Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot




For those who are "less than happy" with the look of the Dual Blade screenshots released, please keep in mind that it's still early in the release process with time to polish up features and you don't know all the features included in Issue 11 yet. As we move into October more details will be coming out so hang on to your hats (or blades, or whatever )

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How about passing on the concept of being able to chose your blades? Future, Relic, Mystical, Sammy, ect from the option menu? I bet that would quell alot of problems. I know Posi once said that the powers origin for blasts points and colors were "hard baked" but why not rework the new sets? Then see if you can backwards engineer it

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I liked what you've done here. You went from "how about Power Customization?" when we've been told time and time again why we won't see that in the near future, to equating changing the colors of blasts (which is the easiest part of the thing that will take dev-years to do) to changing weapon models, which I imagine is even more complicated.

Suffice it to say this is not going to happen. I agree with the poster above that what we see now is pretty much what we're going to get.

You don't have to like it, but realize that the workaround suggested is not going to happen for I11.

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And if/when it does happen, I will be glad to make a post asking all of the nay sayers how crow tasts. (best I could do.)

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



For those who are "less than happy" with the look of the Dual Blade screenshots released, please keep in mind that it's still early in the release process with time to polish up features and you don't know all the features included in Issue 11 yet. As we move into October more details will be coming out so hang on to your hats (or blades, or whatever )

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How about passing on the concept of being able to chose your blades? Future, Relic, Mystical, Sammy, ect from the option menu? I bet that would quell alot of problems. I know Posi once said that the powers origin for blasts points and colors were "hard baked" but why not rework the new sets? Then see if you can backwards engineer it

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I liked what you've done here. You went from "how about Power Customization?" when we've been told time and time again why we won't see that in the near future, to equating changing the colors of blasts (which is the easiest part of the thing that will take dev-years to do) to changing weapon models, which I imagine is even more complicated.

Suffice it to say this is not going to happen. I agree with the poster above that what we see now is pretty much what we're going to get.

You don't have to like it, but realize that the workaround suggested is not going to happen for I11.

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And if/when it does happen, I will be glad to make a post asking all of the nay sayers how crow tasts. (best I could do.)

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Some day? Sure.

In I11? No.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



For those who are "less than happy" with the look of the Dual Blade screenshots released, please keep in mind that it's still early in the release process with time to polish up features and you don't know all the features included in Issue 11 yet. As we move into October more details will be coming out so hang on to your hats (or blades, or whatever )

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How about passing on the concept of being able to chose your blades? Future, Relic, Mystical, Sammy, ect from the option menu? I bet that would quell alot of problems. I know Posi once said that the powers origin for blasts points and colors were "hard baked" but why not rework the new sets? Then see if you can backwards engineer it

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I liked what you've done here. You went from "how about Power Customization?" when we've been told time and time again why we won't see that in the near future, to equating changing the colors of blasts (which is the easiest part of the thing that will take dev-years to do) to changing weapon models, which I imagine is even more complicated.

Suffice it to say this is not going to happen. I agree with the poster above that what we see now is pretty much what we're going to get.

You don't have to like it, but realize that the workaround suggested is not going to happen for I11.

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And if/when it does happen, I will be glad to make a post asking all of the nay sayers how crow tastes. (best I could do.)

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I imagine you'll be waiting a very long time then.


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D you really think LH would have made the post it there were no changes comming to dual blades? In truth I do not think we will see full PC in i11, but I do think there will be weapon custamazation, or something close to it. I may wrong, this time I don't think so.

There have just been too many slips, and lack of denial for there to not be something in the pipes. For over 3 years now I have watched the posting habits of these devs. If something is not going to happen they let us know before the fire of speculation gets out of control, they have not done that this time. Positron even had a chance to say it was not comming in his "Not" list. BAB has only said it would be difficult, instead of the before "It can not be done, because..."

There are just too many clues that would lead to OC/WC (Weapon Custamazation). If am wrong I will have no problems admiting it after i11 is out. It would not be the first time I had to make a post saying I was wrong. For the record the last think I felt this way about was costume recipe drop rates in i9 beta, and it ended up changing any way. The question is, Will the nay sayers be as willing to admit they were wrong?

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



I think Weapon Customization only for Dual Blades would be a big mistake, because then everyone would want customization for their axe/mace/broadsword/katana/rifle, and that is a huge undertaking, even if they already did it for Dual Blades.

I'll say this: maybe the blades we're seeing now aren't final, but there will be one Dual Blades model. You might get lucky and get a Katana/Wakizashi combo, but that's about it. Everyone gets the same two blades.

