Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




I dont think I've ever seen the forums explode this much.

50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...



i hate to say it, but i had my doubts. inventions, meh, that's okay. my least favorite element of other MMOs, tweaked to be a little less annoying. rikti invasion? not bad, but not really that new. just grinding rikti missions to get the vanguard tokens, or not, in a new (but not really new) zone, with new (but not really new) enemies.

but now i see. mine eyes have been opened, the Devs have spoke, and it is good. a new age is dawning in paragon city, an age where the love of the Devs comes down like mana from heaven, not in an overwhelming downpour, but in well-regulated rainfall.

and just when i was starting to get a little bored. don't disappoint me, Devs. this announcement portends great things to come, and while issue 11 will be great, it promises to be only the beginning of the new age. i predict greater things in our future: more powersets, more customization, a truly unique villain epic AT.

don't prove me wrong. don't break my heart.



Devs - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me - will the flash-back system allow me to go back into breakout, and FINALLY get the Jail Bird Badge on my main badge hunter? I missed out on it as I never knew about badges when I first started playing & its a thorn in my side not being able to get it.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Devs - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me - will the flash-back system allow me to go back into breakout, and FINALLY get the Jail Bird Badge on my main badge hunter? I missed out on it as I never knew about badges when I first started playing & its a thorn in my side not being able to get it.

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huh, something I didn't even think of yet. I like that idea 8-D

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



The Flashback system makes me happy. I do hope it'll include the chance to do the zone arcs. Most of those were added after my main was past their level.

Most of the other stuff looks cool. I may not get around to it right away, but it looks like fun.

For some reason (I don't know why) I had to laugh when I saw Taunt IOs were among the new sets, but I'll probably end up with some. I'm guessing eventually (no, not this issue) all powers will have sets available, and that's a good thing.

But I really don't like the addition of very rare recipes. I think the hardest-to-get stuff that's in the game now is enough. Not that there shouldn't be more rare stuff, just that I don't like the idea of even rarer stuff. I just don't like the spirit of it.



But I really don't like the addition of very rare recipes. I think the hardest-to-get stuff that's in the game now is enough. Not that there shouldn't be more rare stuff, just that I don't like the idea of even rarer stuff. I just don't like the spirit of it.

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*shrugs* as long as it's not a be-all end-all in terms of overpowering a toon, I say let the item junkies have their fix.



God, ultra rare IO set. God. The market for that is going to sooo crazy...Superior IO. Starting bid 100 mil.

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Hmm...It shouldn't work out that way. The folks with the cash will start to bid for the new rares instead of the OJs they have been bidding on, and they won't magically have more cash to spend. That should then DROP the price on non-rares due to a lack in demand with the new rare IOs taking the top end of the market. Salvage though....I see in the screenies that the new rares use existing salvage. This then should increase the price of that salvage (e.g. Pangi Soil) due to it being even more sort after. All salvage will probably rise in price with the OJ stuff rising the most.

Thus concludes your CoX Micro-economics lecture for today.



well, someone has to be first... looks like it will be me. i11 does not get my juices going.

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I highly suspect you have no juice...



Devs - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me - will the flash-back system allow me to go back into breakout, and FINALLY get the Jail Bird Badge on my main badge hunter? I missed out on it as I never knew about badges when I first started playing & its a thorn in my side not being able to get it.

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I been asking that since the thread started, as I too missed Jailbird on a toon due to not knowing about it. Still havent heard.



Using the terms "Flashback" and "Weapon Customisation" to describe the new features is entirely misleading.
Neither accomplishes what the forum has been full of requests for since launch.

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Being able to change the appearance of weapons being called Weapon Customisation is "is entirely misleading". Um, yeah...You've fully slotted your Exageration powerset, haven't you?



I am kinda worried about the dual blades set, I hope the dev's don't give it really long animations for the attacks or else it'll kill the set (Look at claws for example, some of the powers have far to long of a animation time, same for spines) I hope its resonably fast



Ouroboros System: : A+

Weapon Customization: : A

Two New Power Sets: : A

[b] “Very Rare” Purple sets : F-

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.



this was prolly alrdy asked and im too lazy to browse the previous pages but does flashbacking mean the columns coming back?

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Hasn't been asked in THIS thread but has been confirmed in an earlier one (by BaB from memory). I'd link it...but I'm too lazy...

