Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot




anyone who thinks two full length swords can't be wielded at the same time has never seen an Eskrimador doing double sinawali.

Would I have been happy with shorter swords? Yes, absolutely
Would I have been happy with two different length blades like rapier and main gauche? Oh yes, absolutely

am I *unhappy* with the two scimitars? Not at all, I love them.

what I don't get is all the fans of the rascal double daggers... Huh? seriously? .... why??

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I have, and the swords are shorter than these. I have also used dual swords in the SCA and in LARPing. Two swords that long would be as much a danger to the weilder as the enemy. I have also used various sized dual blades in Eskrima/Kali/Arnis.

The reason people like the red cap daggers is because they look wicked. They have a dangerous comic book feel to them.

When I voted for Dual Weild, I was hopeing we would get Eskrima Sticks like Dare Devil and Nightwing. I can be happy with Dual blades though, as long as they look cool.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



okay... so the blades are cool but did anyone see the chicks new hair! YAY! more new hair!!!



Why blades????????
We already have blades, Katana & Braodsword.. it's overkill!

Bad move, make something different.

"A coward dies many times before their death, the valiant taste death but once." - William Shakespeare

Learn it... OWN IT!



I'm looking forward to Dual Blade....already have concept char in mind for DB/WillPow Scrapper. Sigh....and I'm just getting my fire/kin 'troller to a point where I can roll. Anywho...

I'd have to agree with a number of posts. PLEASE keep the Will Power animations to a subtle minimum. I the animation is not Propel....then it's not something that I'm going to love anyway. :-D I'll post elsewhere for my request to tone Sonic Shields down.

"Mettle ye not in the affairs of lions ...
... for thou art crunchy
and taste good with ketchup!"



.... WHY are we talking about blasters? Go to the blaster forums and get back to the topic. Incase you forgot It is the Dual Blade Screenies.

Thank you, and good night.

With The Loves,

Me! <3

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Dude I almost always agree with what you say, but saying Blasters are working as intended is like like dumping gas on a wound and tossing a match on it.

Blasters have been limping along since issue 2. Our secondaries are SOOOO messed up. Ill tell you what, how about we do an experiment.

We will take your favorite toon, and now we are going to make it so you can only pick one move in your secondary and we are going to gimp the rest.

Now we are going to expect you to play that toon to 50 and NEVER ask for it to be fixed, and be completly happy when we give you an inherit that doesnt remedy the situation at all.

Also Dual Swords suck lol.

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



Can people PLEASE stop complaining? I wanna' see you go and make a pair of powersets that is going to please all of America, Europe, and Korea. Okay? Cryptic does a lot to make us happy, can't we be greatful? Stop complaining about making 'another blades powerset'. ITS ALREADY MADE!!! If you don't like it, don't play it! Roll a Defender or Controller, because if your sick of old Scrapper and Tanker powersets, these two play a lot differently! Please, stop the whining and make the best of the situation!

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Those blades need to be about a third shorter than they are now.

Also, it's be nice if they looked like this or this.



And one request I would like is to actually have sheaths for these to be pulled out from..... I agree that pulling them out of a black hole of nothingness is kinda lame..... I mean, the Jounins get two Katanas on their backs, and Infernal keeps his Axe on his back. Can we finally get new back costume parts to go with these cool new powersets?

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I was actually kinda disappointed when I saw these sets. Willpower...meh. Just looks like another invulnerability, granted we have no idea what powers will be contained in the set but my immediate reaction was rather passive.

Dual Blades I think is cool, I'll no doubt have a dual blades scrapper when they are released. Still not overly excited about it though, I was hoping for some powersets that were a little more unique.


Psi-Fist -- Emp/Psi Defender -- Guardian
Lunaries -- Mind/Emp Controller -- Guardian
Betsy Blast -- Energy/Electricity Blaster -- Guardian
Xiang Xu -- Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper -- Guardian



Can people PLEASE stop complaining? I wanna' see you go and make a pair of powersets that is going to please all of America, Europe, and Korea. Okay? Cryptic does a lot to make us happy, can't we be greatful? Stop complaining about making 'another blades powerset'. ITS ALREADY MADE!!! If you don't like it, don't play it! Roll a Defender or Controller, because if your sick of old Scrapper and Tanker powersets, these two play a lot differently! Please, stop the whining and make the best of the situation!

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But isn't that part of discussing the new powersets? Good or bad.

