Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot





People complaining that Controllers and Defenders need new powersets need to think that Scrappers and Tanks have been waiting longer than them for new powersets. All in due time. And Brutes/Stalkers are getting them just to widen the appeal, methinks.

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The problem with this is, Brutes and Stalkers have already gotten new powersets. In Issue 7, Brutes got Electric Melee & Electric Armor. Stalkers got Dark Melee and Dark Armor.

Scrappers and Tanks have gotten nothing since the start of the game, while two other melee ATs are now getting their second boost.

Doms have gotten nothing.

Corruptors have gotten nothing.

Edit - And yes, I realize it it somewhat simplistic comparatively to port over sets. But that should mean Tanks also get Energy Aura, Blasters get Traps, Controllers get Plant Control, etc. We don't however, see that happening. Villains can get Heroes powersets, but Heroes don't see any reciprocation.

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OK, I have to disagree on one thing. Blasters and Traps...Traps would be defenders. Traps is a buff/debuff set.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection




Wow... The degree of negativity in this thread astounds me.

Personally, I think the new dual blades look totally awesome, like radical even! One dual blade/Ninjitsu stalker coming up! Gotta think of a good costume, though. Nothing too samurai-ish. Angelic maybe. With a pirate hat! Yeah! Dual blade/Ninjitsu pirate angel stalker with Feral Cat ears!

If AS fails they'll die of a heart attack when they see me!

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AE Story Arc #536752: Torn Asunder
An army from far, far away has been driven from their homeland and landed on Earth. They desperately need a new home and they're liking the look of ours.

================================================== ===



Why not allow a sub dual blades category selection at creation for choosing sword types?

It would just change the look(skin) of the blades and not the function of them. Some of the sword skins are already in the game so it shouldn't be that difficult to do so I would imagine.

That way people could choose cutlasses, scimitars, etc.

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You know, I always thought this was a perfect way to allow power customization.

However, I don't know how easy it would be to implement. I'd figure it would take some work, but I also figure it would be the easiest way to give power customization.

I however, would keep it so no one could change their choice after they click ENTER CITY (or whatever after the ID Screen).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



You know, the only thing I was trying to do was state an opinion. If someone can not do that with people on here coming back with rage and anger, whats the use of a opinion? Always, i'm just alittle angery myself due to having alot of my friends leave the game back in I3. Alot of people had Tankers and found that by I3 the fun was taken out of playing something they had worked on for ALONG TIME! (HOURS) That is why I posted what I thought, along with playing as long as I have. I'm not a Forums writer and I don't have alot of time to play even! So, you can think what you want, but ive been here and done that...so I CAN have my own opinion. OUT



Welcome, Drizzt Do'Urden clones.

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Welcome, Drizzt Do'Urden clones.

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Exactly what I was going to say.

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But Im sure the Jack Sparrow wannabe's will be pleased.

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Not to mention the millions of Drizzt clones.... Joy... >_<

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bring on the Drizzt clones.

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I foresee a lot of Drizzt Do'Urden clones running around...

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You people are STUPID. I seen Drizzt before and these are NOTHING like his swords. and second off, he's a stupid character. Most people will agree no doubt.

And another thing I'm a D&D nerd and I made a twin-longsword fighting blind drow and I never heard of him until after ten years of making her so don't burn folks. NO! I'm not making a clone, and I doubt there'll be more then 1-10 people who do.

No more 'City of Drizzt' talk, foo's! Bad naysayers! Bad!

*Offers them each a cookie to appologize.*

Sorry, but I needed it off my chest. n.n;

No I'm not making Blinky, so keep you "OMG YOU'RE MAKING A DROW" Hate off me ;p

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)




People complaining that Controllers and Defenders need new powersets need to think that Scrappers and Tanks have been waiting longer than them for new powersets. All in due time. And Brutes/Stalkers are getting them just to widen the appeal, methinks.

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The problem with this is, Brutes and Stalkers have already gotten new powersets. In Issue 7, Brutes got Electric Melee & Electric Armor. Stalkers got Dark Melee and Dark Armor.

