Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot




<----------Is also throwing his name in the hat of "the dual blades would've been cooler smaller". Those swords are way to big and clunky looking, the optimal and cooler looking way would have been either machetes or knives.




I am happy and sad with Dual Blades. Yes, they look cool, but that is a given with Dual Scimitars. But it is freaking Dual Scimitars. Hardly original. >_> ... <_< Still, after the month of 'City of Drow' is past it wont be a problem. I know I'm going to have a DB Tank, Scrapper and Brute. =^_^=b But I'm not touching the elf swordsman rejecting her evil heritage cliche with a 10' pole.

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Not ALL good drow are Drizzt clones you know. Try reading War of the Spider Queen. Jarlaxle is the man anyway. Drizzt is just annoying.



Well I can understand the dis-appointment with what many people are saying, and how they don't exactly like sabers, but in the term blade many don't see a dagger or axe as a blade, they have their own names. From the start maybe they should have kept that clear, but most people assumed too much, as did I sinse I was hoping they got the whole concept wrong and we would get two smaller blades ^^ I still love the new ones and can't wait to use them... also wonder what the blond chick's hair means, maybe we are getting more new hairstyles... like more realistic spikes XD

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Think this right here is a problem with how the Polls were conducted. We were given a list of options available to use, but only names, no info/description on what the Devs thought the set would be leaving us all to form our own ideas. Then when we see how the Devs implement it, it doesn't match what we imagined because we weren't very well informed. I think with new power sets, the devs shouldn't be so secretive but work more with the players that will be playing the sets.



Better blades for DB

or this.....

or this....

or maybe this...

or even this.....

I think the swords from the screenshot are very generic and boring. Very uninspired and waaaay to long.

Scrappers and stalkers have different claws. I suggest brutes and tanks get different DBs. Just bigger and fatter blades. Tankers and brutes will look silly with these toothpicks from the screenshot.

Also, I agree with the masses....tone down will power to almost nothing. I use will power all the time and I never produce an orange aura....go figure.



For the life of me I have no idea why they chose a shamshir as the blade of choice for dual blades. IMO, almost anything would have been better.

Rikti Inquistition: Unexpected. Chief Weapon: Fear and Surprise. Chief WeaponS: Fear and Surprise and Uniforms: Snappy Red. Exclamation: Profanity! Declaration: Restarting.



It is kind of strange that everyone is complaining about this powerset as it supposedly got the popular vote in the poll. Personally, I didn't vote for Dual Blades as I was not interested in a third sword set. I can't believe that powers like Street Fighting, Electric Hammer, or Psionic Weaponry didn't win. Then again, the Devs probably thought "which one of these would be easiest to make?"

General Flag - Hero - Tank
Spy Smasher - Hero - Scrap
King Chrono - Villain - Brute
Witch Hazel - Villain - Dom

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Supergroup: Legion of Valor
SG website: [url="http://legionofvalor.guildportal.com"]legionofvalor.guildportal.com[/url]
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The swords didn't look like a shamshir.. it's more of a Samurai katana whereas the current katana AT is more of the Ninja Katana. Either way I'm kind of disappointed with the look of the new sets. I voted for Energy Blade and Electric Hammer personally.

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



scratch that.. i just noticed the hilt.

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



I agree with the general cencus that DB are ugly and disappointing, I was looking forward to these but unless they have some seriously great powers I wont bother making one.

I dont know why they dont just give us some variety along the lines of the Tsoo and the electric and fire katanas, same powerset as Katana (almost) just a different approach.



I hope give different swords for different classes, IE like how the stalker claws are a bit different than scrappers. Also i hope these puppies deal out good damage since it is two of them lol.

The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin




I think the idea of having the ability to dual wield knives would be cooler. I agree that the length of these are way too long. Even something similar to what the redcaps wield, except design them differently. Give them a unique shape, something! So much potential...*sigh*.


Psi-Fist -- Emp/Psi Defender -- Guardian
Lunaries -- Mind/Emp Controller -- Guardian
Betsy Blast -- Energy/Electricity Blaster -- Guardian
Xiang Xu -- Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Scrapper -- Guardian



I agree that the dual blades aren't that great. This is just my opinion though, they may totally be worth it if they dish insane amounts of damage. But I was picturing something similar to the redcaps. We already have enough sword like stuff in the game that does plain lethal damage. Broad sword, axe, and katana (hero and villain side). Plus any other sword set I might of missed. Seems like the devs dropped the ball again, so much opportunity to develop something fresh and exciting that could be advertised and draw more people to the game, or more of the old players back. When villains came out I was excited because of the necromancy mastermind grave knights sword fully upgrades had the blue energy in the middle. I looked great but I think still was only lethal damage. Maybe I just expected to much since I only play melee characters and one of the other archtypes now and then, but *sigh* guess I'll have to wait longer for something cool.



And one moorrre thing!...

Does anyone else notice the quality of NPC looks/powersets/costumes/etc, etc, etc...

Everytime I look at one it's rather depressing because I feel like we're getting "this is all I feel like making right now" stuff, and copy and paste variations of things. Very generic and rushed feel to it (speaking of weapons in particular as far as powers go; not the others). And after seeing THIS I think you understand what I'm saying....



Dual Weild:

Hmm, well, I was hoping for a dual weapong set with a bit more meat to it. (Arnis sticks - Kamas - telescoping batons - a couple mini-sledge hammers - hand blades - pistol / blade combos) but I suppose these will have to do.

They're a bit long and I'm not so sure how they are going to look with the Huge model. Hopefully they'll be a combination of a death-of-a-thousand-cuts and some decent defense bonuses (from each attack). I'm also hoping the animations are a bit like Arnis with rotundra, etc. Proof will be in the puddin'.

