End of an Era




So, yesterday when I logged in my only Praetorian for the first time since the first week of GR, marked the end of an era in City of Heroes.

That level 4 kin/sonic defender was the first character I've ever had with stamina on the live servers.

I'd gotten this far without it, I guess since it was made inherent it was only a matter of time until I played a character that I hadn't stamina proofed with an entry level fitness power.

Yes, I know this is a boon for all, and maybe over time I'll learn not to feel unclean with an unslotted stamina. But still, it's like your favorite little corner food stand closing down for a T.G.I. Fridays to go in its place.

R.I.P. Stamina-less PsychoPez - June 2004 - March 2011

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb




"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Find something else to feel like a special snowflake about.



Guess now people can stop complaining about you beggin' for blues.

Or you can roll a Dark/Earth Melee Tanker.




Originally Posted by Emgro View Post
Guess now people can stop complaining about you beggin' for blues.

Or you can roll a Dark/Earth Melee Tanker.

Meh, my stamina-less db/da scrapper was doing fine, sure, only level 30 or so...

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



If you played a stamina-free DA character, you are clearly a man of admirable fortitude. Also a complete lack of sense. If I still had my iron man brawl-only character, I'd suggest we team up some time.



Originally Posted by Emgro View Post
If you played a stamina-free DA character, you are clearly a man of admirable fortitude. Also a complete lack of sense.
*headdesks* My Stamina-free /DA must remain Stamina-free if only so I can continue to say that it works just fine. Maybe not min-maxed perfectly, but yeesh.

More on topic, it is odd not needing to decide if I'll take Stamina or not anymore. I like getting it, sure, and I'm not complaining that I do, but it does feel strange still.



In all seriousness, I can't fathom why anyone wouldn't want Stamina. :\ Especially those who are toggle-heavy.



I used to be anti-Stamina. "Look at all the power slots it requires! Wasted resources!" However, after realizing the raw end drain that some sets indulge in require massive -end cost slotting even with Stamina, I concluded that it's better to use powers than simply have them.



Originally Posted by Denji View Post
In all seriousness, I can't fathom why anyone wouldn't want Stamina. :\ Especially those who are toggle-heavy.
((It's simple. It's like the player who made it to 50 without a travel power, back before any temp powers or jump-jet or whatever. You do it to see if you can do it. It's a matter of personal accomplishment. I don't think Pez expected anyone who hasn't done something similar to understand it. Personally, I think it's way cooler than getting all the TF badges.))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((It's simple. It's like the player who made it to 50 without a travel power, back before any temp powers or jump-jet or whatever. You do it to see if you can do it. It's a matter of personal accomplishment. I don't think Pez expected anyone who hasn't done something similar to understand it. Personally, I think it's way cooler than getting all the TF badges.))
Naw, this is an internet forum, I fully expected a lot of the "Why would you do that" / "Why post this idea".

As to why? Well, I started out with an emp/rad, and since I don't alt that much I still play an emp/rad. Never had much need for stamina on that build. When I did build alts, at first it was because I didn't need it originally and thus it never registered.

Then, once it became a 'must have', I refused to take it BECAUSE it was the 'must have'. In any game that has something you 'must take' I often don't take it and try to see what/how I can build. I play a lot of 4e DnD (And let's not start that holy war here...), and on the forums there are a lot of SKY BLUE MUST TAKE AT THIS LEVEL powers.

I ignore them, and force myself to build around that.

Same with stamina. CoH is built on fast, non-stop battles, so damage rises up to be king, with preventing damage (buffs/debuffs/control) the matching queen.

To be honest, a lot of my stamina-less builds I couldn't group with, I'll be honest. But it was fun. Slotting cone range enhancments and other odd slotting strats, taking odd powers, coming up with mentalities other then zerg mob, kill mob on missions, for me, that's the fun of the game. Some people like to explore, others like to min/max. I like to see how many different ways you can do the same thing.

The keystone to that was "Not stamina", since it's the keystone in run in kill stuff system.

Am I saying I want inherent fitness removed? No, that'd be stupid, I know how many people have asked for that, and that I'm in a very tiny minority, if not alone, in not wanting it.

Am I saying I'm a better person then you for not ever having taken stamina? Nope. I have an odd approach to life, and this game. I'm well aware of this, of my manias.

Is it game over for me? Nope. At the very least, the baseline is now unslotted stamina, so now I shift into "never having slotted stamina" instead of "never having taken stamina". And I still have a few challenges, like a dry Sister Psyche run, or a dry any mission involving lots of sewer mission. (Dry x run - do not step in the water of any mission you're in or going to, automated movement movement from 'entering door after clicking door' animation excluded. If you make the splash sound fx, that counts as getting wet)

Why did I post this. There's been people throughout the years who've always thought my odd little quirk was interesting, and I don't know if they've passed or are still around or whatnot, so the general announcement.

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



Originally Posted by Denji View Post
In all seriousness, I can't fathom why anyone wouldn't want Stamina. :\ Especially those who are toggle-heavy.
I took Stamina on every character I ever made. Even my Regen. That's how much I loved it.

The swap to Inherent Fitness came as a bit of a shock. "Oh god, I just realized I have three free power choices! I can actually get a travel power!"

And lo, did I squee like a hundred fangirls at that moment.



It is sad for me since I I had to /respec my characters, since they all had Stam.

What got me was I had 3 free powers and a bunch of slots to use was lost for a while.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
It is sad for me since I I had to /respec my characters, since they all had Stam.

What got me was I had 3 free powers and a bunch of slots to use was lost for a while.
Had to? I respeced the ones I was working on, the others already worked so I didn't bother. At some point I may respec them, but no rush. I never understood the rush.



I, also, never took Stamina on anything. Never felt it was necessary.



Originally Posted by kosh_naranek View Post
i, also, never took stamina on anything. Never felt it was necessary.
omg polaron

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



My WS's main triform build was staminaless, since stamina didn't work in forms. The humanform build had stamina, and worked better solo, back then. Now, my WS is in a form almost the entire time when playing. Thank goodness for alpha slots reducing the high endurance usage I've had before.

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



Wait. People are complaining about being given Stamina for nothing?

Oy vey.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Guy on the street yesterday gave me an envelope full of one hundred dollar bills. I ran after him and tackled him. Then I punched him in the face and stuffed the wad of cash into his mouth.

How dare someone give me free money. Obnoxious *******!