/badge character has completed every mission for every contact she was ever offered. She has precisely zero non-full contact bars.

Please tell me that this does not disqualify her from using flashbacks and collecting the new badges?

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



I'm happy about all this stuff, but my Thugs/Poison MM is approaching level 40 (still 32, I think ahead) and I'm not so sure I'll be picking the carbon copy powers of the very weak Patron Power Pools, which I recall Positron saying in an interview were "more powerful than hero APPs because the change is permanent and cannot be respecced out of". If changing patrons through flashback is a cheap cop-out to avoid actually buffing the PPPs themselves, and instead giving a weird 'never taking a patron in the first place' scenario, I'm just gonna say this: Band-aid on a bullet wound. Finish the surgery by actually fixing them and allowing flashback for respeccing and I'll be happy.

I'm not a negative person, I just hate it when people say things and then do something else.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



Going back to my question about why we would go back in time from a story standpoint, what if the reason why Recluse is looking for the Destined One is partially because of what the Fortunas saw in the future and partially because he knows the Destined One somehow helped him rise to power in the first place?

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




"Heroes and Villains also use the Ouroboros System to return to story arcs that they may have missed

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That they MAY have missed.

Please tell me that this does not disqualify her from using flashbacks and collecting the new badges?

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Why should it? Flashback doesn't limit you to those missions that you DID miss. It allows you to do old missions, including ones that you MAY HAVE missed.

And here's the clincher:

and replay hundreds of missions from earlier in the game

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You can't replay a mission unless you've already played it.



Ok I am completely stoked about issue 11 just like everyone else. I haven't played in 3-4 months, but I'm coming back for this.

Couple of remarks......I read the alternate weapons will be unlocked from badges. Like kill 50 recaps for the redcap daggers, or 50 mooks for the tommygun. Making me wait till I'm a high enough level to goto Croatoa to get the daggers sucks. Are there even Redcaps in CoV? The recent Vangaurd peices are great IMO, but having to wait till 35 to get em is horrible. Costume peices and now weapon customization offers no advantage and is only for making you character exactly how you want him/her to be. Please figure out a way to make this stuff all available by lvl 10 at the latest. It just doesn't make sense for a character with a concept based on Vangaurd armor or Redcap knifes to go thru 75% of the game without those items. ( Vet reward costume peices should be selectable also, like being able to select boxing gear before kilts and so on)

Secondly, now that the whole "brute can't use weapons" crap is no more, can we PLEASE get the mace and axe? maybe the broadsword? They fit a brute way better than a hero anyway.



Couple of remarks......I read the alternate weapons will be unlocked from badges.

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No, SOME of the alternate weapons will be unlocked from badges.



"Heroes and Villains also use the Ouroboros System to return to story arcs that they may have missed

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That they MAY have missed.

Please tell me that this does not disqualify her from using flashbacks and collecting the new badges?

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Why should it? Flashback doesn't limit you to those missions that you DID miss. It allows you to do old missions, including ones that you MAY HAVE missed.

And here's the clincher:

and replay hundreds of missions from earlier in the game

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You can't replay a mission unless you've already played it.

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I knews I could count on Sadako

Okay so this system is going to work a bit like an advanced difficulty setting I think. Like somthing from the old Goldeneye game or Forbidden Siren. You can go back, make the missions harder, and get new badges for winning under more difficult conditions?

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Well, I have been watching the boards and reading all the negative comments about the new power sets. (with the advent of the invention system, regen still needs a serious nerf) I think alot of people on the boards owe an apology to the devs. It seems I11 may included alot more than we anticipated, and I for one am pretty excited about this new issue.



One minor issue though. I wonder if Flashback will kill altoholism, which is a great strength of CoX..

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That occurred to me too. Though allowing Server moves and such might be a sign that the Devs realize that a lot of us with Altism have either filled our favorite servers or have acheived multiple level 50's that we rather keep playing.

I never thought Flashback would happen in a million years and it wasn't something I was itching to have. The upside though is the realization that I can run my Level 50 through any new low level zones they make without needing to exemplar.




One minor issue though. I wonder if Flashback will kill altoholism, which is a great strength of CoX..

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I don't know about everyone else, but my main reason for Altoholism is being able to use each powerset, and being able to make multiple concept toons, not to get each badge spread out on every toon or to just hit every single mission possible in the game.

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



A major past event I'd really want to visit...

Help save Marcus Cole (Hero) Corrupt (can't remember his real name) (Villain):

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Stefan Richter, I think you mean.

Also, now I'm going to have to reroll Captain Paramount, AGAIN, to make him a Willpower Tanker. Thanks a lot, devs, giving us new powers and making us reroll characters! How dare you?

Note: Levels of sarcasm in this post may be unsuitable for pregnant women and the elderly. Consult your doctor before reading.




My family and I (all avid CoX players) went into excited fits of happiness and joy! We danced! We cheered! We immediately jumped online to learn more!

This exceeds i10, which I thought was simply the best issue ever!

The weapons customization was a complete shock! I did not expect this and am completely giddy with jubilant jumping in getting the Frankengun et al to a proper QoL level! EXTREME KUDOS AND A HUGE BEAR HUG TO ALL DEVS FOR THIS!

The whole "flashback" idea is obviously one of the most requested forum items and being a comic book fanatic, I am truly excited to do my own time-traveling as a hero/villain (especially to go back and get those badges and finish story arcs I had no clue about when I started!)! The storyline premise also screams of "awesome plot" content!

For the new powerset, I am not a big swords fan for heroes. I am, however excited about the combinations! This will bring a whole new level of excitement to character play! SMART MOVE ON THE COMBOS!

I would REALLY hope that in the next few issues that Swords become a staple in the villain powersets; it is long overdue.

Willpower = kudos; nicely done!

Very rare invention salvage = next logical step in inventions; glad to see this perpetuating.

In summary,







Oh, something else, too. To people complaining that the Ouroboros System is not for old missions/going back in time to ancient battles - it's both, if you're observant enough.



I'm totally against Purple enhancers...hell, it's hard enough getting the current rare recipes let alone those things...the only good that could come of them is people not wanting the other rares because they wanna get purples.



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

Announcing the details of the next free expansion coming to City of Heroes, Issue 11: "A Stitch In Time"

Features include:
<ul type="square">[*] Ouroboros System: Gain the ability to "Flashback" and travel through time and relive major events from the history of Paragon City and the rogue Isles.
[*] Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts!
[*] Two New Power Sets: The City of… universe expands with two new amazing power sets: Dual Blades and Willpower!
[*] New Inventions: Issue 11 brings with it new invention sets including “Very Rare” Purple sets, as well as brand new invention sets for Taunt, Buff and Debuff powers, among others.[/list]
For all the details, please visit the Issue 11 Feature Page

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Awesome! Finallly the ability to finish old missions!

As for the weapon customizations, will we be able to have like animal claws? Particularly I have a villain that is a werewolf (Claws/Regen Stalker) and I'd love for her to have actual claws instead of just black knives mounted on her forearms.



I agree with NerfedAgain, and DollyMistress in the fact that "weapon customization" will again leave certain builds out of all the fun. I do understand that it would take lots and lots of coding to be able to do "power customization", but one big release would satisfy all parties. Not all of us have toons with weapons. We would love to create a blue fireball, have black Granite armor, or even change the powder blue color on the decoys!

Don't get me wrong please! I think the Devs do an awesome job with the game, making this the only mmorg that I have any interest in playing! I just felt that I needed to crawl out from under my rock to voice my opinion.