Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot




It's not paranoia; it'll happen, just like how many other power sets make perfect material for [homage] characters.

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And why is it a problem? Wow, a powerset has affected my gameplay experience in some way.

I never got the ripoff hype, or why people [edit]a general "people", I know you're awaiting their release [/edit] feel compelled to shun a powerset simply because there's some other reference to it, somewhere, in some way.



But ... well, the image I'm seeing in my head comes across as awfully vicious, awfully aggressive looking, for a hero set. The image I'm getting in my head is not "I'm going to disarm and defeat you," it's not even "I'm going to kill you and let the medics at the prison hospital piece you back together," it's more like, "they'll be picking you up with a sponge and a mop."

[/ QUOTE ] So,this isnt how we're suppose to do it? Oops. And where did this arrest thing even come up?



But Im sure the Jack Sparrow wannabe's will be pleased.

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Not to mention the millions of Drizzt clones.... Joy... >_<

Virtue Roleplayer!
Skyway Bulldozer Level 50 SS/Invuln/Mace Brute
Maximus Leo Level 50 Sword/Invuln Scrapper
Mr. Tiny Tiger Level 49 Invuln/SS Tanker
Cage-Match Level 45 MA/Will Scrapper



It's not paranoia; it'll happen, just like how many other power sets make perfect material for [homage] characters.

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And why is it a problem? Wow, a powerset has affected my gameplay experience in some way.

I never got the ripoff hype, or why people feel compelled to shun a powerset simply because there's some other reference to it, somewhere, in some way.

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If I was "shunning" it, I wouldn't have gone on to say how I was looking forward to seeing how the set worked.

"The proper office of a friend is to side with you when you are in the wrong. Nearly anybody will side with you when you are in the right."
- Mark Twain, Notebook, 1898
- Bart Allen, aka Impulse/Kid Flash/The Flash, Teen Titans v.3, #6



Dual Blades - Can't see them in action. From the poses, looks like the swords are a bit long (but I guess we are in a Final Fantasy world). Some of the positions look a bit combat awkward. I hope at least some of the "moves" involve keeping the target at range with one blade while delivering a blow with the other - ie. preferably one with a acc-debuff and def-debuff (unless there is some other way to portray the ability to lock-up/parry opponents weapon with one blade while openning them up with a shot with the other). Thought it is not always the case, curved blades tend to be more for mounted warriors. Strait blades for people on foot. Think about the motion of the blade when you impale someone while riding and you'll see why I'm saying that. I do understand that curved blades look cool and you want to give them a different look from the other bladed weapons. I was expecting more short swords (or sai), a parrying blade and rapier, or batons/fighting sticks. Criticism aside. I'm looking forward to seeing the power-set in motion.
Willl power - I can't get the site to come up. I'm pretty security concious, so it may have been blocked due to some spurious cookie or another that may cause other users security issues. Just a heads up. Of course, maybe other people are getting to the link a different way other than clicking on it and maybe the link itself is bad. I don't know which. I can't get IE to bring it up at any rate.

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Actually, curved blades are generally associated with ship battles where quarters are often too close for stabbing motions and fighting generally lends itself to chopping and slashing. Of course, the more famous curved blades are scimitars which is of Middle Eastern origin.

However, the pictures are closer to the curved blades more traditionally used on ships and not the giant headed scimitars of the Middle East. Dual blades in the hands of a Pirate are a fairly accurate representation, but then again realism is not something a super hero game neccessarily needs to lend itself to.




I'd just like to agree with many of the people here. The blades are too long in my opinion. Something shorter, like daggers or maybe wakizashi, was what I was expecting. In all honesty, those two blades are way too big. Regardless of what popular media does with double swords, those are much too long to be used together without restricting your arc of lethality in a major way. I'd like to see them shorter.

Then again, this is just one man's opinion. Maybe others like them the way they are. Perhaps a forumn vote on wether they should be shortened?