I'm just curious, but how does that excuse work out for you...like in Life and stuff?



I'm glad BAB came out to chat with the user community. Whether it was a conscious decision to let some of the devs comment about the info, or they just came to feel the love, it gives me a warm feeling.

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Absolutely. The more interaction (and it doesn't have to be the huge info dump this was) strengthens the community.
Also, did anyone here whether there's a fee to use the flashback system yet? I hope it's just talk to the contact and get started, not something that requires me to pay to participate.

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I actually hope that there is some infl charge. Scaled to level hopefully, but not prohibitive. I'm not sure if I'm a fan of repeatability though. Sure let folks who've missed stuff (maybe for being too high when the content came out) have the enjoyment of playing through it. Repeatablity? That sounds a bit dangerous, even with a fee.



I'm not happy about the new IO sets because I think we have enough of them as is.

But everything else looks awesome!

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Yeah, more variety...that's just crazy !



Go back to past events in COX???!!!!
I think im about to soil myself....no wait too late already have



it's sad to see that the game is going to become a all for stuff/farm game.

what made me choose CoX was the super hero theme.
what made me stay on CoX was the facthat there were no epic weapon, no farm to get THE stuff that would makes you uber.

that plus the fact that dev tend to give the same powerset to all the AT make me fear that CoX is becoming slowly a WOW like game.

and i almost forgot.... Invention set for DEBUFF ??! ARE YOU TOTALLY INSANE?



I'm seeing alot of "Go back and do missions you missed" talk going around. I was under the impression that the Flash Back was actully "Go back in time to events of Paragon's Past" meaning NEW content like stuff that you can currently only read about in the comics, history, and in game plaques. Not OLD content that you can easily EX with the lower level character to do right now.

If all the the flashback thing will do is give me missions that allready exsist in game I'm not that interested. That's like bg wopty freaking do I don't have to look for some noobs who have a badge mission I missed. That's not new content in my book just rewrighting old content.

Being able to actully travel back in time to me, my first thought was you'd go to a plaque or exsplore badge location and rather than READING what happen on that spot you actully get to SEE what happen there. Now that's what I call new content.

Another thing I like about this idea, I think it'd be cool if we actully had to complete these missions to get these badges. I allways thought it was kinda lame you could get a badge just by flying by a certain location like on top of Atlas Globe. So insted of flying up and automatically getting a badge you fly up there and end up in the past where you have to help Atlas do whatever the heck he did that earned him the big statue then you get the badge on mission completion and are sent back to your own time.

I even have an in story reason for this to happen. Some new arch villain has made invisable "time traps" around both Paragon City and the Rouge Iles in an attempt to change history in his favor or just trap all the heroes in the past where they'll age to death.

Of course if you went with the age to death plot you'd be stealing from Dr. Who still it's a funny plot.

~ = - = ~ Birth - Death ~ = - = ~
March 6, 1986 - August 8, 1807
WTF? He died 179 years before he was ever born?



A major past event I'd really want to visit...

Help save Marcus Cole (Hero) Corrupt (can't remember his real name) (Villain): You travel to the past before there was a Statesman or Lord Recluse and lead their past selfs to the Well of the Furies that gives them their powers.

Hero version: You help save the future Statesman's life by helping to cure the infecting mustard gas. If it wasn't for your tampering in the past Marcus Cole would have died and there'd be no Statesman. You're not supose to change history by stoping Lord Recluse from gaining his powers or warning Statesman he'll be betrayed but you might want to anyway.

Villain version: Lord Recluse does not want you to kill Statesman in the past but you try to anyway. What is unknown to both Statesman and Lord Recluse is that your tampering in past is what caused Lord Recluse to become corrupt and evil in the future.

Cosiquenses: If you take any aditional action in the past other than the mission objective rather than getting a mission failed and exiting mission you'll be sent to another mission map in an alternate future.

Hero: If you stop Lord Recluse from ever gaining his powers when you return to the future you soon discover the world has been overthrown by a more evil villain and Marcus Cole was allready killed by him. Lord Recluse at least had respect for Statesman even though they're not really friends anymore. This other guy just kills without thinking twice.