Scrappers and Tanks have gotten nothing since the start of the game, while two other melee ATs are now getting their second boost.

Doms have gotten nothing.

Corruptors have gotten nothing.

Edit - And yes, I realize it it somewhat simplistic comparatively to port over sets. But that should mean Tanks also get Energy Aura, Blasters get Traps, Controllers get Plant Control, etc. We don't however, see that happening. Villains can get Heroes powersets, but Heroes don't see any reciprocation.

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OK, I have to disagree on one thing. Blasters and Traps...Traps would be defenders. Traps is a buff/debuff set.

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It was just an example, not necessarily a 'Blasters need Traps' kinda thing. Blasters already have a good portion of Traps in /Devices. Though it would be nice for /Dev to get the Force Field Generator.




People complaining that Controllers and Defenders need new powersets need to think that Scrappers and Tanks have been waiting longer than them for new powersets. All in due time. And Brutes/Stalkers are getting them just to widen the appeal, methinks.

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The problem with this is, Brutes and Stalkers have already gotten new powersets. In Issue 7, Brutes got Electric Melee & Electric Armor. Stalkers got Dark Melee and Dark Armor.

Scrappers and Tanks have gotten nothing since the start of the game, while two other melee ATs are now getting their second boost.

Doms have gotten nothing.

Corruptors have gotten nothing.

Edit - And yes, I realize it it somewhat simplistic comparatively to port over sets. But that should mean Tanks also get Energy Aura, Blasters get Traps, Controllers get Plant Control, etc. We don't however, see that happening. Villains can get Heroes powersets, but Heroes don't see any reciprocation.

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OK, I have to disagree on one thing. Blasters and Traps...Traps would be defenders. Traps is a buff/debuff set.

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It was just an example, not necessarily a 'Blasters need Traps' kinda thing. Blasters already have a good portion of Traps in /Devices. Though it would be nice for /Dev to get the Force Field Generator.

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Yeah, 'cause Blasters are so much weaker than Corruptors and such that they NEED inherent mez protection. /eyeroll




People complaining that Controllers and Defenders need new powersets need to think that Scrappers and Tanks have been waiting longer than them for new powersets. All in due time. And Brutes/Stalkers are getting them just to widen the appeal, methinks.

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The problem with this is, Brutes and Stalkers have already gotten new powersets. In Issue 7, Brutes got Electric Melee & Electric Armor. Stalkers got Dark Melee and Dark Armor.

Scrappers and Tanks have gotten nothing since the start of the game, while two other melee ATs are now getting their second boost.

Doms have gotten nothing.

Corruptors have gotten nothing.

Edit - And yes, I realize it it somewhat simplistic comparatively to port over sets. But that should mean Tanks also get Energy Aura, Blasters get Traps, Controllers get Plant Control, etc. We don't however, see that happening. Villains can get Heroes powersets, but Heroes don't see any reciprocation.

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OK, I have to disagree on one thing. Blasters and Traps...Traps would be defenders. Traps is a buff/debuff set.

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It was just an example, not necessarily a 'Blasters need Traps' kinda thing. Blasters already have a good portion of Traps in /Devices. Though it would be nice for /Dev to get the Force Field Generator.

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Yeah, 'cause Blasters are so much weaker than Corruptors and such that they NEED inherent mez protection. /eyeroll

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Oh, excuse me if I'm skeptical on this.

Let's see...Corrs get buffs/debuffs combined with Ranged attacks, a useful inherent (no AT has inherent mez protection BTW), two primaries that are comprised solely of elemental damage, one that is almost all elemental and four mixed.

What do Blasters have? An all but useless inherent, three secondaries that are not as good as they could be, another AT that does their job but with less required support from teammates, two primaries that are all Smashing/Lethal with minor elemental damage, and another three that have a good portion as smashing.

And how is giving /Dev, arguably the weakest of the Blaster Secondaries, ONE power that would make the set viable.

Excuse me if I laugh at your statement.



I would hardly describe /Dev as "weak." It may lack Build Up, but other than Energy Melee, it's at least as potent (and in many cases moreso) than the other secondaries.