I'll happily admit I'm wrong if it turns out some other way, but I submit that that's highly improbable.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



I am not upset with the way the blades look, I just wish you would be doing something more superheroic with new powersets. I am not too aware outside of the Punisher/Wolverine of any SuperHeroes running around with death weapons and at least the Punisher uses modern weaponary. Swords is not a beat up and arrest the bad guy type of weapon. I like this game because it is SUPER HEROs not D&D fantasy online attempt.

I guess everyone that is a superhero fan seems to be suffering from Wolverine envy. You gave us claws, now duel blades for villains I can understand the duel wields, but for heros I would think more along the lines of billy clubs (daredevil) batons, and you do understand Elektra was a villain before Daredevil converted her. To be honest I do not really consider ninjas SuperHero material they are assassins and exactly what super heros would attempt to stop.

This is just my two cents, I am glad lots of people like them and seem very happy to get them. I do understand the ability to allow everyone to get a chance to enjoy some aspect of the game.

I am curious if they are working on a Wind Powerset. THey already have earth, water(Ice), fire...guess you could sorta say Storm is air but only defenders and controllers ATs have the ability to take it, I would like to see a blaster or corrupter get some type of wind blasting set.

Willpower seems to be an interesting concept for an armor but wonder how it will differ from Invulnerability. Hopefully it will not be a toggle/Endurance heavy beast.

Please give us more super power sets instead of weapons that are used in every other MMO on the market, you have the potential to be really unique in what you offer so putting out Dual Blades to me is lack of creativity and sorta wasted money of development for powersets. I do agree the Tank AT really needed some new powersets, the Brute has 6 to 8 choices for primary and secondary.

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AMEN BROTHER! I thought dual blades was bad, but dual scimitars? Wow, talk about a Drizzt rip off.

Well the cats out of the bag now, there is no chance that they are going to shelve this after publishing pics. Lets hope they get get this done fast, and move on to more super hero based stuff ASAP.

Nuking the world since 1972



gripe and moan! New power sets are new power sets! Animations, and you can't step on BAB for doing all that work because YOU don't like the way they look. I for one am looking forward to them! You want light sabers, go to SWG! I hear they are so bad they are giving them away ^_~ Flames? Go play WoW, I hear thats the bandwagon.

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Go play another game because I was hoping for something a little more imaginative?

I can just imagine there conversation goes like this.
Developer 1. Lets give them something new.
Developer 2. How about a sword
Developer 1. No did that twice already.
Developer 2. How about 2 swords.
Developer 1. Great Idea.



Wow I was just making a suggestion, I know last I heard Posi said no due to tech issues but flat out no was said? I'm not a forum burrower so I keep up very lightly on mech.




gripe and moan! New power sets are new power sets! Animations, and you can't step on BAB for doing all that work because YOU don't like the way they look. I for one am looking forward to them! You want light sabers, go to SWG! I hear they are so bad they are giving them away ^_~ Flames? Go play WoW, I hear thats the bandwagon.

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Go play another game because I was hoping for something a little more imaginative?

I can just imagine there conversation goes like this.
Developer 1. Lets give them something new.
Developer 2. How about a sword
Developer 1. No did that twice already.
Developer 2. How about 2 swords.
Developer 1. Great Idea.

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I doubt it was that simple.

I'd like to see ANY of you, step forward and make a better powerset o.o

Imagine this.

You are a Rad/Rad Defender. You run CoX. Now, people are, besides wondering how a Rad/Rad Defender can solo in RV, they are wanting more power sets. You make a poll. You follow the poll because listening to your people is better then telling them whats good for them, like SoE did with The NGE o.0

Now you take the winning power sets and from there you give them to your staff and say: "Lets go to work!"

Now you not only have many decisions to make as far as style, which, as you know as a dev you will never satisfy everyone, so you go with the majority, and try not to listen to just pvpers or just the upper ten percent, or whatever.

You pour your heart, your staffs heart and your own life into the power sets, making them from scratch persay. Now you show the word "Look what I have done!"

And the first thing the world says is basically "I could do better! Give us light sabers, or punch blades, or something kewl!"

Now how would that make you feel? :<



Ick. Not a big fan of sabre-style blades. Hey, thats just me...

Also regurgitating the opinion that Willpower is to bright. A tone-down seems to be in order here.

Like the blonde's new do though...

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I agree with you. I'm really looking forward to either trying them out myself or a released clip of the dual blades actually in action.

Finally new hairstyles (crosses fingers).



gripe and moan! New power sets are new power sets! Animations, and you can't step on BAB for doing all that work because YOU don't like the way they look. I for one am looking forward to them! You want light sabers, go to SWG! I hear they are so bad they are giving them away ^_~ Flames? Go play WoW, I hear thats the bandwagon.

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Go play another game because I was hoping for something a little more imaginative?

