150 E-Mails Per Day Limit?



I just tried to e-mail some Inf and Salvage to my Crafter, and got the following message:

You may send no more than 150 emails per day.

I'm sorry, but I have close to 100 characters on 2 accounts accross all servers. If I have Salvage X on Character Y on Server Z, I want to be able to e-mail it to myself whenever I want to.

Please remove this stealth cap.

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150!??! Please be more realistic about the cap and lower it to about 10 a day. 150!?!?! What are you smoking needing to do more than that!?! Makes me wonder if you are not spamming me in the game...



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Please remove this stealth cap.
I vote no. In fact, I'm quite surprised the limit is that high. Spamming broadcast will automatically silence you for a while and a restriction on email is absolutely necessary, for exactly the same reason.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I vote no. In fact, I'm quite surprised the limit is that high. Spamming broadcast will automatically silence you for a while and a restriction on email is absolutely necessary, for exactly the same reason.
He's talking about spamming himself with emails. How is that harmful? If you're getting email spam, there's tools to fix that in Options.
Originally Posted by DarkInvado View Post
150!??! Please be more realistic about the cap and lower it to about 10 a day. 150!?!?! What are you smoking needing to do more than that!?! Makes me wonder if you are not spamming me in the game...
I've sent over thirty emails today, all to myself. Kheldarn is doing the same, likely for the same reasons.Having a cap in place would make sense if you couldn't already filter out emails not sent by friends or SG mates. So, if you're getting spammed, either turn that option on, or, if it's already on, get better friends and SG mates.

Kheldarn I am with you, I have not hit this cap but there's no reason for it now that people can turn off email from strangers or turn it off entirely. The cap on my inbox is grating enough.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
He's talking about spamming himself with emails. How is that harmful? If you're getting email spam, there's tools to fix that in Options.

I've sent over thirty emails today, all to myself. Kheldarn is doing the same, likely for the same reasons.Having a cap in place would make sense if you couldn't already filter out emails not sent by friends or SG mates. So, if you're getting spammed, either turn that option on, or, if it's already on, get better friends and SG mates.

Kheldarn I am with you, I have not hit this cap but there's no reason for it now that people can turn off email from strangers or turn it off entirely. The cap on my inbox is grating enough.
Yes, I'm e-mailing myself Salvage, Recipes, and Influence. Or trying to.

And it seems that the restriction is Per 24 Hours, and not Per Day. I got the message on my first attempt to send an e-mail with an attachment to myself today. Before that, I hadn't mailed myself anything. And I spent yesterday and last night cataloguing the Salvage on ALL my characters, and e-mailing my Influence to my Hero Crafter and Infamy to my Villain Crafter. I'm pretty sure I didn't send 150+ during that...

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I would imagine that part of Kheldarn's objection is that a 150 email limit has never been mentioned in any of the documentation or patch notes - at least not that I've seen. If it had been stated clearly that this was part of the deal, discussion of the topic during beta testing might have enabled a compromise.


Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm ...



while I understand these limits are in place to stop spammers and that they are troublesome to your plans for shifting stuff between two accounts. I do not think lifting this limit is over all a good idea as its primary reason for having the cap is to make spamming harder to do.

I would like to at lest see emails to your own global not count towards this limit. Sure its not going to help you move stuff between two accounts but if you have two accounts you can always dual box them to shift things between them.



Let's start with a question, first:

Has the limit always been in place? I can't think of why anyone would send 150 emails before I17 who WASN'T a gold spammer, so it very well could have been in place from the start, thus not making this a stealth anything.

If it IS new, 150 is insanely reasonable, and keeps gold spammers from spamming thousands of accounts with one level 10.

Perhaps it seems unfair to the minority who would send so many emails at once. but you're quite literally the only person I've even seen MENTION this, TC. However, in the interests of peace, perhaps the Devs can make it so that any emails an account sends to itself don't count for the limit.



Sorry, have to disagree. It's there to prevent against spammers and Influence resellers. Patience, young Jedi...

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I can see how 150 can go by fast, especially if you're sending dozens of recipes and salvage to one toon, then sending the crafted enhancements back to other toons.

So ya, 150 is not that high when you look at it from that angle, however, looking at it from the gold farmers angle, 150 is too much...

I guess it's one of those situations where we have to find the middle ground, so I'm guessing 150 is reasonnable for now.

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150 seems like plenty to me for various reasons all directly relating to RMT spam. In fact, I'm rather surprised it is set so high, quite frankly.

I think calling it a 'stealth' cap is a bit unfair, it implies that the devs were attempting to be sneaky about it. More likely the average player has not had reason to see the cap until now.