However, out of the two sets, with just screenshots, all one is going to beable to do is judge them by the looks.

That being said, Willpower shows 1 thing...it will have an orange glow. Will it fade to nothing after activation? That's all one can ask? On that subject, I personally don't care either way. None of the auras of the powers has ever bothered me.

Dual Blades, is a little easier to say "Yeah, I do or do not like the look of them"

I think everyone is happy to have new sets, whether it was sets they wanted or not.

Me, glad to have the new sets (even if it wasn't my top choice), so now I just wish the blades looked different.

Now if the skins look better on another AT than what looks to be scrappers, I'll feel sad. :P

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Since this isn't the place for this, last reply:


And Gauntlet doesn't even work. Fury doesn't work in PvP. Vigilance is a piece of crap. And a large part of Assassination is borked, as well. Defiance may not be the cream of the crop, but at least it does what's intended of it. What's more, Blasters aren't exactly dependent on their inherent to perform their basic function the way many other ATs are.

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You'll notice I said when Gauntlet isn't broke, it works fine.

Fury works just fine in PvE, you know, the part of the game that a character can actually advance in.

Assassination is borked? BWAHAHAHA! It does it's job, gives a Stalker massive burst damage. Unless you're suggesting that Assassination should be used for every single attack a Stalker makes.

And yes, I did say that Vigilence was crap.

Defiance does what it's intended to do? You do realize it doesn't even kick in appreciably until the Blaster is a hair's breadth from face-planting right? What's more, at that point if something looks at a Blaster funny, they are planted.

They aren't dependent because the inherent could just as well not even be there! The reason Villains are dependent on them is because they were DESIGNED that way from the getgo. Hero inherents are an afterthought!


If you mean to suggest that Kheldians are performing better than Blasters, I have a feeling you'll have a REALLY hard sell on that one.

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Where did I suggest that?

I said their inherents are marginal at best, as in 'not good'. They aren't noticeable in their effect, at least for me, so they don't help or hinder a player. They just are.

My PB is doing just fine...providing there are no quantums around.


I thought we were comparing Blasters and Corruptors. If you want to go that route, we can get all off-topic talking about what each AT can do better than the next.

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No, you were comparing Blasters and Corruptors.

I was comparing nothing, save powerset porting between Villains and Heroes.


The same could be said for most Corruptors, only they take so much longer to kill most things that that window for things to "go wrong" in is much larger.

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Corruptors have a much more massive error-tolerance than a Blaster. Between the buffs/debuffs and heals, they are able to survive those things going wrong.


I have to say I'd like to think you were joking. A Stalker can barely clear a group of THREE mobs in the time it would take a Blaster to obliterate a spawn from a moderately sized team. A Stalker may take down that single boss better/quicker than a Blaster (maybe), but that's one out of a about a hundred or more possible situations. Everywhere else--regular mobs, AVs, GMs, PvP--a Blaster always contributes more.

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Plain and simple.

By 'Blaster obliterate a spawn for a moderately sized team' you mean a Fire Blaster using their nuke right? Not every Blaster is a 95% elemental damage, AoE effect, build. Oh, wait...that nuke missed or didn't finish off the boss...welp, guess that Blaster is going to the hospital.

A decently built SR Scrapper has a Defense value (non-Elude) of roughly 37% for Melee and Ranged, 32% for AoE. This is without taking into account Inventions. While a decently built non-Elude SR non-IOd Stalker (depending on the build planner used) either roughly 44% or 52% for Melee/Ranged and 88 or 108% for AoE. So a Stalker has more Defense (read: Survivability) than a Scrapper of the same powerset. Now, I may have read those numbers wrong or clicked something that I shouldn't have, but that looks like you belong to the Stalker Defense League.

Combine said survivability with Energy, Toxic, Neg. Energy damage types, and if a Stalker can't take out a 3 mob grouping between AS, Placate, and crit'ing another, then they don't know what they are doing.

A Blaster contributes more? In an AV/GM fight, it's not about burst damage, it's about SUSTAINED damage. Which a Scrapper, Brute, and possibly Stalker, can contribute more of. Along with less overhead required support from teammates.


Anything that would kill a Blaster (especially one with Aid Self), would just as surely wipe out a Corruptor. Corruptor's really don't have much more damage than Defenders, and their buffs are considerably inferior. You don't hear anyone talking about Defenders being overpowered compared to Blasters.

