Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




Here's something else to consider...

With this Flashback thing, we can now potentially do all of the stuff in the back-history of the CoH universe.

Want to be there when Blue Steel busts Tub Ci?

Want to be there with Galaxy Girl in Eden?

Want to help Talos?

This opens up SO much more than just redoing missed contacts.



Holy [Bleep]!!!

*faints, gets up, then faints again* (repeat 50 times)

Leader of the British Superhero Corps on Pinnacle

Shego: Another one saved from the fiery pits of EEeeeeconomy Computing Hell.



"Weapon customization?"

Yeah... I cried. And I need to change my pants.

I want to shake all of your hands and give you baked goods.



Here's something else to consider...

With this Flashback thing, we can now potentially do all of the stuff in the back-history of the CoH universe.

Want to be there when Blue Steel busts Tub Ci?

Want to be there with Galaxy Girl in Eden?

Want to help Talos?

This opens up SO much more than just redoing missed contacts.

[/ QUOTE ]

I want to accompany Blue Steel on all his Hero-captured-by-Arachnos extraction missions! There's what, twenty of them?

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



This is making my inner Gamer Girl Squee to no end. Now that I know I don't have to have a couple of giant curved Katanas it's making Dual Blades *A Lot* more appealing. New story arcs are always a good thing, and I'll be interested to see exactly what some of the new IO sets have to offer. I can't wait for I11. Thanks for all the hard work!



Better start farming inf to buy those purps



This is cool and all but.....WHERE ARE THE VILLIAN EPIC ATs!!!!!!!!!?!!!???!!!!!?
What do I want? Villian Epic ATs!
When do I want 'em? Now!

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed it for ya.


Also on Steam




[*] Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts!

[/ QUOTE ] [CENSORED!!!!!!!!!] YEAH!!!!

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WORD UP!!! I am sooo happy for this! No more ugly FRANKENGUN for my AR/DEV Blaster!



This is cool and all but.....WHERE ARE THE VILLIAN EPIC ATs!!!!!!!!!?!!!???!!!!!?
What do I want? Villian Epic ATs!
When do I want 'em? Now!

[/ QUOTE ]

Fixed it for ya.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. I want em too but am content to wait. Lotsa new stuff in ish 11 to deal with




[*] Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts!

[/ QUOTE ] [CENSORED!!!!!!!!!] YEAH!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I was so tempted to stop by your workplace. It's hilarious to see you geek out in front of customers. They all suddenly give you such a wide berth



I wonder what we've "wanted for a long time", Flashback or Weapon Customization?

Edit: Oh I see Posi's post now, it was flashback!



Ok, I could go on and rehash what everyone's been saying for 30 pages, but I think it's pretty clear that everyone's pretty excited. So just a little bit of doom from me....

First off. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited about the new super rare recipes. I really am. But I don't think I'm alone in the handful of ppl that spent countless hours farming to make a 400+ mil build. Of course I'm gonna wanna take that build even further w/the new stuff, but I'd really hate to think that all that time was wasted. Maybe give us a way to pull enhancements at a cost or something so they can be transferred to friends/alts so all that playtime wasn't wasted.

That's about my only concern w/this issue. Everything else looks top notch. Keep up the good work Devs




All I know is i10 had me peaking back into the game and now i11 has me back as a full fledged CoX player. The Weapon Customization will be great. That silly generic broadsword they give scrappers is just boring to look at. Now, I'll not only be able to make a more stylish Broadsword scrapper, but I can change the weapon with different costumes. NICE!
The Flashback system I will be all over. I love content and storylines and this will allow me to go back and pick up those missing accomplishment badges. This issue can't come out soon enough!



The write up in the article for "power sets" affected by weapon customization is confusing.

Current power sets that benefit from this upgrade include Assault Rifle, Mercenaries/Assault Rifle, Bow, Broadsword, Claws, Villain Claws, Dual Blades (see below), Katana, Ninja Blade, Mace, Robotics/Pulse Rifle, and Thugs/Dual Pistols.

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For example: "Bow" isn't a power set, it should probably say Archery and Trick Arrow specifically. Likewise the lack of "Ninjas/Bow" from the list seems to imply that it's not included (even though BAB has made it clear later that it is).

May I suggest quickly rewriting that list to specifically reference only actual Power Sets and to make sure that all affected Power Sets get included.

[/ QUOTE ] Sorry I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

"Bow" includes every power set you just mentioned so why over complicate things by listing all the actual power sets when it's obvious what "bow" is.



Question for the weapons customization, for the old weapons powersets.... can we choose which hand we hold the sword / katana /axe / mace in? And will the weapons finally show up on our backs or in scabbard form? (visible on our person without holding them in our hands)



I am eager to see what the in-game reason is go to the Menders and to time-travel. Is someone mucking up time and we are chasing after them? Possibly, if we take the Paragon Times as clues to the story.

Otherwise, why are we going back in time to help events that already took place and were "successful"?

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




I am eager to see what the in-game reason is go to the Menders and to time-travel. Is someone mucking up time and we are chasing after them? Possibly, if we take the Paragon Times as clues to the story.

Otherwise, why are we going back in time to help events that already took place and were "successful"?

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Same reason Bill and Ted couldn't find their keys.

Formerly known as Stormy_D






like odenkirk in 3x1-1, all i can say is...daaaaaaaaaamn



This game is getting better every issue im so looking forward to i11 lighthouse needs to do something about getting more Australians onto this game lol i guess now its a waiting game to find out the date it will be released. Alot of sleepless nights comming lol



Flashback AND weapon customization!?


(translation: Best. Update. Ever!)

*swoons from sheer awesomeness*



1) Flashback system:


BUT: They need to massively fix the way IO sets get nerfed on exemplar. That really hurts this system majorly.

2) Weapon Customization:

Totally awesome.

3) New Inventions:

Be very careful here. This could get really lame and annoying if the quest for uber rare loot gets too annoying or becomes too specific. If you are constantly having to run specific TFs or trials for example, this would get extremely lame.



Ok, so I was all giddy like a scholl girl when I read about the weapon customization today. I thought WOW! the devs really amazed me this time. Maybe they don't suck...maybe I'm too hard on them.

Then I saw this. A complete listing of all the "customizable" weapons with pictures. Are you serious?

Instead of making everyone think this was the greatest issue ever, just to be let down hard....they coulda stated that we would get the same old lame weapons with silly skins on them. Same stupid super soaker just camoflauge, same katana sword....just black or red. Same recycled crap. Nothing has changed. Same old devs.

Tell me I am wrong. PLEASE I want to be wrong! Tell me these are just playeer made crap and this isn't what we are getting........please

EDIT* Ok I was wrong. These are player made mods....hope this isn't what we get though. I am expecting different kinds of weapons, not just different colored skins. I really wish the devs would clear up what exactly they mean my "customizable"