Lady Vectress

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  1. Who says Yin will replace Psyche?! It's not like we need another psychic type hero(Not that I'm complaining cause I love Psychic powers!), and besides, Numina already has that down. I personally think that Ms. Liberty will replace Statesman just because she's been around forever, and the fact that she's also Statesman's grandaughter! lol!
  2. Wow, thanks for all the replies!
  3. 1) I know this may make me sound pretty dumb, but in Praetoria, who are the real good guys, the Praetors or the Resistance? I know there's those different "trees" I guess where you can be a certain type of Loyalist, or a certain type of Resistance member, but are the Praetors truly evil?

    2) Can you play as an Epic Archetype in the new Galaxy invasion tutorial, because I can't seem to get any new Peacebringer on there, and if I'm not mistaken, you could be a Peacebringer on the original tutorial.
  4. Lady Vectress

    VIP Downgrade

    Okay, my main is on a VIP server, but I can't afford to pay for coh anymore. If I downgrade, will my main be deleted or moved?
  5. Lady Vectress

    Role Players

    Originally Posted by Limedolly View Post
    I've only got one character on Exalted at the moment and that is Rainforest. I'm hoping to run into some rpers..
    I would love to join your SG if you're starting one.
  6. Lady Vectress

    Role Players

    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    Obsidian Syndicate is open to RP, but it isn't required
    Einherjar is Light RP

    those are the ones I am involved in...
    Thanks, I'll check it out later.
  7. Lady Vectress

    Role Players

    What SGs are there that RP? Can you list any?