Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




Issue 11 looks great from the outset. Ouroboros with all the old arcs/badge missions plus new content is like adding another paper/radio to the game. And here's to hoping that Isolator (and yeah anyone silly enough to skip Jailbird...) are in the mix!

I do hope the Devs would consider making some more "really common" IO sets as well as "very rare" sets. We'll have to see how this plays out. It might even be nice to have at least one (maybe weak) IO set from each category available by doing University missions or straight out of the invention table or from crafting common IOs. Something that would allow us not to have to market-PvP as it were for all the sets.

Weapon customization should be a lot of fun. I hope future weapons additions won't be too much more effort now that the tech is in place to do it.

Also, what about powers like Fire Sword and Ice Sword or Devices/Traps powers? Any love for them? Probably not, but there's a chance they thought of that too.



Ouroboros system is cool. Too bad i couldn't relive frostfire at lvl 50 (kidding)

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Well, you wouldn't be 50, instead, you'd be auto-exempted to 15 (I'm guessing). But, you'd have four times the number of enhancement slots than you did at 15 plus an easily obtained Shivan.

The rare salvage part to me seems a bit of a rip off of WOW, atleast make it a different colour, purple armor in WOW is rare as well.

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The colors of rarity follow the colors of difficulty of foes: white, yellow, orange, red, purple. Has nothing to do with WoW.

New power set willpower, i'm all for a new tank power set but i thought the winning vote was shields??

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Shields won, but is taking too long to animate. Second highest vote getter was Willpower and here it is. (They warned us in the poll that choosing difficult-to-animate powers would result in delays.)

Dual blades, it would be so much cooler if this game showed blood (HINT HINT)

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Never going to happen and retain its T(een) rating, thus, never going to happen.

Weapons customization,...so my broadsword can ALWAYS be out on my scrapper? i don't have to have it unsheathed after using sands of mu all the time?

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No. Yes you do.

Weapons customization is simply choosing a different weapon to brandish about. None of the animations change, so, yes, you will be sheathing and unsheathing it. Whether the animation of (un)sheathing plays or not, the animation time of the rootedness of the power (how long you can do nothing while the entire attack cycle animates) is always the same. Yes, the overall animation time of drawn weapons is longer, but you get an ACC bonus as compensation.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



*Puts on his best Positron accent*
You're wrong, Bram.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.



This is a reply to the people who think powers should be renamed for the new weapon skins. Perhaps "Katana" and "Ninja Blade" should be changed to Medium Blade, and "Broad Sword" to Heavy Blade? I say "Medium" blade becuase light blades to me are daggers, short swords and etc.

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I was wondering about this myself actually. Katana/Ninja Blade could become "Martial weapons".

~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster



I have 2 more questions...

1. I know Power Custimization has been asked for a long time but this is the first time in 3 years I've ever heard of the "flashback" feature how is that something people have been asking for? It's a great idea but still I never heard of it before.

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Simply to go back and to do missions one has outleveled is what we've been asking for ever since the original beta. Later on, the role-playing explanation was that this was a 'flashback' as in comic books (or any literature) jumping back in time to tell a story that may have been missed in the current continuity.

2. Will unlockable powers like the Ghost Slaying Ax be included as costimizable weapons or only the Battle Ax power set? Basically I'm just wondering if I can change the style of my vetran reward weapons.

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Most probably not. Ghost Slaying Axe is very particular. Although who knows. If you have the Axe Powerset and you customize the type of Axe, it just might change the look of the Ghost Slaying Axe (although I'm guessing the Devs wouldn't want that to be happening).

If you don't have Axe Powerset, then no, you won't get to pick types of axes, and thus, no customization for the GSA.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



And now I'll finally get to try out the new content added last issue (my only character above 25 was 50 already) I just want to say that even if NCSoft decided to add a lifetime subscription offer (like some other games are doing), I think I'd keep paying yearly. This is the sort game I want to support with my money

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Adam Savage from Mythbusters



I think I just messed myself over the weapon customization.



About the renameing thing of Katana and Ninja Blade to "Medium Sword" why not simply call them both Katana is what I wanna know. Ninja Blade IS a Katana, they're the same weapon, same powers, same animations, why do they have different names?




Time to dust off the old AR blaster and corruptors.

"Why do these Lost keep trying to hold me? Don't they know I don't swing that way?"



hmm ok here's an idea:

the 2005 Holiday event enabled us to get Jet Setter badge and Scrooge/Holiday Spirit badge. the 2006 event didnt let us get these badges.....