So yeah, not a bug, working as intended, /unsigned.



They also didn't mention the HP cap when I made my Kheldian

I guess it is like a fun easter egg for us to find.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



I'm a little surprised it's not a smaller cap for a much smaller time. Say, 50emails/hour or 10emails in 5minutes... A spammer is just going to use all their 150emails in one quick sitting, and then more on to a new account. A real player can just go on to do something else, and go back to emailing when the timer is up.



This is absolute crap. Please remove the stealthed Email Cap. Spammers can already be dealt with in Menu>Options as stated above.

Let's throw out an example of why we need no restrictions on emails sent per day.

Example 1
I have over 150 characters, spread out across the servers.
Lets say I am crafting Level 50 Common IOs for just 1 of them when they get close to Lvl 47. Including the 4 Autoslots from the Prestige Sprints (just humor me here), there are 99 possible slots. Let's round that to an even 100.
The commons use 2 or 3 pieces of salvage depending on which ones they are. At the least, saying all of the enhancements would require only 2 pieces of salvage, I would need 200 pieces of salvage and 300 at the most.
So I go log in and see that I have everything I need, but it's spread across 5 characters with their on character storage and Vault combined. Email will only accept 1 item per email and it is the only place in the game where salvages and recipes don't stack. It will now take me 300 emails to get all of the salvages to my crafter. YAY, there went the rest of my day.
150 limit What?! So now it's going to take me 2 days?
Screw it!
Example 2
I am a member of several SGs and VGs across many servers. I am also the one who does most of the crafting for our groups. I consolidate all items on one crafter and then crunch through the sloggy grind of crafting. Then I email the enhancements to the members.
Once again, there are days when I craft upwards of 500 enhancements and distribute them. Previous to i17 I had to treat each server as its own station. Global Email was supposed to alleviate that. Now the SG Members will not have that service, or it will be limited to 1 enhancement per day.
Example 3
I only craft here and there. I'm caually purpling out my Warshade. I send stuff here and there, no biggie. In order to get those beautiful purples, I run TFs, earn merits, buy expensive IOs like Miracles and LotG, sell them on the market, and slowly fill in the build. Unfortunately, I always seem to run on teams that die...Alot! We run around 10 TFs per day and have a death rate of about 120 per TF, or 1200 total for the day. At 150 Emails per day, if Bob dies one more time, he'll have to walk back to the mish from the hospital becauase we won't have that wakie for him.
Example 4
I am one of the richest players in the game. I have hundreds of Billions of Influence and Infamy. I want to see people happy, so I randomly pick out global names from the forums and in game. I send gifts to these fine folks like LotGs, Inf packages of 999,999,999, and even the occasional Purple Set. I get all giggly and gooey inside just thinking about how I can make them fall out of their chairs in shock when they open the email. I want to spread the joy until each and every one of the players in this game have had a smile put on their faces. 150 emails per day? Well that's gonna sting when it takes me 14,000 years to send the emails. Won't you think of the players and their happiness?
Yes, my tongue is firmly in my cheek as I type out some of these ridiculous examples. Unfortunately, only #4 is too far fetched, but not by what I've seen in the Market Forums. I know that the crafting examples would be more efficient if you dropped stuff in SG Bins and just bought straight from the market. I made the examples a little goofy for emphasis, but it's not far off the truth. Some players don't have access to storage in their SG/VGs bases. To some of these people, the email option was a godsend.

The point is simple. Anyone who would use the emails already has a 20 mail cap on storage. If you're crafting, you're churning that 20 over and over and the inventory has to go somewhere. It's being circulated and used. Even if a few players are hoarding and sending all of their wealth to storage alts, you can't use such a hamfisted unFix as a cap like this to solve hoarding. Capping the amount of emails per day is downright archaic. It will not hurt the RMT Spammers or those 5 players who are "hoarding" ...(you know who you are. Stop it right this very minute!!1!). It only serves to hinder the potential of yet another feature that seems to be being beat down after release.

Is it that the servers can only handle so much email traffic? We have a limit of 15 seconds between emails. Realistically, you're not going to ever send an email every 15 seconds. Even if you are sending a few hundred emails, the fastest I can see would be 20 seconds. That's 5 seconds from the time you click new, fill in the info, attach the item, and click send and the 15 second cool down. Looking at my example above, 300 emails to get the salvages sent would still take me 100 straight minutes of cranking out emails.

While the average player will not be spending 2 hours sending emails each day, there will be times when the 150 limit is just too clunky.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
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I don't believe the filters will do the job of stopping RMT spam in this case. They either haven't figured it out yet or haven't bothered to go back to using e-mail. At any rate, some limit is needed until the filters are modified to work properly with the new system.



