Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot




There's no telling yet if the different ATs get different looking swords. Those characters shown all look like scrappers. They're certainly heroes at any rate. So it's too soon to pass that particular judgement.

Edit: And yes the swords do look way too big. Realisticly, there's a reason why dual swords are typicaly smaller than single handed sword. With dual weapons you want speed and manuverability and your off hand (left hand if you're right handed, right hand if you're left) isn't as fast or comfortable as your right so an even smaller and lighter weapon is typicaly used in that hand to compensate. In the days of yore when rapiers were used for dualing it was common to have either a small light shield or a dagger in the left hand. Very few opted to have a sword in their off hand. (I don't know if this is because swords were expensive or because they just knew better. Perhaps both.)

To some it up. Yes. They're freakin huge. Way too big.

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

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The dual blades are far too big. They should've done something more like what the Rascals use.



Hmmm, not a big fan of the blade look.

But Im sure the Jack Sparrow wannabe's will be pleased.



The blades look pretty good and I'm planning on trying out a DB Brute (unless they slow down Dual Blades to the same extend they slowed down Trick Arrows. Ugh.)

I'm actually even more excited by that new hairstyle! I'm definitely using that one, and hopefully Teh Sexy One spent a whole day styling all kinds of new 'Dos.

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so question, if any one might know, since the dual blades are offensive and the will power is defensive does that mean i can make a dual blades / will power scrapper? I mean the secondary set is typically the defensive part of a melee char build while the primary is the offensive right?

at least this will give me reason to actually use my samurai armor vet costumes

Bonnie and her bunny
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The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



I really like the Dual Blades. They're a little less curved than I expected, and my god they're bloody huge... but they look neat. Hows'a'bout releasing the power list?



This is really doom.



By those stances and look of the swords, it looks plausible that the dual sword set will have more multiple target damage moves than the other sets.

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

Check out my Deviant Art: http://darkauthor81.deviantart.com/



I don't really like the look of the blades.

Does anyone have the Willpower screens hosted on photobucket or something? Badge-Hunter seems to be moving oh so slowly for me.



Yeah, those blades don't really have my mouth watering. I have nothing against a sabre-style blade but I was picturing something a little more like a long dagger or short sword. To use a model that is so similar to the katana visually just makes the powerset feel a little like a retread.

I'll give them a try but I don't see them sticking. Maybe I'll be wrong...


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Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection



The blades in the pictures are a bit too skinny for my taste. The length is cool, but I'd rather they have been thicker or something. If not, then at least shorter if they were going to be that thin. Still though, dual wielding has always been wicked.

The stances for Dual Blades look amazing. That last picture makes me wonder what the rest of the attack poses will look like.

Willpower looks pretty cool. I'm not in the camp of "it HAS to have minimal F/X" so I don't care what they do with it. The fact that one of the animations uses the MoG animation makes me smile though. That's my favorite animation in the game



I LOVE the look for Dual Blades although I was expecting a smaller blade for the off-hand.

Also remember folks, this is only the Scrapper set we're seeing here. (I'm guessing scrapper anyway, definitely the blue-side set though.)

Judging from how Claws and I think Ninja Sword look different from scrapper Claws and Katana I'm pretty sure we're due for a different look for the other AT's.

Definitely going to reroll my gentleman adventurer scrapper though.

Kudos Cryptic!



I am a katana kinda person than I am scimitars, looks nice as poses go, just wish they were Katanas



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Curse website is broken, cant view Dual Blade pictures.



Not gonna lie blades look sooooooooooooooooo stupid....seriously
why couldnt they make the blades look more like katana but a lil shorter whatever
They look stupid.



Curse seems to be down. Load/bandwidth issues?

If a Curse admin would like the images to be served off the BH server, give me a shout, we'll work something out.



*Sigh* I Was hoping for twin daggers instead of twin saber types.. (or longswords?) Ah well, it still does look interesting enough for me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep in mind that it's no guarantee that's what ALL Dual Blades will look like. (Example: Scrapper Claws look different then Stalker Claws)



Dual Blades look way too long. I was hoping for something a bit "dagger-ish", something maybe a bit longer than claw's powerset but nothing long like what those seem to be

Then there's Willpower....oh well no "alt-itis" kicking in after I saw those screenshots :P

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...as for the Willpower set. The graphics don't bother me. But then, /Dark Armor doesn't bother me.

The glow looks cool. And I play with all my settings to the max. Don't know how people play it any differently. :P

However, Dual Blades. Honestly, disappoint. Graphic wise anyways. While I was hoping for different styles for every AT, I figured that wouldn't happen.

Wish the swords looked more like Butterfly Swords, than what I see in those screenshots. But I also figure it's to late to see them changed.

Doesn't mean the set will bad power wise, just wish the swords had a wider blade I guess.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



grrrr, website went down



Okay! They DO look rather big. I suggest shrinking them down. Also if you DO change the look of them for each AT, please keep them swords. Just because these look like scrappers doesn't mean the Tanks or Brutes won't get some hand-and-a-half* or broadswords. Or even (Shutter) axes. I just say. Keep Dual Blades Dual Swords, why? Because I have a brute I wanna make that's DB/Will and if those sword turn to something else It'll ruin my concept. But then again, majority rules. I trust ya devs.

Edit: The true name of the hand-and-a-half sword is censored. ;.;

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Welcome, Drizzt Do'Urden clones.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly what I was going to say.

They just don't really look feasible, I wanted to try them but they just look absurdly long and thin. A katana was a two handed weapon for most people, using two (which is what they look like) is just not right.

Oh well, there's always willpower.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



It's not just Drizzt: Every two blade fighter in comics that I can think of (which, granted, is only two for certain off the top of my head) uses equal length blades.

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i wish i could see ether set of screenies. but the dual blades site seems to be down, and the willpower site is so slow i can't stand it.



From what I understood, Tankers and Brutes get the larger blades while Scrappers and Stalkers get something a little more toned down. More than likely the current shots of the Dual Blades are Tanker/Brute (I can't see the screen shots, the site is apparently down).