Explain redraw for me?
It exists because they didn't want to have to do tens of extra power animations per set in order to account for people using powers with a weapon still in their hand.
Gameplay-wise it has the effect of adding a slight delay to power activation if you have to redraw your weapon. To counter this, however, weapon sets have an accuracy bonus over the non-weapon sets. This is also why you can't have "optional" weapons, because you'd have to sacrifice that bonus to make it balanced.
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This is actually no longer true.
The animation times have been standardized so that the time it takes to draw your weapon is actually removed from the animation time of the attack going off.
If you dont have your weapon out, the shortened animation will play.
If you already have your weapon drawn, the standard animation will play.
This is actually no longer true.
The animation times have been standardized so that the time it takes to draw your weapon is actually removed from the animation time of the attack going off. If you dont have your weapon out, the shortened animation will play. If you already have your weapon drawn, the standard animation will play. |
"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
This is actually no longer true.
The animation times have been standardized so that the time it takes to draw your weapon is actually removed from the animation time of the attack going off. If you dont have your weapon out, the shortened animation will play. If you already have your weapon drawn, the standard animation will play. |
The character I played that got my attention to this matter was a empathy/dual pistols defender and between throwing out heals and attacking it felt like half the time was spend pulling out and spinning those guns around. I later changed to empathy/ice and it was soooo much better.
Are you sure about this? I guess it could just be in my head, but i'd be really surprised.
How it used to work:
Redraw: 1s
Animation: 3s
Weapon Out: Animate power (3s) then sit in the idle position (1s)
Weapon Sheathed: Animate redraw (1s) then animate power (3s)
Result: Power always takes 4s to animate. The redraw penalty is baked into every attack, but there is no cost to redraw when playing.
How it works now:
Redraw: 1s
Animation: 3s
Weapon Out: Animate power (3s)
Weapon Sheathed: Animate redraw (1s) then animate power (3s)
Result: Power is much stronger because it doesn't have a built in delay. There is now a cost to redrawing your weapons when playing.
How it used to work:
Redraw: 1s Animation: 3s Weapon Out: Animate power (3s) then sit in the idle position (1s) Weapon Sheathed: Animate redraw (1s) then animate power (3s) Result: Power always takes 4s to animate. The redraw penalty is baked into every attack, but there is no cost to redraw when playing. How it works now: Redraw: 1s Animation: 3s Weapon Out: Animate power (3s) Weapon Sheathed: Animate redraw (1s) then animate power (3s) Result: Power is much stronger because it doesn't have a built in delay. There is now a cost to redrawing your weapons when playing. |
How it used to work:
Redraw: 1s Animation: 3s Weapon Out: Animate power (3s) then sit in the idle position (1s) Weapon Sheathed: Animate redraw (1s) then animate power (3s) Result: Power always takes 4s to animate. The redraw penalty is baked into every attack, but there is no cost to redraw when playing. How it works now: Redraw: 1s Animation: 3s Weapon Out: Animate power (3s) Weapon Sheathed: Animate redraw (1s) then animate power (3s) Result: Power is much stronger because it doesn't have a built in delay. There is now a cost to redrawing your weapons when playing. |
Weapon Sheathed: Animate redraw (1s) then animate power (3s)
Weapon Drawn: Animate power (3s) then animate flourish (twirl of the blade, character spin, hammer toss and catch etc... (1s)
This way once your weapon was out you would have a constant flow of a fight with zero pauses (unless you didn't use an attack). It would be just like in the movies. Watch weapon combat in a movie some time and you will notice that a good percentage of the weapons movement isn't an attack or a defense but just an extra flourish thrown in. It makes the combat look much more fluid and fast. It's understandable why they didn't implement my idea though since it would have been a bunch of extra animations.