Jet Setter was from logging in during the 2005 event, and the other one was from doing a quick mission.

Can we flashback to the 2005 holiday mission and receive Jet Setter (with or without the rocket pack, doesnt matter to me) and run the mission for the other badge?

This of course presumes that the 2007 winter event doesnt bring those 2 badges back of course

and can a toon that missed an Anniversary badge somehow flashback to a past event/mission and obtain it? likely not but who knows?




Edit - This is really cool news.


Posi, just wanted to find out if Epic for Villains were gonna be in this one? Doesn't look like it, if not when? Thanks

A start at power customization.

Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?

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Story Arcs and Badge missions.

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Well, weapon customization is nice... but it's still not really any content for my 7 lvl 50's.

Flashback... /sigh. I was hoping it wouldn't be flashback. Yay, content for my level 50's... if I EX them down to lvl 20. If I liked only having 1 attack power, I wouldn't keep trying to GET to lvl 50.

And new IO's, to keep me wanting to do the *exact same crap* over and over again. Weee...

No thanks... both accounts are cancelled in 2 days.

Good job on finally doing weapon customization... everything else is crap. I'll just watch TV and play some madden 2008 until Marvel or Star Trek Online come out. Man I hope Jackie-boy doesn't ruin MUO, too. Maybe that's why they're doing it... so they can purposefully bomb MUO, thus making CoH still be the only comic MMO.



Posi, just wanted to find out if Epic's for Villains will be in this one or not? Looks like not, so when might we see them? Thanks



Hm.....ok Flashback means we get examplared/malfactored down to make the missions challenging....

...but since we are jumping back in time to a point before IO's existed, do the normal effects of Exemping still apply to IO's and their bonuses, or will all IO bonuses and powers be nullified while we are timewarped?



I have just one question...or more like begging...

For those new skins of weapons...is it possible to have it so only one toon has to unlock it, for it to be assessible to all your other toons?

I ask this because, I'd love to actually start out a new hero with the skin I choose, rather than go 35 lvls (for say vanguard claws)...to get the right amount of merits, to get my concept right.

I REALLY HOPE this is the case...cuz if so, I might have to make ANOTHER Claws scrapper...and if those Rikti Swords look as cool as I think they will...OH YEAH!!! (Especially if I can Dual Wield them )

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection




No thanks... both accounts are cancelled in 2 days.

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Ok bye! Can I have all your stuff?

[/ QUOTE ]

No ME! ME! I want his stuff! Can we share?
Wait...what does he have?





Edit - This is really cool news.


A start at power customization.

Normally, I'm kinda skeptical at new issue time, but this has me pretty excited. Now, I don't have to carefully plan out how my character is going to do his/her missions in order to see it all.

One question I have though, is Flashback going to allow a character to do all the missions from a contact or just the story arcs?


Story Arcs and Badge missions.

Lead Designer, City of Heroes

FlashBack... Its a start, because we cant accesss the single mission stories COX is still swiss chesee.
If by means of the flashback system we can access the contact and the level limit
is removed from the single mission stories, meaning we can access those stories even if they are grey. Then your job with the flashback is done. and then verry well done.
But please dont pass me the swiss cheese give me the sharp
cheddar tha is complete and not full of holes.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there




No thanks... both accounts are cancelled in 2 days.

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Ok bye! Can I have all your stuff?

[/ QUOTE ]

No ME! ME! I want his stuff! Can we share?
Wait...what does he have?

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Well I see this pile of IO's here lets divvy them up....

One for you, one for me, 2 for you, one-two for me, 3 for you, one-two-three for me......



Ok, so I was all giddy like a scholl girl when I read about the weapon customization today. I thought WOW! the devs really amazed me this time. Maybe they don't suck...maybe I'm too hard on them.

Then I saw this. A complete listing of all the "customizable" weapons with pictures. Are you serious?

Instead of making everyone think this was the greatest issue ever, just to be let down hard....they coulda stated that we would get the same old lame weapons with silly skins on them. Same stupid super soaker just camoflauge, same katana sword....just black or red. Same recycled crap. Nothing has changed. Same old devs.

