356 -
So... what got fixed?
I have been playing other toons lately. Poison got on my nerves, and the one Poison toon I have that I do like... I respeced to take almost all Beam powers anyway (aside from the must have poison powers.) -
I don't want to quite dismiss PvP but at the same time, I don't think PvP presents near the concern it used to. If it is that big a concern than a bigger solution might be to have AT's behave differently between PvP and PvE. Otherwise balance is just too difficult to achieve.
Quote:This ideal has become watered down quite dramatically in 3 ways: 1- Power proliferation (a biggy) 2- the actual changing of AT performance. (damage in tanks, etc.) 3 - New Powers.With each AT there is a design concept.
The price of creativity seems to be a blurring of those lines. The best example of that I can think of is 'Time'. Time is absolutely amazing and has a solution for any problem short of status protection. It buffs, it heals, it debuffs, it holds, it slows. What AT am I talking about? Any AT that takes Time.
I agree a corruptor has a 'role' but that is clearly defined in the AT numbers. We're 25% less damaging than a blaster. So why give me a broken secondary? Because I'm a corruptor?
To me there are two 'levels' of issues going on here. The first level is -powers that are not behaving- (Venomous Gas and Poison Trap), the second level is -powers that under perform or simply do not fit or are too cumbersome to consider.)
Again I find it curious in this thread (some) people are telling me 'poison is fine' and in the other thread of someone asking about beam rifle/poison, I get pounced on pretty good for defending it. (Some) people allege it to be pretty much the -worst- secondary you could take. -
Hey folks...
I wanted to revisit this because I have been slowly trying to get my brute over to blue side (he dates back quite a bit)... so he's 50 but stuck redside for now.
Here are my questions:
- I haven't respec'd yet so I'm using my very old build. What I've noticed is I had taken Acrobatics back in the day. So I turned it off just to experience life without it. What I noticed is I spend a lot more time on my buttocks. In my new build, I had slotted a knockeback protection (steadfast). Is this going to be enough to compensate for the lack of Acrobatics?
- In my original build I noticed I had taken up Scorpion for the endgame powers. I have the AOE blast, and web grenade, and the Spider pet. I have to be honest, I really like the utility of the web grenade, and the AOE isn't bad at all, and I LOVE the pet. He works well with this brute. Am I crazy to be tempted to keep this combo even after I respec?
- I have siesmic smash, and Fault. Both seem to periodically send people flying. Are these bad powers? Should I take them both? Or one or the other? Suggestions?
I'm really enjoying the toon. I love the stone mallet so much, I'm also considering dumping the stone fists just so I can get both mallets going. When fury is flying, the mallets are pretty darn fun.
Thanks in advance. -
Quote:I appreciate that. It does appear by a large volume of forumites anyway, that it is best to take advantage of Power Siphon on a scrapper...vs. a Brute for instance (which of course gives you greater survivability)KM is actually a 10 on Stalkers and Scrappers.
On stalkers its one of the TWO sets that has been customized for stalkre play instead of gimped, and on scrappers you should really go check the pylon results thread.
KM is a top performer.
Quote:It's an ok set for tankers. I have a level 50 elec/KM. The damage boost from Power Siphon affects all your damage powers, so it synergizes well with elec's damage aura. .
Quote:/snip then add a buff that can be made about as strong as perma-soul drain on top of that. There isn't a set I would sooner choose for AV or GM soloing if I were in the market for a scrapper like that.
The that gives me hope is you said this is the type of scrapper you would/could easily choose for soling an AV/GM. That's pretty much what I'm trying to build (even though I'm big on teaming.)
Quote:As far as drawbacks of the set, well, both of the ranged powers are pretty skippable. Torrent is actually kind of nice while leveling up but it doesn't really retain a place in a high end chain, and focused burst is a pale shadow of its claws namesake. Adding insult to injury, these two powers also have the silliest animations in a set full of silly animations. Some people don't like burst but I find it to be a very competent pbaoe, and pbaoe knockdown is always a good thing.
I guess next up I have to post a build of my new KM/Lightning and let the experts pick at it.
I do enjoy the look of it... it suits my desire to build a very 80's looking 'Avengers' type of toon up and I'm big on theme. KM suits the theme so if the set is probably sitting as low as maybe an 8-10 (on available set comparisons) I'll probably run with it. Still deciding... -
This is a good topic... I was going to start it myself but this is good enough for me.
I see a lot of 'classic' power sets still get -some- playtime. But I see VERY few Kinetic Melee types.