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That's because a Defender works. Their AT is one of the best balanced both intra-AT (Trick Arrow/Archery aside), and compared to others.

Combine Corruptors buffs/debuffs with their damage and they can equate or, in some cases, outmatch (Fulcrum Shift anyone?) a Blasters damage. All Corruptor secondaries have a -Dmg power (save Sonic Resonance) and some have a -Acc/ToHit power. No Blaster has a debuff like that (one planner says /Ice Manip has a -Dmg in Chilling Embrace but another doesn't). As well as all Corrs saving AR and Dark having Aim in their Primaries.

A Blaster, without teammates, has to be able to take, barring Inspiration usage, an alpha strike and hope that it misses. Or pray that they take out their enemies first. A Corruptor can slap on the debuff and not have to worry nearly as much.


I don't mean to make assumptions, but you obviously don't PvP enough. Go into any moderately populated PvP zone and watch for a while. You don't see Stalkers showing up and completely clearing out the zone. They may get a single kill and run away, but they don't mow through things with impunity the way all those Ice & Fire/Em Blasters do. Now go watch some high-level, arena or team PvP and compare the Stalker population to the number of Blasters you see. Stalkers may be infamous for their ability to frustrate people, but only an absolutely expert Stalker is a real threat to even a moderately seasoned PvP'er, and the forums and in-game chat confirm this.

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I've earned Disruptor on three characters. A Brute, a Blaster, and a Stalker. An 'absolute expert Stalker'? My Stalker had Disruptor inside of a week by level 25 in Siren's with moderate play. She wasn't even completely built yet and was still DECIMATING everything save a few.

They get the kill, run away, let Hide come back up, and do it again. Unless there is an Empath providing Clear Mind or a Sonic providing Clarity, the number of Hero powersets that can see a Stalker PvP build is limited to: Ice/ & Stone/ Tanks, /SR & /Dark Scrappers, and /Dev Blasters. They are the ONLY ones that can get enough +Percep to make a Stalker concerned without requiring outside assistance.

Let's see...Stalkers have Mez Protection and pretty much every powerset cpmbo has some form of Mez available to them. A Blaster has no Mez Protection whatsoever. Something with a Mez looks at them and they are out of the fight without a Break Free.

Doesn't matter what the forums or in-game chat 'confirms'. Castle has said that Stalkers have the best kill/death ratio. I would believe him over anything the forums provide in regards to kill/death or who is accounting for most.


I'm sorry, but your posts seem very skewed to favoring one particular side (Heroes) and one AT in particular (Blasters) as deserving of highly preferential treatment from the Devs, when really almost half the ATs are currently suffering from some serious problem, balance issue, or other form of under-performance.

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Yes, I am skewed towards Heroes because they are getting left in the lurch. Since Villains came out, they have gotten 5 new powersets (now it will be 9) while Heroes have gotten zip. And it doesn't hurt Villains to port over Hero sets, yet there is no reciprocation the other way. Villains have also had two ATs now getting their second new set of powers.

Yes, I am skewed towards Blasters because they have been continuously said to being 'looked at' since about Issue 3 and only NOW is Defiance getting tweaked or revamped.

The only AT that really needs some help is Dominators and possibly Kheldians. Every other AT is doing fairly well. Tanks are still tougher than everyone else. Scrappers are mowing through the mobs. Defenders (or Controllers or Corruptors) are esssential to AV/GM fights. Corrs are chugging along. Brutes are doing well. MMs are decimating things. Khelds, are being well, Khelds. Stalkers are hiding and pwning things. Just because things aren't godmode anymore doesn't mean they are broken.

I'm done with this and you. But by all means keep believing that the game is in such a shambles over three years after release. Individual sets may have some problems, but saying that almost half of the ATs are a train wreck is a bit of an exaggeration.

Don't bother responding as this has no place here. If you want to continue saying that the ATs are limping along, please do so in PM's.



Both those power sets seem very boring and uninteresting compared to all the ones that were put up for a poll a few months ago.Bummer.




Both those power sets seem very boring and uninteresting compared to all the ones that were put up for a poll a few months ago.Bummer.

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Agreed, major bummer.



Gods, I had so much hope that the "Dual Blades" power set was *not* gonna be another sword set. Daggers or Katars, even Kuhkri... would have been a so much better idea, especially for scrappers and stalkers.

Ah well.

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Those blades need to be about a third shorter than they are now.

Also, it's be nice if they looked like this or this.

