Do you like PvP? No Arguments!





I started playing the game because I enjoyed the cooperative environment. I can't think of anything further from that cooperative enviroment than PvP.

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That's true. High level Arena teams that practice with each other almost everyday are horribly uncooperative with one another. It's a good thing PvPers are horrible people who only enjoy beating up small children and puppies.

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Sure is!



Yes. I also say yes for my whole SG.

@Midnight Havoc @Ice-GX



And for anyone who said No in this thread who hasn't even tried it, and/or only has ever gone to PvP zones for badges, and I know you're out there, I am slightly motivated to feel sorry for you and people that know you. Closed-minded viewpoints bring down human society.



I like PvP, but I don't like the players I generally have to PvP with.

Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"



I could simply say I like PvP, but hmmm... how can I explain this.

I have a kind of love/hate relationship with PvP.

I love it because I find it enjoyable at times when I feel like I just need to kick back and take a break from the actual game itself. Also, it's great fun whenever I just feel like competing.

I hate it, not because of the idea of PvP by itself, but because of it being inserted into this game. Because, since it's here, I am compelled to also try to do my best on it, like I do with everything else in the game.

You see I'm the type of gamer that tends to try to get every content I can as I leveled, get every badge I can, previously I collected the HO's I needed, now its IO's. It's in trying to get everything, see everything, and do everything that I can on my main character that gives me the enjoyment in playing CoH. And since PvP is part of it, I'm always torn between creating a PvE build and a PvP build. I've somehow managed to create a hybrid that works perfectly for me.

But there's always that thought... if PvP didn't exist I could've put more effort into other things, and not have compromised the original build I really wanted for Shadow-Rush. But since I wish to do well in PvP too, I build with both PvE/PvP and concept in mind. Which really took me a loooong while of planning and soul searching, and a few respecs, to do. It's all this trouble and time and effort I've spent that makes a part of me hate PvP. While the other part of me kind of enjoyed thinking of tactics, builds, and strategies.

So there it is, I both hate and love PvP.




If it wasnt for the zone PvP I would have left this game a long, long time ago.



Wow. This thread is still alive? I thought it'd have been deleted by now. I may have to go back and tally up again...



I like PvP, but I don't like the players I generally have to PvP with.

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That's a good summary of my own perspective.

PvP = great fun.

Many PvP'ers = very fun people.

A Few PvP'ers = so annoying I'd rather avoid PvP entirely than put up with them.



And for anyone who said No in this thread who hasn't even tried it, and/or only has ever gone to PvP zones for badges, and I know you're out there, I am slightly motivated to feel sorry for you and people that know you. Closed-minded viewpoints bring down human society.

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i also love pvp, but not when people act like [censored]. it's okay when you take down someone to kind of feel superior, but you almost never know if it's just some newb or a vet who has never pvp'd before (unless, of course, you've seen them before in a pvp zone), so there's no need to act like a total idiot in pvp.



uhhh, maybe.

If i ever get better at it, might change that to a yes....



I like PvP, but I don't like the players I generally have to PvP with.

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So PvP is kind of like Paris? (France, not Hilton)

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



Happy birthday, Hobo!

I still don't like PvP!

Or threadomancy!

Or heifermancy, either!

But mostly threadomancy!

Wetuhn to you gwave!

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Thanks! It's not for everyone.



I know some people really like PvP, and I have no problem with that.

Personally, I don't like it.

What I =do= have a problem with, is the devs' stupid cross-factional purposing of PvP zones, causing needless strife between pure badgers and pure PvPers. Argh.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville




Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



no...........base raids, yes.......other



PvP in general? Yes. I'm a former "hardcore PvPer" from other games.

In CoH/V? Wouldn't know. Haven't tried it yet. It's not what I started playing CoH/V for.



no...........base raids, yes.......other

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*Late to the thread*

Yes and no at the same time.

Why yes?

-It's unpredictable as opposed to fighting NPC's, when most of the time you already know what they will do
-It's fast paced and requires you to think on your feet
-It's fun when you find yourself against an opponent who you find yourself to be evenly matched with
-Unlike other MMORPG's with PvP, there is no real penalty for losing
-The banter is fun, as long as no one takes it TOO seriously

Why no?
-Due to the fact that some builds completely dominate others, which leads others to create only the dominating builds for PvP(like how most stalkers are nothing but Energy Melee)
-People gloat too much about being unbeatable (At least THAT problem is solvable)
-No real reward for it, other than PvPing in Siren's.
-Doesn't get much attention (unless it's Freedom or Virtue)
-Defense based sets are on sub-par performance (Super-Reflexes, even with IO's)
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



OMG how did this one resurface?!?

*methinks I killed it*


*nope there it is in all its flamey goodness*



Do you like PvP?

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"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Now you've rednamed it!

Theoretically, yes, I like PvP. What I don't really like is the matchups. There are a lot of people out there with specific PvP builds that are covered in Hami-Os. Fighting them is no fun at all. However, if I'm up against another PvE build, it can be VERY fun!

To make an analogy - I like playing a little flag football now and again. I don't have any fun, though, when you drop pro football players onto the field complete with full pads and helmet.



I see no point to PvP at all in this game other than measuring [Censored]. It's not like WoW where you at least get something for it in the end.



Now you've rednamed it!

Theoretically, yes, I like PvP. What I don't really like is the matchups. There are a lot of people out there with specific PvP builds that are covered in Hami-Os. Fighting them is no fun at all. However, if I'm up against another PvE build, it can be VERY fun!

To make an analogy - I like playing a little flag football now and again. I don't have any fun, though, when you drop pro football players onto the field complete with full pads and helmet.

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I'm gunna agree... though I'd like to amend that I also love when I manage to take down a PvP specced person anyways... lol