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  1. The_Bronx

    Good. Bad.

    Boogie Down gangsta. Castle Hill animal.

    I really didn't want to. And, probably still won't. But, blame Web.
  2. The_Bronx

    Good. Bad.

    Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
    As long as your wife is back... all is good.
    It's all about not-so-baby-anymore Kira. She runs that family.

    ohai jester
  3. I have been and will continue pulling my market placeholders down this week.

    It's pretty weak that you can only store twenty e-mails, and at half the cap.

    Get wrecked, hoarders.
  4. This thread delivers on some serious business levels.
  5. The_Bronx


    Bacon Narwhal.

    That is serious.
  6. Since i17 came out, right? I'm really not sure. I know the enormous download hindered all Borderlands play for me for a few days some time not too long ago.

    In any manner, what's new? What's exciting?

    I know it's some visual makeover, but when I did manage to get on the game I don't think I noticed much difference. Was that just me? I'm rocking two 9800GTX cards, but I have terrible vision .. even with my contacts.

    Did the whole Demon Summoning come out? Or is that whenever the expansion is coming out? Is there a date for that? Kadra and Kas' made me pre-order that.

    What have people been doing since it came out? I remember when the last issue came out places like Steel Canyon and Cap au Diable were over run with people flooding to the tailors for their colors.

    Did this issue have anything revolutionary like the customization of the previous issue that is bringing people on in droves?

    And, am I the only one not liking the market interface? It reminds me of what I believe the AE interface was like, and I never liked the whole AE nonsense either.

    Basically, I'd like to know your experiences with this new issue. I need an excuse to play since I am paying for it.

    And, if anyone wants to point me to update notes that'd be pretty nifty. In my infrequent lurking and bored board trolling, I've seriously completely forgotten where anything is other than the Champion and Market sections.
  7. Don't act brand new now, Fulmens.

    You know you were crème de la crème if you were able to get away from Dual Origins.
  8. Just saw this thread and I am lazy as, well, everything.

    Someone mind telling me what changed or is it all detailed in some update notes?

    .. And, was there a patch? How big is it? It may not even be worth it for me with my third-world internets.

    Oh, how I wish I were not kidding about this.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    Bronx still around?
    I'm still around. I just don't care all that much.

    Smurph has fun with this stuff. People love bunnies.

    I'm like tularemia. I'm a detriment to your health.

    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    But there's no point to having massive amount of liquid cash just sitting around doing nothing.
    Even though I sit on billions, I agree that it's better to sit on IOs.

    I always felt it was as easy as your best friend's sister to introduce influence/infamy into the game. The same can't necessarily be said for specific desirables.

    P.S. - Ra Ra is small timer.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    that said, I don't think it'll change the market dynamic all that much- hoarders hoard now and will continue to hoard, this just makes it more convenient in terms of not needing a buddy or a second account to move stuff around.

    Thanks, NCSoft.
  11. I approve of the Dark/Dark Brute.
  12. He needs the monies right now to immediately spend it on the purples that never drop or whatever it is that is non-existent on the market these days.
  13. I'd come back for end game content ..

    Even if everything is speculative, slots only for new powers sounds extra homogenous.

    If they can be used on existing powers, to obviously not exceed six-slots, I'm in there.

    EDIT: Don't censor me, forums. You can still get wrecked.
  14. She saw no reason to live since I left.

    Ok. Hardly that dramatic, but I have no idea where she's been.

    I'm in the states, so she's been text'n me. Talking to her now.

    I think you should move someone over to Triumph, that way their population can then be counted on more than one hand.
  15. I'd log on just to kick Posi. He would likely be followed by the marketing dude who doesn't allow anything to be said.

    Ocho and Hero-1. And, whatever cute chick was wherever people have mentioned. That's it.
  16. Kadra and Kas' just sent me a text about this ten minutes ago.

    This is a reason for me to log in.

    I can move a mule over three times (a week), carting purples and IOs to some lowbies I've got on other servers to finish builds and fatten up other stashboxes.

    And, free is always nice. It's the five-finger discount without the possibility of parole.
  17. The_Bronx

    Void or Scribe.

    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    O.P. I suppose would have been the accurate way to abbreviate. Sue me?
    They didn't get on your for your abbreviation.

    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    I am entitled to OP any thread I want.
    You verb'd your noun.

    If you make decent money, I'll sue you. Lawsuits are in.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    So school me, how do you set longer than 30 min times? I am not a Master at the arena terminal but I did read a post from Posi not long ago stating that they maxed out all of the arena match times to 30 minutes to curve some of the afk farming. Not that you can't go afk in 30 mins but kind of not long enough to be true afk farming.
    Uh, you can't. Didn't you read the Positron post?

    You were wrong in your "totally eliminated the ability" portion; not the "30 minute match limit" portion.

    The game sets you AFK (granted, only in zone) after five minutes, no?

    Considering you can, well, leave for twenty-nine of thirty minutes, I think it'd fall under AFK farming.

    I might need clarification on what "true" AFK farming is. Is it like "true" PvP that has to be without inspirations or something?

    School me, school me.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    30 minute match limits totally eliminated the ability to AFK farm anymore.
    Incorrect, sir.
  20. I had one or two more Enzymes up a while ago and they were sold when I last checked.

    I tossed another one up and a Ribosome (52). Think I put another Microfilament up too, since the last also sold.

    Got to dish out the monies for these HOs.
  21. We egg farmed eight Fire/Dark Corruptors for a PvP grief squad.

    lol good grief
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Undead_Cyborg View Post
    I have not noticed this at all myself, here is a list of things I did on Chmapion today.

    Ran 8 man Candycane team half Hammers/Vet Players for approx 1:30hrs.

    Ran a 8 man Hammer Winterlord team, two runs.

    Had a 7-8 man RV PvP team for approx 1:30hrs.

    Ran 3 Arena Kickball matches of mostly Hammers for approx 2:30hrs- 6vs6, 8vs8, 4vs4.

    Ran a few AE missions with Hammers and friends for two hours.

    So I have not noticed from my perspective. If you have problems finding players/teams please feel free to contact me while I am on. I will do whatever I can to help you find a team and players.

    Good luck friend!
    I envy you.

    With only five hours into a day, you've managed to accomplish eight hours of work.
  23. The ***** would have gotten the quickest boot.

    They didn't get the boyfriend that night and dinner, along with it's duration for comsumption and accompanying conversation, was likely routine.

    Unless they were dropping bombs on being pregnant or catching the clap, or the alleged boyfriend confessed to sleeping with the best friend, they knew how much of the Posi they could cut from their life.

    You did the right thing. Not to mention, you were doing Posi on ******* Tankers? I would have committed seppuku and hated that person for life .. unless they caught the clap.
  24. Did they? Well, ****.

    I'll list another pair whenever I get on. I still have a few dozen.