Role Players
Server is still new so it's on the low end, however I've encountered some and started some. I have a host of toons and SGs that are ripe for RP plots and such, just need to get folks over here and motivated.
Then you ignore them, you don't try to split the community further.
Just a, y'know, suggestion? |
And yes, I RP on Exalted.
I personally have not seen any... *whew*
Not that im against it, just not my cup of tea. |
As long as you don't go 'omg, rpers, gotta grief!' / 'lolrp', then you are one of the many cool cat Non-RPers I've met.
Even if you aren't on Virtue.

Well said. Having RP'd on Virtue for a couple years and also having played on Freedom for several years prior to that (Some of that in a Top 10 SG) I can appreciate the RPer, the casual gamer and the power gamer, but here's the rub. Few of us actually fit into one of those 3 categories perfectly.
And yes, I RP on Exalted. |
I am a power gamer and a RPer, and sometimes a casual gamer. Its fun to balance them! (not really, lol).
Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to say 'You are wrong for RPing here', but right now? We have Pinnacle, Infinity, Union, and Virtue with RPers. Even more with very tiny groups.
I'd prefer if we could compress them down, but I'm not a Mind / x Controller.

I am a power gamer and a RPer, and sometimes a casual gamer. Its fun to balance them! (not really, lol). Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to say 'You are wrong for RPing here', but right now? We have Pinnacle, Infinity, Union, and Virtue with RPers. Even more with very tiny groups. I'd prefer if we could compress them down, but I'm not a Mind / x Controller. |
Of course. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes.
As long as you don't go 'omg, rpers, gotta grief!' / 'lolrp', then you are one of the many cool cat Non-RPers I've met. Even if you aren't on Virtue. |

Seriously tho.. I dont mind seein RP'ers doin their thing.. Id never be insulting to them.. who am I to dictate to them how to spend their time in a game they pay for just like I do. As long as it doesnt interfere with anything in a team dynamic, Its all good. (like, being a jerk and not being a "team player".. if that makes sense)
Same. i managed to get "Cherry" here. Although Champion is my home, its nice having that shiney new name here
I haven't run across many RPers at all on Exalted, to be honest... 'Only a couple of people who mentioned it in the course of a costume contest and asked if my entry's SG was a roleplaying group. (It's not. It's a personal group with all of two members. Both mine. ) I'm an occasional roleplayer at best, though, so I haven't made an extensive search.
Given the general "feel" of the community so far? I seriously doubt it's going to be an RP-heavy server when all's said and done. Watching the conversations that come up, I'm reminded more of Freedom's community culture than Virtue's or Union's.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
Well, doesn't mean we can't start a good RP tradition here! I like my new names too. Snagged my name namesake of course, Wight Rider for my zombie cowboy hero, and Master Manhunter for my Praetorian.
ohhh I definitely came for the names , Im not overly fond of the people i've run into on the server but once I decided that folks were kinda snobby for the most part I just got my solo on and have been having a blast .
im sure you'll find some rp but much like starting a garden you'll likely need to tend it to get it to grow and prosper , much good luck to you .
I've only seen a couple people that I'd consider to be serious "role-players" they were all in the same TF, two were in the same SG, and I couldn't tell if the third was actually RPing with them, or not. Anyway it was one of those "awkward" types of RP. Didn't really slow down the killing but it kind of weirded a few of us out.
Then I had what I would PERSONALLY consider to be a troll tonight get angry, basically raging, and then tried to play it off like he was RPing his toon, he was some sort of a corruptor, but he was saying he was "like teh hulk? u no?" after he realized it probably wasn't a good idea to get on everybody's bad side. That was my interpretation of that, anyway, I really am not entirely sure...
Don't really care what people do so long as they pay attention and it doesn't lead to significant reductions in group efficiency, chatter of any kind passes the boredom. Explaining my bio and sometimes how my character SHOULD act is as RP as I get, though.
-Proud leader of Captain Planet's Magical Friends
What SGs are there that RP? Can you list any?
Obsidian Syndicate is open to RP, but it isn't required
Einherjar is Light RP
those are the ones I am involved in...
"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...

I've only got one character on Exalted at the moment and that is Rainforest. I'm hoping to run into some rpers..
Jackson Sinclair was relaxing in a booth in the mostly empty bar. His fedora was tilted low over his eyes and his feet were resting up on the table. The other patrons assumed he was napping, but others knew better. The elevator at the far end of the bar softly chimed and opened. A statuesque raven haired women emerged from the muted lighting of the elevator and slowly scanned the bar. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail with short bangs shaping her striking face. She looked as if a Greek goddess had manifested, but instead of the toga she was clad in leather. Standing a hand over 6' foot in her thigh-high boots, a way too short skirt, and a leather bustier she finally trained her eyes on him. With long slow strides she came in to the bar proper, a long cigarette holder in one hand and a leash in the other. Behind her was a similarly leather-clad young women, her pink hair was up high in pig tails. The goddess got close to the table and flicked the her cigarette at the ash tray on a table next to him.
"Aren't you going to rise and meet a lady?" she asked coyly.
"I suppose I could," he replied, "but we've already become familiar with each other." He paused and quipped, "Hey Candy, miss me yet?"
The young woman on the leash blushed and scooted sideways putting herself behind her mistress.
"Well I suppose that was old business, this is new business." she purred.
He tilted his fedora back and removed his feet from the table. A barmaid came over, wiped down the table and suddenly got uncomfortable as she saw the goddess checking her out hungrily. She blushed deeper than Candy and set drinks from her tray on to the table. Evidentially the goddess and her pet have been to this bar before because a snifter of brandy and a glass of water joined his scotch on the table.
"So, what does Mistress Nikki want with me this time?" he asked dryly.
"You mean you've ruled out another social visit? Our last encounter was very stimulating even though neither of us got what we wanted."
A distant sonic boom reverberated outside, and Jackson added a third set of pieces to the puzzle.
@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty... (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)
Errr, what RP?
@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty... (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)
@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty... (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)
I'm up for some RP - but mostly I've been red-side on Exalted.
I'm in the Exalted RP channel but it mostly seems dead... but it does exist and there's a good start.
I also have a VG for Loyalist Praetorians who have been tasked by Emperor Cole to wreak havoc on Primal Earth to help pave the way for his new future. The VG is the Praetorian Imperial Secret Service. Feel free to hit me up for an invite to a very small VG which has a great basis for some cool stories.

Thelonious Monk
So how's the RP here on the VIP server? Virtue is getting, really, really crowded. And the griefers and catgirl futas get old after a while.