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Agreed. Scimitars would be way cool and add a nice flavor to the game.

Overall though, I'm kinda underwhelmed just by the "stilled" visuals. Now watching these new powersets play in action may be *very* different.



Qatars would be too close to claws, IMO, no matter how cool they'd be (and the fact that they're punching weapons instead of slashing).

But sai would be awesome, especially if some of the animations involved flipping them into a reversed hold, using the guards as disable/disarm moves, or Focus being changed to one or two thrown blades with Lethal/piercing instead of Knockdown/Knockback.

I'm actually looking forward to this set. I'm just of the belief that two LONG blades are not nearly as elegant or sexy as two short blades.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



When I voted for Dual Blades I didn't have any expectations what so ever of how they would appear, but... seeing them now I think I would have preferred them as the kama or wakisashi, I know having another sword set sucks but even so it will add variety to the game. Kama has the nice ability of being mostly for puncturing and cutting with the little scythe like blade, it's one of my most favorite weapons.

I voted for willpower, not because it was second on some list but because I liked the sound of it, and when I thought about it I visualized a martial artist shrugging the hits off with just his mental control of his body. Regarding the screenies I must say I was not surprised it would be animated like this and kinda fits in with the theme I imagined, if they change it they change it and I will adapt to it.

I see some ppl talking about blasters and stalkers and pvp on this thread and can't help thinking if they're discussing this in the wrong place. Wasn't this thread supposed to be about the new powersets and not the effectiveness of blasters and stalkers in pvp? Just a question, mean no offense.

"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles but misguided men."
* Martin Luther King *




Focus being changed to one or two thrown blades with Lethal/piercing instead of Knockdown/Knockback

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This would be cool if they included chains or some other method of 'attaching' the blades to the person. That way, thematically, the character could be shown throwing them and reeling them back in as part of the animation. It could even include a slight disorient component.

Otherwise, it becomes a matter 'Where is (s)he getting all these sai?'.



Hmmm the Dual blades look longer then my Scrapper's Katana.... I hope he doen't get blade envy.

I request add another 6 inches to Katana. :P

NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations



Will power sounds awesome, the colors don't really bother me, but if there is a big community call to tone them down, I think that would be ok.

The blades imo are waayyyy too long. I pictured something quite a bit smaller, I would think it would be hard to wield to swords that were that long, quickly anyway.



2 more giant swords and still no sheath or scabbard costume piece to carry them.

Suriel- Scrapper MA/SR
Star Centurion- Peacebringer
War Forger- Blaster EB/Devices
Dedjinn- Stalker CL/DA
Cycnus- Mastermind Mercs/Traps



2 more giant swords and still not sheath or scabbard costume piece to carry them.

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Agreed, I would gladly skip a cape or wings for a Scabbard or Quiver if it wasa back option.

NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations




Wasn't this thread supposed to be about the new powersets and not the effectiveness of blasters and stalkers in pvp? Just a question, mean no offense.

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It started out about how Stalkers and Brutes are getting another powerset boost and the porting over of yet more Hero sets to Villains. Meanwhile, no Villain sets have been ported over to Heroes.



Aesthetically, I'm disappointed. Kinda like how I'm disappointed in spines.




Dude I almost always agree with what you say, but saying Blasters are working as intended is like like dumping gas on a wound and tossing a match on it.

Blasters have been limping along since issue 2. Our secondaries are SOOOO messed up. Ill tell you what, how about we do an experiment.

We will take your favorite toon, and now we are going to make it so you can only pick one move in your secondary and we are going to gimp the rest.

Now we are going to expect you to play that toon to 50 and NEVER ask for it to be fixed, and be completly happy when we give you an inherit that doesnt remedy the situation at all.

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Didn't mean to think I was taking any sides. I was justsaying it wasn't a part of the main discussion and to bring it to the appropriate spot. No hard feelings, though.

Can people PLEASE stop complaining? I wanna' see you go and make a pair of powersets that is going to please all of America, Europe, and Korea. Okay? Cryptic does a lot to make us happy, can't we be greatful? Stop complaining about making 'another blades powerset'. ITS ALREADY MADE!!! If you don't like it, don't play it! Roll a Defender or Controller, because if your sick of old Scrapper and Tanker powersets, these two play a lot differently! Please, stop the whining and make the best of the situation!

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Well put! .... If not a bit rude. But then again I try to be overly friendly.

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)