47 -
If I don't want to email myself some infl to a new toon, I just vendor common IO recipes and make a million in 10 minutes. (I have /auctionhouse, btw, so I can stand in front of the vendor with the auction window open, which speeds things up.) And no matter how often recipe vendoring is mentioned, I never have a problem finding recipes or lvl 48-50+ magic SO's. I think that shows how few people know how the market works, especially the new player.
When I'm not doing the new DA incarnate content, I find myself in AE or demon farming. I have over 50 billion liquid, so I really have no need to use tickets to roll for any recipes. I figure why not make Luck Charms affordable? I'm sure there's many in my predicament. What to do with AE ticks I don't need? Buy Luck Charms, of course!
I just want the lowbe to have a shot at crafting that shiny lvl 15 Accuracy recipe that they pickpocketed from a thug they just mugged before sending him to the Zig. -
Price Guardians is a public channel dedicated to ensuring a welcoming environment for new lowbe players with no connections.
Currently, Luck Charms and Spell Scrolls are at prices out of reach of the new player. Pro active players are now flooding the market with Luck Charms. The goal is to keep the price permanently at 285. Why 285? The vendor buy back price is 250. If you place it on the market for 1, the break even point is 283 after fees. 285 is a more aesthetically pleasing number.
If you care about the health of the game and want noobs to make it to 50 and on to become incarnates, please join and start posting Luck Charms. They can be rolled for 8 AE tickets, but it's a random 1 in 6 chance. If we get membership to over a hundred, there's nothing we can't accomplish! -
Price Guardians is a public channel and anyone can join.
Once Luck Charms are made affordable to the new lowbe, we can address other issues to make lowbe gaming more pleasurable and rewarding. Let's work together to nurture the game we love! -
Price Guardians is a new channel asking for the help of pro-active players who want to nurture this game.
We are a group of helpful players who care about having fair prices for new low level players. Currently, Luck Charms and Spell Scrolls are selling at prices out of reach of the new lowbe player who has no connections. I would like pro-active people to help us in filling all Luck Charm orders and further flooding it so that the price is permanently held at 285.
Why 285? Because 250 is the vendor sell back price, and 283 is the break even point if you sell it for 1 infl, and 285 is a more aesthetic number.
With your help, we can eliminate high prices for low level common items. If you feel the lowbe needs some love, come join me in protecting them. After making your first 100 Billion, what else are you going to do? (I do not have 100 Billion, btw, but a lot)
So pro active players, come join Price Guardians and together, we can be valiant guardians of the game we love. -
I bet BMT of Exalted and Exalted Events have mostly the same peeps. Merging those two probably wouldn't increase the merged channel's population by more than... an arbitrary 25%.
Then we'd be back to 2 major channels. All business in the front, party in the back! -
Fallen from Grace, a named bankrobber boss, is available! I didn't have time to test any major NPC's before maintenance booted me.
I decided not to take that name but instead rolled Fallen from Greece. (some Cimeroran threads would be major cool on him!)
I got Tankerbel and Lysdexia. suwwweeeeet! -
...now if only Exalted Events and BMT of Exalted would merge... that would be Super Awesome! -
I do a lot of soloing, but lately have been learning to start teams and task forces. I'm getting used to leading and am growing into the role. Everyone should become a team leader one day.
I dont' do muhc RPnig ecxept for Lysdexia (not Dyslexia). She's fun. I thought of making a toon "I'm awesome" and pretending to be an illiterate little child doing random things, but I don't want to be /ignore'd by everyone. lol -
One of the best ways I've found to get on teams is to spam in Broadcast, "Forming lvl x Hero Tips team. Send tell to join." (substitute the details for whatever you're about to do.) Also spam in Virtue task forces channel if you're forming a tf. If you want a team, the best thing to do is to start one. There's never enough teams.
"The Evolution of Meditation" is an SG dedicated to extending meditation practice into gaming. We are attempting to forge a cosmic groove through which gamers may attain nirvana. Our play style is unerstandably minimalist, as it is hard to meditate and play at the same time. Currently, our preferred style is to be practically afk in an AE farm mish. However, it is our goal to gradually ramp up our playing capabilities over time and practice. As is true in sports, once one person develops a technique or landmark, others behind him find it much easier to duplicate and even surpass him. Thus we alter the cosmic gamespace and forge a path no one has gone down before, clearing a path for others behind us.