I can just imagine there conversation goes like this.
Developer 1. Lets give them something new.
Developer 2. How about a sword
Developer 1. No did that twice already.
Developer 2. How about 2 swords.
Developer 1. Great Idea.

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I doubt it was that simple.

I'd like to see ANY of you, step forward and make a better powerset o.o

Imagine this.

You are a Rad/Rad Defender. You run CoX. Now, people are, besides wondering how a Rad/Rad Defender can solo in RV, they are wanting more power sets. You make a poll. You follow the poll because listening to your people is better then telling them whats good for them, like SoE did with The NGE o.0

Now you take the winning power sets and from there you give them to your staff and say: "Lets go to work!"

Now you not only have many decisions to make as far as style, which, as you know as a dev you will never satisfy everyone, so you go with the majority, and try not to listen to just pvpers or just the upper ten percent, or whatever.

You pour your heart, your staffs heart and your own life into the power sets, making them from scratch persay. Now you show the word "Look what I have done!"

And the first thing the world says is basically "I could do better! Give us light sabers, or punch blades, or something kewl!"

Now how would that make you feel? :<

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Im sorry, I surely dont want to hurt anyones feelings.
You pour your heart, your staffs heart and your own life into the power sets, making them from scratch persay. Now you show the word "Look what I have done!"

And the first thing the world says is basically "I could do better! Give us light sabers, or punch blades, or something kewl!"

Now how would that make you feel? :<

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gripe and moan! New power sets are new power sets! Animations, and you can't step on BAB for doing all that work because YOU don't like the way they look. I for one am looking forward to them! You want light sabers, go to SWG! I hear they are so bad they are giving them away ^_~ Flames? Go play WoW, I hear thats the bandwagon.

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Go play another game because I was hoping for something a little more imaginative?

I can just imagine there conversation goes like this.
Developer 1. Lets give them something new.
Developer 2. How about a sword
Developer 1. No did that twice already.
Developer 2. How about 2 swords.
Developer 1. Great Idea.

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I believe it was more like:
Developer 1: Let's give them something new.
Developer 2: I have a few ideas.
Developer 1: I have a few ideas.
Developer 2: Let's put it to the forum community for a vote.
Developer 1: Great idea!
Ex_Libris: *creates poll*
Community: *votes for Dual Blades*
Developer 2: The public wants Dual Blades!
Developer 1: Let's make the magic happen!
Developers: *make Dual Blades set*
Community: They suck! Make them better! We never wanted them in the first place!
Developers: *go into a corner and cry*

You all had a chance to vote. It passed. Dual Blades are coming in whatever manner the devs choose to make them happen. I, personally, voted for Psi Melee, but I was out-voted. Am I griping about Dual Blades? No. Why? Because I never plan to play them. Amazing how that works out.



"Oh look mom, two forks!". I can't help to laugh when the first thing I see are two very dull looking dual blades, for a hero. And while I always have gave the Devs a glimmering hope of rational, this just seems lame on every aspect. Especially after all the weapons mentioned : Staff, sai's, warhammer, dual guns etc, they decide to do dual swords...
I know while all you unimaginative/japanophiles are basking in the glory of all that is two swords, I find myself thinking, "Thats it?". So were basically getting two swords and an advanced Invul. so the frankengun will still look the same, no dual guns, and finally no change to the gawdy and banana like Spines. Really im just more dissapointed. And as for those saying "the blades look that way due to beta"...save it, the katana looked dull for 5 issues after release so dont bother. And yes I wish to have more weapons for scrappers but can we atleast agree on that some of us (not infatuated with japan) want more Nordic or Medieval weaponary, hell I'll even take Chinese weaponary aslong as its not a sword.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



I think Weapon Customization only for Dual Blades would be a big mistake, because then everyone would want customization for their axe/mace/broadsword/katana/rifle, and that is a huge undertaking, even if they already did it for Dual Blades.

I'll say this: maybe the blades we're seeing now aren't final, but there will be one Dual Blades model. You might get lucky and get a Katana/Wakizashi combo, but that's about it. Everyone gets the same two blades.

I'll happily admit I'm wrong if it turns out some other way, but I submit that that's highly improbable.

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How could it be a huge undertaking? Its not like your changing the physics of the game rather just the look of the sword/axe/mace/broadsword/katana/rifle. It should be no different than a costume change. If everything but the model design stays the same, it should be just a code string. If its that complicated perhaps I should quit my job in NDT (where intrepretation is everything) and go into programming.



