Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot




I'm going to judge Dual Blades by what I can see in the screenshots....

Poses? Love em! I can tell I won't be displeased with some of those attacks.

Length? Okay, not bad. I can live with it, really. 2 smaller blades may resemble Claws too much anyway.

Width? Eh, a bit thin if you ask me. I think 'toothpicks' when I look at the screenie. I can live with that though.

Curvature? Cool. I like it. Makes it look unique...kind of.

Style? Why why whY WHY WHY!? Why do they look so damn PLAIN!!!!??! That's presicely why I cannot play Broadsword. In the BS set, the animations are dull and unimpressive (no power in most of those swings at all) and the blade is unforgivably plain. The only thing the set has going for it is it's 'better than average' damage which is probably why so many play it.

Both blade things are two colors. Grey and Dark Brown. OMG! BORING!!! You could google a better looking blade in under a second! GAH! Where's the style!?

I like the Katana set because of its animations and the sword doesn't look that bad. This set would need 28 flavors of awesome as animations to make me overlook the *grabs thesaurus to find another word for boring and dull because he can't think straight* monotonous look of those metal toothpicks.

GAAAAAHGG! *foams at the mouth*



Unimpressed with the Blades.

We have Katanas already, and a Broadsword (albeit crappy) and a Ninja-To; I would have liked to see something a little different, like Katars, or heavy-bladed shortswords, or even axes.




Honestly? This is one of those things that should be a precursor to Power Customization.

Have a bunch of weapon skins put in. When the player selects 'Dual Blades' as their powerset, when they get to the Costume Creator, it opens up a new option called 'Blades'. There the player can select from Scimitars, Energy Blades, Short Swords, Sword + Dirk, etc.

The blade types can then be put to the costume slots. Different costume means (potentially) different blades.



So, really what we'll see is a new bunch of ENERGY/WILLPOWER Stalkers kicking people's butt in Sirens and in RV right? Great, figures and the Dev's will NERF Brutes and Ice Tanks! Wonderful, I pay for this? = <- This close to cancelling. Also, you would think that maybe we as paying customers might see a rise in level---like to 60 maybe! Whatever happened to the a 40, 50 base effect? At 20 you get CAPES, at 30 you get AURA's and from there nothing...ever? WHY? Am I smart enough to figure out what people "REALLY" want? So many questions and I don't care how long you've been on the Community: official forums, I have sat and paid and watched as most all of you have talked about these wants! WHAT HAPPENED, is my true question? Is anyone there? Is anyone really listening? HELLO...HELP ROBOTS have taken control of this world! I can't be the only true seeing one left, I can't be...can I? Confused in SoCal! I love this game, don't get me wrong, but I just expected more from this game...not less!



So, really what we'll see is a new bunch of ENERGY/WILLPOWER Stalkers kicking people's butt in Sirens and in RV right? Great, figures and the Dev's will NERF Brutes and Ice Tanks! Wonderful, I pay for this? = <- This close to cancelling. Also, you would think that maybe we as paying customers might see a rise in level---like to 60 maybe! Whatever happened to the a 40, 50 base effect? At 20 you get CAPES, at 30 you get AURA's and from there nothing...ever? WHY? Am I smart enough to figure out what people "REALLY" want? So many questions and I don't care how long you've been on the Community: official forums, I have sat and paid and watched as most all of you have talked about these wants! WHAT HAPPENED, is my true question? Is anyone there? Is anyone really listening? HELLO...HELP ROBOTS have taken control of this world! I can't be the only true seeing one left, I can't be...can I? Confused in SoCal! I love this game, don't get me wrong, but I just expected more from this game...not less!

[/ QUOTE ]

While it's being given Stalkers too, what makes you think Willpower will be a better Stalker Secondary?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



So, really what we'll see is a new bunch of ENERGY/WILLPOWER Stalkers kicking people's butt in Sirens and in RV right? Great, figures and the Dev's will NERF Brutes and Ice Tanks!

[/ QUOTE ]
What the heck are you talking about? We don't even know anything about Willpower and you're complaining about it being overpowered? And where did you come up with this crazy idea that Brutes and Ice Tanks are getting nerfed?



