Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot




I think Weapon Customization only for Dual Blades would be a big mistake, because then everyone would want customization for their axe/mace/broadsword/katana/rifle, and that is a huge undertaking, even if they already did it for Dual Blades.

I'll say this: maybe the blades we're seeing now aren't final, but there will be one Dual Blades model. You might get lucky and get a Katana/Wakizashi combo, but that's about it. Everyone gets the same two blades.

I'll happily admit I'm wrong if it turns out some other way, but I submit that that's highly improbable.

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How could it be a huge undertaking? Its not like your changing the physics of the game rather just the look of the sword/axe/mace/broadsword/katana/rifle. It should be no different than a costume change. If everything but the model design stays the same, it should be just a code string. If its that complicated perhaps I should quit my job in NDT (where intrepretation is everything) and go into programming.

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If it were that easy, I imagine it would have been done. My guess is that they do specific animations with a given model set. If you added 5 types of each weapon, you multiply the number of animations required by 5. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think it's much easier than my guess.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



lighthouse has no choice to say that ..

he works there..

ever see a community rep saying..you know what..i agree they blow. its his job after all

it seems to me that the "case' here is anything with effort as far as powersets were squashed to give to the quicker more easy set

we already know that we're getting new animations..but any animations different from the mold has already been nerfed and changed to the mold . i see new animation going in..but i see them being chnaged down the road..

remember when its all said and done...i wanted shields and would have waited longer for alittle more work then a rushed dual katana..oops i mean blade,

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I'd much rather have the content I11 will bring sooner with the inclusion of the two power sets rather than later with the inclusion with shields which sounds like a LOT more work. I11 ISN'T JUST ABOUT POWERSETS! IT'S ABOUT MORE CONTENT THAN THAT!

So to ANYONE who suggests this again..... BAD! *Smacks them on the nose with a newspaper.*

I love you folks but some people are small-minded and not looking at a bigger picture.

Also. I am happy with the way the blades are depicted in the Screen Shots. I hope it goes across the board as I stated before. (Except, again, maybe have a remesh for stalkers.)

Love ya'll,

Me. <3

P.S. I reread my stuff, and I'm cracky from a bad nap. I will not change what I post as I feel opinions matter and changing how I initially felt would be dishonest to my brain. And I love my brain, it makes me do stuff I like to do. But yes. He claims 'rushes dual blades' but if they were to make shields in time before this years end they'd be just as rushed. Now let people who WANT the power set get it. You already admit to being willing to wait, and they said they ARE working in shields. So hold that sphincter tight and wait like you claim you can do.

P.P.S. ((Hehe Peepee)) Anyways, it's not a matter of which was easier either. The polls showed Dual Blades was first, Psionic weaponry was second and Streetfighting was third in the Offensive poll. So they're giving the general consensus what is wanted. I know SOME people don't want to admit they chose, and like the set and look because, from what I seen in the discussion, a few people might nitpick, blame or out right hate on those folks. Just be happy we're getting SOMETHING. The Devs very well could have made us PAY for all the updates if they wanted. Or have left the game how it was on release. I say cut them some slack and be happy we get something to work with.

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



I did vote for dual blades. I just want the blade to look exciting, and not just the animation

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Well, that happens to be exactly how I wanted the blades to look myself. Are you saying your happiness is more important than mind? That's awfully selfish



WOO! You show them Dual Bladiers! I support the power set, dispite me having chose Psy Weaponry and Energy Blade, but I chose Dual Blades as a third.(It just wasn't on the poll ;p)

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Are you saying your happiness is more important than mind? That's awfully selfish

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Welcome to the internet and MMOs where most of the community is like that. Look at all the people who vote and then cry foul when their vote doesnt win. Got an issue? Here's a tissue.



lighthouse has no choice to say that ..

he works there..

ever see a community rep saying..you know what..i agree they blow. its his job after all

it seems to me that the "case' here is anything with effort as far as powersets were squashed to give to the quicker more easy set

we already know that we're getting new animations..but any animations different from the mold has already been nerfed and changed to the mold . i see new animation going in..but i see them being chnaged down the road..

remember when its all said and done...i wanted shields and would have waited longer for alittle more work then a rushed dual katana..oops i mean blade,

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I'd much rather have the content I11 will bring sooner with the inclusion of the two power sets rather than later with the inclusion with shields which sounds like a LOT more work. I11 ISN'T JUST ABOUT POWERSETS! IT'S ABOUT MORE CONTENT THAN THAT!