"Oh look mom, two forks!". I can't help to laugh when the first thing I see are two very dull looking dual blades, for a hero. And while I always have gave the Devs a glimmering hope of rational, this just seems lame on every aspect. Especially after all the weapons mentioned : Staff, sai's, warhammer, dual guns etc, they decide to do dual swords...
I know while all you unimaginative/japanophiles are basking in the glory of all that is two swords, I find myself thinking, "Thats it?". So were basically getting two swords and an advanced Invul. so the frankengun will still look the same, no dual guns, and finally no change to the gawdy and banana like Spines. Really im just more dissapointed. And as for those saying "the blades look that way due to beta"...save it, the katana looked dull for 5 issues after release so dont bother. And yes I wish to have more weapons for scrappers but can we atleast agree on that some of us (not infatuated with japan) want more Nordic or Medieval weaponary, hell I'll even take Chinese weaponary aslong as its not a sword.

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Um, the Scimitar is a middle eastern weapon.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



its another sword... yay for three swords i guess?

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



How could it be a huge undertaking? Its not like your changing the physics of the game rather just the look of the sword/axe/mace/broadsword/katana/rifle. It should be no different than a costume change. If everything but the model design stays the same, it should be just a code string. If its that complicated perhaps I should quit my job in NDT (where intrepretation is everything) and go into programming.

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I always love it when non-programmers say, "It can't be that hard!" I particularly like when they say that since one system kind of acts like another system that they're practically the same system. A good, hard laugh always peps up the day.



For those who are "less than happy" with the look of the Dual Blade screenshots released, please keep in mind that it's still early in the release process with time to polish up features and you don't know all the features included in Issue 11 yet. As we move into October more details will be coming out so hang on to your hats (or blades, or whatever )

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at this pooint i gotta say this is what were getting and in no way will they change the look now ..so as far as "waiting" goes

at the end of the day..the lack of effort on the look of these is what is most lacking and disapppointing

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Am I reading the same post you are? Sure seems like that post entails the polar opposite of what you just said.

Maybe I'm crazy...



My only real comment is in regards to willpower. Aside from being very 'meh' on the excitement-meter, I love how everyone is bemoaning the devs to "fix" it - when we don't really know what it looks like. The pics posted look like power activation pics, which would make sense if the auras die down after activation due to the fact that an "in action" shot wouldn't really show anything. So... everyone is asking the devs to change how something looks when we don't know really know how it looks in the first place.

<-- I'm a [u]Monkey's uncle[u]!!



lighthouse has no choice to say that ..

he works there..

ever see a community rep saying..you know what..i agree they blow. its his job after all

it seems to me that the "case' here is anything with effort as far as powersets were squashed to give to the quicker more easy set

we already know that we're getting new animations..but any animations different from the mold has already been nerfed and changed to the mold . i see new animation going in..but i see them being chnaged down the road..

remember when its all said and done...i wanted shields and would have waited longer for alittle more work then a rushed dual katana..oops i mean blade,



I'm really happy about Dual Blades, both in concept and appearance. Exactly what I was hoping for. Of course, they'll get ripped apart because the people excited for them don't whine and moan like the people who didn't want them in the first place, so I'm sure by I11 they'll be gutted.

And weaponry in comics is always dependent on the enemies encountered. Characters with weapons appear all the time, but they always fight their own unique set of enemies that exist under the following types:

1: Monsters, demons, and other fictional creatures
2: Robots
3: Zombies, which goes in #1, but deserves mention as being once human.
4: Other weapon wielding characters.

For the most part, there's a huge number of foes in CoH that are good for Lethal weapon heroes. Vahz, BP, Rikti, Rularru, Warriors, even CoT to a degree. Malta and Council push it a bit, as they sort of fit into both ends. Honestly, the only groups that I couldn't see stacked against a lethal armed hero would be the Skulls, Hellions, Outcast, and probably Carnies.



first off I love the look of the duel swords (something katana-like). And secondly I'd have to say the duel swords solves the problem as to why I never made a scrapper to begin with. While I would have loved to make a Katana scrapper long ago it bugged me to no end that my personification in CoH wields his sword in his left hand (on a side note it would be great if they add weapons to the costume creation for heroes with weapons based powers, would solve issues like this). But with Duel Swords I can finally make a close representation of the scrapper I always wanted



I do think the swords are plainer than they might've been, and Willpower looks a bit like a cross between Regeneration and the revamped Sonic shields to me...still, from what I can see, I could work with both of them. I'll reserve judgment until I can try them out



How could it be a huge undertaking? Its not like your changing the physics of the game rather just the look of the sword/axe/mace/broadsword/katana/rifle. It should be no different than a costume change. If everything but the model design stays the same, it should be just a code string. If its that complicated perhaps I should quit my job in NDT (where intrepretation is everything) and go into programming.

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I always love it when non-programmers say, "It can't be that hard!" I particularly like when they say that since one system kind of acts like another system that they're practically the same system. A good, hard laugh always peps up the day.

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Don't always assume what you don't know about people! Common sense is a disease, perhaps you should become infected.