What the heck are you talking about? We don't even know anything about Willpower and you're complaining about it being overpowered? And where did you come up with this crazy idea that Brutes and Ice Tanks are getting nerfed?

Just watch...should I convey..Issue 3 my friend!



Just watch...should I convey..Issue 3 my friend!

[/ QUOTE ]
Please seek medical attention immediately.



Ok, Ok....Galactiman I'll sit back again and watch! Oh, and NO I don't need help pal, you don't have the IQ of 180, but thanks!



Okay... You people are wierd. 'Scrappers and Tanks need new sets' 'WHAT!? We're getting new sets!? WTH?' Can't be happy... Well, a lot of you seem happy, and kudos. I Admit the graphical part of the blades seems a bit off, but oh well. I can live with that look. I, personally, rather have some kind of sword, rather than dagger, katar or otherwise. And I also personally hope they have very similar look for all ATs, because though long and thin, these look AWESOME! A bit bland? Sure, but what do you expect a normal wepon to be? Tie-dyed? Woo! Hope I don't get flamed...

I kid, Hope you guys yell at me whether in agreement or disagreement because I love you all, though I have been silent for my year, watching you silly people quarrel. n.n;

With Love,

Me <3.

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Okay... You people are wierd. 'Scrappers and Tanks need new sets' 'WHAT!? We're getting new sets!? WTH?' Can't be happy... Well, a lot of you seem happy, and kudos. I Admit the graphical part of the blades seems a bit off, but oh well. I can live with that look. I, personally, rather have some kind of sword, rather than dagger, katar or otherwise. And I also personally hope they have very similar look for all ATs, because though long and thin, these look AWESOME! A bit bland? Sure, but what do you expect a normal wepon to be? Tie-dyed? Woo! Hope I don't get flamed...

I kid, Hope you guys yell at me whether in agreement or disagreement because I love you all, though I have been silent for my year, watching you silly people quarrel. n.n;

With Love,

Me <3.

[/ QUOTE ]

Man, if I could get customers like some of you! You all seem to except the minimal...why? This all seems to be a playground for when (Marvel Universe Online). Lets just see how many of you are still playing this MMO when it comes out! Frankly, I don't really care what some of you might think of my...OPINION! [] - Look outside the box for once!



You all seem to except the minimal...why?

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This doesn't seem minimal to me. 'Minimal' would be having nothing. They're giving us these two because I, personally, beleive the devs are doing what they think we want. Sure people flames, but some people, like myself, until recently, don't express thier feeling on forums. Plus, they said they'd be giving us more than just these power sets. I can wait, and be ready for new stuff to play with. And if the gameplay of the blades are as good as BaB said, then I wouldn't care if they were pink pompoms like in Energy Melee. ;p

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Dual blades is a disappointing choice to begin with, and the screenshots of teh Drizzt phantasy scimitars only make it worse. Congrats to whoever likes this stuff, but it gets two emphatic thumbs-down from me.




I think both the sets of crap... but then again..I'm not a huge fan of melee types... even for melee though I think they could have been alittle more original/ imaginative... especially since there's an entire community of people begging to give up their innovative ideas...



Well, after looking at those screenshots i have to say some suggestions:
Dual blades
- They are too long. For a "dual weapon" set they should be shorter; Maybe those swords will look shorter in a "BIG guy" hands but...
- Since its a weapon set, i think they should have a sheath. This is something i wanted for the others swords sets in scrappers and stalkers but, no luck so far... I mean its weird to see a long swords like that coming from "nowhere" and vanishing to "nowhere"... Well if its a "magic" toon then at least, showing a "mini black hole" or a "rupture in the dimension" would be good to explain where the weapon goes... hehe :P
- We didn't saw any animation yet but, please change the way the toon walk or run or jump when using a sword... specially the female toon... Based on what we have until now with katana or broadsword i have to say: none of them looks "cool" or "sexy" when walking or running or jumping around with the weapon in hands...

As for willpower i have to say only 1 thing: base on those screenshots we have until now, i think its just looks like a invul+energy aura effects with other colors... I know its hard to programming those things to the game but...



