Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot




Bah! We already have swords, why make another sword set, even if it is 2 swords.

This set should be Dual Daggers, Kunai, or Tanto's.

Oh well, I was hoping this was gonna be cool, but it fails if they stay this way.

Come on devs, art guys, where is my Maid costume for my characters! 5 years now, its a simple request.




Wasn't this thread supposed to be about the new powersets and not the effectiveness of blasters and stalkers in pvp? Just a question, mean no offense.

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It started out about how Stalkers and Brutes are getting another powerset boost and the porting over of yet more Hero sets to Villains. Meanwhile, no Villain sets have been ported over to Heroes.

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Well not all Hero sets are on Villains, so it's not like Heroes have no unique powersets left, and I personally wouldn't want to see Controllers get Plant, or get Traps and Poison in their secondary. They could bring Electric M/A and Energy Aura over, then probably Cold Domination and Thermal, but I think they're waiting to implement the Hero to Villain vice versa transfers. And so not to be entirely off topic, wait till the set is on Test, since the models could change between now and then.



CHKM8 made this thread fail.



Pirates don't really use dual swords. They use cutlass, sabers, things like that. Dual Scimitar is more like a arabian swordsman type deal. If I see Drizzt Do Urden clones I'm mocking them and then killing them if I can. :-p

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Pirates used to fly this flag, notice the two blades.

However, flags do vary. That was an old one, Jolly Roger used bones instead of the duel swords.



I can weild two blades as well, I'm efficient in dual butterfly sword, dual hooksword, dual scholar sword, (But thats entirely dangerous right there), and dual kodachi.

Full length swords reduce your arc of lethatlity due to increased diffuculty in weilding them effectively, theres another sword to keep track of. It's incredible for someone who wants defense and attack, but otherwise it's generally not used.

I wish they had put whip, or rope dart, I pratice both of those daily, heck I'd have loved a 'snakesword'.



Pirates don't really use dual swords. They use cutlass, sabers, things like that. Dual Scimitar is more like a arabian swordsman type deal. If I see Drizzt Do Urden clones I'm mocking them and then killing them if I can. :-p

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Pirates used to fly this flag, notice the two blades.

However, flags do vary. That was an old one, Jolly Roger used bones instead of the duel swords.

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Pirates STILL didn't use two cutlasses, that flag is to notify any viewers that the men on board are pirates, nothing more.

If anything that'd be a warning that you will end up in a swordfight and killed.



Willpower sounds like a good "natural" power. However I have never radiated bright orange lights when I resist a 3rd trip back to the buffet. Will power really shouldn't have any aura IMO.

I gotta say dual swords is a dissapointment. This is a power set alot of us had been waiting on for a long time, and instead of some really cool unique blades.....we get what looks slightly longer katanas. I say boooo!

QUESTION: Willpower is for tankers,scrappers, brutes, and stalkers. Do brutes and tankers get the dual swords also?



Yes. All four melee sets will get both Dual Blades and Wiffpower.



Thanks. I actually went back and read a little more and saw that was the case. At least I can finally have a sword brute (:

Just wish the dual blades looked more like THIS.



I for one don't care as much what the look like (either set). I want to know how they play and, more importantly, how they differ from other sets.

Holding my judgement in check for the moment.



Can people PLEASE stop complaining? I wanna' see you go and make a pair of powersets that is going to please all of America, Europe, and Korea. Okay? Cryptic does a lot to make us happy, can't we be greatful? Stop complaining about making 'another blades powerset'. ITS ALREADY MADE!!! If you don't like it, don't play it! Roll a Defender or Controller, because if your sick of old Scrapper and Tanker powersets, these two play a lot differently! Please, stop the whining and make the best of the situation!

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Actually, since I11's not even in beta yet, I'd say that - although I'm sure that quite bit of development has gone into the sets, that it's hardly set in stone.

As to whining, mentioning that you're not pleased with something is hardly that. It's called *feedback* for a reason. Cryptic, Gods bless them, apparently cares what people think, hence the regular stream of patches and improvements, new "toys," and other changes to keep a game and fresh long after MOST companies have moved on to some other project. It's from all this "whining" that Cryptic can see... for example... that some players might not be happy with the fact that dual blades are scimitars, Willpower might not be the most flashy of defense powers, or that Rikti are too tall. If there's enough people that are making comments for or against something, then Cryptic can tell which way their subscribers are leaning, and where the subscribers would like to go next... all so that they can keep those subscribers happy... and paying... for another 41 months.