And since when was Defiance useless? Perhaps not the best ability, but it has its uses. What's more, there are at least 3 or 4 ATs whose inherent is either MORE useless than Defiance or just downright glitched with no sign of a fix in sight.

Frankly, this game still comes down to DPS in the end: who can deal the most damage to the most targets in the shortest amount of time. Blasters put every other AT utterly to shame in this department. In the time it takes a Corruptor to properly debuff an enemy (mob or player) with their secondary, a Blaster is likely to have completely cleared the same enemy.

And don't even get me started about PvP. No AT on either side of the game can even come within spitting distance of the threat a Blaster represents.



I don't particularly like the blades myself, as I wanted shorter swords much like everyone else seems to have wanted. But! There's a logic to this. Look at the blades themselves and the style of the handles and hand guards.

Ninjas have Katana. Now Pirates have Dual Blades. Ninja VS Pirate, go!

It's half a joke, but I honestly think there was some decision on the part of the devs to make them a Pirate friendly design.

http://www.virtueverse.net/wiki/Massacre_Melanie -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



anyone who thinks two full length swords can't be wielded at the same time has never seen an Eskrimador doing double sinawali.

Would I have been happy with shorter swords? Yes, absolutely
Would I have been happy with two different length blades like rapier and main gauche? Oh yes, absolutely

am I *unhappy* with the two scimitars? Not at all, I love them.

what I don't get is all the fans of the rascal double daggers... Huh? seriously? .... why??



I don't particularly like the blades myself, as I wanted shorter swords much like everyone else seems to have wanted. But! There's a logic to this. Look at the blades themselves and the style of the handles and hand guards.

Ninjas have Katana. Now Pirates have Dual Blades. Ninja VS Pirate, go!

It's half a joke, but I honestly think there was some decision on the part of the devs to make them a Pirate friendly design.

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Dual Butterfly Swords would of made them pirate friendly.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I don't particularly like the blades myself, as I wanted shorter swords much like everyone else seems to have wanted. But! There's a logic to this. Look at the blades themselves and the style of the handles and hand guards.

Ninjas have Katana. Now Pirates have Dual Blades. Ninja VS Pirate, go!

It's half a joke, but I honestly think there was some decision on the part of the devs to make them a Pirate friendly design.

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Dual Butterfly Swords would of made them pirate friendly.

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I'd be happy with butterfly swords. Considering I own a pair in real life I think they are awesome



Pirates don't really use dual swords. They use cutlass, sabers, things like that. Dual Scimitar is more like a arabian swordsman type deal. If I see Drizzt Do Urden clones I'm mocking them and then killing them if I can. :-p



I would be most happy if they gave us an Arab headwrap/turban...and full-length robe...It would go quite well with Dual Blades

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Oooh oooh oooh!!! Then I can make an Indiana Jones toon and you can whirl your dual blades around and I can pull out my gun and shoot-ahem-arrest you.



I would hardly describe /Dev as "weak." It may lack Build Up, but other than Energy Melee, it's at least as potent (and in many cases moreso) than the other secondaries.

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/Dev isn't even on the map for the most part.

Elec outshines it. Energy out self-buffs it. Ice out utilities it.

The only thing /Dev really had going for it was Auto Turret and that was gimped when they removed Recalling Friend on it.

And /Dev really got screwed with ED, more so than the rest of the Secondaries.


And since when was Defiance useless? Perhaps not the best ability, but it has its uses. What's more, there are at least 3 or 4 ATs whose inherent is either MORE useless than Defiance or just downright glitched with no sign of a fix in sight.

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Defiance is the second-most awful inherent in the game. It rewards a player for playing stupidly as well as rewarding a player's team for ignoring their jobs.

The only thing worse than it is Vigilence (should be named Negligence).

Fury is good. Punch-voke is good when it isn't broken. Containment is a godsend for Controllers pre-pet levels. Scourge is useful. Assassination is WAY overpowered. Domination is wonderful. Supremacy is ok, never really notice it. Crits are really good when they land.

The only things that could be considered marginal are the Kheld inherents. But those are made up for with the forms.