I agree with CHKM8 in a few ways. Aura's also need to be revamped for villains, they need their own like: blood drips or smoke type that has skulls that haze in... something. Please... please give us quivers and holsters. I ask the gaming god for this every night! new power sets are great really, but when npc's have costume pieces that 9 out of 10 players want just take a little time and pass them along to us. this game is as much about look as it is about your powers. everyone knows this. Devs and the Gaming God hear our prayers... please pimp my hero/villain.



So, really what we'll see is a new bunch of ENERGY/WILLPOWER Stalkers kicking people's butt in Sirens and in RV right? Great, figures and the Dev's will NERF Brutes and Ice Tanks! Wonderful, I pay for this? = <- This close to cancelling. Also, you would think that maybe we as paying customers might see a rise in level---like to 60 maybe! Whatever happened to the a 40, 50 base effect? At 20 you get CAPES, at 30 you get AURA's and from there nothing...ever? WHY? Am I smart enough to figure out what people "REALLY" want? So many questions and I don't care how long you've been on the Community: official forums, I have sat and paid and watched as most all of you have talked about these wants! WHAT HAPPENED, is my true question? Is anyone there? Is anyone really listening? HELLO...HELP ROBOTS have taken control of this world! I can't be the only true seeing one left, I can't be...can I? Confused in SoCal! I love this game, don't get me wrong, but I just expected more from this game...not less!

[/ QUOTE ]

I would seriously like to know why you think that this set will be overpowered. By what reasoning? And why do you think that Ice tanks and Brutes will be nerfed just because they're introducing Willpower to all melee AT's?

Your rambling incoherently. Remove head from sphincter, then post.

Just watch...should I convey..Issue 3 my friend!

[/ QUOTE ]

What part of Issue 3 would you be referring to? The Devs balance things a lot more than they did back in the older issues, so there's a high likelyhood of this being balanced, rather than getting a nerf later (which you're soooooooo convinced of, apparently).

Ok, Ok....Galactiman I'll sit back again and watch! Oh, and NO I don't need help pal, you don't have the IQ of 180, but thanks!

[/ QUOTE ]

Bragging about having an IQ of 180 on the internet is incredibly retarded. Do you honestly think that we care about your IQ?

Doom and Gloom in every post I've seen you make..... seriously, what color are the skies in your world?

Always up for teaming with good players, so hit me up: @Deceivius and @Deceivius2



I'm excited about these new powersets, personally. I don't even play melee types (mostly control and MM's for me ), but, the new animations they devs are cooking up, the ability to create my pirate scrapper/brute/tank/etc. I've wanted for a while, and a few other things keeps me hopeful.

People complaining that Controllers and Defenders need new powersets need to think that Scrappers and Tanks have been waiting longer than them for new powersets. All in due time. And Brutes/Stalkers are getting them just to widen the appeal, methinks.

I really like the idea of Willpower.... reminds of of John McClaine from Die Hard. Just keeps walking over that broken glass cause he's a *man*.

I also think that they blades look alright. Not overwhelmingly great, but, alright. Here's to hoping that different AT's will get different blades to use (i.e. Scrappers and Stalkers having different Claws skins).

And one request I would like is to actually have sheaths for these to be pulled out from..... I agree that pulling them out of a black hole of nothingness is kinda lame..... I mean, the Jounins get two Katanas on their backs, and Infernal keeps his Axe on his back. Can we finally get new back costume parts to go with these cool new powersets?

Always up for teaming with good players, so hit me up: @Deceivius and @Deceivius2



The blades look about thin enough given the general look of the stances for the animations. The thin blade is easier, lighter and faster to move, especially when it's that big.

The Dev who stated that he thought EAT's came too soon was Posi in the last issue of the community newsletter. He's probably right.

Also like someone mentioned before trenchcoat guy is in the screenshots, which begs a really interesting question. Was he just a stock character that the dev's liked or have they been working on this powerset for multiple issues?



So the general consensus about the Dual Blades screenshot seems to be that it is just ok, however people expected or were hoping to see shorter blades. Put me in with that group. I'll reserve judgement until we can see some animations and/or power descriptions.

