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  1. Back on topic:

    1. The breadth of character/costume customization from the start. I don't want to deal with bland starter looks or earning the right to wear different clothes.

    2. The ability to team without worrying about level or gear. I want to be able to play on my own and team with friends when I feel like it without having to coordinate leveling just to make sure we can still team together effectively. Just put the super-sidekicking system in everything.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acanous_Quietus View Post
    I hear there's a korean costume editor that works with game files.
    There was a standalone costume editor for the short-lived Korean version of the game. Unless there's a different and better one now, don't bet on it reading current costume files. It's very old and recognized a somewhat odd selection of costume parts. Missed some we had at the time, had some that were never available for player use.
  3. I tend toward playlists that suggest a character without ever deciding on a theme song, but I have a few figured out.

    Sulphurous - Demon summoner stuck in a body-hopping ersatz reincarnation cycle
    Silversun Pickups - The Royal We
    (On the rare occasions when he's more in sync with his original self, it switches to selections from Brian Carpenter's Ghost Train Orchestra.)

    Spiritwise - Former undercover Syndicate member in the Powers Division, current Primal Earth vigilante
    Rotersand - Exterminate Annihilate Destroy
    (On a bad day, though the Dalek samples are a bit much. And ideally the Reclubbed version, but that appears not to be on YouTube.)

    Ectoplasmic - Cheerful child poltergeist of sorts with memory problems
    Explosions in the Sky - Welcome Ghosts and Psapp - Fickle Ghost.

    Borderwalker - Is the paranormal investigator half dead or half alive?
    Sammy Allen ft. Hypnogaja - I Can See Into Forever
    (End theme from the game that inspired her occupation)
  4. Peripheral

    End of an Era

    Originally Posted by Emgro View Post
    If you played a stamina-free DA character, you are clearly a man of admirable fortitude. Also a complete lack of sense.
    *headdesks* My Stamina-free /DA must remain Stamina-free if only so I can continue to say that it works just fine. Maybe not min-maxed perfectly, but yeesh.

    More on topic, it is odd not needing to decide if I'll take Stamina or not anymore. I like getting it, sure, and I'm not complaining that I do, but it does feel strange still.
  5. Kid Leech/Amelia Stone can burn through energy at a higher rate than usual in order to make herself move at superhuman speeds.

    Sapling has the super speed power, but she isn't "super" fast. She does some parkour and is a strong runner, so she generally gets from place to place quickly.

    Sulphurous only uses Ninja Run, which represents that she's pretty good at running away.

    Secondhand Dreamer teleports using someone's old pocket-sized teleportation device science project that she found in a storage room. It used to overheat regularly, explaining why she sometimes ran out of endurance and fell while porting across zones.

    Iceworm also uses a teleportation device, but his worked better from the start.

    Borderwalker "teleports" by stepping as far into the spirit world as she can. Distances aren't quite the same, so it's usually faster than walking. She can't maintain it for very long and is never entirely sure she's still aimed at her destination though, so she keeps disappearing and reappearing as she travels.

    Hexblaze finds that magically allowing herself to jump higher than normal and land softly is easier than controlling flight.

    Street Valkyrie's ability to fly is divinely granted. Ectoplasmic floats around because she's a ghost, and Allekto flies because she has wings.
  6. Peripheral

    Mystery Origin?

    When in doubt, I go with Natural. I'm more likely to use its attack power anyway, and then I can pick which wand power I want the bonus on. I figure it can stand for what they filled out when they applied for a license, if you want to play it that way, or it can work for most powers like pointed out above. I've used it when the other origins that could technically work for my character had other implications or associations that didn't feel right, too. So if I had a character who didn't know or wasn't telling anyone the origin of their powers, I'd probably pick Natural.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mind Phobia View Post
    Weakness: Time frame, I work nights and don't get home and onto CoH until almost midnight EST. And two, which is the way more huge one, is my shyness. I am so afraid to take the plunge and say anything. I find myself quite often typing something, and then backspacing over it and instead just standing around. *sigh*

    I even did it here.
    You have no idea what it took me to post even.
    Heh, same here. I miss most RP events because I'm not on Eastern Time and only very rarely log in before midnight EST.

    My main weakness is that I freeze up badly around new people. I want to interact and make a good impression, but it's so hard to make myself say anything that I end up doing very little and then trying to stick to people I know for a while afterward. I can make myself meet and RP with new people, but it's stressful enough and the chances of running into them again are low enough that it's hard to convince myself it's worth the trouble.

    I suppose another of my weaknesses is that I hate having to identify my strengths because it feels like bragging, so I'll stick to a strength people have commented on before. I tend to focus on weaknesses and quirks when I'm making characters, so my characters are generally well-rounded or at least interestingly flawed.
  8. I'm only clear on a few of mine, and some of them I don't play much currently.

    Leaden Dove is a lurching mass of shadow, bound into a roughly humanoid shape by chains, ropes, bits of string, and apparently anything that was available.

    Spiritwise looks about the same as she does normally, but with ghostly wisps whirling around her and trailing behind, talking, whispering, or screaming just on the edge of hearing. She doesn't seem to notice them.