Frankly, this game still comes down to DPS in the end: who can deal the most damage to the most targets in the shortest amount of time. Blasters put every other AT utterly to shame in this department. In the time it takes a Corruptor to properly debuff an enemy (mob or player) with their secondary, a Blaster is likely to have completely cleared the same enemy.

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And a Scrapper has cleared that same group with relative impunity. And he can go on to the next. And the next. And the next.

If ONE thing goes wrong, then that Blaster is toast.

If 'burst' damage is the metric, then Tier 9 nukes aside, Stalkers have it head and shoulders above Blasters. High burst damage combined with Defenses and Mez Protection.

Because of the debuffs or buffs the Corruptor can operate in relative safety, as well as in at least four of the cases (Dark Miasma, Kinetics, Thermal, and Radiation) heal themselves of damage taken. A Blaster can only do so after spending two power picks and even that can be interrupted.


And don't even get me started about PvP. No AT on either side of the game can even come within spitting distance of the threat a Blaster represents.

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Plain and simple.

They account for the most kills in PvP, then followed by Blasters. If you can't see the Stalker, then you can't get the Stalker. The ONLY Blaster build that can get a Stalker is a /Dev with Targetting Drone and Tactics, if the Stalker is a PvP build.

Even that might have changed since the intro of the Stealth IOs.

Sorry, but your idea that Blasters are kings is flat out, wrong.



Blue of course, but your a ROBOT like all the rest that can't see past thier noses! Keep paying that bill like me.. Oh yeah, you do care or you wouldn't even take the time to post! PLEASE, read the "Art of War" before you come at someone like me with your gander! Have a nice night!

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Wait wait wait....

When did we bring adult male geese into the discussion?



Defiance is the second-most awful inherent in the game. It rewards a player for playing stupidly as well as rewarding a player's team for ignoring their jobs.

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And Gauntlet doesn't even work. Fury doesn't work in PvP. Vigilance is a piece of crap. And a large part of Assassination is borked, as well. Defiance may not be the cream of the crop, but at least it does what's intended of it. What's more, Blasters aren't exactly dependent on their inherent to perform their basic function the way many other ATs are.

The only things that could be considered marginal are the Kheld inherents. But those are made up for with the forms.

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If you mean to suggest that Kheldians are performing better than Blasters, I have a feeling you'll have a REALLY hard sell on that one.

And a Scrapper has cleared that same group with relative impunity. And he can go on to the next. And the next. And the next.

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I thought we were comparing Blasters and Corruptors. If you want to go that route, we can get all off-topic talking about what each AT can do better than the next.

If ONE thing goes wrong, then that Blaster is toast.

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The same could be said for most Corruptors, only they take so much longer to kill most things that that window for things to "go wrong" in is much larger.

If 'burst' damage is the metric, then Tier 9 nukes aside, Stalkers have it head and shoulders above Blasters. High burst damage combined with Defenses and Mez Protection.

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I have to say I'd like to think you were joking. A Stalker can barely clear a group of THREE mobs in the time it would take a Blaster to obliterate a spawn from a moderately sized team. A Stalker may take down that single boss better/quicker than a Blaster (maybe), but that's one out of a about a hundred or more possible situations. Everywhere else--regular mobs, AVs, GMs, PvP--a Blaster always contributes more.

Because of the debuffs or buffs the Corruptor can operate in relative safety, as well as in at least four of the cases (Dark Miasma, Kinetics, Thermal, and Radiation) heal themselves of damage taken. A Blaster can only do so after spending two power picks and even that can be interrupted.

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Anything that would kill a Blaster (especially one with Aid Self), would just as surely wipe out a Corruptor. Corruptor's really don't have much more damage than Defenders, and their buffs are considerably inferior. You don't hear anyone talking about Defenders being overpowered compared to Blasters.

Stalkers. Plain and simple. They account for the most kills in PvP, then followed by Blasters. If you can't see the Stalker, then you can't get the Stalker. The ONLY Blaster build that can get a Stalker is a /Dev with Targetting Drone and Tactics, if the Stalker is a PvP build.

