Pro Actively Help the game
This is interesting. I wonder what the ebil marketeers will have to say. Going to get popcorn.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Here's the potential problem with this idea.
Suppose there are 10 evil (ebil as some would say) marketers.
Each of those 10 have many toons that undoubtedly keep lowball bids on those.
If I sell my salvage for the price you say, noone has any way of knowing who actually got it. Was it the new player, or the evil marketer?
I think, it would be far more helpful to just give the new players some inf and give them the url to the forums where they can learn how the market works. (or at least have a slight grasp on it)
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Here's the potential problem with this idea.
Suppose there are 10 evil (ebil as some would say) marketers. Each of those 10 have many toons that undoubtedly keep lowball bids on those. If I sell my salvage for the price you say, noone has any way of knowing who actually got it. Was it the new player, or the evil marketer? I think, it would be far more helpful to just give the new players some inf and give them the url to the forums where they can learn how the market works. (or at least have a slight grasp on it) |
Oh, also, not a Player Question.
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I think it's also worth noting that this means new players will not be able to SELL their Luck Charms for what amounts to a nice chunk for a lowbie. So, even if it works, I'm not sure it's really a positive effect.
I think it's also worth noting that this means new players will not be able to SELL their Luck Charms for what amounts to a nice chunk for a lowbie. So, even if it works, I'm not sure it's really a positive effect.
This right here.
When I'm running a new character I'm counting on those lucky Luck Charm or Spell Scroll drops to fund my early purchases.
Larry: Owen, what the hell did you do to my wife?
Owen: Well I don't want to say on the phone - all I can tell you is that I killed her last night.
If I don't want to email myself some infl to a new toon, I just vendor common IO recipes and make a million in 10 minutes. (I have /auctionhouse, btw, so I can stand in front of the vendor with the auction window open, which speeds things up.) And no matter how often recipe vendoring is mentioned, I never have a problem finding recipes or lvl 48-50+ magic SO's. I think that shows how few people know how the market works, especially the new player.
When I'm not doing the new DA incarnate content, I find myself in AE or demon farming. I have over 50 billion liquid, so I really have no need to use tickets to roll for any recipes. I figure why not make Luck Charms affordable? I'm sure there's many in my predicament. What to do with AE ticks I don't need? Buy Luck Charms, of course!
I just want the lowbe to have a shot at crafting that shiny lvl 15 Accuracy recipe that they pickpocketed from a thug they just mugged before sending him to the Zig.
Then don't buy them at the market. Run (or make and run!) some AE missions. Get a pile of tickets. Use pile of tickets for random common rolls. Viola, you now have a pile of Luck Charms, iron, masterwork weapons, alchemical silver, runes, etc, etc, etc. which you can use, store or sell.
I support flooding the market with common salvage. Back when AE first added, and people were farming like crazy (kitty farms!), rolling rares with their tickets, causing the price of rares to plummet, while commons/uncommons to skyrocket (because no one was getting any), I used my tickets to roll commons/uncommons and make a nice profit, while keeping some sanity in the market.
A lot of salvage has come down to more reasonable levels in the last year, but there's still a few annoying holdouts that go for 50k+. I've always find that, as I level up, I get far fewer of those salvage than I need to craft things like accuracy IOs, resulting in it being prohibively expensive if I don't transfer money.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Currently, Luck Charms and Spell Scrolls are at prices out of reach of the new player. Pro active players are now flooding the market with Luck Charms. The goal is to keep the price permanently at 285. Why 285? The vendor buy back price is 250. If you place it on the market for 1, the break even point is 283 after fees. 285 is a more aesthetically pleasing number.
(Also, maybe search for 'Luck Charmers'. But not if you're the kind of person who doesn't want to know how a story turns out before you get to the end of the book.)
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Price Guardians is a public channel dedicated to ensuring a welcoming environment for new lowbe players with no connections.
Currently, Luck Charms and Spell Scrolls are at prices out of reach of the new player. Pro active players are now flooding the market with Luck Charms. The goal is to keep the price permanently at 285. Why 285? The vendor buy back price is 250. If you place it on the market for 1, the break even point is 283 after fees. 285 is a more aesthetically pleasing number. |

Character index
While I applaud the intent, not sure how necessary this really is. Of course this is from my experience, but in my efforts to reach level 50 I can earn enough along the way to be able to afford whatever I want. And, unless I'm mass producing, it isn't often I find myself needing multiples of low level salvage so the occasional 10K per luck charm won't break me. And as others have suggested, by keeping the prices low, you are cutting off one of the biggest sources of income for low level characters of players that don't dabble in the markets or the "noob" that isn't even aware of that aspect of the game.
