Server Population
I just wanted to say I started back on Freedom with i21 release.....
But last night for the heck of it I started a new Time character on the VIP server. I was shocked at the population. It's great! I had no idea it would be that happening. I didn't think many would go there because my understanding was that 'free' accounts couldn't go there... correct? I guess I missed all the dev related content there but now that I've just started a new toon there, I was really glad to see all the players the server had attracted. This game is just SO much more fun with teams to me..... Great to see all you folks out there. |

Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes
My Characters
CoX Chatlog Parser Feed
I wouldn't count on it staying that way, once the Name land-rush is over I suspect a lot of players will migrate back to their "home" servers. While I don't doubt that Exalted will remain a popular server, having 5+ Atlas instances isn't likely to be a common occurrence in a few weeks time
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There were 9 last night when I was fiddling with a Traps/Beam defender.
yeah... I will roll some new Characters... but wait a few months before I even start thinking about moving any 50's over there.
It's funny to stand there and watch the colorful names pass through at the spawn point.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"
Wasn't there a Dev event on Exalted last night? When I logged in there were Warwalkers all over AP.
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
having 5+ Atlas instances isn't likely to be a common occurrence in a few weeks time
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If it stays at or above "Freedom-level" I think my stay there will be VERY short-lived.
You guys think the level 50 trial runs will get more active? I think I have added all the chat channels that are posted in this server section, but it seemed pretty quite for that kind of stuff. I presume most are working on new toons so thats the reason. Moved one of my 50s over hoping to try the new trial but it's been a ghost I am on the fence of maybe going back to my home server. Would like to have a 50 on the VIP server for dev related events.
"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"
You guys think the level 50 trial runs will get more active? I think I have added all the chat channels that are posted in this server section, but it seemed pretty quite for that kind of stuff. I presume most are working on new toons so thats the reason. Moved one of my 50s over hoping to try the new trial but it's been a ghost I am on the fence of maybe going back to my home server. Would like to have a 50 on the VIP server for dev related events.
~Iggy |
In short, it should get better after the free server transfers become available next week.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
I think you'll see more 50s as time goes on. I started characters there for both the name-grabs and because there's new sets and revamped zones and I figured where better to try a new set in a "new" zone with a new character than on a new server? But that means they're all level 1-10 right now.
I wouldn't count on it staying that way, once the Name land-rush is over I suspect a lot of players will migrate back to their "home" servers. While I don't doubt that Exalted will remain a popular server, having 5+ Atlas instances isn't likely to be a common occurrence in a few weeks time
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You guys think the level 50 trial runs will get more active? I think I have added all the chat channels that are posted in this server section, but it seemed pretty quite for that kind of stuff. I presume most are working on new toons so thats the reason. Moved one of my 50s over hoping to try the new trial but it's been a ghost I am on the fence of maybe going back to my home server. Would like to have a 50 on the VIP server for dev related events.
~Iggy |
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
My SG started migrating 50's and leveling new ones pretty quickly. I've been able to pull together a few late night ITF/STF's but everyone is still running sub 30s and not even looking at 50's yet. Give it a week for some of the Beam/Time toons to hit 50, maybe another for IO's and people should be back running lvl 50 stuff. I hope to see steady trials running in by then.
"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner
I got onto a big safeguard team the other night, with my Grav/FF. I forgot how fun/chaotic big teams can be, plus the find everything and deal with ambushes of safeguards. It was great, thus far I am really pleased with Exalted. I'm really looking forward to getting on a team with my AR/Sonic, for me that build just seems team perfect. Through some buffs, shoot stuff, profit.
Protector: Tulare 50 Inv/SS/EM-ph1x3r 47 Bots/Traps
VIP: VIC-29(Traps/AR) - Corinth(Grav/FF) -Wrecka(Claws/SR)
Even red side is populated at the moment. It's been a blast just doing old fashioned teaming for a change .
You guys think the level 50 trial runs will get more active? I think I have added all the chat channels that are posted in this server section, but it seemed pretty quite for that kind of stuff. I presume most are working on new toons so thats the reason. Moved one of my 50s over hoping to try the new trial but it's been a ghost I am on the fence of maybe going back to my home server. Would like to have a 50 on the VIP server for dev related events.
~Iggy |
@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty... (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)
Nice, I will add this channel to my list..I believe I have the rest so. looking forward to running with all you VIPs
"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"
Why so many channels?
BMT of Exalted and Exalted Events seem to be the same thing, and my channel list is full! I won't join them all. In time, I may have to drop Exalted Events (the one I joined) in order to join Exalted Incarnates. Such a shame to have 3 channels when 1 will function well. I don't think there will be too much traffic if all 3 channels merged. It's actually Virtue's fault (my native server), which has multiple TF channels, multiple badge channels, and multiple LFG channels.
Please learn by example and don't let the channels run amok like in Virtue. ONE channel (and it's spillovers) can do everything. ONE channel is efficient. The only reason I can see for having an Exalted Incarnates is for snobby elitist reasons.
Please, mods of all 3 channels, get together, choose one, and shut the others down! One global channel for events is all we need! What will happen if there's multiples of all 3 channels? We'll never be able to get together! I have chosen one and will miss out! I'm not giving up any more channels.
Why so many channels?
BMT of Exalted and Exalted Events seem to be the same thing, and my channel list is full! I won't join them all. In time, I may have to drop Exalted Events (the one I joined) in order to join Exalted Incarnates. Such a shame to have 3 channels when 1 will function well. I don't think there will be too much traffic if all 3 channels merged. It's actually Virtue's fault (my native server), which has multiple TF channels, multiple badge channels, and multiple LFG channels. Please learn by example and don't let the channels run amok like in Virtue. ONE channel (and it's spillovers) can do everything. ONE channel is efficient. The only reason I can see for having an Exalted Incarnates is for snobby elitist reasons. Please, mods of all 3 channels, get together, choose one, and shut the others down! One global channel for events is all we need! What will happen if there's multiples of all 3 channels? We'll never be able to get together! I have chosen one and will miss out! I'm not giving up any more channels. |
I imagine it'll all settle down in a few months. There'll be one or two channels running, and the others will slowly die off. In the meantime, we have a dozen Exalted global channels because everyone and their mother wants to be king of their own sandbox.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
I just wanted to say I started back on Freedom with i21 release.....
But last night for the heck of it I started a new Time character on the VIP server.
I was shocked at the population. It's great! I had no idea it would be that happening. I didn't think many would go there because my understanding was that 'free' accounts couldn't go there... correct?
I guess I missed all the dev related content there but now that I've just started a new toon there, I was really glad to see all the players the server had attracted. This game is just SO much more fun with teams to me..... Great to see all you folks out there.
Nekron: Beam Rifle / Poison Corruptor and Slayer of Evil!! (Exalted)
Intergalaktic: Fire / Time Corruptor (Exalted)