In my quest for a classic looking/feeling superhero, I made two toons, leveled them to the mid teens, and decided on a Scrapper: Kinetic Melee / Lightning. (I chose lighting over Energy Aura because of the offensive nature of it. And I know Lightning pretty well.)
Here's my question... how does Kinetic Melee stack up against the new sets we're seeing? I mean I have a street justice dude to 45 and he seems to hit HARD and often, and sometimes with Kinetic Melee I feel like I'm doing magic tricks with light or something while others are flat out kicking butt.
I've done a lot of forum research on this. A lot of reading dating back to the original release of the power set. It appears most people (and devs) claim the power set animations are in line with everything else.
So on a scale of 1-10 how do you guys rate Kinetic Melee in all around effectiveness?
Let's say 1= Energy Melee (I'm still a sucker for this one and actually like it. lol)
10= Street Justice/Dark Melee?
Kinetic Melee? -
I have to wonder how many times I've talked to dev's on their private accounts.
Sometimes I'm on teams doing.. unusual things... and someone who was just picked up for the group will start asking a lot of questions.... See NOW I'm paranoid.
I'd like to get one of the dev's (in private mode) on a Keyes run. Ugh. (I know they're 'fixing' it)
I feel like I've been waiting for Titan Weapons too long. Why can't I get leaked powers?!?!?!
Suggestion for next power set: Leaked Powers (You don't know what you're going to get but by checking the online store, you can buy Leaked Powers and get some half finished set) -
Just curious...
I've been thinking a lot about starting a Kinetic Melee / Energy Aura scrapper. A lot of posts (could be just from a very few people) say the animation time better suits Scrapper damage, and of course the possibility of Critical hits.
Yet that being said when I search the forum, and the internet in general, all I see is Brute builds. Why is that?
There have been posts about what AT do I take with Kinetic Melee, but realistically while most people recommend scrappers, I'm having trouble finding a halfway decent scrapper build, but I can find a lot of Brute builds.
Any reason for this?
Also I think I'm not too sure on Energy Aura. I see so many builds without hasten which blows me away.... and some without Tough. This secondary seems squishy to me. Am I wrong? (there's some nasty Debuffers in the game.) -
Yea, I'm starting to lean that way myself.
The tank is solid, but the damage is probably more... lacking (compared to a scrapper of course).... naturally I can always help that out with Reactive Core Interface so the question is: Do I max out my AT's ability to tank? or do I compensate for his lack of damage?
(Since the first post, I've been through the new incarnate stuff several times... absolutely none of it tempts me in the least.) -
Quote:I don't know to be honest. It depends on the numbers.If it is a ST based debuff, will it be a deadly choice on a Mind/Poison/Fire Controller?
I do know well into my incarnate experience I am actually 'wanted' on teams doing incarnate trials. I turn into debuffer extrodinaire, hitting the AV's/Elite Bosses. Combining my proc loaded debuffs on top of the -reg of Beam Rifle.
It's been refreshing, because to be frank, a lot of low end content doesn't truly help as much as it does in late game. Don't get me wrong it still helps, but you will find if you are on a massive damage team.... the debuffs aren't quite as important, but any level... Recluse, for example, can be an issue.
If the controller numbers are as high, I think it will be a good debuff set for them as well. I'm certainly glad I stuck it out. Again, end game powers still stink bad. -
I just have to give props to this channel....
Everytime I've been on basically it's been perfect for team forming... incarate stuff, TF's... It's been really good.
The thing is it's not a super chatty chanenl like some of the other ones, so you don't find it interrupting your gameplay. -
Thanks folks.
It was quite the moment... pretty funny IMO. I won't forget it for a while. A perfect Halloween 50 moment. -
Also interesting that so many of the new alpha's look underwhelming.
Thanks very much for the insight. I was really only aware of Agility which isn't really for my tank.
IMO there is no way 2 percent is worth dropping the end reduction. I mean I don't even need it, but 2... maybe even 3 is not going to be a considerable difference, and with such useless secondary boosts (immobolize I have no use for... and taunt? ), I'll probably just go Cardiac Core. -
Hey tank guru's...
A funny thing happened to me on the way to Exalted... I remembered a tank I made (elec/elec) that i got some great advice from here on making.
I left him at incarnate unlocked, but no slot in alpha, because I have no idea what to take.
So I noticed most tankers take the Cardiac Core Paragon because of the end help, and it obviously cranks out the resistence.