Shadow Ravenwolf, you seem to have missed every post that explained why the cap is a good idea.

That said, your examples make one wonder how you ever played the game at all until now. In addition, the biggest complaint comes from a person with two accounts who could, and probably DID before I17, have a character on from each account and PASS stuff that way...

Lastly, it's not a stealth anything as I already explained, there was just never any reason to hit the cap before.



Could also be related to general load on the email system - its tied into the chat server, afterall, and that is constantly in use.

And what really has to be done NOAW that needs 150+ emails?

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Originally Posted by NezuChiza View Post
In addition, the biggest complaint comes from a person with two accounts who could, and probably DID before I17, have a character on from each account and PASS stuff that way...
/this. Mostly out of amusement.

Even so, I somewhat lean toward the "no cap for emailing to your own address." I suspect, given the dev stance on storing recipes and such, though, that they wouldn't budge on it.



This is exactly what should be done to stop spammers. It's a much better solution than blocking emails from people you don't know, which is purely a recipient-driven method and makes email useless.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by NezuChiza View Post
Shadow Ravenwolf, you seem to have missed every post that explained why the cap is a good idea.

That said, your examples make one wonder how you ever played the game at all until now. In addition, the biggest complaint comes from a person with two accounts who could, and probably DID before I17, have a character on from each account and PASS stuff that way...

Lastly, it's not a stealth anything as I already explained, there was just never any reason to hit the cap before.
First, I started my post in EditPlus 20 minutes before you came in the door. My response was being typed in between several other conversations and things I'm doing right now.

You can't say whether or not the cap existed before Issue 17. Therefore you can't say that it was there before last week. In your post above, you question whether it was or was not there. You insert your opinion that there was no reason for someone to send 150 emails unless they were an RMTer. You then you say it "could" have been there, "thus not making this a stealth anything." You can't refer to an opinion in a previous post and declare it Gospel and then tell me that it's not a stealth cap. I will agree that it is possible that the cap existed and your conclusion holds merit. I will also agree that your explanation was erroneous because the cap may not have been there and we had no reason to surpass it and see. With a cap of 150 members per SG and running many SGs, it is possible that you would be able to send more than 150 emails per day. While the system is severely limited and clunky, I can't rule out that possibility.

The biggest complaint in this thread comes from someone with 2 accounts, as you say. Well I have many accounts as well. However, my examples were from the perspective of a single account holder. The examples given were specifically bloated. How do you guess that? Could it be my tongue firmly in cheek giving it away? Yeah, I sure had a hard time playing this game up until now.

Missing the point of why the cap is "needed" ... sure am. First, Gold Spammers don't use Global Handles. No email I ever recieved ever came to my global handle. Secondly, if I want to limit the spammers, I just go Menu>Option> and click the "RMT stfu" button where it says Email: Friends and Supergroup.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Point missed. Yes, I DO have 2 accounts. I also have characters on EVERY server. Dual Boxing can't very well move items on Server X to Server Y, can it? THAT is the main reason I was looking forward to the new e-mail system.

And the RMT Spammers have yet to figure out that they can send e-mails to @Global Names. Maybe they're not paying attention to patch notes. Maybe Trial Accounts can't send e-mail to @Global Names. The Spam button is still there, even for e-mails sent to @Global Names.

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Point missed. Yes, I DO have 2 accounts. I also have characters on EVERY server. Dual Boxing can't very well move items on Server X to Server Y, can it? THAT is the main reason I was looking forward to the new e-mail system.

And the RMT Spammers have yet to figure out that they can send e-mails to @Global Names. Maybe they're not paying attention to patch notes. Maybe Trial Accounts can't send e-mail to @Global Names. The Spam button is still there, even for e-mails sent to @Global Names.
Woah ... what? You can transfer across servers via @Global email?



They should lower the cap to 50 emails per day, but remove ALL CAPS (hehe) on mail to self and global friends and SGmates.



Shadow Ravenwolf, you're right, I apoligize for not knowing you were taking 20 minutes to reply.

However, the core of your and others complaint seems to boil down to some using the email system in extreme ways, and that the devs should change things so the tiny, TINY minority it may or may not affect is happy while everyone else can suffer. Still, I support the idea of making it so emails to yourself or your SG/VG don't count towards the limit, as do several others, and perhaps if enough suggest it the devs will listen. I do NOT want the cap remove completely, and in fact think it's way too high. I'd prefer a 50 limit, or even 20 per day from or to non-self/sg/vg targets.