Do you like PvP? No Arguments!




Ah, but are you aware of the essential difference?

Unlike you, the Devs have access to, and make their decisions upon, facts. Data obtained in a reasonably scientific manner by professionals.

Not the opinions of the tiny, tiny, TINY group of people who have the luck to know of this survey of yours, the time and interest to respond to it, and the self-delusion to believe that it matters in the slightest way.

But if this is what makes you happy, by all means, continue pleasuring yourself. I'm done and out.

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You're operating on a false premise.

First of all ... Forum posters are a decent representation of the playerbase. With the qualification that we are more opinionated/passionate about the game than the average player ...

But in all forum populations you will have an appropriate, comparable, sampling of the playerbase. Casual and power gamer, PvPers and PvEers, RPers and PLers, teaming freaks and soloists ... You'll have it all.

So polling a forum population is a good way to get a quick read of a playerbase ... Is it accurate 100% ??? No ... But it's good enough to get an idea.

Secondly ... The datamining the devs do doesn't show what you think it does. And what's more ... The devs are incapable of objectively interpreting the data.

They might be able to see what percentage of the playing population enters a PvP zone, but they have absolutely no information on WHY. Or if the experience was enjoyable.

So uh ... There's no harm in taking a poll ... And some new information might pop up.

Lighten up Frances™



Yes...I like PvP in general when gaming.

But...I don't play pvp in CoX much. Something about it here just doesn't feel right. I'm also having too much fun just playing PvE.



in games like "city of" (and all the other mmos) , I do not like PVP.



Absolutely. Its the best, most dynamic part of this game. Imbalances and all.

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Not particularly, no.




Edit: Even though I am really, really bad at it.

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ditto. to both.




But not in City of Heroes.






Enthusiastically yes... in theory.

As it currently exists, neglected, unbalanced, with foregone conclusions, absolutely no.




"Looks like we arrived in the nick of time. What does that make us?"
"Big damn heroes, sir."
"Ain't we just."
-Mal & Zoe, "Firefly"



I don't dislike PvP but have no great love for it, either, regardless of the game. In CoH/CoV I ignore it so you can put me down as 'No'.









It's aight.




I doubt I would still be playing the game if it was no longer here...



Maybe. I enjoy it when I participate, but I find that I don't seek it out all that often.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I enjoy PvP.

I despise most PvPers.



Nah, not my thing.

Current Hero: Memoriam
Current Villian:Matty the Burn

Global Chat: Azazel005







But if this is what makes you happy, by all means, continue pleasuring yourself. I'm done and out.

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Forum elitism makes me lol.

I vote yes. PvP isn't perfect, but it isn't all bad.



Yes.... I mean no! I... **waaaauuurrrrrrg!**
::screams as he's hurled into the gorge of eternal peril::



Ah, but are you aware of the essential difference?

Unlike you, the Devs have access to, and make their decisions upon, facts. Data obtained in a reasonably scientific manner by professionals.

Not the opinions of the tiny, tiny, TINY group of people who have the luck to know of this survey of yours, the time and interest to respond to it, and the self-delusion to believe that it matters in the slightest way.

It's not a cross section. You've chipped a speck of bark off of a tree. Clearly the tree is made of bark all the way through, top to bottom!

But if this is what makes you happy, by all means, continue pleasuring yourself. I'm done and out.

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I'm having a hard time understanding this. In the past, when the devs or mods were interested in poll results, the poll was posted with the forum software. A didn't notice that Anouke could do that... Seemed pretty obvious to me that she was just wondering what her fellow players thought, not what the devs wanted or anything... then again, I'm a flake, what do I know.