Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




I'm totally against Purple enhancers...hell, it's hard enough getting the current rare recipes let alone those things...the only good that could come of them is people not wanting the other rares because they wanna get purples.

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So don't get them if you don't want them. My characters dont' SUFFER because they don't have Numina's Convalescence +Regen. Would I love for every one of my characters to have it slotted in Health? Sure. Doesn't mean I will suffer if I don't.



I agree with NerfedAgain, and DollyMistress in the fact that "weapon customization" will again leave certain builds out of all the fun. I do understand that it would take lots and lots of coding to be able to do "power customization", but one big release would satisfy all parties. Not all of us have toons with weapons. We would love to create a blue fireball, have black Granite armor, or even change the powder blue color on the decoys!

Don't get me wrong please! I think the Devs do an awesome job with the game, making this the only mmorg that I have any interest in playing! I just felt that I needed to crawl out from under my rock to voice my opinion.

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Gotta love how there's always people to crawl out of the woodwork to scream "NOT ENOUGH!" when something new is added. You think they are going to do weapon customizations, then that's it? Power customizations will be next. Might not be issue 12, might not be issue 13, but it will come too.



Well, weapon customization is nice... but it's still not really any content for my 7 lvl 50's.

No thanks... both accounts are cancelled in 2 days.

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You missed the fact the in the Feature announcement that there were details of brand new missions. But I doubt that matters to you. Bye!

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WTH!?!?! NO EPICS?!?!

QUIET MORON, they're giving us EVERYTHING else...



Aww, well, screw the Epics then. This is gonna kick serious [censored]!!!



In response to the many coomplaints about not being able to come out with customizable powers at the same time as customizable weapons, from Zombie_Man's post

Does this mean color customization for all powers?

No. Not for all *powers* but for certain *weapons*. Colorizing the texture on the hilt of a sword is very different from colorizing the thousands of particles in a power. When Back Alley Brawler described how difficult it would be to code customization into powers, his examples revolved around the powers with particle effects, not weapons with polygons. If customization is coming for powers (if!), it's still a ways off.

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Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



Posi, just wanted to find out if Epic's for Villains will be in this one or not? Looks like not, so when might we see them? Thanks

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The first Feature announcement of a new issue almost always has a complete list of major features. Since EATs were not mentioned, then we can safely be sure they won't be in I11.

Of course, we been told they're working on it and that there's an overall plan to Issues 9-13. So, I'm fairly certain if I read my Devs correctly (and I often do) that EATs will be here by the second issue of next year (summer '08). But, just a guess on my part.

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My input on this is as follows.

Anyone remember that video of a kid flipping out because he got a Nintendo 64 for Christmas? ("OMG NINTENDO 64!!!!!")

Take that, replace the kid with me, and have me screaming "OMG ISSUE 11!!!!!"

NCSoft will be getting no more of my money and my GW2 purchase was halted the day of the announcement. I'm a loyal and very profitable customer. I hope to return to giving them all of my money, should CoH survive.



Hm.....ok Flashback means we get examplared/malfactored down to make the missions challenging....

...but since we are jumping back in time to a point before IO's existed, do the normal effects of Exemping still apply to IO's and their bonuses, or will all IO bonuses and powers be nullified while we are timewarped?

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Don't count on a revamping of the Exemplaring code. Too time consuming and too likely to cause unforeseen bugs elsewhere. I give this a likelihood of less than 1%.

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This is amazing, I hope it works as well as we all hope



I have just one question...or more like begging...

For those new skins of weapons...is it possible to have it so only one toon has to unlock it, for it to be assessible to all your other toons?

I ask this because, I'd love to actually start out a new hero with the skin I choose, rather than go 35 lvls (for say vanguard claws)...to get the right amount of merits, to get my concept right.

I REALLY HOPE this is the case...cuz if so, I might have to make ANOTHER Claws scrapper...and if those Rikti Swords look as cool as I think they will...OH YEAH!!! (Especially if I can Dual Wield them )

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The only times I can think of that an in-game power or costume reward was given an an account wide basis is the purchasing of special editions and in the veteran's rewards. Everything else is on a character by character basis. So... you can pretty much count on unlockable weapon choices being a character by character deal and not account wide, unless, it's part of a Vet Reward.

This applies only for *unlockable* weapon choices. We'll have an initial list of standard choices available for all toons from character creation onward.

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Well, I for one have a Nintendo 64...but I guess I'll stop playing it in anticipation of Issue 11!



The ONLY thing that I think could make this better would be epic villain archetypes.
Purple sets, oh boy!
Also, I agree with The_Choice and Bohmfalk; no real danger of it killing altism because most people play their alts to experiment with new power sets, not to re-experiance game play. I know that's why my boyfriend and I roll alts. Actually, that's why *I* roll alts, he rolls them to keep mine company. If it does kill it it won't be a problem because all the people who used to roll a million alts will just put all their efforts into making their existing toons as powerful as they can be.



Another point on why Altoholism will still be with us....they just came out with 2 new powersets for 4 different ATs. And they're not done yet. Imagine the possibilities!

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



Hooray for just about everything, EXCEPT...

Oh, dear god, please, not MORE of those execrable cutscenes!!!

Please, please, please, NO MORE CUTSCENES!

The animation is lame, the dialogue is insufferably awful and the interruption is incredibly aggravating... it's like getting stuck watching commercial TV before TiVo!

But the "acting" is... is... oh, lord, it's just the WORST DIALOGUE EVER... "But Bossssssssss... what about usssssss Ssssnakesssss and our dissssabling lissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssps?"

And it all goes downhill from there.

Please, please, PLEASE, give us the option to disable cutscenes!



