Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot




So how does that crow taste?

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It's the most satisfying meal I've ever had!

Weapon Customization! Holy [censored] [censored]!!!

Sometimes it's very good to be utterly wrong.

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My hats off to you. You truly have class!

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Yeah lets hear it for reskinned invulnerability and claws. God forbid they do some extra work and put in something cool like shields.



Yeah lets hear it for reskinned invulnerability and claws. God forbid they do some extra work and put in something cool like shields.

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You'd look at the dark side of a cure for the common cold! :P Posi already said they are deep into programming the shield power, it's the most complicated one they have done yet and it's taking a bit. But it's on the way so BLAH! :P



Take back any complaints I had about the Blades before. This Weapon Customization has meh stoked



Take back any complaints I had about the Blades before. This Weapon Customization has meh stoked

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And I take it back on the look of the screenshots. Now that we can change what they look like, who cares what those screenshots show.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



BaB said they're even going to have a rapier and a main gauche available. That is just too awesome!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Yeah lets hear it for reskinned invulnerability and claws. God forbid they do some extra work and put in something cool like shields.

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Yeah, let's add a set that you won't be able to use with any melee set that uses both hands, ya know, like all of em. I especially look forward to seeing people run around with a sword coming out from behind the shield, or claws poking through the middle.

I mean seriously, any attack which requires both hands together, either on a weapon or not, is gonna be restricted by the shield. It's for this reason and this reason alone that I believe shields will most likely never be added to the game. And if by some chance they do add them, they will only be exclusively paired with certain powersets. There is just no way to do this without redoing every single animation which uses both hands in melee, and that still doesn't address the 2 weapon issue.

Rikti Inquistition: Unexpected. Chief Weapon: Fear and Surprise. Chief WeaponS: Fear and Surprise and Uniforms: Snappy Red. Exclamation: Profanity! Declaration: Restarting.



Yeah lets hear it for reskinned invulnerability and claws. God forbid they do some extra work and put in something cool like shields.

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Yeah, let's add a set that you won't be able to use with any melee set that uses both hands, ya know, like all of em. I especially look forward to seeing people run around with a sword coming out from behind the shield, or claws poking through the middle.

I mean seriously, any attack which requires both hands together, either on a weapon or not, is gonna be restricted by the shield. It's for this reason and this reason alone that I believe shields will most likely never be added to the game. And if by some chance they do add them, they will only be exclusively paired with certain powersets. There is just no way to do this without redoing every single animation which uses both hands in melee, and that still doesn't address the 2 weapon issue.

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They've already said that in all likelyhood, Shields would be restricted to certain offense sets.

Personally, I welcome that, WHEN (and they will) they add the set. And I don't have any desire (nor would I likely ever roll one) for the set.

But come on...it makes a bit of sense.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



If we're playing a Spines/ character, can we at least swap to the Thorns look (and vice versa)?



Hmmm, not a big fan of the blade look.

But Im sure the Jack Sparrow wannabe's will be pleased.

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I'm not worried about Jack Sparrow wanna be's. I'm wondering how many Drizzt Do'Urden's we're going to have running around Paragon.

Willpower, looks like it might be nifty, since the third picture had written that that was a random on occasion aura.

But as for the size of the dual blades, screw the realistic approach! With the WC coming around, I'm hoping for blades the size of bull dozer blades! :P Oh yea, 8 feet tall with giganto swords, seems to be fun stuff for me! :P