Discussion: New Powerset Screenshot




Not really impressed with the Dual Blades, especially after how much effort they seemed to make about it being Dual Blades and not Dual Sword.
I was hoping for something more along the lines of this



I was hoping for some straight fencing type blades they look too much like katannas. That's what i said when i voted for them too.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Incidentally, while we're on the topic... why haven't we seen any effort to transfer Electric sets to Heroes? The devs constantly cry "Balance!" and yet they leave this little discrepancy hanging out there...

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They're the only two powersets signature to Brutes. Electric Armor would also be weak as a Tanker set, and Electric Melee would give energy damage to Scrappers.

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Yet there's the continual stallage on bringing Energy Aura over for Tanks. It only makes sense as they already have Energy Melee. Tanks have no 'signature' powersets (not counting Ice because of the issues dealing with Fury and the Slows in Ice which is a game mechanics issue of why Brutes don't have Ice). Scrappers have no 'signature' powersets. Brutes get Electric and Stalkers get Ninjitsu.

The only problem I have with it is that it's a second Issue that's giving new powersets to both Brutes and Stalkers. The only Hero AT that has gotten four new sets is Defenders and that was way back in Issue 5.



Swords = Stupid. I thought they were going to be big knives held downward pointing.. Now that would have been cool! But two swords.. Geesh city of ninja's anyone.. Bleh Two thumbs down...



Scrappers have no 'signature' powersets.

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Then what's Broadsword?

=^..^=. o O (Nothing to see. Just a cat.)
(_ _)~
*Recipient of a Sentai Sage thumbs up of approval.



Scrappers have no 'signature' powersets.

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Then what's Broadsword?

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Do you honestly consider Broadsword to be signature?

I know I don't.

Now, if Scrappers had Street Fighting, I could consider that as a 'signature'. But BS? No way.



They seem too long; I would love to see them shorter like Elektra's sais. I do plan on making one to try it out. Right now I think they look a lot like curved katanas.



Scrappers have no 'signature' powersets.

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Then what's Broadsword?

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Do you honestly consider Broadsword to be signature?

I know I don't.

Now, if Scrappers had Street Fighting, I could consider that as a 'signature'. But BS? No way.

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Okay, educate me. How is BS not signature?

=^..^=. o O (Nothing to see. Just a cat.)
(_ _)~
*Recipient of a Sentai Sage thumbs up of approval.



Scrappers have no 'signature' powersets.

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Then what's Broadsword?

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Do you honestly consider Broadsword to be signature?

I know I don't.

Now, if Scrappers had Street Fighting, I could consider that as a 'signature'. But BS? No way.

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Okay, educate me. How is BS not signature?

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You mean besides the fact that almost all of it's animations are shared with War Mace and Battle Axe? That's not 'signature'. It's reskinning existing animations and calling it a 'different' set.

Edit - And iirc, the only reason Brutes didn't get Mace and Axe is because of redraw issues (not to mention, if I can even forget they exist when I made that first post, they can't exactly be 'signature') and Fury generation, which have apparently been solved as they are now getting a weapons set. I figure it's only a matter of time before they get Axe and Mace.

Edit ^ 2 - Now, if they were to go back and give Broadsword it's own animations or somehow tweak it so that it actually looks different than Mace/Axe when in use, I could call it 'signature'.



I think what you define as "signature" is a bit too limiting. By that logic, any set that shares animations, regardless of skinning, is not "signature." This includes everything that uses the Total Focus, Bone Smasher, Ice Bolt, Smite, and etc. animations. That reduces the number of signature sets in the game to like... nothing... since the ones that have totally unique animations by necessity (Assault Rifle, Archery, Sonic, Martial Arts, etc.) are all shared by more than one AT.



Dual Blades - Can't see them in action. From the poses, looks like the swords are a bit long (but I guess we are in a Final Fantasy world). Some of the positions look a bit combat awkward. I hope at least some of the "moves" involve keeping the target at range with one blade while delivering a blow with the other - ie. preferably one with a acc-debuff and def-debuff (unless there is some other way to portray the ability to lock-up/parry opponents weapon with one blade while openning them up with a shot with the other). Thought it is not always the case, curved blades tend to be more for mounted warriors. Strait blades for people on foot. Think about the motion of the blade when you impale someone while riding and you'll see why I'm saying that. I do understand that curved blades look cool and you want to give them a different look from the other bladed weapons. I was expecting more short swords (or sai), a parrying blade and rapier, or batons/fighting sticks. Criticism aside. I'm looking forward to seeing the power-set in motion.
Willl power - I can't get the site to come up. I'm pretty security concious, so it may have been blocked due to some spurious cookie or another that may cause other users security issues. Just a heads up. Of course, maybe other people are getting to the link a different way other than clicking on it and maybe the link itself is bad. I don't know which. I can't get [u]IE[u] to bring it up at any rate.