However, I WOULD like to give the Devs a big THANK YOU!!! For putting in more powersets at all I always appreciate new toys



I was really hoping for some shorter wider blades. Maybe some daggers, or shortsword type. Do we really need 2 long swords when there are already 2 in the game? I dont really see how these long slender blades fit with my concept of a tank or brute. If the dual blades are as they look in these screen shots for all ATs I would give them an F. Just for scrappers/stalkers maybe a C. But se la vi, its not my game I just play it. Just saying that this really dampens my excitement for I11. On the other hand I am very excited for Willpower armor.



I was really hoping for some shorter wider blades. Maybe some daggers, or shortsword type. Do we really need 2 long swords when there are already 2 in the game? I dont really see how these long slender blades fit with my concept of a tank or brute. If the dual blades are as they look in these screen shots for all ATs I would give them an F. Just for scrappers/stalkers maybe a C. But se la vi, its not my game I just play it. Just saying that this really dampens my excitement for I11. On the other hand I am very excited for Willpower armor.

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See, that's why Dual Butterfly Swords would of been better. Would of worked for any AT.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I would be most happy if they gave us an Arab headwrap/turban...and full-length robe...It would go quite well with Dual Blades



Well, it is, as someone mentioned above, a comic book game, and if you've ever noticed comic books generally lend almost every gun, sword, or even person as being quite larger than in real life. It adds to the presence fo the character, not to realism. For example Superman is supposed to be mistaken as a mild mannered reporter. Yes, he has muscles, but not like a body builder which is how he's generally portrayed. The Punisher's guns are very, very often portrayed as over half again the size of their real life counterparts. It's just comic-esque that's all.

I'd just like to agree with many of the people here. The blades are too long in my opinion. Something shorter, like daggers or maybe wakizashi, was what I was expecting. In all honesty, those two blades are way too big. Regardless of what popular media does with double swords, those are much too long to be used together without restricting your arc of lethality in a major way. I'd like to see them shorter.

Then again, this is just one man's opinion. Maybe others like them the way they are. Perhaps a forumn vote on wether they should be shortened?

However, I WOULD like to give the Devs a big THANK YOU!!! For putting in more powersets at all I always appreciate new toys

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Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Do the artists at Cryptic watch modern entertainment at all?

The swords from 300 looked AWESOME.

Heck, even the swords from Troy looked cool.

Do these guys watch movies at all? There are so many places where they could get ideas for something that isn't so incredibly plain and boring.

And how about some particle effects for our weapons for crying out loud .



honestly, I was expecting dual-blades to follow the trend of GoW and HS; chain links and everything

seeing them as fan blades or blades like Tira has in SCIII (or even Bloodrayne styled) - all curved mind you... would've been interesting

the swords weren't bad but they are pretty big

other than that, all I'm really concerned about is how the powerset actually plays


as far as the willpower screenshots... not really much to see

How about a few clips/short vids for the next set of teasers

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



I was really hoping for some shorter wider blades. Maybe some daggers, or shortsword type. Do we really need 2 long swords when there are already 2 in the game? I dont really see how these long slender blades fit with my concept of a tank or brute. If the dual blades are as they look in these screen shots for all ATs I would give them an F. Just for scrappers/stalkers maybe a C. But se la vi, its not my game I just play it. Just saying that this really dampens my excitement for I11. On the other hand I am very excited for Willpower armor.

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See, that's why Dual Butterfly Swords would of been better. Would of worked for any AT.

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I don't know if this has been brought up, but supposedly Tankers/Brutes get different models for their Dual Blades, so more than likely this is all Scrapper screenshots. Plus this isn't even in Closed Beta yet so the models could change.



Know what I'd like to see for Dual Blades?

How's about a little of THIS action? Truth be told, I designed a comic book villain with this same design of weapon in mind. Granted, the blades I imagined were not energy-based or anything, but they were almost EXACTLY like this. Curved blades affixed to gloves. GIMME!

