150 E-Mails Per Day Limit?



Glad to hear there is a cap.
I'm sorry to hear it is that high.

I have over 100 characters; I don't need to move that much stuff around - in one day.

It seems pretty excessive if you HAVE TO send over 100 e-mails w/items per day to me. There is base storage and that should cover all exchanges on server. I can't see any huge rush to NEED to move hundreds of enhancements across servers daily.

It seems we have found a RMT-Stop-gap-er. It apparently is doing it's job.
I hate to say it for those that are really moving stuff all over the place, but I think that they need to lower the cap quite a bit. If we can only hold 20 - I really think that the cap should be lowered to 50 or so.

The new e-mail system is apparently already being abused.
I am not shocked in the least.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
He's talking about spamming himself with emails. How is that harmful? If you're getting email spam, there's tools to fix that in Options.
By default, the email system limits how many emails you can send. It does not check to see TO WHOM you are sending them. The limit should absolutely remain in place. If the devs take the time to code an EXCEPTION so that emails TO YOURSELF don't count toward the total, that would be great. But the overall limit must remain.

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Originally Posted by PerfectStorm View Post
I would imagine that part of Kheldarn's objection is that a 150 email limit has never been mentioned in any of the documentation or patch notes
Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
That is also true, PerfectStorm. I even went and looked at the I17 OB Feedback thread for the new e-mail system, and the I17 Patch Notes, before posting this thread, and neither one mentioned any kind of limit.
I would bet real money that the limit was in place before we could email items. It just was never noticed since no one but spammers had a reason to send that many emails.

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Originally Posted by Substrate View Post
Woah ... what? You can transfer across servers via @Global email?
Yes. Global mail is... Global. Global means cross-server.

But there are Global regions: US Test Servers; US Live Servers; EU Test Servers; EU Live Servers. Within a region, global mail and attachments can be sent.

Of course, there still is the no Hero <--> Villain transfer limitation in all cases.

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i honestly dont see the need for a email cap if you just set your email to "off" or "sg and friend only"

since they had the new settings, and i set myself to "sg and friends only" i have not received a single piece of spam mail.

with the new email system that has some actual USABILITY then the cap should be increased or removed because people can actually use this to transfer items from toons across servers



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
He's talking about spamming himself with emails. How is that harmful? If you're getting email spam, there's tools to fix that in Options.
^This is why I do not understand why some people care about not having a cap. Who cares if Kheldarn wants to send himself 1000+ emails a day? I say let him... The measures are already in place for us to stop spammers, it's up to us to use them. Why limit this?

Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Kheldarn I am with you, I have not hit this cap but there's no reason for it now that people can turn off email from strangers or turn it off entirely.
^ and this...



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post

I've sent over thirty emails today, all to myself. Kheldarn is doing the same, likely for the same reasons.Having a cap in place would make sense if you couldn't already filter out emails not sent by friends or SG mates. So, if you're getting spammed, either turn that option on, or, if it's already on, get better friends and SG mates.
That would be a good solution if it actually worked Emberly. It doesn't matter what you have set on a character for emails, they still come in.

If you have Emails "disabled" they are still coming in if they were sent to a global address (at the very least) but I don't know for certain about if they were sent to the character name.

If you have it set to Friends &SG Members only, they still come in if sent to a global address. Some of us verified this during CB and reported it but it wasn't changed. I know I filed a /bug report as well as reporting it on the forums.

Just because the settings are there doesn't mean they actually work anymore.

As for the cap? As some have said, I'm surprised the cap is that high. I'd guess it's so that you can send two emails to each SG members per day.

If they were to try to add an exception in so that emails to yourself were not counted, I'm afraid of what other unintended consequences it may have.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

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Serious question here: How many people have had an RMT Spammer send something to their @Global Name since I17 launched?

It hasn't happened to me, and none of the people I know in-game have had it happen to them. So, I'm honestly curious to know if anyone has had it happen to them.

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Serious question here: How many people have had an RMT Spammer send something to their @Global Name since I17 launched?

It hasn't happened to me, and none of the people I know in-game have had it happen to them. So, I'm honestly curious to know if anyone has had it happen to them.
i havent had any spam since they let us block emails from all but friends and sg which was put in game around i16 i think



I don't believe you could send emails to globals before I17.

