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  1. I just started an ss/sd brute. I seem to be doing okay. SS has always been decent as building fury.

    Not a huge fan of dm, but it definitely has more utility than SS.

    Plus I just like the way shield looks and the animations work with SS.
  2. It always bothered me when stone brutes didn't take granite. Unless you're going for a theme, if you're not going for granite there are other secondaries that are probably better for a goal of soft capping.

    If you want to be durable for SF's, take granite. 2 granite brutes with a healer works very well against AV's.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Nice, thanks for the input so far. I may go SS/WP then as that seems solid to start off with. I do like the idea of Fire, as well, but I guess I can respec (I blv that is an option in the game, right? heh heh I downloaded the game so I have no manual.) later once Im up in levels a bit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just from my personal experience of leveling a fire/ brute to 32, its lackluster compared to the other primaries. just an fyi
  4. What do you want to do, single damage DPS or AoE?

    Elec is great for aoe, but you won't see huge numbers against any 1 target.

    I've been gone for awhile but i'm pretty sure energy is still the best single target damage, late game.

    Super strength is a great mix overall. Its all smashing dmg, but you can build fury very easily, and do some great damage especially with rage and knockout blow.

    I have an energy/electric brute that is sick, his only problem is no self heal.

    I'm currrently working on a SS/Shield which doesnt seem to be doing bad so far. Although i've never been a fan of defense based protection, so we'll see.
  5. I think as far as numbers and theory go, yes tanks and scrappers should be better off. But numbers don't always apply to how the actual game is played.

    Like the guy above said, don't play by spreadsheets. I mean you can if you want, but thats not fun IMO.
  6. Pretty good guide, I just created a plant/thermal. I must say its an awesome support combo, really fun to play. You're certainly right that this is no damage controller. I didn't plan on soloing too much anyway.

    It looks like you went with a similar build. I skipped plasma shield, as I didn't wanna spend too much time buffing an 8 man team and i don't think negative energy is usually that big of a deal. I did take hasten also..otherwise its pretty much the same.

    I find the aoe immob, and confuse is a nice combination. Keeps everyone in place, and not aiming at yourself, or anyone else. Warmth and caut are enough as far as heals, the only reason I would get spirit tree is for a long fight with an AV, otherwise I don't find it necessary.
  7. Will power sounds awesome, the colors don't really bother me, but if there is a big community call to tone them down, I think that would be ok.

    The blades imo are waayyyy too long. I pictured something quite a bit smaller, I would think it would be hard to wield to swords that were that long, quickly anyway.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I think we're all overanalyzing. Look at the image, what do you see? A snake, in the shape of infinity. The meaning is clear.

    In Issue 11, every villain group will be infiltrated and taken over by the Snakes. There will be infinite Snakes. FreakSnakes. Banished Snakes. Embalmed Snakes. The Carnival of Snakes. Snake Head Gunners. Snake Protectors. Serpent Snakes. Legacy Snakes. Snake Mitochondria. Snakes of Artemis.


    Issue 11: Go. Hunt. Kill Snakes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    snakes don't belong in alask...paragon?
  9. mmmeeeeoooowww!!!!

    ...wait thats not right..
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I suppose you all thought Kratos was pronounced Krah-tos.

    Anyway, send the vid to X-Play, they can't seem to find enough fillers in the current dearth of new releases.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I win the pronunciation game!


    actually where you come from plays a big part of how you pronounce words you've never seen or heard before.

    Nice vid btw
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I cant help but think that snow storm has been useful for me in pvp with the -fly toggle which stays on em.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My ice/storm controller destroys with snow storm used on someone
  12. yeah, if oil slick ever got fixed we might see a new FoTM
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Awww, good job and sound advice. No chance in heck I'll follow it, but sound advice nonetheless.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I'm terrible

    The problem is my main hero is emp/rad def. So I can't solo wit him, so I need an alt when I can't find a team.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    On a funnier note. I can't wait to here when Domsitron gets a mission go fight Positron. oooooo

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Domsitron: "OMG WTH, I"M wayyyy too hard, someone nerf me!"
  15. AHHH!!!!

    I want to get on the test and make my MM!!!

  16. nice job roxstar..

    sorry bout the whole "Bill" thing I knew it was a 'G' i swear!
  17. Hey Bill, i was curious as to how you color your inked pictures? is it some coloring program?
  18. wow, what a great thread. I'm not big on reading the forums and yet ive read all 17 pages of this thread. Gill I am amazed by your (and everyones) drawings. Like a lot of people I've hit 20 and although I used to draw in middle school and high school its been quite awhile, perhaps if i ever have free time (coding sucks your life away) i'll get back into it.

    Static, i can't help with drawings, not that you need help anymore, but if your son needs help with his writings, please post. One of my close friends used to draw comics in high school and i would write the stories. I wouldnt want to throw ideas as the story should be completely your sons, but if you ever need help, because a word just doesn't seem like it fits, let me know.

    PS. if there are any typos or bad grammar here, dont take that as my professional work lol