    Borderwalker looks faded and slightly transparent regardless of her current state. She seems disconnected from her surroundings, and from this perspective her interactions with mundane objects seem labored, as if manipulating them and passing through them are equally difficult.

    Hexblaze wears a bloodied and torn cloak and robes or her normal clothes, also worse for wear, by turns. She looks weary but determined to drag herself along. A faint second image of herself is superimposed on her, but it doesn't always manage to match her movements.

    Street Valkyrie wears her paramedic uniform, but her wings have torn through the back and her armor shows at her neck and hands. She appears to have her official sword and raven-emblazoned shield with her regardless of which set she's actually using or if she's even armed.

    Sulphurous is a wiry, skittery young man in his shirtsleeves, still wearing Jane's fine, silver chain necklace. The skin under it is raw. He looks terrified.
  9. I think my only repeats were Stephen King and William Gibson. Stories about my decidedly unscary child ghost got Kurt Vonnegut and Steven King. A sort of fairy-tale-styled legend I wrote about someone else's character got Lovecraft.

    I stuck in a bit of one of Neil Gaiman's "15 Portraits of Despair" and got Stephenie Meyer, though. That kept me snickering for a while.
  10. I agree with AlwaysAPrice. I don't think "Medium" gets much use except to indicate willingness to vary between "lighter" and "heavier" RP. I tend to think of Light as having a very thin or nonexistent IC/OOC barrier and little need to differentiate or establish channels for both, though. Maybe that's something like "Ultra-Light" and "Light" is closer to pickup RP.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwilightPhoenix View Post
    Also to add: female sitting emotes. Most of them are identical whereas males have more. Can we get the other sitting "animations" for females too? I remember hearing that they were limited to prevent them from having issues with upskirting. But, between males being "upskirted" while wearing kilts, creative camera angles and some combat and other animations giving ample view, skirts vanishing underwater, and people completing ignoring the skirt and just running around in their underwear, I really, really think that's a non-issue.
    I very much agree.

    If the current emotes are supposed to be skirt-friendly, they don't work. I mostly gave up on using skirts because my characters can't sit in them. The first female bench sit works, but it's the only safe one I can recall. The second chair sit, the ledge sits, yoga, and plain /e sit all give a clear view up the skirt without needing camera maneuvering. The crossed legs sit emote (the first chair sit, aka most of the female choices) doesn't, but it rips the skirt down both sides. Some emotes that actually are skirt-friendly would be appreciated, but if I had to pick I'd vote for porting the male sit emotes over first.
  12. Right off the top of my head, I'd like these. Probably in this order, too:

    -More female sit emotes. The male model gets a good variety and the female model gets a long list of names for the same few emotes. That should be fixed. The female model doesn't need specifically "feminine" sit emotes either. Just copy over the male ones.

    -Another look at some existing emotes. /e sit does odd things to the female spine. It also breaks the front of the male model's waist. Ninja Run deforms the female spine badly while jumping and the legs go up very sharply when running, making the hips/butt area go completely flat.

    -Fix the different sit levels. The male model doing the same sit emote as the female model will generally sit on top of an object whereas the female model will sit down into that object.

    -Power customization for power pools, including alternate animations for the Medicine pool.
  13. Peripheral

    RP curiosity...

    Originally Posted by OmniSurge View Post
    For a healer to heal someone.. OMG.. imagine that.. they do what THEY'RE MEANT TO DO!!! LMAO. To me.. thats just someone that didn't let people know what the jist of the RP was and then got upset when it didn't go the way they had planned it out in their head.
    Healing powers are tricky to RP. Yes, magically healing anything and everything has a basis in canon and can be useful, but there have to be some limits if only from respect for others' RP. For example, if someone wants to play a blind character and a healer of some sort announces that he fixes the character's eyes and the first character can now see perfectly, that's pretty obviously rude. Having someone heal an important wound is fuzzier, and a lot of it does come down to letting people know what's going on and finding ways to work around things as needed.

    I do tend to ignore the mediport system because it feels a lot like a game mechanic wedged into the story to me. Besides, the game makes it fairly clear that civilians in Paragon don't get access, and resurrecting all criminals automatically while ignoring people being sacrificed or whatnot seems very odd. The Isles seem to have somewhat erratic access too.

    Besides, sometimes letting a character choose to let a nonfatal injury heal on its own seems more appropriate.

    Edited to add: And while typing this, Fomsie said pretty much what I was trying to. Good example of OOC coordination.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
    There is base storage and that should cover all exchanges on server.
    Wait, what?

    I have a fairly small roster, all of which is on the same server, but I have characters in 3 SGs, 2 VGs, and a few that aren't in groups at all. Bases only help if you have a vanity SG with all your characters added or if all your characters are members of one SG with plenty of spare storage room for transfers.

    Email attachments are a very nice addition since I no longer have to ask a friend for help moving something as simple as a recipe or a small inf boost. Just because you don't use it doesn't mean there is no legitimate use.