Of course, maybe we should follow your advice and make sure that Cryptic *never* got an idea of what its subscribers wanted by simply keeping our "whining" to ourselves and let the Dev make blind decisions...

::looks over at the shelf of *dead* games amassed over the last 15 or so years::

... errr... No.

Pass the cheese and a clean glass, I sense a good number of "vintages" coming up in the future. Cheers!

(Oh... and thank you, Cryptic for caring enough interests to listen.)

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Crappiest powersets ever, no I'm not the comic book guy, but really, double blades & Will power, that really sucks. Give some real power, what happened to the Incarnates, the Evil Kheldians, and some of the other Archtypes, I wanted Electric Hammer. While asthectically pleasing, two pickstickers suck, will power?, let's see where this goes. All in All, I'm sorely disappointed.



I like the dual blades, personally. Will power I'm still "eh" to, and will probably stick to regen or invuln for a new scrapper.



Hmm, looking at the screenshots I'd say the swords are little large. Besides, I have nothing to wear with them. Now if Sexy Jay puts in a 17th Century frock coat, I'm all in. Highwayman for win!

When the dual blades were announced I was thinking more like the little fist blades those wicked fortunatas have. Or that guy Sparkblade(?) had in the Korean trailer.

Wait and see I guess.



Unrelated to power set discussion, if I see one more person write "would of" or "could of" I do believe I'm going to go mad.



I "would of" post a good post here, I "could of" left a good post here but I'll just say glad to have new power sets now I get to have fun with more alt delete time.



I "would of" post a good post here, I "could of" left a good post here but I'll just say glad to have new power sets now I get to have fun with more alt delete time.

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*froths at the mouth and gibbers*



Thanks. I actually went back and read a little more and saw that was the case. At least I can finally have a sword brute (:

Just wish the dual blades looked more like THIS.

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I'll definitely second this. With dual knives as opposed to dual blades... I think the devs could do a lot more with the combat animations. Just imagine..... a spinning move that ends with a high back hand slash with the right hand immediately followed by a mid level thrust with the left hand.

My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning,
and yet I'm Happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?
---- Snoopy, Peanuts



So when is I11 or the Dual Blades/Willpower going to be live?



Man, every time I turn on the tv that ad for Heavenly Sword is playing and making me wish we could get Dual Blades like that girl in the commercial has. Now those would be something to get excited about!



I was excited about these new sets but now...

the dual blades was not what I had in mind. I was hoping for daggers, small axes, or something else becides 2 full length swords. I was also hoping that there would be different blades between villians and heroes. The stances seem to indicate nice animations though.

I can't open the willpower pics for some reason so I can't comment on those.

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Well I can understand the dis-appointment with what many people are saying, and how they don't exactly like sabers, but in the term blade many don't see a dagger or axe as a blade, they have their own names. From the start maybe they should have kept that clear, but most people assumed too much, as did I sinse I was hoping they got the whole concept wrong and we would get two smaller blades ^^ I still love the new ones and can't wait to use them... also wonder what the blond chick's hair means, maybe we are getting more new hairstyles... like more realistic spikes XD



Thanks. I actually went back and read a little more and saw that was the case. At least I can finally have a sword brute (:

Just wish the dual blades looked more like THIS.

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Quoted for awesomness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk




I am happy and sad with Dual Blades. Yes, they look cool, but that is a given with Dual Scimitars. But it is freaking Dual Scimitars. Hardly original. >_> ... <_< Still, after the month of 'City of Drow' is past it wont be a problem. I know I'm going to have a DB Tank, Scrapper and Brute. =^_^=b But I'm not touching the elf swordsman rejecting her evil heritage cliche with a 10' pole.

And, I want that hair. Yesterday. =@_@=



Hmm, looking at the screenshots I'd say the swords are little large. Besides, I have nothing to wear with them. Now if Sexy Jay puts in a 17th Century frock coat, I'm all in. Highwayman for win!

When the dual blades were announced I was thinking more like the little fist blades those wicked fortunatas have. Or that guy Sparkblade(?) had in the Korean trailer.

Wait and see I guess.

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Ruffles and a long coat that would allow you to see them? That would be pretty cool.

Still here, even after all this time!



i would also like to add my voice to the players who are asking for the will power animations to be more subtle.