Channel Merge?
This topic has been brought up many times. There are definitly far too many channels on this server, and whilst the suggestion has been made to merge the channels, nothing has really been done about it.
This post outlines my suggestion for how we should do it, aswell as to create a dedicated thread to discuss this issue in. The Suggestion We use 2 main channels for this server. Exalted Events - Used to arrange all forms of events regardless of the type. They could be your Costume Contests, PvP Ladders, Mothership Raids, Trails, Badge Hunts, Task Forces, Hamidon Raids etc. If it's an event carried out on the server, it could go under that heading. VIP - Used for general chatting/socialsing, forming pickup groups and having fun. Annihilus has his Friday night Triva too, which would make this the perfect fun social channel for the server. All other channels that are not under this heading would merge into them for the sake of keeping the community together. If you were a Mod of your previous channel, then you'd also became a Mod of the merged channel. I honestly think if we could pull this off, and ALL channel leaders were in agreement with this it would be a huge step forward for the community. The Discussion So as I said previously, that was just a suggestion as does not have to be carried out. The 2 channels I suggested were because they were in my opinion the 2 that best suited the servers need, but that doesn't mean everyone will share that same opinion. It would be important for us to make this work that the 'channel leaders' did not have a huge bias in their own channel and will be uncooperative if it was not their channel used as the 'main channels'. I may be a large active role in Exalted Events, however if it was another channel like BMT of Exalted used then I would be more than happy to leave EE to merge with them. What's important is we pull this off, not that it's your channel used. I hope this thread can turn into something good, and it can be used as a platform to make it what the server really needs, 1 or 2 channels for people to join instead of 8 or 9. Thanks for reading folks. |
Honestly, I dunno how well this is gonna go over.
I'm kinda reminded of this:

Trying to get all of them to agree would take godlike amounts of persuasion (or trickery). We're only "mere" superheroes.
I concur... WAY too many chiefs...
As I completely support this idea in full, it would be a matter of pulling everyone together and discussing it. There are too many channels and as it stands although VIP and Exalted Events hold the most active users, the others channels do still have many users with loyalty to that channel.
It may be a difficult task, but at this point we might even have more hope for merging VIP and Exalted Events upfront and simply over ruling the rest by numbers. This is something still that would need to be discussed, but hopefully either way we can come to some positive resolution for discarding the quantity of Exalted channels to date- we'll talk more on this matter and keep those of you updated; your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Channel 'VIP' Host!
/chanjoin VIP
I say just take 3 of the more popular channels and just advertise only those 3. I'm sure most of the people, other than owners of the other channels won't mind.
I say just take 3 of the more popular channels and just advertise only those 3. I'm sure most of the people, other than owners of the other channels won't mind.
I do agree that there's too many global channels all trying to fulfil the same functions, though I suspect convincing people that their channel is the redundant one that needs to close down will be problematic. Hell, when globals were getting clogged with inactive accounts and so preventing new players joining, there were a lot of people who'd refuse to abandon "<servername> Badges" to move to "<servername Badges> 20xx" each time it got full - it was essentially the same channel, but they got really attached to "their" channel.
I say we all merge into EFA. Short and sweet to the point. Exalted For All. Mod in LFA, on liberty, im a fair mod i dont like the immature/trolling/flaming/sexual content in the channels.

I say we all merge into EFA. Short and sweet to the point. Exalted For All. Mod in LFA, on liberty, im a fair mod i dont like the immature/trolling/flaming/sexual content in the channels.

I lol's when I saw Hyperstrike do this, a picture is worth a thousand words. To play devils adocate there is one channel that everyone can use and be helpful to all...The Help channel. It's already there moderation can be done through anyone by reporting and people have already been using this channel. Especially those that don't even go on forums.
Agreed. I dont need global channels when youre in a busy active SG/coalition.

We ran a hami raid lastnight and used BMT of Exalted and Exalted Events to advertise in. We filled the zone and rocked the raid and it didnt take forever. The same can be said for the RWZ raid @Celestial Lord held. With that being said, Im sure a lot of it was word of mouth going around.. thats also how this channel thing will sort out..
I am a mod in both, however i didnt create either. I've seen them both pretty active and would have a hard time saying which should go. I'm not in any of the other global channels in Exalted so I couldnt comment on their activity. I do agree tho there are too many channels and it splits the servers community.
We're dealing with people from different servers that are use to their own ways.. this was made clear during lastnights Hami Raid. There were numerous people that were vocal about how it was being done (both openly in league and in tells). In the end tho, everyone listened to how we do it and they came together and it went really well. Those same people that were questioing how it was being done in the end were plesantly surprised at both the speed and the limited deaths.
I think its just a matter of waiting and seeing and letting everyone make up their own minds
Dont forget, Weekly MSRs sundays at 9pm Eastern... Led by and Obsidian Operations member.

Hehe, POOF is sg channel, and LFA is the community channel for Liberty that I represent. Now that I like Exalted more, and its more active - Thinking about stepping down to get into the Exalted Community to run Events.