To join, you must be serious about meditation. You must know what it is and have a deep, regular practice. You must be knowledgeable about meditation and respectful of everyone's practices. If our goals give you a sense of calling, I know we will cross paths. -
With the advent of Exalted Incarnates channel, you bet. I posit that there will be multiple Exalted Events channels, and multiple BMT of Exalted channels. So that in itself will practically relegate Exalted Incarnates into a pseudo-private channel. Who's gonna delete all their private and public channels to pick up 5 or 6 channels on Exalted? Not me. So the elitists have succeeded in closing me out by creating too many channels for me to possibly join. All these should be ONE channel, with it's spillovers. They're going to be mostly the same people on all the mentioned channels anyway.
Why so many channels?
BMT of Exalted and Exalted Events seem to be the same thing, and my channel list is full! I won't join them all. In time, I may have to drop Exalted Events (the one I joined) in order to join Exalted Incarnates. Such a shame to have 3 channels when 1 will function well. I don't think there will be too much traffic if all 3 channels merged. It's actually Virtue's fault (my native server), which has multiple TF channels, multiple badge channels, and multiple LFG channels.
Please learn by example and don't let the channels run amok like in Virtue. ONE channel (and it's spillovers) can do everything. ONE channel is efficient. The only reason I can see for having an Exalted Incarnates is for snobby elitist reasons.
Please, mods of all 3 channels, get together, choose one, and shut the others down! One global channel for events is all we need! What will happen if there's multiples of all 3 channels? We'll never be able to get together! I have chosen one and will miss out! I'm not giving up any more channels. -
I joined Exalted Events, and not BMT of Exalted.
I had to drop a channel to join one of them. One of these channels should be deleted. It's redundant. I picked the more popular one at the time. We aren't allowed to have enough channels to have redundant global channels. -
I really would like to see ONE Virtue channel for all events.
Either Virtue Events or BMT of Virtue, but NOT both.
With the introduction of Exalted (and no expansion of the number of channels we can have), I am forced to drop channels to pick up Exalted Events and Exalted LFG.
I will sadly be dropping the Virtue Badges channels that I am currently in to make room.
Please, mods of Virtue Badges and Virtue TFs, at the start of 2012, can you folks get together and form just one channel? (and as many spillover channels as necessary?) The members are mostly the same people. -
Concerned about market effects? Like, "Oh no! The price of Alchemical Silvers will drop to under a thousand! We CAN'T have that!" The market effects would be positive or realistic.
There are players and SG's that really want to make the game more accessible to the poor in infl. After filling Alch Silvers, I'd move on to fill every Luck Charm order, and then every other overinflated low or mid level common salvage. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would do it. There are many, many marketeer haters who would fill Alch Silver orders just to break the backbone of the scums driving the prices up! Not that I'm one of them. lol. I just want to see realistic prices on common salvage for the poor. -
I've seen SG's spell out words and letters by placing little objects on the wall one by one to form "dot-matrix" letters.
I really wish they would allow typed-text banners, though. -
I know you can roll for them, but you can't just select an Alchemical Silver or any common salvage. I would like to see this changed.
There are 19k bids on Alch Silvers! That's insane! I want to fill them all! But I can't possibly do it without being able to buy only Alch Silvers with my tickets! And it gives players a realistically priced alternative to the market. Low and mid level common salvage should be reasonably priced. Overinflated low and mid level salvage affects a noob's access to crafting common IO's.
I'm not trying to make money from filling Alch Silver orders, but I want to make the game more user-friendly for the noob who has no connections. -
I expect prices to keep on rising until every good purple recipe sells for 2 billion each. Then, inflation will stop because it's capped. I've been mildly marketeering since the market came out and have billions upon billions in storage.
The Good news is that inflation is capped at 2 billion. That means you can't really get stupid rich like Bill Gates in an uncapped market. You have to earn it by playing or by marketeering, which is capped at 2 billion per sale.
So it's a matter of Time. Once you get a few billion, you can bid on more and more ultra high stuff. Once you have over 10 toons with a couple billion to bid with, I'd say your earnings level out except for the really hard core marketeers who like to spend hours doing it. So inflation is not uncapped like in real life, but is conveniently capped at 2 billion. So you have a somewhat capped salary and time to accumulate your wealth.