If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



- New Power Sets
Pales in comparison to my excitement over the other features.
OK dual blades will look cool, but I've always disliked weapons for the time/delay in pulling them out every, every, every, every, every time after using a non-weapon power (yes I can time them better in the order I use them, but it still irritates the crud outta me).

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Drawn weapons have a longer animation time than other weapons, but it is made up for with higher initial ACC.

The drawing and sheathing of weapons adds nothing to the animation time of attacking. If you already have your weapon out, you will still have the same amount of 'rootedness' in the animation attack time. If you watch carefully, you'll see that if you attack with your weapon already out, there will be a slight pause at the end of the attack animation in which you can do nothing (you are 'rooted'). That amount of time is exactly equal to the time of drawing your weapon. If your weapon was not already drawn, you go through the animation of drawing and attacking and there is no pause at the end.

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Going back and doing missions and badges you need is definately cool, however I'm hoping, and maybe putting to much in the stock of the newspaper articles and this statement below:

Ouroboros System: Gain the ability to "Flashback" and travel through time and relive major events from the history of Paragon City and the rogue Isles.

That maybe we can travel back in time, to the past when the city was different, like a mission to the old Faultline or maybe Brickstown with 5th Column standing on the street corners instead of Council. Doubt it though. Of course I'm assuming these would be outdoor missions only kindof thing.

Also still hoping for Baseball Bat for my Mace Tanker



First of all, this post is a "quick reply" and is not in response to anything that the person it says I'm replying to may or may not have said.

This is to all those that now or in the future go "OMG THIS SUXX0RS!!! I'm CANCELLING MY ACCOUNT!""

Just leave. Now. Don't tell us you are leaving, don't tell us why you are leaving, we don't care and odds are neither do the developers. Until you actually don't pay them, you are just threatening them trying to get them to do things YOUR way instead of the way they are doing it. It didn't work in Ultima Online, Everquest, Everquest II, World of Warcraft, or any other MMORPGs. Threatening to cancel your account isn't the way to get the developers to listen, it's not the way to get ANYONE to listen to you.

So, do your fellow players a favor, and don't waste our bandwidth having to load up your "OMG IM QUITTING" crap, just quit and don't waste OUR time.



Hooray for just about everything, EXCEPT...

Oh, dear god, please, not MORE of those execrable cutscenes!!!

Please, please, please, NO MORE CUTSCENES!

The animation is lame, the dialogue is insufferably awful and the interruption is incredibly aggravating... it's like getting stuck watching commercial TV before TiVo!

But the "acting" is... is... oh, lord, it's just the WORST DIALOGUE EVER... "But Bossssssssss... what about usssssss Ssssnakesssss and our dissssabling lissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssps?"

And it all goes downhill from there.

Please, please, PLEASE, give us the option to disable cutscenes!



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Yes, maybe a option to disable them, but I personally love the cutscenes, it makes for a more comic book feel. Of course the dialogue is bad, it's meant to be bad. I mean come on, have you not played the Statesman Task FOrce where your characters get put in an inescapable death trap? You think that's SERIOUS when the villain is waxing poetic about his genius in designing this death trap?



What about my mace? Can I do anything with that? I've already noticed the Mace seems to have 5 different types depending on archetype but I hate the Mace style on Masterminds. I'd rather have the one with the bigger spikes Brutes get but not actually be playing a Brute.

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You mean the arachnos mace you can shoot with? That's highly doubtful you'll be able to customize that with a shovel that shoots!

Mr and Mrs Beast - Ninja/Trick Arrow/Scirocco... YES! and still wandering if the Jounin are getting Dual Blades.

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Nope, pets' costumes and weapons are not customizable.

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I am kinda worried about the dual blades set, I hope the dev's don't give it really long animations for the attacks or else it'll kill the set (Look at claws for example, some of the powers have far to long of a animation time, same for spines) I hope its reasonably fast

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Reasonably fast? The Devs were boasting that it's already too fast.

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Since we've got new weapon options, are we getting sheaths and holsters as costume options as well?



Well, weapon customization is nice... but it's still not really any content for my 7 lvl 50's.

No thanks... both accounts are cancelled in 2 days.

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You missed the fact the in the Feature announcement that there were details of brand new missions. But I doubt that matters to you. Bye!

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And good riddance We don't need naysayers, not when the future is before us! Or the past! Or...erm..nevermind!




If you have to wait till lvl 30-35 to get weapons like Vangaurd energy claw, or Rikti swords, or Daggers in Croatoa......that sucks. I understand wanting to make things unlockable and making us work for things....but if I have to play 35 of 50 levels just to get the costume peice/weapon my character in bases upon....well that is just lame.

PLEASE either make all weapons available at lvl 1 or at least make them sellable on the market.



First the character transfer and rename and now this, what the heck is goin on down there.

Cant wait to see how this turns out. I hope they have something for the hollows, that whole story with trolls mining and digging under atlas always intrigued me. Maybe we can see what boomtown was like before it was boomtown, same as faultline.

PS. Trolls have killed more heros then any other villain group. :P



Hooray for just about everything, EXCEPT...

Oh, dear god, please, not MORE of those execrable cutscenes!!!

Please, please, please, NO MORE CUTSCENES!

The animation is lame, the dialogue is insufferably awful and the interruption is incredibly aggravating... it's like getting stuck watching commercial TV before TiVo!

But the "acting" is... is... oh, lord, it's just the WORST DIALOGUE EVER... "But Bossssssssss... what about usssssss Ssssnakesssss and our dissssabling lissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssps?"

And it all goes downhill from there.

Please, please, PLEASE, give us the option to disable cutscenes!



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** A team of roleplayers sneak up and bash Dasher with new customized weapons! **