So to ANYONE who suggests this again..... BAD! *Smacks them on the nose with a newspaper.*

I love you folks but some people are small-minded and not looking at a bigger picture.

Also. I am happy with the way the blades are depicted in the Screen Shots. I hope it goes across the board as I stated before. (Except, again, maybe have a remesh for stalkers.)

Love ya'll,

Me. <3

P.S. I reread my stuff, and I'm cracky from a bad nap. I will not change what I post as I feel opinions matter and changing how I initially felt would be dishonest to my brain. And I love my brain, it makes me do stuff I like to do. But yes. He claims 'rushes dual blades' but if they were to make shields in time before this years end they'd be just as rushed. Now let people who WANT the power set get it. You already admit to being willing to wait, and they said they ARE working in shields. So hold that sphincter tight and wait like you claim you can do.

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I am not one, but there are a ton of people who play this game and NEVER read the story. For some people it is about new powers and shinies.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



well i have a concept as well.. dark.. enshadowed.. mysterious.. uses two swords. Something.. probably dark armor even though I hate dark armor.

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap




I knew it! Muhahahah! And you all said I was crazy ^_^

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Weapon.... customize.... ation..... *em jaw drop*

Customizable mission parameters....

Combo system on dual blades....

*twitch* just a little excited *twitch*

New ultra rare equipment *ah, that cut some of my excitement... better...*



ok, this thread has WAY to much negativity, it outweighs those of us that try to look on the bright side, I hate to say this but this will be my last post on this thread as people just seem to want to bi**h and moan about how THEY think the dual blades should look, I think the poll about the powersets were about us choosing a power theme and not having any control on the outcome, in my earlier post I threw out some suggestions onto the thread but now after reading this thread more thoroughly I won't be coming back to this place of eternal darkness... so long black pit of despair and hello sunshine...

"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles but misguided men."
* Martin Luther King *



ok, this thread has WAY to much negativity, it outweighs those of us that try to look on the bright side, I hate to say this but this will be my last post on this thread as people just seem to want to bi**h and moan about how THEY think the dual blades should look, I think the poll about the powersets were about us choosing a power theme and not having any control on the outcome, in my earlier post I threw out some suggestions onto the thread but now after reading this thread more thoroughly I won't be coming back to this place of eternal darkness... so long black pit of despair and hello sunshine...

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Again. No reason to complain about how any of the weapons look anymore:


And there was MUCH rejoicing! At least there'd better be



ok, this thread has WAY to much negativity, it outweighs those of us that try to look on the bright side, I hate to say this but this will be my last post on this thread as people just seem to want to bi**h and moan about how THEY think the dual blades should look, I think the poll about the powersets were about us choosing a power theme and not having any control on the outcome, in my earlier post I threw out some suggestions onto the thread but now after reading this thread more thoroughly I won't be coming back to this place of eternal darkness... so long black pit of despair and hello sunshine...

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Again. No reason to complain about how any of the weapons look anymore:


And there was MUCH rejoicing! At least there'd better be

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/em jawdrop1


Brain going into overload...must buy stocks on margin...must learn to yodel....BZZZT!...shutting down

Edit - Hmm...I wonder if the Flashback thing is only for story arcs or if it will allow a person to do all of the missions they missed from a contact...



So I could dual wield Katanas huh? Cool.

So what if the weapon I want doesnt work so well with the power? I can't dual weild two pistols as a assault rifle guy and shoot fire and grenades out of no where so much:-p

But if we can FINALLY customize some of our powers that will just be very cool. For bow, a crossbow instead could be neat but I dont see how some of the power animations will work. Probably just a different looking bow then.



So I could dual wield Katanas huh? Cool.

So what if the weapon I want doesnt work so well with the power? I can't dual weild two pistols as a assault rifle guy and shoot fire and grenades out of no where so much:-p

But if we can FINALLY customize some of our powers that will just be very cool. For bow, a crossbow instead could be neat but I dont see how some of the power animations will work. Probably just a different looking bow then.

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I think your options will be pretty limited to a few different styles per weapon. They will use the exact same animation no matter what, just change the weapon being held. Assault rifle will always have a rifle of some kind, dual pistols won't be an option on the AR sets. Likewise, I'd wager Broadsword and Katana's options will generally be limited to weapons will mostly be rather exclusive to one another.