Another Good thing is that a purple can drop on any high level toon. So even the non-elite can get a hold of one! That's certainly not the case in real life. Except if you win the lottery. -
As in any long term game, the wealthy will get wealthier and wealthier. The same happens in real life. But us commons don't go around complaining that we're not entitled to Rolls Royces and beachfront properties. Inflation should happen, and you've been getting the "rich man's" stuff at basement bargain prices all along. Just wait 10 more years and see how much purples will be going for. The prices should inflate ridiculously out of the reach of middle to upper class players. Only the top 1% should be getting purples. The price will set itself according to scarcity and the richest. There is no need to fix inflation. You just have to be realistic about what you can afford and stop thinking you're entitled to everything just because you're a paying customer. You really don't complain bitterly about what you don't have in real life. There shouldn't be a duality in your attitudes. Recognize yourself as not among the elite. You can get there if you want to sacrifice your game time to marketeering. But then again, a lot of self-made billionaires in real life got there by working hard and sacrificing their free time. Prices are where the elite are willing to pay. Don't complain that you can't compete with them and entitlements should be thrown your way. Buckle down and compete with them to be one of the elites. That's how they got there. That's what you need to do. If you don't want to do it, then stop complaining. You really weren't meant to have purple sets and those nifty pvp sets.
haven't read the long thread, but hoping the devs may see this...
VENDOR what needs to be balanced.
OK, vendoring purple sets would be a bit extreme, but how about Common Salvage? AE only allows random rolls for common salvage. Mid level common salvage like Alchemic Silvers never go below 100k because I have a placeholder bid that never wins. Common salvage just shouldn't be going for that high, considering they're used in common recipes that are cheap (and can be bought through a vendor).
So, devs, please start selling Common Invention Salvage at vendors! (or at the least, allow specific buys in AE)
That doesn't address the situation of spending billyuns on a single build, but I currently don't have a problem with that. Hard core players need to have something to spend their rewards on. The casual player is still competent. Just not uber. -
I do gold rolls because I'm lazy and just want to dump the tickets so I can get back to a fire farm. Yeah, I love farming. I'm trying to learn to meditate while being practically afk. Someone has to pioneer spirituality in gaming...
What I'd like to REALLY see is specific sales of common salvage the way uncommons and rares are sold, instead of random rolls. Even if they increase the price, there's 10,000 bids on alchemical silvers and I bet over a 1000 of them are bids at $100k+. If they started selling specific commons, I'd clear out ALL of the alchemical silver bids just to break the price hold. (of course if they started selling commons that way, nobody would bid on them any more either)
That said, I have done mid-level common salvage rolls and they give a nice amount, but nowhere near the silver or bronze rolls. A whole bunch of mid level archaic commons are the target of marketeers and can give wildly fluctuating returns. EVERYONE should do only mid level common rolls and flood the market! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! -
From what I understand, flippers of white salvage raise the low price and lower the high price. They narrow the range from low bid to high bid. So instead of (hypothetically) Alchemical Silvers selling at a low of 500 inf and a high of 2 million inf (hypothetically), it typically ranges from 50k to 100k, or thereabouts. That's fine and dandy for me, having several level 50 toons with over a billion inf each.
But I can't help but feel sorry for the Noob Low level player who doesn't know how to play the market (and really bought this game to be a super hero, not a marketeer). If he decides to not do the AE thing and explore the PvE content, he's going to be poor. So poor that he can't afford DO's at level 12 and SO's at level 22. And now he can't buy an Alchemical Silver to craft his precious Acc IO, because the price window is way over his head. Poor guy. I'd like to see them sold at stores for his sake. (I know a little bit of knowledge and a few trades can fix his inf problem, but still some people want to bypass the market and just be super heroes with some IOs.)
It's almost as if the devs want marketeering to be required or they really want noobs with no inf to play AE. In AE's heyday, I was shocked by how "rich" my developing toon was, since I didn't spend a dime on SO's but used the AE tickets. -
There are some marketeers who play white salvage. Why? Must be to buff their ego's.
They'll say it's a free market and not regulated.
Thank god we have laws against murder and ****.
That's why I'm an advocate of stores or crafting tables selling white salvage. At worst, white salvage would skyrocket to 750 infl. I'm sure crazy prices on white salvage turns people away from the game. I stopped playing redside when the market got crazy, since I didn't know any one at the time I could make an infamy for influence transfer with. But since white salvage is not vendored, I guess it's really not bad for the game. Or it must be what the top brass think. -
yup. every time I roll a new character, I send some seed money over.
But what I have found is that by just crafting the recipe drops at low levels, and even buying the missing salvage for it, I come up ahead, even if I splurge on the most expensive TO's, DO's or SO's! Ahead by like 5 million by level 22 after spluging on SO's. Without doing any marketeering. So I hold off on using the IO's until level 30 or so. I have noticed that the supply of low level Acc IO's and other high movers have gone up. Someone's eager to supply. And there really are a lot of buyers paying 500k sometimes for level 15 IO's!
It seems I just need enough seed money to afford the level 5 and 10 TO's. -
I was almost going to complain about it not having anything to do with the thread title, and that there needs to be a thread rating system so I could give it the lowest rating.
Then I got it. You make 2 billion and it unlocks that horrid costume. lol.