150 E-Mails Per Day Limit?



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I shouldn't have to gimp my email because of spammers.
I agree whole heartedly.



would be cool if yould send stacks of items



I never thought I'd hit any sort of email cap.

Then I went for my Invention badges. Hoooaa boy.

If you think 150 is large try getting these badges. Hell try getting ONE of the badges without sending a flurry of emails to yourself.

Craft 14 lv 45 Damage IOs and 14 lv50 Damage IOs with only 10 personal slots, 16 WW slots of which 12 are probably selling or holding bought items, and you're SOL. You're dumping off those hance that cost you 400k to make for 15,000 on WW just to free up a slot.

Now do that 8 more times. That's one tier of badges, just 4 more tiers to go! On my new toon I still have 2 tiers left to accomplish and I'm past 500 IOs crafted. Hmm 500.... 150... 500? 150?...

Obviously, there's some crafter love that needs to come into play.

And if you're trying to save money by sending yourself salvage from other accounts, you can double the # of emails. I sent maybe 10 key salvage to myself, the rest was just shifting freshly-made enhancements, and I hit the cap in one day.

I understand it's purpose and I understand that there's a small population of people hitting this cap. But once you hit it you'll be here too. It's impacting my paid time and I take issue with that as you would.

Self-sent emails only fix the one account, not if your a two+ account person swapping salvage. (Hehe "swapping salvage")

Ahem, anyways the fixes are already posted. Email filters exist and we use them. I've not had a drop of spam since they went live. And even at 150 emails/day I'm fairly certain the RMT guys would've sent me something by now.