But my tanker is totally fine endurance wise, with slotting, draining, and the fact I took Energy Mastery.
So here's his numbers if this helps:
resist S/L: 78.2
Fire/Cold: 56.1
Energy: 90
Neg: 42.3
Tox: 1.3
Psi: 68.3
IF I were to go Cardiac Core Paragon, again endurance isn't an issue, but my resists go to:
S/L : 86
Fire/Cold: 61
Energy: 90
Neg: 47.5
Psi: 73.3
Oh, and my defense will be like this once I can afford Kinetic Combats (not sure I'll ever get them though to be honest)
S/L 31.2
Melee: 30.5
Ragned: 20.5
AOE: 17.4
Not awesome, but not a shield tank so ... I think it's ok.
So this build is not loaded with anything purple, or super expensive but there you have the bottom line.
So what alpha would you recommend?
I thought Cardiac Core to get my numbers closer to cap.
If I go Spirtual Core paragon, something important like Lightning rod goes from a 28.13 second recharge to... 25.27 seconds. Is that wortk... 2+ seconds? It doesn't seem like it?
Looking at.... Musculature, I thought great, with the End bonus maybe I can drain more? AND pump up my damage.... Is it worth it for a tank to do this?
That's about it... I'd appreciate some thoughts. I've been hoarding shards with NO idea which way to go on thisl pretty stuck at the moment. Thanks. -
I love my elec/elec tank... Ellektro. He's 50.. and he does really well. I haven't tested him to the max, but so far he I find he can do some things that even some other good tanks can't... my energy and Psi resist are very good... those are things to hang your hat on.
I can't get S/L as high as an Invuln tank, BUT if I go with Cardiac Core Paragon (I haven't decided yet because I don't actually have endurance issues!) I can get my S/L to 85.5%. That's pretty good considering my Psi will be 73%!
Nothing wrong with that at all..
For utility Lightning rod is a good soft control, as well as mentioned AOE damage... I can end drain a lot of the sub AT content... I can put an Elite boss down to zero End in a very short time... and keep most of them there myself.
You will notfind an elec/elec tank is the straight forward, tough as nails tank as an Invuln, or perhaps a Stoner naturally, but you have things they don't...learn how to use them. -
I'm looking to join one of these channels as I move my Corruptor into incarnate content.
What I'm not sure about is why the new channel? Someone here actually mentions in the main channel thread that yes, too many channels water down the content.
So this is a new channel because?
Don't get me wrong, I'm just wondering if something happened, or is wrong with the other task force/trial channel?
The channel sounds cool... I want to join one of them.... about the silent mode thing I hope you guys make it easy enough to find out, or announce events frequently. (That is to say in silent mode I can't ask: "Hey is anyone running a Lady grey tf?") -
I am proud to announce I finally hit 50 with a character created on Exalted. My first Corruptor yet (beam rifle/ poison).
Here's a screenshot of my character hitting 50. I got tired of the usual grind, and joined a rather -massive- Trick or Treat League.
This hotel is known for its cheap rates, terrible food, zombie guests, and of course... REALLY stinky pool water:
This is perhaps hardly newsworthy to the heroic community on the forums but there's more to the story...
As the League was well into 'arresting' the unsavory, half dead clientele at the Ghoul Hotel, someone from the league (and an alleged 'friend') went out of their way to drag something all the way to the hotel.
Here's where the carnage started.....
It turns out the League member had an alternative plan for League. Was he over run by Zombies? Perhaps mind controlled by Witches?
These things pretty much came wobbling in from the parking lot. I saw them first and hovered back. Before I could type anything, 3-4 people were dead. Within 2 foot stomps, another 2-3 people died.
The only reason I had my wits to take a screenshot is I was planning on snapping one as I hit 50.
The reaction to this event is what really cracked me up though. Some people, like myself, thought it was funny. Some others however did not. The group leader promptly kicked the league member from the team, declaring him a heretic. (Perhaps justifiably so)
Some league members were pretty upset, one saying something to the effect of: "How could anyone do that? I could see it if we were in Atlas spamming for power-leveling, but this is terrible!'
I will not mention the 'heretic' league member's name. He is someone I casually know in game. I know him to head up some fun events so I thought I should defend him!
It turned out after talking to him, he did in fact do it. I laughed... I mean what is debt like compared to years ago? It's nothing. The 'heretic' told me he meant it in fun... and it was funny... I'm not sure how you could get too upset at that.