Tell me I am wrong. PLEASE I want to be wrong! Tell me these are just playeer made crap and this isn't what we are getting........please

EDIT* Ok I was wrong. These are player made mods....hope this isn't what we get though. I am expecting different kinds of weapons, not just different colored skins. I really wish the devs would clear up what exactly they mean my "customizable"

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You are wrong and looking at an old mod site isn't going to change that fact. Weapons mentioned include, tommy gun and sniper rifle for AR. Shovel, Wrench, main gouche, rapier, and others for some of the melee sets.

The author of this post is speaking in generalities from his personal experience.
Your experience may vary.




No thanks... both accounts are cancelled in 2 days.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok bye! Can I have all your stuff?

[/ QUOTE ]

No ME! ME! I want his stuff! Can we share?
Wait...what does he have?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I see this pile of IO's here lets divvy them up....

One for you, one for me, 2 for you, one-two for me, 3 for you, one-two-three for me......

[/ QUOTE ]

Damn, I'm too late. Can I get the scraps??

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



holy... wow. Weapon Customization? Seriously? I've been waiting for that for almost 3 years (and now I have 6 toons who are gonna use the crap out of it)... and dual blades? now I get to reroll my main scrapper! Or maybe I'll just make an alternate version of him...



*explodes with joy* *reads OP again* *faints* repeat x 10.

Devs, THANKYOU!!!! I love you! *offers her soul to Posi*

- Ouroboros System
This is what made me so happy. I'm not into PL nor farms, my focus is loving the content, earning the temp power rewards, doing ALL the mission arcs possible, seeing ALL the content where possible. To do this I've inflicted the debt cap on my alts just to make it possible. With this new system, no longer do I need to hug Deathsurgex5 to cap my debt on a daily basis. And now I can do those badge mishes on my higher alts!

Devs - a question - with contact missions, there is usually 1 arc (sometimes 2), and various non-arc content - will the Ouroborous system allow us to complete ALL of that content? (I'm worried you might miss out on the couple of missions AFTER the arc completion).

- Weapon Customisation:
Wheee! Being a costume addict, this adds more fun! Even tho I don't have many alts with weapons, this still is cool.

Devs - I'm hoping one day down the track, we can also customise non-weapon powers, such as ice control, force bubbles, fire blast, psionic assault. I know there is a lot of powers in that area, and a lot of work. But it would be so COOL. Someone mentioned champagne pink bubbles in this thread, and I'd love that so much! To be able at least to color my powers, that would be so AWESOME!

- New Power Sets
Pales in comparison to my excitement over the other features.
OK dual blades will look cool, but I've always disliked weapons for the time/delay in pulling them out every, every, every, every, every time after using a non-weapon power (yes I can time them better in the order I use them, but it still irritates the crud outta me). Will Power will be interesting, I'll hold my comments on the powers until I see them live.
However I must say ANY new power sets is a plus & adds more diversity into player/team groups, makes life more interesting.

Dev's I still want water control & faery-type assault powers! I already added them to an existing suggestion forum. I can't wait for more new power sets in the future! It's so exciting!

-New Inventions
* Very Rare? Wow. The tiny chance to make billions. This is so random & going to be so much fun when it does happen! I can't wait to see the range of what is included in these very-rares & their bonuses. This will have an interesting affect on the market - I will be watching it with interest.
* New invention sets for buff/debuffs etc? Yay! A very nice addition. Now my many defenders/trollers might find something useful to slot into their lackluster powers.

*hugs all the devs*

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Just found out (was at work)

My reaction...


Combo System... sexy
Weapon Customization... SEXY AS OH MY GOD
Flashback... nice but I want to play it first to judge...

50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...



Lets see...

Lord Imperial - Dark/Dark/Dark Defender... can't do anything with him.

Lord Vestereo - Zombie/Dark/Ghost Widow... Nothing

Vestereo 1 - Robot/Traps/Black Scorpion... YES! and you say I can have a different gun in each costume slot? *drool*

What about my mace? Can I do anything with that? I've allready noticed the Mace seems to have 5 different types depending on archetype but I hate the Mace styal on Masterminds. I'd rather have the one with the bigger spikes Brutes get but not actully be playing a Brute.

Admiral Shark - Soldier/Bubbles/Capt. Mako... YES!!!!!!

Mr and Mrs Beast - Ninja/Trick Arrow/Scirocco... YES! and still wandering if the Jounin are getting Dual Blades.

Cameron the Lovely - Thug/Poison/Ghost Widow... YES!!!!!!

So 4 out of my 6 characters can customize their weapons.