With Willpower I'd love to see just an animation upon activating toggle or click, and then no auras or soungs for the duration. Gimme the willpower to avoid eating another slice of pie, not the willpower to turn different colors and fend off attackers. But I do see the point of having auras in the game.

Keep us interested.

The Unofficial Official of Nothing Official

Proud member of Nites of Darkness/Shut Your Pie Hole



I foresee a lot of Drizzt Do'Urden clones running around...




People complaining that Controllers and Defenders need new powersets need to think that Scrappers and Tanks have been waiting longer than them for new powersets. All in due time. And Brutes/Stalkers are getting them just to widen the appeal, methinks.

[/ QUOTE ]

The problem with this is, Brutes and Stalkers have already gotten new powersets. In Issue 7, Brutes got Electric Melee & Electric Armor. Stalkers got Dark Melee and Dark Armor.

Scrappers and Tanks have gotten nothing since the start of the game, while two other melee ATs are now getting their second boost.

Doms have gotten nothing.

Corruptors have gotten nothing.

Edit - And yes, I realize it it somewhat simplistic comparatively to port over sets. But that should mean Tanks also get Energy Aura, Blasters get Traps, Controllers get Plant Control, etc. We don't however, see that happening. Villains can get Heroes powersets, but Heroes don't see any reciprocation.



I would love to see some video footage of the new powersets, especially Dual Blades. I wasn't (and still aren't) expecting anything fancy out of Willpower, but do hope the effects get toned down as BaB implied. A low-key Tanker set would be great.


Also on Steam



So, really what we'll see is a new bunch of ENERGY/WILLPOWER Stalkers kicking people's butt in Sirens and in RV right? Great, figures and the Dev's will NERF Brutes and Ice Tanks! Wonderful, I pay for this? = <- This close to cancelling. Also, you would think that maybe we as paying customers might see a rise in level---like to 60 maybe! Whatever happened to the a 40, 50 base effect? At 20 you get CAPES, at 30 you get AURA's and from there nothing...ever? WHY? Am I smart enough to figure out what people "REALLY" want? So many questions and I don't care how long you've been on the Community: official forums, I have sat and paid and watched as most all of you have talked about these wants! WHAT HAPPENED, is my true question? Is anyone there? Is anyone really listening? HELLO...HELP ROBOTS have taken control of this world! I can't be the only true seeing one left, I can't be...can I? Confused in SoCal! I love this game, don't get me wrong, but I just expected more from this game...not less!

[/ QUOTE ]

I would seriously like to know why you think that this set will be overpowered. By what reasoning? And why do you think that Ice tanks and Brutes will be nerfed just because they're introducing Willpower to all melee AT's?

Your rambling incoherently. Remove head from sphincter, then post.

Just watch...should I convey..Issue 3 my friend!

[/ QUOTE ]

What part of Issue 3 would you be referring to? The Devs balance things a lot more than they did back in the older issues, so there's a high likelyhood of this being balanced, rather than getting a nerf later (which you're soooooooo convinced of, apparently).

Ok, Ok....Galactiman I'll sit back again and watch! Oh, and NO I don't need help pal, you don't have the IQ of 180, but thanks!

[/ QUOTE ]

Bragging about having an IQ of 180 on the internet is incredibly retarded. Do you honestly think that we care about your IQ?

Doom and Gloom in every post I've seen you make..... seriously, what color are the skies in your world?

[/ QUOTE ]

Blue of course, but your a ROBOT like all the rest that can't see past thier noses! Keep paying that bill like me.. Oh yeah, you do care or you wouldn't even take the time to post! PLEASE, read the "Art of War" before you come at someone like me with your gander! Have a nice night!



Why not allow a sub dual blades category selection at creation for choosing sword types?

It would just change the look(skin) of the blades and not the function of them. Some of the sword skins are already in the game so it shouldn't be that difficult to do so I would imagine.

That way people could choose cutlasses, scimitars, etc.

-Storm Revenant-

Fires Within: Lvl 50 Fire/Kinetics Controller (Champion)
Steamed: Lvl 50 Thugs/Dark Miasma Mastermind (Freedom)