I personally was surprised how bothered some people were by the heretic's actions, but for me it made a rather 'typical' Trick or Treating night quite memorable.
So my first 50 Corruptor on Exalted comes with a price: A league member goes heretic. I hit 50 as 5-10 people were stomped to death by monsters, another 2-3 went down to become the Ghoul Hotel's buffet meal the next day.... Yes it was quite a memorable 50! I won't forget it anytime soon.
The 'Ghoul Hotel' owner was later quoted as saying, "I've seen a lot of things managing this here hotel. I've seen headless people eating heads. I've seen zombies in swimming pools, and I've even seen werewolves trying to use my vending machines... but I've never seen three plant monsters trying to get a single room rate before!!!"
The Ghoul Hotel owner was promptly arrested for serving 'monster mushroom soup' the next morning. -
Yea, that's the way I'm leaning... Fire Breath. Drop Inferno (again!) and forget the snipe.
Echoing Silas, Time's Juncture is skippable.
One of the nice things about having lots of vet specs is you really get to see how certain combo's work. I originally took Time's Juncture, and respec'd out of it because of the horrendous END cost, and it wasn't a 'make or break' power.
Personally, I have put it in near the end of my build. To me, it's an 'icing on the cake' kind of power. The debuff is solid, and near 50 you should have better endurance management, and just as important, the extra slotting to handle the end usage. -
Thanks for the advice... I am thinking of dropping Inferno for Fire Breath, but I found the cone... somewhat awkward because I'm a hover guy.
For Breath I find I already have a few sets of Positron's blast, and would rather have a defensive I/O slot.
But again, you're right, Inferno is a tad ugly. You have to get close, and you have to watch your toggles drop.
It doesn't really hit hard enough for my money to really be worth it. (I get a lot more mileage out of my Beam Rifle nuke than I do with Inferno).
I'll drop the extra two slots I have in Time's Juncture. Now before I respec, I gotta figure out if I keep Inferno... or go to the Snipe (meh) or Breath. -
Just two unrelated questions.
First, for a corruptor, how many of you think it's worth taking Inferno? I decided to take Power Mastery pool and I will use Power Build up (better than aim) making Inferno do some respectable damage. Still the toggle drop is annoying... What do you think?
Secondly Time's Juncture. I've decided to add it back into my build for the time being. I am considering six slotting it like so:
4 x Dark Watcher's Despair (mostly to get the horrendous end cost down) including a chance for -recharge
2 x Pacing of the Turtle (again for endurance discount). Including another chance for -recharge.
My question for you on this slotting is.... is it worth it? Do these proc's work in this power? -
Quote:OMG... you've got me excited now.If you can wait a bit.. I suggest looking at the new Alpha- Agility. It covers End Mod, Recharge and a bit of Defense. It'll help your own recovery and Chrono Shift and boost all your recharge. (I'm also partial to Vigor but it doesn't exactly fit what you need.)
The only character I used Musculature on is my TA/Archery Defender. If you're looking for more damage- go Reactive Interface. On a Fire Blast character it is sick damage, my Fire/Fire/Fire Dom is completely over the top now, wiping out X8 mob sizes in a flash.
I've never taken my incarnates that far. But since my main is Fire/Time, this sounds splendid! By splendid I mean awesome. -
Well I have to be honest, I think my corr does good damage.
Scourge sometimes comes up big. I mean you can't rely on it, but sometimes it results in some monster damage. The bigger the target, the better it is.....
After really looking at the numbers, I still think for my Corr that Musculature is the way to go for right now (I still have 2 levels to 50). Power Build up is a nice addition too... a very nice alternative or addon to AIM.
Musculature gets me doing very respectable damage, without having to switch to a blaster variant and retaining my control/debuff element of Poison. Same goes for my Time toon really. -
After hitting .... 47 last night, I have to confess I've really come around to enjoying Beam-Poison.
I write this since playing Beam Rifle/Poison basically since it became available for sale. I have also waited to put this up, until I tried Beam with other sets.
This toon was not farmed, and I put him through as many different aspects of typical game play (Tips/Solo/Grouped/TF's/Rikti Raids/etc).
I was on a team last night that was doing higher end Malta missions... There was a few aggressive players that bit it pretty early. I soon realized I couldn't go in, just debuff, and blast. I had to employ more Poisony stuff.
I started holding Sappers, weakening bosses, evenoming groups of Lts, and then blasting away.... sure enough groups started evaporating.
For the record, we had one tank, but he was having issues with these groups.