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I don't mean to make assumptions, but you obviously don't PvP enough. Go into any moderately populated PvP zone and watch for a while. You don't see Stalkers showing up and completely clearing out the zone. They may get a single kill and run away, but they don't mow through things with impunity the way all those Ice & Fire/Em Blasters do. Now go watch some high-level, arena or team PvP and compare the Stalker population to the number of Blasters you see. Stalkers may be infamous for their ability to frustrate people, but only an absolutely expert Stalker is a real threat to even a moderately seasoned PvP'er, and the forums and in-game chat confirm this.

I'm sorry, but your posts seem very skewed to favoring one particular side (Heroes) and one AT in particular (Blasters) as deserving of highly preferential treatment from the Devs, when really almost half the ATs are currently suffering from some serious problem, balance issue, or other form of under-performance.



.... WHY are we talking about blasters? Go to the blaster forums and get back to the topic. Incase you forgot It is the Dual Blade Screenies.

Thank you, and good night.

With The Loves,

Me! <3

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Heres an example of the kodachi swords.

Shiki from SVC Chaos/Samurai Showdown - Uses Dual Kodachi

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THOSE I like. *Thumbs up*

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



You know, the only thing I was trying to do was state an opinion. If someone can not do that with people on here coming back with rage and anger, whats the use of a opinion? Always, i'm just alittle angery myself due to having alot of my friends leave the game back in I3. Alot of people had Tankers and found that by I3 the fun was taken out of playing something they had worked on for ALONG TIME! (HOURS) That is why I posted what I thought, along with playing as long as I have. I'm not a Forums writer and I don't have alot of time to play even! So, you can think what you want, but ive been here and done that...so I CAN have my own opinion. OUT

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See, now this is a well thought out post where you're actually sounding intelligent, which makes people want to take you seriously. People won't take you seriously if you're coming off high-and-mighty claiming you're smarter than everyon (i.e. "My IQ is 180! I've read the Art of War). Noone likes that guy, and especially when he's rambling incoherently on some internet message board.

And you're more than welcome to state an opinion. That's what freedom is for, the ability to do what you want on things like internet forums, and so forth. But, you're jumping to conclusions that are unfounded, making accusations and calling names when it was unprovoked, and insulting the Dev team, who (despite most people's understanding) are really working hard to push new content for us to have fun with.

I'm not a robot. I have problems with "balancing" and "ED" just like everyone else did. Still do. I didn't like having to change in Isssues 3-6, but, hey I did. And I still enjoy the game, and still play it.

Give these powersets an honest chance, see what options are available to us and see if you can actually find something positive to say about them before crying dooooooooooom over a few screenshots. That's all we're asking.

Always up for teaming with good players, so hit me up: @Deceivius and @Deceivius2



I like that were getting a new set. Ive always thought wielding two swords is cool, and the animations look like they might be cool as well.

On the other hand I wish the devs would show us a little more creativity. Why not dual energy swords like the ones the vanguard use. Or lightening Swords.

just my two bits



I agree that the swords are too big, I mean have you aver tried holding two katana sized blades like the toon in the screenshot does? I have and it's extremely hard to maneuver them correctly without serious injury.

Now if they would shorten the blades to a wakisashi type length of sword that would be much more effiecient, even tho lacking the superior cutting length of the larger blades the shorter blades can be used more quickly and to a more deadly effect. You get more control over the weapons, you can fight in a smaller space AND if you're skilled enough you might get in some fancy acrobatic work in there as well. Although now I'm talking from personal experience, I wouldn't advise doing a backflip or any kind of flip with two swords, because if something goes wrong you'll need atleast one hand for support.

Basically what I'm trying to say here is that smaller swords make more sense when fighting in a group and/or tight spaces. More speed, more control, and if you will more fancy moves.

On a more personal note, I could very well see the dual blades (if made smaller) doing minor to moderate damage with one or two going beyond that but with the lower damage attacks having a higher chance of getting a crit. In RL fighting with swords if I wanted to down someone quickly I wouldn't go for the heavy hitting strikes, I would use quick controlled cuts to maximise the overall damage, but hey that's just me.

"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles but misguided men."
* Martin Luther King *



Will power=Sounds cool

Dual blades=We didn't need another sword set.