Discussion: Issue 11 "A Stitch In Time"




I told ya they would do weapon customiztion first...I'm right AGAIN.



when will the expansion come out. im really looking forward to the duel blades.

if i have an existing character in the game right now, is it possible to get the duel blades once the expansion comes out?



I just hope i can pick new colors for my claws :-D

Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG

Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007



This is cool and all but.....WHERE ARE THE VILLIAN EPIC ATs!!!!!!!!!?!!!???!!!!!?
What do we want? Villian Epic ATs!
When do we want 'em? Now!



Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in! Ya bastiches.

Seriously, without having actually seen the content of course, excellent job on showing your playerbase that you really care what they want. I'm extremely excited about the customizable weapons and intrigued by the flashback idea which I'll at least experiment with with my only 50. Hopefully this is just the start of power customization, but even if it's not, great work (we hope )!



Any chance that Ouroboros will let villains do the hero missions, and heroes do the villain missions? Or are we still stuck with our own side's content?

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The first Feature preview usually includes all the *major* updates or additions. Side switching would be a *major* addition. So.. I'm fairly confident that side switching is *not* in I11.

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Hammana...hibbidy...ah...eh...uh...that's it!...

I'm buyin you guys a pizza!



What can I say? It's like Christmas.



*Screams like a little girl*



Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!



Truly exciting. I want it to be here now!



So we can go back to the 5th column and Council fighting it out on the streets right????

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Doubtful beacuse of the international launch.

But I could be wrong. Heck, you might even be able to fight along side Atlas against them.

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First off, I wasn't finished geeking out over the Iron Man trailer yet and now we get Power Customization (or at least the early stages of it)... WOOT!

But ever since reading those backstory plaques on Atlas defending against the Nazi attacks during WWII, I've wished for a time travel story arc to go back and fight for/alongside our heroic GM (and as a villain, against him). I really hope something like this makes it in, even if not in I-11.

I thought the dual blades were kinda neat, but with the potential when combined with weapon customization, I'm quite stoked about this.

It occurs to me I really wish there was a "greater respec" that would allow you to take an existing character and change his powerset choices, or even archetype, without having to go back and start over. I hate rebuilding a character, cause it costs me certain irreplaceable badges (like the anniversary ones), but some new AT options (now or upcoming) are potentially a much better fit to a character concept than what they may be limited to currently.

Willpower: Just don't have any strong feelings about this either way, besides the fact that more options are ALWAYS a good thing. Need to know more about just what it can do I guess.

Thanks Devs, this is the most excited I've been about an update since CoV came out. All I need now is a way to redeem my villains and have a hero turn bad

Edit: Just got a look at Zombieman's comprehensive guide to Weapon Customization (and btw, Zombieman, thanks & GJ), and was slightly disappointed, though not surprised that the minigun is not a replacement option for the assault rifle, and just wanted to take a moment to beg for it's inclusion (again, even if it can't make it into I-11, as long as it gets in sometime). Thanks again.

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.




will the weapon customization effect ninja katanas or bows?

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Yes, and this was actually a tricky combination to figure out. A Thugs/Trick Arrow Mastermind for example will be able to customize both their left and right hand pistol as well as their bow.

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I don't know (yet - it'll take a while to catch up on a monster thread like this) if this has been asked yet, but:<ul type="square">
[*] Crossbows - yes or no?
[*] If crossbows are in, what about pistol-crossbows? (They really do exist, mind) ...?[/list]
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Crossbows... no. At least not for Archery or Trick Arrow. All the animations require the two-handed standard bow and arrow shooting. Only the bow will be customizable.

A Crossbow Pistol like the Luddites use could theoretically be a customizable choice for pistols... but weapon animation is very different from the attack animation. You can 'shoot' a crossbow pistol from a pistol powerset, but it would go "BANG!" and shoot bullets.

So.... sorry, no crossbows for you. (But it would make a good, new Ranged Attack Powerset.)

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I was actually about to log on and check out the new power options. The I remembered that it wasn't released yet. In my excitation I completely forgot. Big downer when I remembered.



I'm assuming from what they've said that a lot of the weapons will involve getting badges to unlock.

So defeat family bosses for a tommy gun, defeat red caps for a red cap dagger.... defeat vanguard for their awesome weapons....


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They better not.

The worst decisions the devs have made so far involve tying things everybody wants to some sort of 'accomplishment' (so called), even if that accomplishment is simply subscribing for a long time. This type of thing needs to be available from the creation screen.

Doing the same with this would just be another stain on the character customization.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."

"Nothing is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man."

- Thomas Jefferson



This is cool and all but.....WHERE ARE THE VILLIAN EPIC ATs!!!!!!!!!?!!!???!!!!!?
What do we want? Villian Epic ATs!
When do we want 'em? Now!

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As the Devs are finishing up I11, they're already working on I12 and I13. All the stuff that they hinted at but didn't want to commit to as showing up at a specific time should be coming: Moon Base; Fifth Column; Villain EATs, etc... They all should be here by summer '08.

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I just hope i can pick new colors for my claws :-D

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BackAlleyBrawler said that some weapons will be able to be tinted, but some not, at least not right away. Eventually they'll try to make all customizable weapons fully tintable and maybe some or all of them to also have customizable auras. See here.

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The write up in the article for "power sets" affected by weapon customization is confusing.

Current power sets that benefit from this upgrade include Assault Rifle, Mercenaries/Assault Rifle, Bow, Broadsword, Claws, Villain Claws, Dual Blades (see below), Katana, Ninja Blade, Mace, Robotics/Pulse Rifle, and Thugs/Dual Pistols.