So how does that crow taste?

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I called it first though.

Here. I think I was first.



I think Weapon Customization only for Dual Blades would be a big mistake, because then everyone would want customization for their axe/mace/broadsword/katana/rifle, and that is a huge undertaking, even if they already did it for Dual Blades.

I'll say this: maybe the blades we're seeing now aren't final, but there will be one Dual Blades model. You might get lucky and get a Katana/Wakizashi combo, but that's about it. Everyone gets the same two blades.

I'll happily admit I'm wrong if it turns out some other way, but I submit that that's highly improbable.

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How could it be a huge undertaking? Its not like your changing the physics of the game rather just the look of the sword/axe/mace/broadsword/katana/rifle. It should be no different than a costume change. If everything but the model design stays the same, it should be just a code string. If its that complicated perhaps I should quit my job in NDT (where intrepretation is everything) and go into programming.

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If it were that easy, I imagine it would have been done. My guess is that they do specific animations with a given model set. If you added 5 types of each weapon, you multiply the number of animations required by 5. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think it's much easier than my guess.

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As easy as this bud Electro's mods. Granted not everyone can see your changes but the point shown is that it is possible.

I see it being similar to a title change in game, where you can go to an arbitor or trainer and select the weapon model change.



So how does that crow taste?

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I called it first though.

Here. I think I was first.

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There were people calling this one before this thread was started. I will not take credit for it originaly, but I was one of its defenders!

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



So how does that crow taste?

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I called it first though.

Here. I think I was first.

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There were people calling this one before this thread was started. I will not take credit for it originaly, but I was one of its defenders!

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Well, as far as I know, it was the first. I haven't read other threads re: this kinda stuff, so in my mind, I was.



So how does that crow taste?

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For those who are "less than happy" with the look of the Dual Blade screenshots released, please keep in mind that it's still early in the release process with time to polish up features and you don't know all the features included in Issue 11 yet. As we move into October more details will be coming out so hang on to your hats (or blades, or whatever )

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How about passing on the concept of being able to chose your blades? Future, Relic, Mystical, Sammy, ect from the option menu? I bet that would quell alot of problems. I know Posi once said that the powers origin for blasts points and colors were "hard baked" but why not rework the new sets? Then see if you can backwards engineer it

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I liked what you've done here. You went from "how about Power Customization?" when we've been told time and time again why we won't see that in the near future, to equating changing the colors of blasts (which is the easiest part of the thing that will take dev-years to do) to changing weapon models, which I imagine is even more complicated.

Suffice it to say this is not going to happen. I agree with the poster above that what we see now is pretty much what we're going to get.

You don't have to like it, but realize that the workaround suggested is not going to happen for I11.

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Announcing the details of the next free expansion coming to City of Heroes, Issue 11: "A Stitch In Time"

Features include:
<ul type="square">[*] Weapon Customization: Players will be able to change their weapons in the same way that they change their costume parts![/list]
For all the details, please visit the Issue 11 Feature Page

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Sometimes it's right to be wrong




Weapon customization! This is going to be awesome.

I do have a few questions though.

1. Will it be possible for an existing hero/villian to change their weapon graphics? If so, does it require a respec? or is it a costume change? or is it only at character creation?

I would think it will be a costume change, which raises another question...

2. Are we going to be allowed unlimited changes to our weapons? (like normal costume changes it is only limited by influence or tokens)

3. not really a question, but... I hope we are not going to run into re-draw issues with this. BUT I trust the devs on this one, I think they got it under control.




I am VERY excited about the weapon customization!!!!

Day one ......what type of blades will my DB/willpower brute be using!?!?!?!mMUAHHAHAHAHAHA



So how does that crow taste?

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It's the most satisfying meal I've ever had!

Weapon Customization! Holy [censored] [censored]!!!

Sometimes it's very good to be utterly wrong.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



So how does that crow taste?

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I called it first though.

Here. I think I was first.

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There were people calling this one before this thread was started. I will not take credit for it originaly, but I was one of its defenders!

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Well, as far as I know, it was the first. I haven't read other threads re: this kinda stuff, so in my mind, I was.

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Come on folks we were influenced by a future powerset unknown at this time but my assumption is that its a new set for masterminds called "conviction" as we are set in our firm belief in the possible. Another power in that set could also be "common sense" but I don't think thats available until level 32.

Yay to the believers!