And yes the reason there is redraw is so that they don't have to create new animations for every single weapon set out there in combination with every single power that can also be had with that set. Let's suppose for example a scrapper were to take darkness mastery as their app. If there were no weapon redraw then an animation would have to be created for dark blast to emanate from a clawed hand, a katana, a broadsword, and dual blades. And that is just one attack for scrappers. An alternate animation would have to be come up with for every possible combination of a weapon and a power that normally used the hand holding that weapon. That's a lot of animations.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Thanks for the explanations guys.
I still can't shake that there's something really wierd about certain powersets having game mechanical penalities just because they have weapon concepts though.
So the Weapon Mastery pool is like the most ill-conceived powerset in the game, I take it, as it thematically links up terribly with the actual weapons.
I have many weapon-using Scrappers, Tankers, and Blasters (some of them using Weapon Mastery), and it is not the issue you are imagining it to be. My War Mace Tanker does not have to use Dull Pain all that often mid-combat (and it's not much of an interrupt then). For my Blasters with Energy Melee for a secondary and Weapon Mastery, they're switching between powersets more often, but they can act as I noted above to reduce redraw.
That is the other bonus. It's also good to keep in mind that redraw was removed from the standard animation times due to player requests. When you are not redrawing, those sets are now much faster and more smooth. It was a buff, all in all.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
This is actually no longer true.
The animation times have been standardized so that the time it takes to draw your weapon is actually removed from the animation time of the attack going off. If you dont have your weapon out, the shortened animation will play. If you already have your weapon drawn, the standard animation will play. |
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

Do Spines or Thorny Assault have redraw?
Long answer: Yes...but it's no more an issue than it is with other weapon based sets.
RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
This is actually no longer true.
The animation times have been standardized so that the time it takes to draw your weapon is actually removed from the animation time of the attack going off. If you dont have your weapon out, the shortened animation will play. If you already have your weapon drawn, the standard animation will play. |
I, for one, would like some documentation on this supposed change. Can you supply patch notes, Dev comments etc?
BABs on difficulty of redoing redraw
Arcanaville on difficulty of redoing redraw and more here
A note on the history of redraw
Sarrate on redraw
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
This has good and bad aspects -- you can draw other weapons at will without penalty, but it is not as smooth-looking and not as fast as it would be if done the new way; there are the little pauses in your attack chain.
It's worth noting that Spines has so many secondary effects that Castle once said he might choose to nerf it if he DID decide to speed up the chains by removing the baked-in redraw like other modern sets. That's probably why Spines wasn't adjusted.
Spines is the ONLY Scrapper set still this way.
I don't know about Thorny Assault.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
That's exactly wrong. That's how it used to be, it was changed long ago, and the new state has been discussed hundreds of time on the forums. I don't know why this is such a persistent misunderstanding.
Redraw Redraw Redraw BABs on difficulty of redoing redraw Arcanaville on difficulty of redoing redraw and more here A note on the history of redraw Sarrate on redraw |
But then I keep getting people saying the attack animations are shortened to accommodate redraw so I'm trying to get anyone who espouses that notion to provide some sort of support. I've even PMed Synapse because I'm tired of hearing it and want a final answer one way or the other.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

Eh, you'll get a final answer, and probably make a post about it, and get hundreds of page views and scores of replies. But you'll still encounter people who insist it's the other way around and eagerly share that misinformation.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
The current way is a much better way of doing it in any case. There SHOULD be a penalty conceptually anyway each time you draw your sword, so having there be one in game is no problem. I think it is a nice effect and good design that you should plan to having the weapon out for extended periods of time rather than constantly switching.
There are all sorts of motifs in movies or whatever (gunfights with guns in holsters, etc.) where it takes time to get the weapon out, and having it actually be that way is fine.
What was not fine was having a silly delay after each and every attack if the weapon was already out.
It is interesting though that it is so hard to tell if there is a delay or not, and that there is so much debate on the subject. It shows that it is pretty hard for the naked eye to tell the difference, and how much our preconceptions color our perceptions (myself definitely included.)