All it means is that the RMT'ers haven't learned it's possible yet or haven't started using it.

As for the Friends and SG only setting? See my post above. I don't think it's changed since CB, which means they can still come in using the global.

An easy way for you to test that? Ask someone that is not on your Friends list or in your SG to send an email to your global. Check to see if it comes in. If it doesn't, then it's something that was corrected and left out of the patch notes.

If I were a betting man I'd wager quite a bit that it hasn't been corrected yet. And this is one time I'd be glad to be proven wrong.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



The fact that you can transfer cross-server is all the proof you need that, unless they changed it to @Global Friends/SuperGroup Members, anyone not on your Server Friends List can e-mail you.

However, it does still block e-mails sent to local names.

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Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
^This is why I do not understand why some people care about not having a cap. Who cares if Kheldarn wants to send himself 1000+ emails a day? I say let him... The measures are already in place for us to stop spammers, it's up to us to use them. Why limit this?
Because the cap *IS* a measure to stop spammers - and a very effective one. I shouldn't have to gimp my email because of spammers. I have my email set to 'fully open' (or whatever you want to call it) since I frequently get email from non-spammer strangers.

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Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
As for the cap? As some have said, I'm surprised the cap is that high. I'd guess it's so that you can send two emails to each SG members per day.
Actually, that would be one per member. Maximum SG size is 150 now.

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Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
The new e-mail system is apparently already being abused.
Right, sending items to yourself obviously constitutes abuse. So silly of us to think otherwise!

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
The fact that you can transfer cross-server is all the proof you need that, unless they changed it to @Global Friends/SuperGroup Members, anyone not on your Server Friends List can e-mail you.

However, it does still block e-mails sent to local names.
Okay. Try this.

Send an email with an attachment of 1 inf to a local name.

What? Doesn't work? That's right, to send an email with an attachment it has to be a global name.

You don't even have to have an attachment on it to send an email to a global name.

And that completely bypasses the settings we have access to for blocking spammers.

I've seen no compelling arguments for raising the cap.

And Ironblade? Thanks for reminding me about the SG increase. I'd forgotten all about it since I'm in a solo SG.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
150 seems like plenty to me for various reasons all directly relating to RMT spam. In fact, I'm rather surprised it is set so high, quite frankly.
150 is a lot, and is probably more than enough. But there is another solution that could help alleviate the OP's problem: You should be able to email stacks of items.

This probably wasn't done because of the problem with getting a stack from an email when there isn't enough available inventory space. But it's a logical extension that should be dealt with in a future issue.



whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa......

I can understand the need for more INITIALLY, when you're trying to set things up between toons, if you have maxed out all your slots in every server. If that's the case, bite the bullet and have some patience.

But to need more than 150 e-mails to yourself every freaking day???? It's people like you who run up the prices in the market. I say lower it to 50. I mean 150 every single day? What are you doing????? I can't figure out how I'd use 150 e-mails every single day (especially with a 20 items limit) unless I spent 14 hours a day trolling the market.



Originally Posted by idea123 View Post
But to need more than 150 e-mails to yourself every freaking day???? It's people like you who run up the prices in the market. I say lower it to 50. I mean 150 every single day? What are you doing????? I can't figure out how I'd use 150 e-mails every single day (especially with a 20 items limit) unless I spent 14 hours a day trolling the market.
Wow. This is a little over the top, isn't it? Just because you "can't figure out how" you might use 150 emails a day doesn't mean it should necessarily be against the rules. I can't imagine how people eat beets - I'm not freaking out that they are still grown and sold at the supermarket ...

And - where do you get the idea that people emailing things to their own alts is running up the prices in the market? Sheesh ... it's people like you who get stuff nerfed in the game! (Makes as much sense as what you said)


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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Serious question here: How many people have had an RMT Spammer send something to their @Global Name since I17 launched?

It hasn't happened to me, and none of the people I know in-game have had it happen to them. So, I'm honestly curious to know if anyone has had it happen to them.
Adding the option to filter email by SG and friendlist stopped every single piece of spam. I haven't gotten a single unsolicited email since. As far as I am concerned, it's perfect, because I would consider any email from an unknown sender as spam, and report it as such.