I think it's also worth noting that this means new players will not be able to SELL their Luck Charms for what amounts to a nice chunk for a lowbie. So, even if it works, I'm not sure it's really a positive effect.
And So I propose an alternate solution. Please start selling all your Purple Enhancers for 1,423,666. This number was created using a complex formula you would not understand. Just go, sell your Purples. Strip characters if you have to. It will work, I promise.
I think it's also worth noting that this means new players will not be able to SELL their Luck Charms for what amounts to a nice chunk for a lowbie. So, even if it works, I'm not sure it's really a positive effect.
Back before inf transfers were as easy as emailing it to yourself, those first few Luck Charms that dropped would keep my new characters in green enhancements well into DO territory.
Like a lot of responders here, I applaud the effort. I just worry it may be a little short-sighted.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
I also think you will hurt more new players than aid.
They wont be able to sell for high prices to buy thier stuff from stores. Getting 100,000 inf to buy TO's etc will help a new player much more than being able to buy charms for 285inf
I see idle marketeers buying at 300, relisting at profit anyway.
sn't AE rewards a T3 or T4 reward (with AE access in the previous tier)? |
IOs are an even higher Tier, which is what you would be buying luck charms for.
I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.
Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.
So sad to be ending ):
If I don't want to email myself some infl to a new toon, I just vendor common IO recipes and make a million in 10 minutes. (I have /auctionhouse, btw, so I can stand in front of the vendor with the auction window open, which speeds things up.) And no matter how often recipe vendoring is mentioned, I never have a problem finding recipes or lvl 48-50+ magic SO's. I think that shows how few people know how the market works, especially the new player.
When I'm not doing the new DA incarnate content, I find myself in AE or demon farming. I have over 50 billion liquid, so I really have no need to use tickets to roll for any recipes. I figure why not make Luck Charms affordable? I'm sure there's many in my predicament. What to do with AE ticks I don't need? Buy Luck Charms, of course! I just want the lowbe to have a shot at crafting that shiny lvl 15 Accuracy recipe that they pickpocketed from a thug they just mugged before sending him to the Zig. |
Even Newbie VIPs will also quickly learn that you make more on the market selling the luck charm than you get wasting it to craft an enhancement that you'll out level next weekend and just want to over slot with a higher level Acc IO or start frankenslotting for effect instead.
Your real target should be tier 2 common salvage. That's the stuff that a newbie is going to slot and keep in their build. That level salvage is also particularly annoying for a new player because of the level breaks of where it drops compared to what's required to craft in that level. (It drops only half as much from level 35-40 because tier 3 drops the other half of the time but is still 100% of what you need to craft with from level 35-40)
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
This experiment of yours doesn't seem to be working so well, considering I just sold a **** ton of luck charms for a hundred grand each.
I put them up for 6 inf.
I just want the lowbe to have a shot at crafting that shiny lvl 15 Accuracy recipe that they pickpocketed from a thug they just mugged before sending him to the Zig.
I think crafting a bunch of the level 15 and 20 IOs, then auctioning them for cheap would be far more useful.
Aww, bless! Good luck, and have fun.
(Also, maybe search for 'Luck Charmers'. But not if you're the kind of person who doesn't want to know how a story turns out before you get to the end of the book.) |
EDIT: Just logged in my old Luck Charmer character for the first time in 316 days. Apparently, in the past year, I bought 10 Luck Charms for 16,000 inf each and sold 10 for 250,000 each. Time to reset his bids and offers.
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
Yeah, been there, done that, flipped the t-shirt. But go ahead and try. The more people there are who discover on their own just how difficult it is to control prices, the fewer people there will be who blame every price they don't like on some shadowy evil cartel.
EDIT: Just logged in my old Luck Charmer character for the first time in 316 days. Apparently, in the past year, I bought 10 Luck Charms for 16,000 inf each and sold 10 for 250,000 each. Time to reset his bids and offers. |
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
EDIT: Just logged in my old Luck Charmer character for the first time in 316 days. Apparently, in the past year, I bought 10 Luck Charms for 16,000 inf each and sold 10 for 250,000 each. Time to reset his bids and offers.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
Price Guardians is a public channel dedicated to ensuring a welcoming environment for new lowbe players with no connections.
Currently, Luck Charms and Spell Scrolls are at prices out of reach of the new player. Pro active players are now flooding the market with Luck Charms. The goal is to keep the price permanently at 285. Why 285? The vendor buy back price is 250. If you place it on the market for 1, the break even point is 283 after fees. 285 is a more aesthetically pleasing number.
If you care about the health of the game and want noobs to make it to 50 and on to become incarnates, please join and start posting Luck Charms. They can be rolled for 8 AE tickets, but it's a random 1 in 6 chance. If we get membership to over a hundred, there's nothing we can't accomplish!