    More on topic, I very much doubt I'll hit the limit, but I also doubt it's doing much at all to stop spam. I have most of my characters blocking email except from friends/SG members, but less-used characters that I haven't bothered to switch over still do get regular spam. Regarding spam to global handles, if the Friends/SG email limit option isn't set to include global friends, that ought to be changed.
  15. Peripheral

    Gaming Survey

    Spoiler space since everyone else is doing it!

    Enough people have explained well enough why this isn't a useful survey that I won't go into it. Questions that are obviously skewed make all the data the survey gathers suspect.

    Ignoring that, my main complaints were with questions #2 and #10. I wasn't sure what #2 meant and only figured it out once I read the spoilers. While taking the survey I was wondering if the implication was that sneaky art departments add in blood when no one's looking. That said, I didn't think games have gotten more violent, so answering a question assuming I said yes was awkward anyway.

    Question #10 bothered me. I'm not sure where the assumption that you can empathize with a character OR realize that the game and the real world don't overlap comes from, but it's not accurate. In my CoH roleplaying experience, I know that maintaining an IC/OOC barrier and occasionally pausing to talk to other players directly doesn't keep me from empathizing with those players' characters. I can empathize with characters in single-player roleplaying games even while considering the effectiveness of the game's conversation modeling. Empathizing with literary or film characters doesn't require me to forget that I'm reading a book or watching a movie. It is possible to enjoy good characterization without forgetting that the characters are fictional.

    I think the question was meant to ask if you empathize with characters or are detached while playing a game, but it's hard to tell.

    Overall, I agree with others who have said that, if possible, this survey needs to be rewritten and tried again. As it is, I'd be hesistant to accept any conclusions it helps draw.
  16. I think this is a problem with the emote and not the costume piece, so I'm posting it here. If I'm wrong on that, sorry.

    Using /e sit on the male model leaves an odd gap between the upper and lower body, as if part of the character's stomach was cut out.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mutant_Dream View Post
    I like the story though the blond haired boy is a twit.-_-
    I think a lot of Rock characters would agree with you on that point.
  18. I only tried the Lord Winter event during the preview, so I can't comment on anything else, but I hope there's some changes before the Winter Event begins. Here's my thoughts on the event:

    1) I have to agree with the requests to rename Lord Winter. There's plenty of other suggestions, and anything has to be less confusing than giving him the same name as another GM but backward.

    2) Please lengthen the timer by a few minutes. I think there were two full teams and some spares when I tried the event, and we were doing pretty well. We were making steady progress even with some people not noticing when LW was intangible. We still ran out of time though. Getting more people than that per run is going to be tricky especially toward the end of the Winter Event, and we can't count on everyone knowing what to do.

    3) Please tone down or remove the greyout when LW goes intangible. It did make me stop attacking, but only because I thought something was going wrong with my computer. I think there was a suggestion to use the Hibernate animation a while back. Something like that would be much better.
  19. I already have a ghost named Ectoplasmic. I suppose that counts.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    And like Aggelakis implied, even if you were able to change it, it would probably stick to the background of your costume and power screens in the Tailor as well because they use the same environment. This can be verified because the "light/dark" toggle carries over to your character selection screen after visiting the tailor.
    It did, which was nice. Even with the light/dark toggle costumes against that background can be hard to make out and look significantly different than they will anywhere in the game. Using a screenshot of a wall with decent lighting made the selection and tailor screens much nicer and easier to use.

    Which is a long way of saying that I hope it's possible again at some point. As it is now, the game seems to be using the folder Splasher did for the costume backgrounds and removing anything else in it.
  21. I don't understand it either. The official explanation, as far as I can remember, is that they have great lawyers and all evildoing is by rogue agents. That works up until I remember that every time I see a Crey employee on the street, they shoot me. How do they explain away enough "rogue agents" to provide good coverage of a couple zones? And for that matter, what could they legitimately need with snipers all over Founders' Falls?

    I can't suspend disbelief quite far enough to explain all of that. I tend to assume that they're evil and known as such to the hero population but that the rest of the populace is either sedated with Crey Cola and other products or that the laywers are supernaturally good. In RP, I try to avoid the whole problem and not discuss Crey workings.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BigDaddyDream View Post
    I give away names more than I trade them but the fact that some people are using this thread to whine that trading names is wrong is just plain pathetic.
    I trade names to keep my names fresh because I am always on the lookout for a new project.
    People post name lists all the time.
    All yours
    Name lists.
    Know what you're talking about before whining.
    Which is great. The thing that frustrates me and probably the others "whining" is when someone posts that they got a great name and want to trade it for something else, repeatedly, with no indication that they are or have been playing the name. Trading's fine, and I have no problem with people switching names they've used or grabbed and decided they didn't really need. It is frustrating though when it looks like people are grabbing and holding onto names for no reason other than trying to get a bargaining chip. Fortunately that's not the majority of the Name Watch thread.

    If you know you don't want the name, let it go instead of holding onto it as some sort of name currency. If you're playing the character and just wouldn't mind trading the name for something else or to someone who would play it more, great.