A Difficult Challenge




I noticed this and their levels. I would love to try it but I don't think it is going to be easy if at all possible.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post

At the end of the villain signature arc, if you wait out the timer, the Freedom Phalanx actually does show up. They're all level 40 AVs, except for Numina who is level 35.

Kill 'em.
Now recruiting 7 redside defenders or corruptors.
-Must have Tactics/Maneuvers/Assault.
-Must have Sonic Blast.
-Prefer two Thermals, two Rads, two Darks, and one Cold Domination Defender.

I'll be on my Claws/Dark Brute.

Can we defeat +20s and a +15? I don't know, but I intend to find out.

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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Now recruiting 7 redside defenders or corruptors.
-Must have Tactics/Maneuvers/Assault.
-Must have Sonic Blast.
-Prefer two Thermals, two Rads, two Darks, and one Cold Domination Defender.

I'll be on my Claws/Dark Brute.

Can we defeat +20s and a +15? I don't know, but I intend to find out.
No Mind Control Dominator?

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Now recruiting 7 redside defenders or corruptors.
-Must have Tactics/Maneuvers/Assault.
-Must have Sonic Blast.
-Prefer two Thermals, two Rads, two Darks, and one Cold Domination Defender.

I'll be on my Claws/Dark Brute.

Can we defeat +20s and a +15? I don't know, but I intend to find out.
That's one way to try it, and I'd be interested in the result. Given the strong level difference penalties, I'm not sure the usual tactic of stacking buffs and debuffs is going to apply here, but it's certainly worth a shot.

Possibly worth noting: they can be single-pulled, but as soon as any one of them are aggroed, Numina starts handing out Fortitude.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Now recruiting 7 redside defenders or corruptors.
-Must have Tactics/Maneuvers/Assault.
-Must have Sonic Blast.
-Prefer two Thermals, two Rads, two Darks, and one Cold Domination Defender.

I'll be on my Claws/Dark Brute.

Can we defeat +20s and a +15? I don't know, but I intend to find out.
Not sure why you want to gimp such a team's chances with a Brute. For such a daunting task, it's going to take buffs and a LOT of it.

I'm not going to crunch the numbers to the final extent, but here's the raw data, as found on the wiki site.

The damage and debuffs of a +20 critter are multiplied by 3.1.

Your damage and debuffs against a +20 critter are multiplied by 0.01. That's 1/100, one-hundredth. Just stating that different ways to make sure that's clear.

Wiki only goes to +10 for enemy to-hit and accuracy. It ends with a .40 buff for to-hit and a 50% accuracy modifier (meaning 1.5). Wiki only goes to +7 for player to-hit, which is .08. You can actually floor enemy to-hit with various +def sets and/or maneuvers and get your team's to-hit to .95 via Tactics. With AV and level modifiers, even after flooring to-hit, you WILL get hit .05 * 1.5 * 1.5 = .1125, or 11.25% of the time, by over 300% more damage than an even level AV would do.

I think you could probably create a team with enough +Def, +Res and +Regen to have a decent chance to survive an AV or 2. Can you, on the other hand, create enough +dmg to overcome their +regen? Given that any -regen debuffs are gutted BEFORE the AV resists kicks in, and -resists debuffs are gutted too, and you're 1% of damage, well, let's just say if you're playing the role of the bookie for this fight, I'm putting my money on the FP, and I'll take any odds.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
That's one way to try it, and I'd be interested in the result. Given the strong level difference penalties, I'm not sure the usual tactic of stacking buffs and debuffs is going to apply here, but it's certainly worth a shot.
I'm curious what the numbers work out to on tohit, defense, and what-not with a 20 level difference. Debuff and Mez magnitude and duration will be crippled into uselessness with a 0.01 multipler thanks to the purple patch. Not sure about tohit. If you got everyone to the defense hard-cap... would it even matter?

*heads to the roof to light the Arcana-signal*

edit: nm... Thanks Deacon.

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Alright, perhaps I was a bit presumptuous to assume it could be done, even at level 20. Give me a few minutes here while I do some napkin math. Buffs and debuffs are the only thing that could win the day here, so let's just assume I found all defenders for my team.

According to this page, +20 AVs will have a +40% tohit bonus. To floor the AVs chance to hit against my brute, he would need to have a defense value of 85%. Seven Defenders running Maneuvers is only 36.75%. The one Cold Defender could bring me up to 59.25%. Add in the two Shadow Falls and Arctic Fog for another 22.5% and my own 10% or so, and my brute is softcapped to +20 AVs. Can't forget the AV and level accuracy multipliers, though, which are 1.5 each for a total of 2.25. My total chance to be hit would be 11.25% at a best case scenario. Facing off against that many AVs is still getting hit pretty often.

So they can hit me, but can we hit them? From the same page, I have to assume that our base chance to hit +20s will be less than 8%. That's pretty dismal, but with seven copies of Tactics running, we at least have 87.5% tohit, and that assumes no slotting. I'm not worried about that anymore.

Enough of tohit, let's talk resistance. The two thermal Defenders would buff my S/L resistance by 40% before enhancements. Add in the Arctic Fog and Shadow Falls and that's enough for me to assume I hit the hard cap for resistance to just about everything. According to this page, everything that a +20 does to me would be multiplied by 3.1, so even at max resistance, the hits I take will hurt. That's why I asked for two Thermals. That could be enough healing.

Finally, I need to figure out if we can damage them, and now the real problems show up. According to that last page I linked, everything our team does to the AVs will be multiplied by 0.01. No, that's not a typo. My strongest attack at that level is Slash, which will do just over 200 damage if the team somehow damage caps me. Except now it does just over 2.

Oh, that counts for debuffs too. Seven defenders pumping out Sonic Attack debuffs at -20% resistance a piece would be a total of -420% resistance, past the floor. But against these AVs it's only -4% resistance. Yay, my 2 damage attack now does 2.08 damage. Two Lingering Radiations dropping a would be total of -1600% regen are reduced to -16% and then the AV resistance applies to that, bringing it down even further to -2.4%.

The level 40s would have over twenty thousand hit points. Assuming the team could survive, and assuming that each teammate could sustain a 1 DPS attack chain, and assuming that the AVs did not have any regen for us to not be able to floor, and assuming that none of the AVs used godmode powers or any sort of heals, it would take four and a half hours to defeat them all.

Sorry guys, this one's impossible.

EDIT: Ha. I started typing this only minutes after I made my first post. Between actually working and avoiding my boss, I seem to have taken too long and most of you beat me to this punch.


Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
No Mind Control Dominator?
Won't help. The duration would be one hundredth of its normal. Even if you could perma Domination at that level, there's no way the duration would last more than a second.

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Going at this from a completely different angle than the ones I've seen so far, my approach to this problem has pretty much abandoned standard tactics and revolved instead around leveraging edge cases: namely, autohit powers, unresistable debuffs, and so on.

Things I would like to know:
- Is the -fly in Snow Storm resisted? And the -range in Taunt?
- Does lava damage scale to level? I think it did 8 per tick on my level 20 and only 6 per tick on my level 13. I will have to experiment.
- Are there any pet summons that con as GMs, that is, use the level-free scaling code?
- Can you perma Phantom Army at level 20 (with powers up to level 24)?
- As far as I can remember, Caltrops, Tornado, and Bonfire are the only autohit damage powers. How much damage can they do at level 20, including with procs?

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Now recruiting 7 redside defenders or corruptors.
-Must have Tactics/Maneuvers/Assault.
-Must have Sonic Blast.
-Prefer two Thermals, two Rads, two Darks, and one Cold Domination Defender.

I'll be on my Claws/Dark Brute.

Can we defeat +20s and a +15? I don't know, but I intend to find out.

Can I bring my MFING HUMAN FORM WARSHADE? He has maneuvers, and a Fury of the Gladiator res debuff proc in Orbiting Death! And fancy purple procs everywhere. Let's drop em in the lavas.

edit: Boo, I just read your 'it's impossible' post. But if everyone has a jetpack or fly, could we pull them into lava and out-range them while the lava melts them to their heroic death? Or will they just fly out?



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
- Are there any pet summons that con as GMs, that is, use the level-free scaling code?

Does lava damage scale to level? I think it did 8 per tick on my level 20 and only 6 per tick on my level 13. I will have to experiment.
Most likely, no. Things like lava pits are actually critters with an auto power damage aura running. There are only two ways for their damage to scale with foe level.
  1. The damage is actually a temp power granted to the target, which it then uses on itself.
  2. The invisible critter using the damage aura is using the GM code.
For bullet (1), the only reason this is normally done is to limit stacking. Since it seems unlikely that there's any reason for there to be a stacking limit on lava ticks, this is unlikely. It's a lot simpler to define a power that just applies the damage directly.

For bullet (2), it's very uncommon for the devs to make such critters in instanced missions use the GM code. It's typically unnecessary, because instanced missions can safely assume everyone is in a particular level band. The only instances I am aware of where this was done are cases where the devs reused a critter that was already a zone GM.

While your other questions look like you're getting at good ideas for how to stay alive, I think that if you can't get level scaling damage, none of the rest of it matters.

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Well, let's see. If I have mathed right, a level 40 AV regens at a rate of 69.955 HP/sec. At 1% effectiveness, that means it'd take a raw damage output of 6995.5 HP/sec just to counter their regeneration, before factoring in resistances.

Playing fast and dirty with some numbers, assuming 8 rad/ defs as a starting point... Eight LRs, between AV debuff resistance and the level scaling, would be -8% regen, bringing the necessary raw DPS down to total down to 6477.31 DPS.

Eight defs can hit the damage buff cap with perma-AM + 6 people running Assault, so assuming each can manage an average damage output of 1DS/sec, that's 18.451 * 4 * 8 = ~590.45 DPS. Eight LRs will increase that by 2.4%, or 604.62 DPS.

Assuming a phenomenally lucky hit streak and that contributions from lava would be negligible, you'd just have to find some way to improve on that by a factor of 11 or so and you could theoretically take out one of them, assuming no relevant resists!



Probably all 8 would need to be soft-capped vs the AV(s) ... Taunt duration would be effected wouldn't it? Aggro, I imagine, would be essentially uncontrolled.



Sometimes if you type /leaveteam you don't get bumped from the map. Its kinda cheating, but any level 50's want to try that?
Stomp those FP.

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Yeah, that might work... good thinking there.



Originally Posted by Eislor View Post
Sometimes if you type /leaveteam you don't get bumped from the map. Its kinda cheating, but any level 50's want to try that?
Stomp those FP.
You can also get them down to +19 instead of +20 by having the mission holder level from 20 to 21 while inside the mission. Can you use the level shift inspirations at level 20?

I'd think that going to +18/+13 will be a pretty big difference all things considered.

And you can pull them into the lava. It's not a lot of damage but it does some.

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Sometimes if you type /leaveteam you don't get bumped from the map. Its kinda cheating, but any level 50's want to try that?

I've only seen that work in regular missions. On tfs (and SSA is tf-ish), when you do that, you're kicked from the instance. I'm pretty sure that happens for this SSA, I remember entering a mission, seeing I was set to my lvl 50 difficulty (which I'm not equipped for at lvl 20), hitting "quit" and getting kicked outside.

I'd think that going to +18/+13 will be a pretty big difference all things considered.
It's really not. Your attacks and debuffs are still only 1% effective and that's the roadblock here.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Forget it.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Only one way to win this:

8 controllers with Confuse. Target Numina and she will buff YOU not her team and she could potentially destroy all of them for you.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
Only one way to win this:

8 controllers with Confuse. Target Numina and she will buff YOU not her team and she could potentially destroy all of them for you.
That's why I mentioned the Mind Dom. That's a traditional approach to the end of the Recluse SF.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
Only one way to win this:

8 controllers with Confuse. Target Numina and she will buff YOU not her team and she could potentially destroy all of them for you.
Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
That's why I mentioned the Mind Dom. That's a traditional approach to the end of the Recluse SF.
Again, durations are one hundredth of their actual value against +20s and even the +15.

Let's say your confuse lasts a whole minute. I know it doesn't but for simplicities sake, let's assume that much.

Against Numina, even if you all landed the power at the same exact time, it would only last six tenths of a second.

She may grant one of you Fortitude, then immediately proceed to mind**** the whole team.

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I don't think Dominators would be able to accomplish it... they'd not enough +recharge to be able to stack enough confuses... But, with 8 controllers, you should be able to get massive amounts of +recharge even with powers only going to 25. Though, even with that many... would you be able to actually confuse Numina?

And with Numina confused, would she actually end up doing enough damage to a +5 Hero to kill them (likely just running around constantly swapping targets)? What about 8 Illusion/Rad Controllers... 8x AM + 8x Phantom Army... Surely that's gotta be worth something (at least in that case, you likely wouldn't have to worry so much about aggro!).

She may grant one of you Fortitude, then immediately proceed to mind**** the whole team.
I was worried about the duration... at the very least, you could just spam Phantom Army for lulz

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
What about 8 Illusion/Rad Controllers... 8x AM + 8x Phantom Army... Surely that's gotta be worth something (at least in that case, you likely wouldn't have to worry so much about aggro!).
The problem here is that Phantom Army is unaffected by everything but the enhancements in the power. You'd have to assume a worse than 8% base chance tohit, and even at capped accuracy slotting, you're only talking 16% chance to actually land their attacks on the AVs.

That's not even enough to hold their aggro.

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Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Hax I say! HAX!
Indeed, and it was intended as such.

The purple patch works the way it does for a reason. No amount of buffing will ever let a level 20 take out a level 35.

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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.