The last thing we need is more friggin swords. Broadsword, Katana, even Claws. It's all the same, basically. How about something innovative for a change? These screenshots only serve to depress me further. At least make them psionic blades a la Psylocke from the X-Men or SOMETHING. Please?

Oh, and for the record... Willpower? *sigh* Lamest. Powerset. Ever.




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Welcome, overly paranoid psycho folk.

Seriously, you want to be paranoid about something? Be paranoid about the fact that a good majority of all the "new" sets that have been released since the game's release have sucked, royally.

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Sonic Resonance
Sonic Blast
Trick Arrow (esp in the hands of a fire controller).
Electric Brute mele and defensive set.

All of those sets are pretty damn good.

Only a many ignorant people up until its recent graphics change thought sonic resonance was "useless", even less know how to play a sonic blast set appropriately.
And, while I'm not a huge fan of the kheld ATs myself, I have witnessed those sets in the hands a of a good player to bring a great team up to a freaking fabulous team.

So, while I respect your right to express your opinion, I think your opinion is flawed.



Personally, I have a mixed feeling towards both the player base and the devs regarding this new set.

On one hand, I relate to the majority of the players in that a dual swords set DOES seem cool. On the other hand, I abhor the common denominator that got us ANOTHER sword/lethal set for melee types, when we could've had something far more unique and different from what we already have available. In other words, while Dual Swords seems like fun, I think it pales in comparison to what we COULD have had.

As far as the devs, I actually feel bad for them because of how constantly they get lambasted with criticisms no matter what they put out for us. I genuinely believe we have a dev group that cares about their player base, and it's a shame they receive so much flak. On the other side, I share the feeling that a lot of players do that we do often end up getting the "easy fix" with things like repeat animations, certain game mechanics and un-fixed problems (Fury, Placate, the Market, defense-based sets, etc.), the over-abundance of smashing/lethal, the perpetual gimpage of certain sets, and so on.

It's a mixed bag, really. Overall, I sure would've liked to see a more innovative set like War Hammer, Psionic Weaponry, or Street Fighting, but assuming the actual powers of the set are decent, I'll give Dual Blades and Willpower their due. Now, if we wind up with another Claws-type or DPS-based attack set, or a defensive set that gimps itself by trying to be jack of all trades, master of none, then to hell with 'em.

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Couldnt have put it better myself. I still stand by my position that the City of Legends project should not have been scrapped. If things would have continued we would have got a unique power set for each AT and that is what we need.

I hate that each time we just get 1 or 2 new ones and that is all you get to team with for the next 4 months. If we just had an issue of new sets then we would have basically a full 6 months of awesome teams and fresh toons.

I know this would be very hard though......... I just hope that in the future we make our new sets count. Cause pretty much all of the new ones have sucked royally.

Sonics for blasters, Dark for Stalkers, now these dual SWORDS.

We could be doing so much more right now. I really think that we need to start having veteran polls. How about when we vote on things from now on we have two polls. One that everyone can vote in and one that you can only vote in if you have a certain ammount of veteran badges.

That way we see what the noobies want and we see what the people who know what they are talking about want.

Im not saying we should go off of what the vets want only, but dont you think it would really show whats best for the game?

You can give a new player everything in the world but if they dont stick around whats it matter? You need to appeal to the guys who have stuck with you for 3 freaking years, if you start losing your vets your screwed.

.................................................. .........

end rant lol.

I love you guys, really.

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Sonic blast is great what are you talking about?



Electric Brute mele and defensive set.

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Incidentally, while we're on the topic... why haven't we seen any effort to transfer Electric sets to Heroes? The devs constantly cry "Balance!" and yet they leave this little discrepancy hanging out there...



I imagine the pics were released to get peoples' reaction to the current looks and it probably isn't too late for them to make scaling adjustments for the blades or tinting for the willpower if it looks like a majority of people seem unhappy with them.