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thats your problem in a nutshell IE is hosed , ( i use firefox and never have any problems , like i did with IE ) , but everyone likes what they like

Talos Maltalomar lvl 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter - Triumph Server
Arack BloodThrall lvl 50 BS/SR Scrapper - Triumph Server
Rose's Kiss Lvl 50 Mind/Nrg/Ice PermaDom - Triumph Server



Not really impressed with the Dual Blades, especially after how much effort they seemed to make about it being Dual Blades and not Dual Sword.
I was hoping for something more along the lines of this

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Awesome [censored] reference, too.

I was hoping for the same.

"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."



I'm in agreement that the dual blades are too firggin' LONG...

I was thinking this would be more along the lines of a shortsword/main gauche combo, or twin sai or wakizashi ....

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Hn. Well twin kodachi would work great actully, they are japanese shortswords, wakizashi are a bit too short they're more like daggers, a tanto would be a knife, traditionally twin paired kodachi are used as shordswords they're shorter than Katana in length.

Theres a character from a game that uses them, though I can't remember what game or char name, female, assassin.., I want to say last blade series.



I think what you define as "signature" is a bit too limiting. By that logic, any set that shares animations, regardless of skinning, is not "signature." This includes everything that uses the Total Focus, Bone Smasher, Ice Bolt, Smite, and etc. animations. That reduces the number of signature sets in the game to like... nothing... since the ones that have totally unique animations by necessity (Assault Rifle, Archery, Sonic, Martial Arts, etc.) are all shared by more than one AT.

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Not really.

For me, playing Broadsword, Battle Ax, and Mace all are essentially the same. They don't feel any different.

It's not only the animations, the entire feel of all three sets is the same. They just have a different weapon skin in place.



Just like every other weapon available in this game, these 'dual blades' are ridiculously oversized and cartoonishly exaggerated.

They look like sabres or US Cavalry swords translated into a Zelda arcade game. And, of course, since the engine is so unadaptable, they can't even think of allowing customized blades.

Major thumbs-down rating from me.




we should not judge a Book by its Cover " At least wait till its on test and we all get to check it out "

only thing i really want to know is when are villians getting our epic AT? or has that been pushed back into the cloud of infinity?

Talos Maltalomar lvl 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter - Triumph Server
Arack BloodThrall lvl 50 BS/SR Scrapper - Triumph Server
Rose's Kiss Lvl 50 Mind/Nrg/Ice PermaDom - Triumph Server



Wow...when we said we didn't want more melee weapon sets I guess they took that to mean single weapons...now I don't think of Claws as weapons, or spines...was hoping we'd get blades more like the literal blades ala Vanguard...not blades as slang for "more swords" because we don't have enough of those already



I read in a post somewhere that the Devs admitted that EAT's were a mistake to introduce so early. Anyone remember that post/article? That point aside, Dual Blades look cool if only becuase it's something "new" to try. I personally voted for Psi-Melee and Energy Blades, buts not becuase I'm tired of "lethal" or "smashing" only sets, but more becuase it would truly be something different. And no, I wouldn't make a jedi knight. Jedi weren;t the only ones to use energy swords you know *coughgundamthundarrtenchimuyocough*



Incidentally, while we're on the topic... why haven't we seen any effort to transfer Electric sets to Heroes? The devs constantly cry "Balance!" and yet they leave this little discrepancy hanging out there...

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They're the only two powersets signature to Brutes. Electric Armor would also be weak as a Tanker set, and Electric Melee would give energy damage to Scrappers.

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Yeah, it would give Scrappers that elemental damage they've been wanting, and if I remember correctly...PvP wise, ELM is considered weak...and none of the ELM attacks have a BI higher than Headsplitter.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Scrappers have no 'signature' powersets.

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Then what's Broadsword?

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A slower, heavier hitting Katana.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Just like every other weapon available in this game, these 'dual blades' are ridiculously oversized and cartoonishly exaggerated.

They look like sabres or US Cavalry swords translated into a Zelda arcade game. And, of course, since the engine is so unadaptable, they can't even think of allowing customized blades.

Major thumbs-down rating from me.


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When you say this...I can only think...you mean like how all weapons are oversized in comics?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



The Dual Blades look too long almost comically long. Making them a little shorter or just one shorter than the other would look far better.

As for Will Power I like the look so far.



Can't say much bout willpower need to see that one first. As far as the blades scale em down please.



So it looks like the WP tier 9 uses the MoG animation. Here's to hoping the power itself isn't anything like MoG.



the blades are waayy too freakin big, was hoping for more of a daggerish kinda blade. hope they change that soon.

As for willpower i think it looks pretty good so far