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
There SHOULD be a penalty conceptually anyway each time you draw your sword, so having there be one in game is no problem.
I completely disagree with you. IMO putting away and redrawing your weapon 50 to 100 times during a fight just doesn't make a lot of sense.
The thing that especially bothers me about all of this is that the entire issue could be avoided by killing the cutsie "weapon draw" animation or having it animate in just one frame. The animation is completely unnecessary and in fact IMO looks ridiculous when it is played over and over and over and over during a fight. Note that there is no "sheathe weapon" animation at all--it just vanishes when you use the next non-weapon power, and no one seems upset about that.
I completely disagree with you. IMO putting away and redrawing your weapon 50 to 100 times during a fight just doesn't make a lot of sense.

Clearly, conceptually, if superhero X takes his weapon in and out of his shirt like 100 times for a fight so he can alternate his eye-beam attack and slashing, he is a loon and should get a penalty for all of this.
What you are saying is instead that they shouldn't have to draw and redraw a lot and that there should be an animation where he is holding his sword as he shoots his eyebeams. That way he can slash, shoot his eyebeams while holding his sword, and then slash again.
I am fine with the latter as well, but it supposedly involves too much animation effort from the devs. If he is drawing and redrawing his sword a lot though, it makes perfect sense that this takes time... As I said, the literature is full of gunfights where the person with the weapon out and pointing at the enemy has the advantage (among equally skilled people) versus the one with the gun still in his shirt. So I don't see anything wrong with a draw penalty on the face of it.
Edit: And yes, it is too bad that there is no sheath weapon animation. Hopefully the next generation of games will do the job better... I'd also like to see an actual sword sheath or gun holster (or at least options for them.)
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
But don't you think if you do put away and redraw your weapon 100 times it should take time to do that?
![]() |
I think that no one intends to put away their weapon when they use powers from their secondary. The game just forces them to do it because that aspect of it is poorly designed.
I'm just calling that like I see it. Redraw is only there because of an unnecessary "draw weapon" animation that serves no purpose other than to be cute and is ridiculous in the context of the fact that the weapon is never put back in it is sheathe. The character just keeps redrawing a disappearing sword or gun that for some reason takes time to pull out but not to put away. There is no logical defense of this system based on anything resembling reality, so no, in fact I don't think it should take time to draw the weapon again, because the fact that a particular animation doesn't specifically animate it in my hands doesn't mean I actually put it away.
*Shrug* I don't think it's all that bad of a system as currently implemented to be honest.
Yes, they should animate sheathing a weapon as well. Yes, there should be sheaths and holsters in game so you can see the gun/sword there even when you are not holding it. Yes, some things could be done with a sword in hand and some shouldn't. i.e., you could probably shoot eyebeams while holding your sword but you would probably have to put the sword away before taking out your med kit.
So obviously there is a lot of animation work that would need to be done to make things accurate. But the current system isn't that bad. It preserves the conceptual idea that it takes time to draw a weapon, even if it isn't perfect and doesn't address all of the idiosyncrasies that would actually occur as to how different items would interact with each other.
I can certainly see your point though, which is that because the system isn't sufficiently realistic you would prefer that they just threw the whole thing out and just delete all of the redraw animations from the game.
"Hi, my name is Ail. I make people sick."
A partial selection from my 50's on Freedom: Ail = Ice/Traps, Luck = Street Justice/Super Reflexes Stalker, Mist = Bane, Pixy = Trick Arrow/Archery, Pure = Gravity/Energy, Smoke = Fire/Fire Dominator
I was wondering if anybody could explain redraw for me because I have a hard time understanding it.
Like, why does it exist and what does it do exactly, gameplay wise?
It seems to me when playing that it's just a strange weakness that weapon sets have that non-weapon sets do not have to deal with and it makes no sense to me to penalise some sets just because they use weapon concepts?
Can somebody clear it up for me?