Will Power:

I'm not particularly a fan of the defuse glow and auras from Willpower - they're a bit too much like the sonic buffs / are way too bright for anything that one could consider a Natural origin character.

I wouldn't mind momentary animations that accompany activations, but the screeshots simply look like Re-Colored Regeneration, Re-Colored Invulnerability and Re-Colored Gravity Distortion Animations. Recycle / reuse - fine - but fade the auras after they initialize.

Oh, and if you've got some "really cool" sound effects in the background - put that on an mp3 player and listen to it on an auto-repeat loop it for a week or two before you make it permanent / barring that make sure the sound effects fade as well. (plzthxwootbbq)

Google me at: 0118 999 881 999 119 7253



I like the green wrist blades... I really wish we could get those!!

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



ok, I just found this while browsing through the wikipedia, the swords in the screenie don't look like a shamshir, the shamshir has a LOT bigger curve to it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamshir
however, I found this in there as well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mameluke_Sword
and in my opinion this looks much more like the one in the screenie and I've wielded a sword like that AND you could if profiecient enough with it fight with one in each hand, they aren't heavy and if made properly then the balance is awesome, a really good blade, if this is what they were aiming for then I'm happy with how the blades look.

"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles but misguided men."
* Martin Luther King *



Dual Weild:

Hmm, well, I was hoping for a dual weapong set with a bit more meat to it. (Arnis sticks - Kamas - telescoping batons - a couple mini-sledge hammers - hand blades

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Great just what I want to see a bunch of Tonya Harding Clones.



THIS is way cool! Haven't even seen those guys in game yet.

Still like this too.

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The one from the game is from the Rikti War Zone, you have to be +35 to see them, and I think +38 to get that mission arc. (could be wrong about the latter).

The second blade is the most idiotic illogical useless wepen I have seen ever. Think about using that in any kind of close quarter combat and then imagine your own intestines on the floor.

And, I don't mind the dual blade look, maybe a smidge, and I mean a smidge and I mean a very small smidge shorter would be cool. Though I have not seen any mpg's of the powers so maybe they look graceful while in motion, and perhaps everyone is just over reacting. I'd honestly really like to see a video file of the powers. Though, I'd be lying if I didn't say I do covet the vanguard's version of "claws".




I would've rather seen Psionic Weaponry than Dual Blades. And I agree with what Techisattva said about the Willpower set looking like re-colored, already in-game effects.

This woodland creature is not pleased with your shenannigans, Cryptic/NCSoft (whoever is in charge here ).



Unfortunately, It's probably too late for changes, but I really hope these models aren't final, as the ones in the screenshot bug the heck out of me. Just from the few screenshots we have, I can see one minor nit-pick, and one bigger issue.

The minor issue: those hilts are all wrong for a curved blade. Most curved blades will have a hilt that curves down in the front and up in the back, sort of like a ~. A good number of them also have a hand-guard connecting the front of the hilt to the pommel.

The big issue: those swords are FREAKIN GINORMOUS!!! Even if we assume that blondie is at the minimum height, the blades are as long as she is tall, making them around 4 feet. That's long for a two-handed sword!



Ignoring the doom 'n gloom part you just had to put in, but I did want to address one portion of your post, Veteran.

It is kind of strange that everyone is complaining about this powerset as it supposedly got the popular vote in the poll.

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Everyone (Note, not everyone is complaining; just some.) is complaining because it's not the Dual Blades they had imagined. We (I say "we" because I expressed this complaint earlier which seems to coincide with what many others here are saying) are complaining because the swords don't look "right." They aren't what we were expecting.

This sort of thing is to be completely expected since the poll was based on rather vague terms ("Dual Blades"? What kinda blades?). The Devs didn't ask and nobody answered... because there was no real option to answer that particular unasked question.

I, personally, don't very much like the look of the swords and to be honest wouldn't want swords at all in a "Dual Blade" set. Now people are also defending the look by saying, "But this is only for the Scrapper set. The other ones might look different." That's completely fine and also beside the point.

We're not decrying how the set will work (because we don't know how it will work), but those who are, are complete fools complaining just to complain. Right now, we're arguing on pure visual/aesthetic values... which, considering how vast and varied our Character Creator is... well, CoX has always seemed to place a high priority on good looks. At present, I cannot say that Dual Blades carries through with that outlook.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



I really wish we could get a couple more folks who like the look of dual blades in here. It's just a bit depressing reading all these statements dogging their look without any counter-arguements.

I really think that the blades aren't all that huge but the screenshots are kind of misleading on size.

As for the golden-hue of Willpower, well there is precedent. Miss Liberty, wife of Statesman, grandmother of the current Miss Liberty was a MA/Willpower scrapper. She would have a golden glow materialize around her after a while from practicing.

Anyway Dev's good job on the blades and I can't wait to see how they look in actual combat.




I had thought Dual Blades would be more a Dagger set than another Sword set. And why sabers? Are we trying to reinforce the pirate theme going on in the Rogue Isles or something?

As for Will Power. Um.. as many have said we were hoping for a more subtle, possibly even invisible power effects for our Natural origin melee heroes. What is with the canary yellow Sonic auras here guys? Is it really necessary to have a visual effect for every single defensive set in the game? Come on.

That is all.



I really wish we could get a couple more folks who like the look of dual blades in here. It's just a bit depressing reading all these statements dogging their look without any counter-arguements.

I really think that the blades aren't all that huge but the screenshots are kind of misleading on size.

As for the golden-hue of Willpower, well there is precedent. Miss Liberty, wife of Statesman, grandmother of the current Miss Liberty was a MA/Willpower scrapper. She would have a golden glow materialize around her after a while from practicing.

Anyway Dev's good job on the blades and I can't wait to see how they look in actual combat.

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Don't you mean Maiden Justice?


"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict