Come and Checkout the Exalted Server.




So, I was playing an alt on Virtue yesterday and someone asked a question in help. He said "What is the Exalted Server like?" The first reply he got was "Horrible, half of them are elitist pricks and the other half are freedom farmers". I was shocked that he said that, but also shocked that so many people believed it.

This thread is here to say Exalted is NOT like that in anyway shape or form. The server is new and taking it's babysteps, and yes there are some 'trolls' on the server (ie think they are special because they are VIP sever) but that is only the smallest minority of players.

I hope before judging a server you would check it out for yourself. You will probably be pleasently surprised. We have a great helpful community and many Heroes and Villians happy to team.

I am not asking one to main on the server, only that you don't judge a server by the word of a few trolls and will actually come and see for yourself that actually the server is not bad at all.

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



While your at it, come and check out union and union chat! We have cookies!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I haven't even seen any of the "trolls" you mentioned. There was one mildy annoying SWTOR tangent on the help channel the other day, but other than that everyone I've encountered on the server has been polite and helpful.



Originally Posted by Zaion View Post
I haven't even seen any of the "trolls" you mentioned. There was one mildy annoying SWTOR tangent on the help channel the other day, but other than that everyone I've encountered on the server has been polite and helpful.
Honestly, that's how every server seems, when there's people around and actively talking on a channel.



I have run into several of the Very Intolerant Players myself. In fact I am just about done the Ex - Halted server.

You have some very nice people that enjoy the game and just play. The other night on a Positron 2 we had a great team and just steamrolled a long having fun, but I have also seen the jerk brigade out in force as well.

Not just in chat but in teams where if the mobs are not neatly lined up into an group waiting for the firing squad they throw hissy fits.

The new players are more fun in most cases - they do silly things of course but it is a game and so playing and doing silly things is part of it.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I have run into several of the Very Intolerant Players myself. In fact I am just about done the Ex - Halted server.

You have some very nice people that enjoy the game and just play. The other night on a Positron 2 we had a great team and just steamrolled a long having fun, but I have also seen the a$$hat brigade out in force as well.

Not just in chat but in teams where if the mobs are not neatly lined up into an group waiting for the firing squad they throw hissy fits.

The new players are more fun in most cases - they do silly things of course but it is a game and so playing and doing silly things is part of it.
Soo, just like every other server then?



I was going to play an Exalted since I heard about Freedom, but unfortunately I'm a roleplayer and I can't exactly ask Union to move to Exalted. But I think I will create my joke characters over there. Bicarbonate of Soda to the rescue!

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Soo, just like every other server then?
Sounds like it.

I think I am going to stick with Virtue. Better the devil you know, than the one you don't.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Heyman View Post
So, I was playing an alt on Virtue yesterday and someone asked a question in help. He said "What is the Exalted Server like?" The first reply he got was "Horrible, half of them are elitist pricks and the other half are freedom farmers". I was shocked that he said that, but also shocked that so many people believed it.

This thread is here to say Exalted is NOT like that in anyway shape or form. The server is new and taking it's babysteps, and yes there are some 'trolls' on the server (ie think they are special because they are VIP sever) but that is only the smallest minority of players.

I hope before judging a server you would check it out for yourself. You will probably be pleasently surprised. We have a great helpful community and many Heroes and Villians happy to team.

I am not asking one to main on the server, only that you don't judge a server by the word of a few trolls and will actually come and see for yourself that actually the server is not bad at all.
I've been playing on Exalted since it's launch and haven't run into ANY of that. On the other hand I am an elitist ***** so... hrmmm.

-cough- Anyway! What he said! It's just like any other server, except not as bad as Freedom.

Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]



Originally Posted by Heyman View Post
So, I was playing an alt on Virtue yesterday and someone asked a question in help. He said "What is the Exalted Server like?" The first reply he got was "Horrible, half of them are elitist pricks and the other half are freedom farmers". I was shocked that he said that, but also shocked that so many people believed it.

This thread is here to say Exalted is NOT like that in anyway shape or form. The server is new and taking it's babysteps, and yes there are some 'trolls' on the server (ie think they are special because they are VIP sever) but that is only the smallest minority of players.

I hope before judging a server you would check it out for yourself. You will probably be pleasently surprised. We have a great helpful community and many Heroes and Villians happy to team.

I am not asking one to main on the server, only that you don't judge a server by the word of a few trolls and will actually come and see for yourself that actually the server is not bad at all.

Exalted was created to pacify the special unique snowflakes. Virtue is about community and role-playing and will remain so regardless of your account status.

I'll stick with Virtue.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Exalted was created to pacify the special unique snowflakes. Virtue is about community and role-playing and will remain so regardless of your account status.

I'll stick with Virtue.


See my sig, that is where I will be, where I will ALWAYS be, and where my friends will be.

Besides I'm not very tolerant of elitist jerks, today was my first run of the From Below Trial and I, (As a time/grav) was holding everything down on the second level and some dude just went off on me. Which was really bad for him because I went off on him back about eight times as worse.

But he apologized, my experiences with Freedom are that most true jack ***** don't and I don't want to bother even having the possibility of my fun being ruined, so if Exalted is like that then it can go take a flying leap off Lord Recluse's tower.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Exalted was created to pacify the special unique snowflakes. Virtue is about community and role-playing and will remain so regardless of your account status.

I'll stick with Virtue.
- There is already a growing RolePlay community on Exalted.
- The community on Exalted are extremely friendly, and after spending a few weeks on both Virtue and Freedom, my personal opinion is that the Exalted community is both friendlier and more helpful.
- Paying for the game doesn't automatically make a player A.)An Elitist, B.) A Special Snowflake or C.)Good at the game. Exalted does have its bad, but it also has its good.
- Whilst you are are entitled to your own opinion, you are exactly one of the problem players who have formed an opinion of the server without even giving any of the community a chance. If Virtue makes you happy, great! I don't want anyone to change servers but thinking bad things of a server just because it's VIP only is stupid...

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



Even though i dont play exalted . . . . . . . whoever took the name "damz", give it back! Thats me!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I don't even understand this concept of elitism that could be attributed to the server. Until a month or so ago everyone was a subscriber, AKA a VIP. There's nothing more special about being a VIP now, and nobody on Exalted is acting like there is. The only special thing about the server is there's no lag yet it still has a health population, I usually play on Virtue but it's so crowded and laggy now that it's unplayable at times (I also ran out of character slots).



Originally Posted by Zaion View Post
I don't even understand this concept of elitism that could be attributed to the server. Until a month or so ago everyone was a subscriber, AKA a VIP. There's nothing more special about being a VIP now, and nobody on Exalted is acting like there is. The only special thing about the server is there's no lag yet it still has a health population, I usually play on Virtue but it's so crowded and laggy now that it's unplayable at times (I also ran out of character slots).

More to do with the fact that a lot of people complain about a lack of numbers, thus with all these free players coming in [and has been a lot of new/old players coming back ] people should in theory be happy that there is now a lot more people to team with.

Obviously the illusion now though is that people are moving onto the VIP server to stay away from these free players for whatever reason. I dont know, maybe they are the ones who are pre judging free players as a collective unit before playing with them first?
Maybe they just like the idea of a new server and being responsible for creating a specific image for that server.

Personally i love union and i love to greet and help out the new players who are coming to union so i can have more great players to team up with and make new friends. Exalted is for some and just not for others, it just got stuck with the "elitist" tag from the moment it was announced sadly.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I have alot of characters on exalted already (both transferred 50's and newly created characters ) and play quite a bit , I just don't find the community there that likeable (or at least the people that seem to want to try to speak for the community ) on the other hand it has a bunch of names that I wanted and its a good solo server (the place I go to solo when im not feeling like hanging out with my friends from virtue .

so will I make use of Exalted ? "you betcha!" will I ever leave my main server for exalted ? "hellz no"



= There is already a growing RolePlay community on Exalted.
- Bad idea, a very BAD idea to begin with. Why? We have already at least FOUR servers I know that play host to a community of roleplayers. We don't need more, because that splits the RP community instead of bringing it together to have fun and work together. Why people insist on hiding behind a locked server is beyond me.

= The community on Exalted are extremely friendly, and after spending a few weeks on both Virtue and Freedom, my personal opinion is that the Exalted community is both friendlier and more helpful. - For now.

= Paying for the game doesn't automatically make a player A.)An Elitist, B.) A Special Snowflake or C.)Good at the game. Exalted does have its bad, but it also has its good.
- No counter-argument here.

=Whilst you are are entitled to your own opinion, you are exactly one of the problem players who have formed an opinion of the server without even giving any of the community a chance. If Virtue makes you happy, great! I don't want anyone to change servers but thinking bad things of a server just because it's VIP only is stupid.

- I know people who switched because they were butthurt at the constant catgirls and griefers. I know people who switched because they didn't want to be near Freems.

Those are the people that make me want to find bricks and pelt birds with them.



I am very much new to CoH in general, and I love Exalted (not tried out other servers yet, but I'll get around to it)

There are, however, some "elitists" as mentioned in the OP (which is, in itself, hilarious. being superior because you're a VIP when every single other player on that server is also a VIP = hilariously retarded)



I'm a 7 year+ veteran.

Bow before me.

I am your god.


Who gives a **** about VIP status and veterans of the game? We're players like everyone else. We just get the special attention because we're whats making the game run by paying for it.

We're not special otherwise.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Obviously the illusion now though is that people are moving onto the VIP server to stay away from these free players for whatever reason. I dont know, maybe they are the ones who are pre judging free players as a collective unit before playing with them first?
The F2P community is pretty much the same in every game, so it's not unrealistic to expect the same here once they pick up this game's scent (if they ever do).

It's not that P2P players put them on a lower level, it's just that F2P communities quickly turn unfriendly as mob mentality kicks in and the unruly vocal players take over. In most F2P games I play, the friendly/civil players all have public channels turned off and they stick close together only playing with each other. It's something I fear happening to this game, but again it's not elitism and it's not why I'm playing on Exalted this week.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
While your at it, come and check out union and union chat! We have cookies!
*quickly orders the Elflings to infiltrate Union and steal all their cookies*

Come to Defiant! we have cake... and now cookies

So how do you want to be done? Medium, Well or Extra Crispy?
@BW. The REAL @BW.... oh alright, @Catheram
Honourable United



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Even though i dont play exalted . . . . . . . whoever took the name "damz", give it back! Thats me!
Seconded, Give me back Royal Assassin on my main account!

[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.

[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child



Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
= There is already a growing RolePlay community on Exalted.
- Bad idea, a very BAD idea to begin with. Why? We have already at least FOUR servers I know that play host to a community of roleplayers. We don't need more, because that splits the RP community instead of bringing it together to have fun and work together. Why people insist on hiding behind a locked server is beyond me.
I do actually agree with this, especially with it locking out some of the free players from the RP. I am not a roleplayer, I was just stating it was taking part .

Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
= The community on Exalted are extremely friendly, and after spending a few weeks on both Virtue and Freedom, my personal opinion is that the Exalted community is both friendlier and more helpful. - For now.
There is no telling how a server will turn out in the future. I was talking about what the server is like now. There are people now saying that the server is terrible and I just wanted to change that impression.
I don't want anyone to server transfer if they don't want to, or even roll an alt on the server if they don't want too. I just don't want people scaring off players who could potentially play on the server by telling them bad things about the server which just aren't true, especially if you didn't experience it and are just basing it on the 'VIP ONLY' status.

Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
=Whilst you are are entitled to your own opinion, you are exactly one of the problem players who have formed an opinion of the server without even giving any of the community a chance. If Virtue makes you happy, great! I don't want anyone to change servers but thinking bad things of a server just because it's VIP only is stupid.
- I know people who switched because they were butthurt at the constant catgirls and griefers. I know people who switched because they didn't want to be near Freems.
Those are the people that make me want to find bricks and pelt birds with them.
I actually agree with you on that aswell. Whilst I am sure there will be bad free players, there will also be great. We have to take the bad to also get the good afterall.
However just because you know people who are like that, does not mean the whole server is like that. I do know a few people on Exalted who seem to think they are special snowflakes, but as I just said I have to take the bad to get the good of the great community on there.

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



Originally Posted by Heyman View Post
I do actually agree with this, especially with it locking out some of the free players from the RP. I am not a roleplayer, I was just stating it was taking part .

There is no telling how a server will turn out in the future. I was talking about what the server is like now. There are people now saying that the server is terrible and I just wanted to change that impression.
I don't want anyone to server transfer if they don't want to, or even roll an alt on the server if they don't want too. I just don't want people scaring off players who could potentially play on the server by telling them bad things about the server which just aren't true, especially if you didn't experience it and are just basing it on the 'VIP ONLY' status.

I actually agree with you on that aswell. Whilst I am sure there will be bad free players, there will also be great. We have to take the bad to also get the good afterall.
However just because you know people who are like that, does not mean the whole server is like that. I do know a few people on Exalted who seem to think they are special snowflakes, but as I just said I have to take the bad to get the good of the great community on there.
You know what I say special snowflakes?

"Well, if you are a snowflake, then I am the raging hot sun that will melt your ***."



Originally Posted by Black_Assassin View Post
Seconded, Give me back Royal Assassin on my main account!
haha, an SG group member of mine is Royal Assassin on Exalted, levelling like mad. 45 in like 5 days