I think the blades look fine, was hoping for more of a one long and one short blade combo, though. The blades for the female model really need to scale down more, they look way too big and unwieldy. The ones the guy has seem sized pretty well. If the scaling for the blades is as bad for huge models as it is for the female model, then the blades might look rather puny when used by huge models. I think the huge model needs a huge blade, like a Khopesh.



I imagine the pics were released to get peoples' reaction to the current looks and it probably isn't too late for them to make scaling adjustments for the blades or tinting for the willpower if it looks like a majority of people seem unhappy with them.

I think the blades look fine, was hoping for more of a one long and one short blade combo, though. The blades for the female model really need to scale down more, they look way too big and unwieldy. The ones the guy has seem sized pretty well. If the scaling for the blades is as bad for huge models as it is for the female model, then the blades might look rather puny when used by huge models. I think the huge model needs a huge blade, like a Khopesh.

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Perhaps Dual-wielding Greater Fire Swords? Wouldn't that kick a lil' butt, huh?



Sonic Resonance
Sonic Blast
Trick Arrow (esp in the hands of a fire controller).
Electric Brute mele and defensive set.

All of those sets are pretty damn good.

Only a many ignorant people up until its recent graphics change thought sonic resonance was "useless", even less know how to play a sonic blast set appropriately.
And, while I'm not a huge fan of the kheld ATs myself, I have witnessed those sets in the hands a of a good player to bring a great team up to a freaking fabulous team.

So, while I respect your right to express your opinion, I think your opinion is flawed.

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I have to echo Sonic Blast not being gimped. It would, theoretically, be better for PvP than Fire Blast and Ice Blast were it not for Power Boost enhancing slows and Shout's 3 second animation. Perma cone sleep right out of the box, Mag 3 Stun nuke...come on guys.
Ditto for Mastermind Thugs, Electric Melee, and Electric Armor.
Sonic Resonance, Stalker Dark Melee/Armor and Archery are rough around the edges, but from what I've seen/played they roll with the big dogs at best, are fair at worst.

Trick Arrow is the only introduced powerset I would say requires more than a touch-up.



I imagine the pics were released to get peoples' reaction to the current looks and it probably isn't too late for them to make scaling adjustments for the blades or tinting for the willpower if it looks like a majority of people seem unhappy with them.

I think the blades look fine, was hoping for more of a one long and one short blade combo, though. The blades for the female model really need to scale down more, they look way too big and unwieldy. The ones the guy has seem sized pretty well. If the scaling for the blades is as bad for huge models as it is for the female model, then the blades might look rather puny when used by huge models. I think the huge model needs a huge blade, like a Khopesh.

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I agree the Huge model would go very well witht eh Copesh. For scrappers I was hopeing for the 300 Spartan Sword. , rather than the scimitar.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Yeah you can't tell squat about a set from just a couple of screen shots but Dual Blades do look much longer and thinnner than I was hoping they'd be. Also the design is kind of boring as others have said. They need some more wicked looking skins.



Incidentally, while we're on the topic... why haven't we seen any effort to transfer Electric sets to Heroes? The devs constantly cry "Balance!" and yet they leave this little discrepancy hanging out there...

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They're the only two powersets signature to Brutes. Electric Armor would also be weak as a Tanker set, and Electric Melee would give energy damage to Scrappers.



I'd have to agree. Seems this biggest problem here is that everyone has thier own personal idea of what Dual Blades are made up in thier heads already. Andso far, only a few people her eon the forum actually like the ones shown. When I think dual blades in general, I think 2 styled blades with a bit of weght and no more than moderate length. But not something so small that it looks like your just waving your hands around smacking people. What the devs and the playerbase think it should look like seems to have a fine line. It's easy to make a Katana or Broadsword, theres only so much that can be done for those but wih Dual Blades there doesn't seem to be a 'set of rules' to follow other than your own creativity.



bring on the Drizzt clones.