It's times like these I see the value in having more utility than a blaster, and learning how to play properly. Knowing just how much of your secondary to employ, and when.
The redraw has never bothered me that much. Is it there? Yup, I suppose so. It just doesn't bother me. I front load most battles with Poison, then do what needs to get done....
Most of Poison can be played at range, and works very well against high end material. But you really have to learn it... There are times where some powers simply aren't needed, and other times where they are life savers, or perhaps time savers.
I would keep beam rifle with a blaster, or a 'front end' heavy Corruptor secondary. That is to say, set up your battle, quickly, and work the disintegrate. Those who say 'ignore' disintegrate I find puzzling. It is a gem in the set, and once you work it, mobs start to die.
As a corruptor set, Beam Rifle fits in nicely with Poison, exploiting -Regen. Thematically you may be struggling with the pair, but Beam Rifle does not seem to fit well with a set that has you bouncing a lot from primary, to secondary.
The nuke is great. It's a Corruptor's friend for sure. You can use that stun to reset your Poison stuff if needed. (I never liked Fire's nuke for this reason... it just leaves you too messed up and toggle dropping to reset your corruptor secondary efficiently).
Even if you're considering Beam Rifle as a blaster, I personally would stick with something like Energy that just lets you focus on the primary.
To date, I have a Beam Rifle/Energy blaster, a Beam Rifle/Traps Corr, and a Beam Rifle/Poison. The poison has its downsides, but still my fave.... but those sets in general, IMO, are the best match ups.
(I also have a 46 Fire/Time Corr, and can not imagine liking Beam with Time, BUT I play often with a 50 Beam/Time, so there you go!)
Negatives? The worst of it has to be the last two powers of Poison. Thankfully the 'beef' in the set is early.
Quite frankly there is enough out there on the negatives of Poison, but specifically paired with Beam Rifle, the function of Venomous Gas is suspect. Not only is it borked as a power, it is tough to use with Beam. (I think the best match up here is Dual Pistols. Unfortunately my DP is a blaster!)
The Poison Trap I am still heavily testing. In several hours of trick or treating (solo) I have concluded that the +2 Magnitude Hold Lockdown does not work. In fact, I don't know if any slotting works at all in the power.
I have respecc'd my Beam Rifle/Poison Corruptor 4 times, and replaced slotting on some powers additional times..... I still flip Poison Trip in and out on those respecs. It seems to 'die' very, very easily. In fact I'm almost certain NPC's can WALK over it, causing it to break.
Venomous Gas MIGHT make it back into my build.... but now I'm seriously considering dropping both end game Poison powers and going with Speed's 'Burnout' for Power Build Up + Overcharge x 2.
Incarnate is still heavily leaning towards Musculature. Some people say for more damage, just roll a blaster, but what if I prefer the utility and team play of Poison and just wish I did a bit more damage? I have run the numbers on all powers.... Particularly in Beam Rifle, I would say *if* you are looking at what a "Disintegrated" boosted attack does with Musculature, the multiplier looks nice to me.
Spirtual will help, but we're talking approx 3 seconds on the nuke... meh.
Cardiac is the only other front runner.... Currently I don't have endurance problems since going to an IO build.
That's my honest run down of the entire set.
I hope this helps someone decide to try it out, or perhaps even skip it. -
Quote:No it really doesn't have an AOE hole... I just mean that I would like more please.I didn't really think StJ had a AOE hole.
That said, you may prefere the Spring Attack over that little trick. Conserve Power plus the ENDREC from SoW should cover the -END that happens with Burnout, while giving you some serious +Resist, but it's of limited time/use.
You'll likely get more out of Spring Attack.
My 'rebuild' includes Spring Attack. Some in game friends are telling me it's rather 'meh' but it would work well with this character I believe. -
Quote:Very interesting indeed. I never even thought of that (my 43 SJ is a WP character). Typically I don't take any crashable shields.StJ/WP
Conserve Power -> Strength of Will -> Burnout -> Strength of Will
So I had Burnout, then made this post, dropped it on respec, and now.... I'm thinking of getting it again, just for this little trick. Thanks for that....
I'm not entirely sure I'll do it. My current respec plans use that new leaping PBAOE attack (Spring attack?) which also appears to fill the AOE gap of SJ. -
Just as the title says... I'm trying to figure out if it's worth taking Burn Out on my Street Justice toon.
He's basically in the mid 40's and although it's in my build plans, I am starting to question it. I have not used it yet on any character, so I'd appreciate some thoughts.