Inflation. How to fix it?
Eh, people pay what they bid. If they want to place 500K for a piece of salvage or a billion for a recipe, that is their choice. Additionally, IOs and the market are opitional. I have toons with SOs on them, and am willing to bet there are other players out there too.
I would favor more inf sinks added first (like Black Hole IOs (in sig), which would help me respec more easily ) rather than add shards dropping from sub-50 mobs. Also, I still see in my globals people doing non-50 TFs, so they are still going on. And IMO, people just got a new shiney with incarnates and it is a holiday when people can be home to play. This game goes in waves up and down with activities and players will be doing all the content.
Shard drops for non-50s is a non-starter, sorry

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
It's hard to say how long the status quo will last. Lots of people have been respeccing lots of characters for inherent stamina. This generates a lot of demand for recipes without the corresponding playing time that accompanies leveling up characters in the normal fashion, and the corresponding increase in supply.
A lot of people are home for the holidays, have a limited horizon for their playing time, and may be less patient to wait for bids to fill. They want to finish their builds NOW! These behaviors may change over the coming months.
Just a short while ago people were bemoaning the fact that hydraulic pistons were going for 1 million a pop. Now they sell for peanuts.
I'm not sure how many people actually use reward and alignment merits for random rolls. I can use 2 a-merits for an LotG: +recharge or Kinetic Combat that's worth 100 million plus for sure, or I can make 10 random rolls and maybe get a whole lot of nothing.
The Apex and Tin Mage TFs already give merits in addition to two shards. Also, as time goes on people will have their alpha slots slotted. They may run level 50 TFs for the shard drops and then take reward merits instead of the uncommon component, which they may not have any use for because we don't know what components future boosts will require -- but we know we'll be able to use shards in any case.
So there were characters making vast amounts of inf, that only took from the market, but never contributed anything but inf. No salvage drops, no recipe drops, vacant shelves at the market.
Because the earning potential of level 50s dwarfs that on any other level
Past about level 30 or so, it's trivially easy to get enough money to replace SOs every 5 levels, and SOs are still the standard by which content difficulty in the game is judged.
A character running on SOs only will have several million spare inf sitting around by the time they get to level 50, just from enemy drops.
Therefore, reduce the amount of inf dropped by enemies to just enough for people to replace SOs every 5 levels and leave all other drop rates alone. That reduces the total amount of inf entering the game while keeping the amount of "stuff" entering the game constant, and over time will reduce, stop, or possibly even reverse inflation.
How to fix it is simple; massive entirely superflous inf sinks.
<Badly formed thought went here>
Any sort of activity that produces salvage or recipes also produces Inf. No matter how much salvage is created, there will always be more inf to bid on it than there was before.
Easy solution: have an NPC who gives a random piece of salvage (any level, any kind, any rarity) for 200 inf. Salvage is created, Inf is sunk, more Salvage than Inf, prices fall, everyone rejoices.

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I can corroborate this - I've been selling a lot of IOs on the market lately, and on average I get around 200K for stuff I list for 100K or even 50K.
Though, in my defense I'm a GHIN! buyer, so I'm likely contributing to the problem.
Therefore, reduce the amount of inf dropped by enemies to just enough for people to replace SOs every 5 levels and leave all other drop rates alone. That reduces the total amount of inf entering the game while keeping the amount of "stuff" entering the game constant, and over time will reduce, stop, or possibly even reverse inflation.
It also does nothing for those sitting on billions right now, *or* changes the fact I can (in time) get any recipe I want, while still making INF, by using merits of various sorts on top of drops and bids. Get 5 pieces of a rare recipe by drops, trading, etc, while still making INF (easily) - I'll have the money built up to make a 500 million INF bid on that sixth piece.
I want to purchase my /e scarywallet emote for 2,000,000,000...why won't they LET me!
P.S. The real reason for inflation in the game is not AE or any exploit or any amount of 50s getting played. It's a simple lack of sinks so mudflation, a problem nearly every MMO on the market has, drives prices up.
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WARNING: I bold names.

Answer: Massively cut the amount of inf generated by playing.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Give all your infs to me.
Maybe, if SOs were still really all that were being used. Replace with IOs about then, never have to spend another dime? And don't forget the 50s don't stop being played - they'll STILL generate INF. Even if all I do is sell the common recipes that drop, that'll be millions a play session (with level 50 recipes selling *at the vendor* for over 100k in many instances.)
And the part about making sure the game is dropping just enough to pay for SO replacement every 5 levels is because the devs have stated time and time again that SOs are still the standard by which difficulty in the game is measured. So the game needs to drop enough inf/drops that a character can afford to slot their toon with SOs. Otherwise I'd say simply stop having the game drop inf at all after level 30 or so.
It also does nothing for those sitting on billions right now, *or* changes the fact I can (in time) get any recipe I want, while still making INF, by using merits of various sorts on top of drops and bids. Get 5 pieces of a rare recipe by drops, trading, etc, while still making INF (easily) - I'll have the money built up to make a 500 million INF bid on that sixth piece.
It's not intended to do anything about the people sitting on billions of INF, nor is it intended to change the fact that you can get the recipes you want and make a profit on it. It is intended to reduce the amount of influence entering the game while leaving the amount of influence sinks constant, which over time will reduce inflation. It's simple supply and demand. If there is the same amount of goods available, but less money overall to pay for them with, prices will go down.
Reducing the amount of inf being generated isn't going to do squat if there isn't sufficient inf sinks to remove it first.
It won't really help much if at all if inf supply is diminished. Prices are always relative to the earning potential so the current "outrageous" prices would just diminish to a level that would be just as "outrageous" if our earning potential wasn't as high.
What we need is inf sinks.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
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Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
Inflation. You can't deny its existence anymore, just looking at the dramatic price increase of almost every IO post I19. Salvage is seemingly not affected, but perhaps this is due to AE's booming popularity as of late.
Why did it happen?
I think the most important reason(there are likely a few) is that through the incarnate system, people have been selecting merit rewards from level 50 TF's far less often, and people are doing sub 50 TF's less often. This means that a major inf sink, the A-Merit conversion, is used much less. Due to the coming slots and higher boost tiers maintaining the demand for shards and components, this likely won't change.
What's my suggestion to fix it?
Make Incarnate Shards drop from sub 50 mobs as well. This will make lower level TF's more popular, thus making reward merits more common. If you unlocked your alpha, any non-AE mob that doesn't con grey/green will have a chance at dropping shards.
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