I don't see any evidence that the email cap is stopping spam, other than the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy of "Kheldarn discovers email cap, this must explain why there is no spam." I definitely see evidence that the email cap is causing legitimate players problems.

Finally, I don't see Kheldarn or anyone saying they are going to send 150 emails every day. I do see Kheldarn saying that when s/he needs to send more than that, the cap sucks. I can see that being true, especially if it's every 24 hour period and not every calendar day. Why not make it 4500 emails per calendar month, which would allow for the same total number of emails per unit time, but also permit the odd day where someone goes on a crafting frenzy?



I just want to point out that a 24 hour lock out is the correct way to do a security rule. Having it reset at any set time would just mean anyone abusing the system would do it right before the reset and then again doubling output before getting locked down by the people in charge.



Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
Is it that the servers can only handle so much email traffic? We have a limit of 15 seconds between emails. Realistically, you're not going to ever send an email every 15 seconds. Even if you are sending a few hundred emails, the fastest I can see would be 20 seconds. That's 5 seconds from the time you click new, fill in the info, attach the item, and click send and the 15 second cool down. Looking at my example above, 300 emails to get the salvages sent would still take me 100 straight minutes of cranking out emails.
Actually, the 15 second cap is a pain and very easy to invoke. If you are emailing to yourself all you have to hit is reply and drop in the attachment. When you are clearing recipies or salvage it's very quick.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I don't see any evidence that the email cap is stopping spam, other than the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy of "Kheldarn discovers email cap, this must explain why there is no spam." I definitely see evidence that the email cap is causing legitimate players problems.
If you're going to talk about logical fallacies.... if the email cap *IS* stopping some spam, how would you know? Where would your evidence be? You've got your own logical fallacy going....

And yeah, most security measures *DO* inconvenience legitimate users. I am inconvenienced by having two locks on my front door. Still, I don't plan to remove them because they serve a purpose.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
If you're going to talk about logical fallacies.... if the email cap *IS* stopping some spam, how would you know? Where would your evidence be? You've got your own logical fallacy going...
That's kinda my point. There's no evidence that the cap is stopping spam, so there's no reason to think it does. However, I have characters that haven't got the option set to refuse unknown email, and they get daily spam. So, there's evidence that the options work, and none that the cap makes a lick of difference on top of the options.

It's not fallacious for me to assume that something has no effect when there's no way to observe it. I can test the email options and see that it definitely has an effect. The fact that leaving the email option open still gets me spam supports my hypothesis that the cap does nothing to stop spam at all.

edit: just logged into a character with no options set to limit emails. Last spam received: today. The one previous to that: today. From different spam accounts. If the cap has an effect, it's imperceptible.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
There is base storage and that should cover all exchanges on server.
Wait, what?

I have a fairly small roster, all of which is on the same server, but I have characters in 3 SGs, 2 VGs, and a few that aren't in groups at all. Bases only help if you have a vanity SG with all your characters added or if all your characters are members of one SG with plenty of spare storage room for transfers.

Email attachments are a very nice addition since I no longer have to ask a friend for help moving something as simple as a recipe or a small inf boost. Just because you don't use it doesn't mean there is no legitimate use.

More on topic, I very much doubt I'll hit the limit, but I also doubt it's doing much at all to stop spam. I have most of my characters blocking email except from friends/SG members, but less-used characters that I haven't bothered to switch over still do get regular spam. Regarding spam to global handles, if the Friends/SG email limit option isn't set to include global friends, that ought to be changed.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
It's not fallacious for me to assume that something has no effect when there's no way to observe it.
It's not fallacious for you to assume something for which you have zero evidence. uh-huh.
Let's also keep in mind that just because YOU can't see any evidence does not mean that that there is no evidence. The people who implemented the cap are in a position to observe any such evidence.

edit: just logged into a character with no options set to limit emails. Last spam received: today. The one previous to that: today. From different spam accounts. If the cap has an effect, it's imperceptible.
Based on a statistical sample of *TWO*. I see.

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