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  1. So, I have a currently level 43 Plant/Thorn Dominator(first one) and she has been quite a blast to play, and I'm considering shelling out inf for a build for her.

    I have a few questions before I go into mids and try to work something out

    1. How do you all propose the slotting of Roots? Damage? Immobilize? Set bonuses?

    2. For /Thorn attacks, which attacks would be ideal for throwing in Achilles Heel procs, and how many attacks should hold the proc? Would all of them be redundant? Would 1-2 of them be not enough?

    3. What is a general number for defense I should aspire for on my dominator. Would 32.5% be a good goal, with the rest of the bonuses aiming towards recharge bonuses primarily to aim for permadom?

    Thanks for all and any input.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    I'm curious. Do you run Keyes with one particular character, or a variety of very different characters?

    I haven't run Keyes many times, but it's not bad if you have a character that has one or more these particular characteristics: a fast-recharging self-heal, good resistance to energy damage, the ability to fly, an AoE heal and a single-target heal, and so on.

    But many characters have no healing capabilities at all, except for inspirations, and getting automatically hammered for most of your hit points every minute or so isn't "fun" for many people. Having to chase around another character spamming an AoE heal isn't "fun." Getting automatically held isn't "fun."

    Some of these problems might be dealt with by any character through the appropriate Incarnate powers. But if you don't have any Incarnate powers yet, or don't want to take those powers because you have no use for those powers outside the Keyes trial, Keyes may not be particularly fun for you.
    I've ran it on a view characters, granted the heal-less characters have to walk around with a tray full of respites, but I don't find it that bad.

    What automatic hold are you talking about? The only automatic hold I can think of is completely avoidable, other than Time Stop, which is only a minor thing.

    And I've ran Keyes on a fresh 50 with SO's and still enjoyed it. I know I'm the minority, and I know the change will probably bring more people to play it, which is the dev's goal, but I just view content in a different light. I'm a big atmosphere kind of guy so to me, being bombarded from above for 50% of my health adds this intensity to the trial that I really enjoy, having to drag AM reactor to reactor, having healers to keep on their toes or people stick close to them to provide unity amongst the league(something for instance, BAF doesn't really have, as you tend to just be one body of many) I can see where some gameplay aspects may be frustrating for people, but to me I view them as things that intensify the situation, which makes it enjoyable.
  3. Cole should defeat us all, and then the next pieces of content should be a "Days of Future Past" type world.
  4. Rest in Peace Keyes, you were the most fun piece of content I've played since returning.

    But alas, the majority want to change who you are, so therefore it shall be.
  5. Do Spines or Thorny Assault have redraw?
  6. TheProtector

    Role Players

    I'll be down for RP if someone can show me the ropes.
  7. Any idea of what you would take out for hasten?

    Also, would another way to circumvent needing hasten be to remove Taunt or Fault and include Stone Fist slotted with Kinetic combat so I won't ever have a gap in my chain?
  8. I'll try to show up if possible, Omen of War SM/WP brute
  9. So, I have a few questions regarding the build of my Stone/Willpower brute.

    I managed to softcap S/L/E/N, but in doing so I removed hasten from my build. Not sure if hasten is 100% mandatory though, seeing as I am going Spiritual and Ageless for incarnate, but if I am mistaken, please correct me.

    Also, my global recharge sits only at 43% which feels low. I don't have a gapless ST attack chain, but when mixed with other moves, will that be a small issue, or is it one that I need to correct before spending INF?

    My last concerns are I feel a lot of my attacks are underslotted. My main ST attacks only have 41% accuracy bonus, and my AoE moves ( spring attack,tremors,dark obliteration ) feel really underwhelming with their slotting. I had two extra slots at the end, so I threw them into Indomitable Will to get to 30% psychic defense, but was wondering if I should use them to build more resistance in high pain tolerance, or to include the Psionic resist uniques to get 6% extra psychic resist?