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For example: "Bow" isn't a power set, it should probably say Archery and Trick Arrow specifically. Likewise the lack of "Ninjas/Bow" from the list seems to imply that it's not included (even though BAB has made it clear later that it is).

May I suggest quickly rewriting that list to specifically reference only actual Power Sets and to make sure that all affected Power Sets get included.

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Also, I just noticed... Battle Axe is missing from the list as well.

That is all.



when will the expansion come out. im really looking forward to the duel blades.

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Timing: I'm guessing that I11 will be out mid-December. Happy Holiday Gift Giving Season! The Development team is pretty serious about trying to stick to a 3-issue-per-year deadline. So, they have til the end of the year. With the announcement of the issue Features and with pretty strong hints that closed beta testing is starting real soon, then all the signs point to Fall testing and early Winter release, right before the Winter event (which usually runs from the week before Christmas to the second week of January [for all the kids off from school and college]).

if i have an existing character in the game right now, is it possible to get the duel blades once the expansion comes out?

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Not on that character. There is no switching of primary and secondary powersets. You'll have to start a new character with Dual Blades.

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In the words of GiR: "I... I love you."

@Oroborous and @Oroborous2
Avatar by HeroPortraitStudios
From the Groundhog Day Attempt at Citadel: GM, "There's no badge for breaking a TF."



all this is freakin awsome...but i was wondering if there could be some updates for SG leaders, like a boton that counts all the members in the SG, who recruted who, or who quit recentley, that way i dont have to count evry member in my VG anymore

and as a robotic mm i cant waite to see what i can do with the pulse rifel!



Well, just my 2 infamy...

-Very nice to see new powers (Even though they are cheap ones) And what I mean by that is like States and BaB have said, they were the easiest (cheapest) to do. Yes, hopefully Chains and Street Fighting will be coming down the pipe, but nice to see new Power Sets no matter what they are. Am I making new toons because of the Power Sets? DAMMN SKIPPY! WOOT!!!

-Weapon Customization. Now some say this really doesnt excite them too much as you can't do "alot" so far. But this is the first step to what we all hope will come, and thats total weapon customization of weapons and colors. (Example: The Blue Flame, can hopefully in the future actually have blue flames.) This is a very important first step into what will be a very cool feature for all players of CoX.

Flashback? I am sorry, does that actually say Flashback? Well, WOOT the F@ck WOOT!!! This has been a want since I can remember from the masses that be. Its nice to see that when the community speaks, the Dev's do listen, and although it may take a while to deliver, they do. Kudos to the Dev's. And although some may say there's not alot of new content, Flashback is the only word that needs to be cantered.

Issue 11 shaping up to be very hopeful.

Now, with that said, whats in Issue 12 ALREADY!?!?!?! LOL!!!





Actually Weapon Customization made the feature list AFTER I made the original "something you've been asking for" post, where I was referring to Flashback. (We had players in the CoH beta test asking for a way to go back and do the story arcs of the Contacts they skipped).

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Hey Posi.... are we going to see that funky warp they use on TV for flashbacks? If so I'm going to need some motion sickness pills.

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And now.... the Scooby Doo ending!



Any chance that Ouroboros will let villains do the hero missions, and heroes do the villain missions? Or are we still stuck with our own side's content?

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The first Feature preview usually includes all the *major* updates or additions. Side switching would be a *major* addition. So.. I'm fairly confident that side switching is *not* in I11.

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I'm not asking about side switching, about becoming a hero and getting to team with heroes in all zones. I'm asking about being sent on door missions that duplicate the hero side ones.

I ask this, frankly, because it's the only reason I'd care about Ouroboros, find it anything better than mildly annoying, and that'd be if it unlocked a few dozen more story arcs for villains that they could pretty easily offer us, by having Ouroboros send us to an alternate timeline where our characters were on the other side. So if I'm, say, level 22 and have a team of level 20-24 villains, we can go do a Banished Pantheon arc from Talos Island ... not the same Talos Island that existing level 20+ heroes are in, but an instanced version for our mission.

I guess, now that I think about it, the insanely large number of street sweeping missions in the hero story arcs pretty much rules that out, though, doesn't it? They could link the door missions and train missions to any door in the Ouroboros base they wanted, but there's no way they could really, say, send us to defeat 30 BanPan in Dark Astoria. *sigh* So I guess I'm stuck waiting to see what, if any, new missions or story arcs or strike forces the villains get, especially in the desperately under-served level 20-35 range.



Weapon customization - Woot! been hoping for that since day 1

more options are always good and like other said its a start and there is only one way to go from there.

Flashbacks - exciting, the things that came to mind when I read it that has not been mentioned was going back in time to not just missions you missed like finishing so-in-so's story arc but going back in time to events like reliving one of the rikti invasions or the winter event, or the Halloween one etc...
to get the badges (or costume options) or whatever you missed with a certain toon.

they even made me almost want to try willpower (one i was not excited about) i voted for street fighting but i didnt want just bar room brawling but something more like the game streetfighter, where you have punches, kicks and stuff but also a ranged attk (throw a fireball or whatever lol) but that would also need some power customization so maybe one day soon the options will be there for that.

jousting is only a 'problem' in pvp so should have only been 'fixed' in those areas. the rest should not have to suffer.

like i said new options are always good so great work i am very excited about this issue =D

I can't wait to see the options and what the powers in the power sets do and the new costume options (cant have new issue w/o costume options )

True Alt-o-holic, so... way too many to even think about listing =p
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