Hehe, POOF is sg channel, and LFA is the community channel for Liberty that I represent. Now that I like Exalted more, and its more active - Thinking about stepping down to get into the Exalted Community to run Events.
You know you're a welcome moderator in VIP.
Channel 'VIP' Host!
/chanjoin VIP
This topic has been brought up many times. There are definitly far too many channels on this server, and whilst the suggestion has been made to merge the channels, nothing has really been done about it.
This post outlines my suggestion for how we should do it, aswell as to create a dedicated thread to discuss this issue in. The Suggestion We use 2 main channels for this server. Exalted Events - Used to arrange all forms of events regardless of the type. They could be your Costume Contests, PvP Ladders, Mothership Raids, Trails, Badge Hunts, Task Forces, Hamidon Raids etc. If it's an event carried out on the server, it could go under that heading. VIP - Used for general chatting/socialsing, forming pickup groups and having fun. Annihilus has his Friday night Triva too, which would make this the perfect fun social channel for the server. All other channels that are not under this heading would merge into them for the sake of keeping the community together. If you were a Mod of your previous channel, then you'd also became a Mod of the merged channel. I honestly think if we could pull this off, and ALL channel leaders were in agreement with this it would be a huge step forward for the community. The Discussion So as I said previously, that was just a suggestion as does not have to be carried out. The 2 channels I suggested were because they were in my opinion the 2 that best suited the servers need, but that doesn't mean everyone will share that same opinion. It would be important for us to make this work that the 'channel leaders' did not have a huge bias in their own channel and will be uncooperative if it was not their channel used as the 'main channels'. I may be a large active role in Exalted Events, however if it was another channel like BMT of Exalted used then I would be more than happy to leave EE to merge with them. What's important is we pull this off, not that it's your channel used. I hope this thread can turn into something good, and it can be used as a platform to make it what the server really needs, 1 or 2 channels for people to join instead of 8 or 9. Thanks for reading folks. |
I'm already on Exalted Events and another one. I'll drop the other one and switch to VIP.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
VIP?!? Haven't even heard of that one. Exalted-United was the high pop channel when it first opened. But I agree, consolidating would be good.
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Exalted Incarnates is being rolled in to BMT of Exalted. If you are already a member of BMT of Exalted, we thank you for your time with us on Exalted Incarnates. If you would like an invite to BMT of Exalted just ask or type /chanjoin BMT of Exalted.
BMT of Exalted stands for Badges, Monsters, and Trials/iTrials/TF's/SF's. If you are a channel Mod on your home server send one of the Mods on BMT a tell so we can verify your OP status and star you up.
@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty... (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)
VIP?!? Haven't even heard of that one. Exalted-United was the high pop channel when it first opened.
Don't think it really matters which channels end up in use though (besides possibly bruising a few egos), just so long as it's only 2-3 of them rather than 15-20 of them.
As far as I can see, EXALTED-UNITED (why full caps? why?!) remains the highest pop channel.
Don't think it really matters which channels end up in use though (besides possibly bruising a few egos), just so long as it's only 2-3 of them rather than 15-20 of them. |
Exalted Events
BMT of Exalted
EXALTED-UNITED(it annoys me too)
Several of the smaller channels have been merging into the larger ones. Whilst not perfect, it is a massive step in the right direction and as a main on the server I only have to join 4 channels and those looking for itrails/raids only have to join 2.
Edit: And yes the only reason I suggested VIP was because I hated the EXALTED-UNITED name

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
Channel cap is 2500. If we merge 3 channels together, we would be 200ish away from the cap. This would bring 2major channels of Exalted instead of 4. In the next few months, the channels will even out.
I've seen FA(For All) Channels be the most popular kind, like EFA? Short(so it doesn't take up half of the chat box just the name of the channel) lol.

I bet BMT of Exalted and Exalted Events have mostly the same peeps. Merging those two probably wouldn't increase the merged channel's population by more than... an arbitrary 25%.
Then we'd be back to 2 major channels. All business in the front, party in the back!
Suggestion Exalted Elites would be good to have its like a lvl 50 channel on my home server has general convo with side of Forming Teams,TFs,Trials,etc.... thus i made it and is available to anyone who wants to join it?
This topic has been brought up many times. There are definitly far too many channels on this server, and whilst the suggestion has been made to merge the channels, nothing has really been done about it.
This post outlines my suggestion for how we should do it, aswell as to create a dedicated thread to discuss this issue in.
The Suggestion
We use 2 main channels for this server.
Exalted Events - Used to arrange all forms of events regardless of the type. They could be your Costume Contests, PvP Ladders, Mothership Raids, Trails, Badge Hunts, Task Forces, Hamidon Raids etc. If it's an event carried out on the server, it could go under that heading.
VIP - Used for general chatting/socialsing, forming pickup groups and having fun. Annihilus has his Friday night Triva too, which would make this the perfect fun social channel for the server.
All other channels that are not under this heading would merge into them for the sake of keeping the community together. If you were a Mod of your previous channel, then you'd also became a Mod of the merged channel.
I honestly think if we could pull this off, and ALL channel leaders were in agreement with this it would be a huge step forward for the community.
The Discussion
So as I said previously, that was just a suggestion as does not have to be carried out. The 2 channels I suggested were because they were in my opinion the 2 that best suited the servers need, but that doesn't mean everyone will share that same opinion.
It would be important for us to make this work that the 'channel leaders' did not have a huge bias in their own channel and will be uncooperative if it was not their channel used as the 'main channels'. I may be a large active role in Exalted Events, however if it was another channel like BMT of Exalted used then I would be more than happy to leave EE to merge with them. What's important is we pull this off, not that it's your channel used.
I hope this thread can turn into something good, and it can be used as a platform to make it what the server really needs, 1 or 2 channels for people to join instead of 8 or 9.
Thanks for reading folks.
It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!