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    Seems like more often than not you're staring at a corpse instead of gigantic orange numbers, though. Kind of loses some effect when your target dies before your power goes off.
    I've never had this experience of corpse blasting too much, so I can't say it's something I can really include in an argument. Yeah it happens, but it happens with every powerset. Just watch who you are attacking with what attack you are using. Energy Transfer is an awesome attack not fit for minions, throw it on LTs and Bosses and you are no longer corpse blasting. Bone Smasher and Barrage are both quick enough to use on enemies with less hp. This is just my experience though and obviously not the rest of the people responding.
  11. Performance issues aside

    Energy Transfer is still one of the coolest moves in the game. Gigantic orange numbers are always pleasing to see.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent_Brody View Post
    Putting up these for trade. PM me here or message me in-game at @Brody if you'd like to trade.


    Concepts for each just aren't working out. Would love to trade some with whomever. Thanks guys!
    I may be interested in Protect, just to have a name similar to my forum handle.

    Some of the other ones, like Beautiful, Infect, and Control sound interesting, but I don't really have any names to trade, I only took about 4 names when the server came out.
  13. Been playing almost exclusively on Exalted since it came out, and I can't really say anything bad about hte community, it has been amazing from my personal experiences.
  14. On Exalted we sit in large dining rooms wearing monocles drinking tea while we look down upon the peasants of the other servers.

    Jokes aside, Exalted is awesome. It's my new home.
  15. I wouldn't say having a self rez is important for Pain Domination. When you combine world of pain, tough, and a shield from an epic pool, you can get more than 65% resistance to smashing and lethal on SOs, the two most common damage types. Combine this with a self heal in Nullify Pain, and you can be pretty durable.
  16. Might as well try for fun.
  17. I agree with the poster above that Keyes is a victim of bad press.

    Every Keyes I've ran, I have had a lot of people tell me how fun it was afterwards and wondered why it wasn't played more often.

    Keyes takes a leader giving orders, and people to follow orders, you don't get one, your chance of winning gets slim. There is zero problem in that.

    Reading through the thread, most of the problems people have with the trial isn't the trial, it's just mainly dealing with people who don't know how to play the trial and losing.
  18. Don't have anybody with any incarnates on Exalted, so good luck with whatever team you form.

    If you need to fill a void, I have a no incarnate yet level 50 Pain Dom Corruptor.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post

    Keyes actually isn't bad if everyone knows the deal, but that's the problem: Spending half the trial asking what you should be doing, and the other half trying to recover because people don't know what they're doing, decreases the fun factor considerably.

    I think the Underground's strength vs Keyes is that there are periods of combat between the "must explain" phases, which make it easier for people to digest and prep. In Keyes, it's bam-bam-bam for each phase. With UG, it's bam-trot a quarter mile, kill things, bam-go into a hall, wipe a room, travel a bit, bam- etc.

    That's it. After each reactor goes down, we all go underground for a 60 mob kill streak, to emerge beneath the next reactor.

    I's genius.

    I wasn't being sarcastic? Keyes is by far the most fun trial to me. It's hectic, in your face, requires a bunch of different roles and has this overall intensity that I enjoy.

    I feel what you are saying about Underground trial, but I tend to enjoy the more urgent atmosphere of Keyes, although I can understand that certain types of players find that frustrating as opposed to fun, kinda how Terminatour said the Des thing wasn't haha funny, but uh-oh funny, I was laughing in my seat out loud when it happened. Different people interpret things differently.

    My only issue with Underground from being as fun as Keyes or Lambda to me is after one run through it, I have my fill of defeat mass waves of enemies, which diminishes my urge to run it back to back.
  20. TheProtector

    Channel Merge?

    I say just take 3 of the more popular channels and just advertise only those 3. I'm sure most of the people, other than owners of the other channels won't mind.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Duneman View Post
    Another completed UG trial and another common drop, you spend that much time you should be rolling between just rare and very rare.

    Congrats to the devs for creating another trial that the players won't bother running and will rot on the sidelines with that other trial ( keyes ) because the risk vrs reward is all messed up.

    Way to go dev team!!!!!
    I hope they make more trials like Keyes, it's by far the most fun of all 4.
  22. When Desdemona dropped to 60% at the very beginning cause she ran off to fight by herself was pretty funny,
  23. I'm hoping for a Citadel death of all the Freedom Phalanx members, he's just somebody I don't want to see in future content and care for the least. Replacing his TF with Back Alley Brawler would be nice also.
  24. I'll try to show up for this, I have a Fire/Kin Corruptor with Clarion that might be of some help.