Villain Version: You return to the future and find out with no Statesman around Lord Recluse is even MORE corrupt and evil than he was before. Without Statesman to focus on Lord Recluse is just a killing machine with his powers and no one to stand in his way. There's no longer an Arachnos army, just a pile of dead bodys everywhere and you're his next target.



when will the expansion come out. im really looking forward to the duel blades.

if i have an existing character in the game right now, is it possible to get the duel blades once the expansion comes out?

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Not on that character, no.

Dual Blades is an entire powerset, and you'll have to make a new character to make use of them.




I'm surprised no has asked this yet- what about re-doing missions that reward a temp power to the mission holder- ya'know like a warwolf whistle?? Because that would totally freaking rock!! I'm more interested the bow you get from rescuing that guy in the Croatoa mission/arc. My magic scrapper loves it and it fits his "theme" perfectly I would most definetly do this mission repeatedly to keep on earning the bow.


Flashback looks cool

More powers cool

Power Customization- completely unexpected and greatly greatly appreciated.

Rare-er loot- meh (to me), but whatever, this makes other people/players happy so cooool

Looking to be a great great issue.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.




All they need to do now is add a Time Control powerset for trollers and doms!



Question for the weapons customization, for the old weapons powersets.... can we choose which hand we hold the sword / katana /axe / mace in? And will the weapons finally show up on our backs or in scabbard form? (visible on our person without holding them in our hands)

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For the old sets (other than Dual Blades), no, you can't choose handiness. Broad is right, Katana is left (I think) and will remain so. They're not revamping animations, just the object the player holds.

There's no mention of the weapons showing up on backs or in scabbards. That is certainly not part of (and probably never will be part of) the powers' animation. It would have to be a costume piece -- either new belt options, new back options, or the theorized 'coming someday' backpack option.

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I know you said "probably never" but it would pay to be a bit careful using the "n" word.

How about this, prestige power only availble to specific powersets. I'll use BS for an example. The power costs no end and when active, shows a BS in a scabard on your back. When inactive it shows nothing. Make a macro/bind to toggle it off when a BS attack power it activated. You just drew a sword from your scabard. Not perfect, but uses a lot of what we already have and no messy costume changes into near-identical costumes (i.e. sans or with scabard).



there are just so many ways the flashback thing could work, and ways it could be explained..
from you reminiscing about the 'old days' to going back in time in a parallel time line where things went wrong and you going to 'fix' it.
there are just so many possibilities my mind is reeling but there is no way they could implement any where close to the number of ways this could be used right off the bat anyway. but in the mmo's there is always room for improvement. problem is getting everyone to agree on what is indeed an improvement

I wonder if we could get a "no claw" option for claw sets to allow us to emulate clawed characters like Black Cat, Catwoman and Sabertooth.

[/ QUOTE ]you left one out, Mynx lol
but to do it right they would have to have the hand animation dif open hand at least instead of a fist as is now, if not the spread fingers claw like position used in most of those cases
I hope they work something along those lines too tho would be fun =)

oh, and yes, they have been saying that 5th column was making a comeback so I assume that this is how, maybe we can go back to WWII.........

oh and on the exemp set bonus as it is right now going back before io's or not, you get exemp'd, you lose set bonuses, so again i assume that would still hold true unless you are going back to an event that didnt matter what lvl you were
like if you are say going back to fight along side states in WWII for example would he have you there if you were a noob?

Through the mysterious Menders of Ouroboros, players gain the ability to “Flashback”, that is to travel through time and relive major events from the history of Paragon City™ and the Rogue Isles™. Heroes who travel back in time will embark on missions such as preventing the Circle of Thorns from unleashing a devastating demon on a defenseless world, a story originally presented in the City of Heroes comic book. Villains who journey through time will get the chance to assist Lord Recluse™ in his initial campaign to conquer the Rogue Isles, and much more.

Heroes and Villains also use the Ouroboros System to return to story arcs that they may have missed and replay hundreds of missions from earlier in the game. Players will even get to set mission parameters for these missions to earn special badges. Heroes and Villains will be auto-exemplared to the appropriate level for each story arc to ensure the challenge level remains constant.

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so lots of new content as well as reliving old stuff you may or may not have missed

sounds more like old farts reminiscing about the good ol' days as opposed to actual time travel but who knows how it will play out? (well we know who, and we also know they ain't talking lol)

True Alt-o-holic, so... way too many to even think about listing =p
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